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文章原始标题:Why did ancient China not colonize the world, like how the Europeans did, when they were powerful?


The goal of a Confucian society is to achieve peace and harmony within the nation. In general, once rulers consolidated power to form a new dynasty, there was no interest in subjugating neighbors by force—only tributes as a sign of reverence were required.
The ultimate goal is to achieve and maintain the Chinese idiom ("Live & work in peace & contentment"), or direct translation "peaceful living happy work". This attitude is much different from Western empires that wanted world domination.


Well let's first ask why the Europeans did do that. The general explanation I've heard is that the Ottomans made East-West trade more difficult (I think they demanded a huge tax or something). In response, the Europeans started frantically looking for alternative trade routes to India and China. This resulted in them discovering lots of land, which they then decided to exploit. So why didn't India and China do the same? My guess is that we were less dependant on their goods, so we were satisfied as is. I think Asia itself had enough wealth already.


Im not sure how accurate this is but I read while ago that the Ming dynasty destroyed their massive fleet of ships because the emperor was worried the merchant class was becoming to powerful


Sartorial_Groot -> izaak-d
The landowning bureaucrats who passed the imperial exams also had a game in the trades and was afraid of Ming emperor taxing them. Somehow, they were able to convince the emperor to give up on sea faring + merchants. Compared to Southern Song w only 1/2 of the Ming territory that thrived on commerce, Ming had very limited taxes, that came into play at the end of Ming when they couldn’t pay their troops to fight against rebels internally and the Manchus from NE


theycallmerondaddy -> izaak-d
The book to read is "When China Ruled The Seas"


nothing of interest outside during that time, before the industrial revolution, not interested in Gold, i remember they did bring a Giraffe to the emperor


theycallmerondaddy -> ghepzz
From Kenya I believe.


ghepzz -> theycallmerondaddy
not so sure, but i bet the emperor was happy. They did it with a super big fleet


Chinese civilization started in the Yellow River, so there is no way it reached (or maintained) its present size without military means.
Part of the reason we don't hear about this side of Chinese history too much is simply because Chinese history is poorly understood in the West in general.
Another reason is that China generally did not seek expansion as a means onto itself. China did not have a dominant Abrahamic religion that compelled spreading the faith to all corners. Its state ideology demanded that rulers benefit the people and not bring them harm. Combined with the intense difficulties of governing a large populous area with premodern means and it just was not feasible to mobilize for anything other than defense.
This contrasts with Europe in which Europe for the most part was the most removed from the lucrative Eurasian trade. At one point monopolized by the Venetians and the Genoese, one of many reasons for the launch of the Renaissance in Italy of all places, once the Ottomans seized control of the Crimea, the Levant, and Egypt as well as turned the Eastern Mediterranean into its backyard pond, the Europeans were completely cut off from the Eurasian trade. Thus the voyages of exploration, to find a way around the Ottomans to Asia. When they landed on a different continent instead, it created powerful incentives to race to expand.
Another reason is that in many cases the way China "expanded" was through "diplomacy".
Present day China considers 1247, the year of the Liangzhou Alliance, as the beginning of China's sovereignty over Tibet. It basically was an ultimatum by the Mongols for Tibet to submit to the Empire.
In many cases, China merely enfeoffed local hereditary leaders, especially in the Southwest. These were called enfeoffed locals. Later however, starting in the 18th century, they engaged in reforms called "reforming enfeoffed locals into the mainstream", basically revoking hereditary rights from these local leaders. In this way, wide swaths of the Southwest became firmly part of China's sovereignty, mostly without mass bloodshed.
In many other cases, such as today's Xishuangbanna on the border with Myanmar and Taxkorgan on the border with Pakistan, the Qing merely asked for formal submission but otherwise left the locals alone. The Qing would come to the defense of the Shi'a Nizari Tajiks of Taxkorgan against the fundamentalist Yaqub Beg, who launched an almost-successful invasion of Xinjiang from today's Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan, making Taxkorgan firmly part of Qing's sovereignty. Likewise, disputes between the local notables of Xishuangbanna often required Qing intervention, again cementing Qing's sovereignty in the region.
In sum, (1) there were colonies ran by the Chinese in limited circumstances, and China's military prowess is necessary to explain its current large land area under its jurisdiction; (2) state ideology and lack of incentives for extensive and expensive expansion overseas, and; (3) the way China expanded was often through "diplomacy" - China was simply too powerful and rich to resist, even joining it was too attractive a prospect to just pass up. Why raid for the short-term when you could join a system that promised long-term prosperity?

