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文章原始标题:If there was a war between China and the United Kingdom, who would win?

内容简介:如果这是一场没有核武器的常规战争。 这在很大程度上取决于战斗的地点。 如果是在中国境内或在中国空军基地的范围内作战,那么,即使中国装备较差

Alan Moore , Writer of fantasy and military history, living in Sudbury Suffolk, United Kingd
If it was a conventional war without nukes. It would largely depend where it was fought. If it was fought in China or within range of Chinese airbases then China, even with inferior equipment but with a massive man-power superiority would of cause win.
But if the war was fought in British waters then that is a different matter because China’s superiority in numbers would not make any difference with 99% of them being on the other side of the world. What would matter would be air power, the ability to protect your ships and China has two aircraft carriers, the most modern of these is the Type 000A1 that at most can carry 32 fixed wing aircraft and 8 helicopters. The second is the older Liaoning that can carry 26 fixed wing aircraft and 12 helicopters. That means the Chinese would have 48 aircraft to defend their entire fleet from the whole of the British fleet air arm and the whole of the Royal Air Force that is providing that both carriers can survive the long sea journey to British waters

Alan Moore ,幻想和军事历史作家
如果这是一场没有核武器的常规战争。 这在很大程度上取决于战斗的地点。 如果是在中国境内或在中国空军基地的范围内作战,那么,即使中国装备较差,但拥有巨大的人力优势,也会取得胜利。
但如果这场战争是在英国海域进行的,那就是另一回事了,因为中国在人数上的优势不会体现,99% 的中国人都在世界的另一边。 重要的是空中力量,保护舰船的能力,中国有2艘航空母舰,第一艘是001A,它是其中最现代的,最多可搭载32架固定翼飞机和8架直升机的。 第二艘是辽宁号,它可以搭载26架固定翼飞机和12架直升机。这意味着中国将拥有48架飞机来保卫他们的整个舰队免受英国舰队航空兵和整个皇家空军的攻击,前提是这两艘航空母舰能够顺利到达英国水域。

So my conclusion is it would depend where the combat took place. If in Asia within range of China’s shore based aircraft then China wins but if fought in Europe then Britain wins.

所以我的结论是,这取决于战斗发生在哪里。 如果在亚洲,中国的岸基飞机可以飞行,那么中国就赢了,但是如果在欧洲,英国就赢了。

Chen Xu , Map fan
How does the war start? Time for some imagination.
Say there was a riot in HK, Chinese government cracked it down, some UK citizen was killed during the action. Queen was so angry and she decided to declare war against China to protect her oversea citizens, no one tried to stop her because it’s PM’s responsibility.
Day one, Queen signed the declaration of war, global stock markets start diving; Scotland politicians plan to start a referendum to get away from UK; North Ireland declares to join Ireland without referendum; Wales also wants to start a referendum but they don’t have population to refer to. Meanwhile bankers in London keep doing their business with Chinese companies.
NATO countries are urged to declare war against China, some of them do, some of them start digging into treaties and claim they’re obligated to “defense” but not “attack”. All of these countries start sanctions against China, stop exporting plasticware and weapons, perhaps cloths and shoes as well, they also stop importing CPU, aerofighters, and stealthy bombers from China.

Chen Xu 、地图迷
那么战争是如何开始的? 是时候发挥想象力了。
比如说:香港发生了骚乱,中国政府镇压了骚乱,一些英国公民在行动中丧生。 女王非常生气,她决定向中国宣战以保护她的海外公民,没有人会阻止她,因为这是首相的责任。
第一天,女王签署了英国宣战协议,全球股市开始跳水;苏格兰政客们计划启动脱离英国的全民公投;北爱尔兰宣布不经全民公投加入爱尔兰;威尔士也想启动全民公投,但他们没有人口可