今天的中国把1247年定为中国对西藏拥有主权的开始,即凉州会盟的一年。这基本上是蒙古人向西藏发出的最后通牒,要求其臣服于帝国。在许多情况下,中国只是分封地方世袭领袖,尤其是在西南地区。这些人被称为土司。但后来,从18世纪开始,他们进行了名为 "改土归流 "的改革,基本上取消了这些地方领袖的世袭权利。通过这种方式,西南地区的大片土地就成为了中国主权的坚实组成部分,而且大多没有发生大规模流血事件。

sickof50 -> zobaleh
Even the journey of Maro Polo is in huge dispute in Academic circles, now only to be believed that he never made it to China, and only got his info from trader's.


Well, western colonialism was partly inspired from the Doctrine of Discovery by the Catholic Church.


jorvis_nonof -> RespublicaCuriae
Western colonialism dates back much further than even the founding of the Catholic Church.
The Phoenicians (from present-day Syria and Lebanon) colonised Libya (Carthage) and southern Spain since around 800 BC.
The ancient Greeks established colonies in Italy, southern France, and southern Spain.
The Vandals (from present-day Germany) colonised Libya and Sicily as well.


Few factors why the Chinese didn't go around the world for plunder, massacre, subjugation, conquest, exploitation, and colonization.
Throughout most dynasties, they were self-sufficient.
Chinese culture emphasizes peace and harmony. Changan, capital of several dynasties, means "long or forever peace", and modern name Xian "western peace". Beijing was one time name Beiping or "northern peace". There are many places and monuments in China which promote peace and harmony. The Great Wall is the biggest monument symbolizing Chinese non-violent approach to hostile outsiders.
During the Ming dynasty, Zheng He exploration could had changed the course of history, instead the Ming spent building most of what we see as the Great Wall. Since Zheng He was a Muslim, this influenced him to head towards west Asia to Mecca. His voyages were costly and his returns showed no benefit for Ming officials. Ming officials might had thought differently if Zheng He sailed northward and discovered the Americas.
For Europe, advancement in ship building allowed Europeans to sail farther. Instead of trying to conquer each other, there were places beyond Europe easier to conquer. Spain started in 1402 with conquest of the Canary Islands. During this period, Europeans had known about the Far East and China through tales and products such as silk, porcelain and tea. With the invention of the printing press, books became widely accessible like fictional Marco Polo book which embellish China's great wealth. However, the Ottoman Empire was in the way, and Europeans needed other routes in order to bypass. Portugal and Spain tried to go around Africa. Columbus tried westward route to reach China.


Simple, China has land, Europeans do not. Most Colonial empires (Portuguese/Spanish/Dutch/British etc.) started out land-scarce, resource-starved and life was cheap on the European continent. What this mean is that they were desperate for land (Trade is just an excuse).
So like thieves, once they see an unguarded abundance, they take it or in this case colonize and drive out the Natives. They can't do it in Europe or in the Levant/Volga where the Regional Powers are too well-established and strong militarily to subjugate so they had to go farther by sea to exploit the natives who were not as well-armed.
Unlike these colonial empires, China already had a network of tributaries and trade links since Ancient times that stretched from SEA to Africa to the Levant. There is no real incentive nor impetus for them to go on a maritime offensive or expansion. Proto-industrial revolution China wasn't resource-starved nor lacked land at least not in the way Western Europe was.
There was also the Dovish Anti-war faction that existed in China since time immemorial that actively sabotages these attempts.


Because Chinese rulers understood from Daoist and Confucius teachings, that it is nearly impossible to keep control of distant land filled with people who are very different in culture.
Also risks becoming corrupted by chaos abroad, while costing the people of China great expense just to maintain the colonies.
Additionally, China had very early advancements in agriculture, and thus was extremely self-sufficient. (This was actually 1 main reason why China itself was constantly threatened by invasions and raids from barbarians).


I'm not sure how true this is, but I've heard an opinion that China was already on the brink of an industrial revolution in the Song dynasty, but it got cut short by the Mongol invasion.


Without all the rose tinted views and "retroactively" applying modern values to ancient societies, the answer is simple; to do that you need a combination of advanced sailing techniques, a huge seaborne trade network, some sort of mercantile society that sees such ventures as profitable, and means to fund it.
China had all of those during the Song, but it was always pressed down by massive civilizations bogging it down and eventually fell. The Ming had its shots but conservatism took its way and the Qing was already born into such mentality.
Post Song neo-confucianism, disdain for trade, diminished role of merchants and the lack of proper institutions justify.
Same can be said about post Toyotomi Sengoku era Japan.
The lack of real global trade severed inputs of knowledge and given its exponential growth after the modern printing press and scientific revolution, China slept to woke up to a Western dominated globe.


Europeans wanted land... not the ppl

欧洲人想要土地... 而不是人民

China did have capitalism; even long before Europe did. Joint-stock companies (i.e. investment-based ownership, the foundation of capitalism) existed in China long before they did in Europe. In the Tang dynasty they had one or two investors and one manager, but by the time of the Song dynasty there were very large pools of investors with one manager employed by them - basically, like investors, board, and CEO.
Europe didn't have any investor-owned companies until 1350. This only happened after Marco Polo's journeys, so it's possible that capitalism was learned from China in the first place.


Since China has capitalism now, why don't they do it now? Like how the US government coups and installs puppets.


thrower_wei -> __Tenat__
China went directly from feudalism to socialism. There is a capitalist character, but it is subordinate to the socialist character. This allows China to plan beyond short-term profits. China knows that imperialism might boost short-term profits, but would destroy goodwill and leave them vulnerable to imperial decline. By building domestic productive forces and making genuine friends instead of vassals, they are laying the foundation for long-term prosperity and stability.


Qanonjailbait -> __Tenat__
Because they’re socialist and not of the nationalist kind


This only my opinion
China has been a centralize bureaucratic form of government with the emperor at the pinnacle end since Qin dynasty. In such government system, the ability to transmit the government policy down to the lowest governing hierarchy is very important. China has always expanded to the limit that the communication technology allows during that period. So, there is in a way a limitation on how far the furthest lowest governing hierarchy can be from the governing center. Also, the further away from the governing center, the higher cost of governing will be.
Ancient China economy has always been a form of smallholder economy. Each village is in a way self-sufficient. Chinese philosophy encourages such stable structure and the government always suppress merchants from gaining political power in order to maintain smallholder economy. As such there is much less drive in both the society and government to colonize other area for dumping excess produce goods or exploiting resource for trade.
Unlike in Europe, agriculture is always more dominant than trade in China. China has always been a dominantly an agriculture civilization and way of life even form of government has been evolved around it. As such, Chinese rarely migrate to area with less than 400mm rainfall area or area that is non four seasonal. Basically, throughout history, China has already encompass all reachable area that fit the above descr1ption.
As an agriculture civilization, the cost of invasion is always higher than nomadic or trader base civilizations. As such, plundering and short term occupation is never considered as a good move throughout China history


Easy because it was fundementally pointless to do so. Remeber china was the source of tea proclean and silk. The rest of the world had nothing to offer to china pre industrialization.
People need to remember that one of the reasonwest started exploring, was because thr silk road acces were block by the arab because the west own barbarism. This led them wanting to find another routr to china. Why do you think they call the native americans indians?


According to Google's Bard "There are a number of reasons why ancient China did not colonize the world, like how the Europeans did, when they were powerful.
Geography: China is a large and populous country, with a long history of cultural and economic development. It is surrounded by mountains and deserts, which made it difficult for foreign invaders to reach its heartland. This gave China a sense of security and self-sufficiency, which made it less likely to seek out colonies.
Culture: The Chinese have a long tradition of Confucianism, which emphasizes the importance of harmony and order. This made them less interested in conquest and expansion, and more interested in developing their own culture and civilization.
Technology: China was a technological leader for much of its history. However, it did not develop the same kind of military technology as the Europeans, which made it more difficult for them to colonize other countries.
Economics: China was a wealthy country with a strong economy. This made it less reliant on colonies for resources, and more likely to focus on trade and commerce.
These are just some of the reasons why ancient China did not colonize the world. It is important to remember that history is complex, and there is no single answer to this question. "

文化: 中国有着悠久的儒家传统,强调和谐与秩序的重要性。这使得他们对征服和扩张不那么感兴趣,而对发展自己的文化和文明更感兴趣。

It kinda has a slightly different system to colonialism - tributary system from neighbouring countries like Japan/ Korea/ Vietnam etc where the kingdoms would remain "independent" but will provide levies and taxes back into China that way along with consistent trade. They would have some political influence on the other countries, but not quite the same as European colonialism.


meido_zgs -> Bchliu
It's significantly different. China give back return gifts that were even greater that their tribute, to show off superior wealth.
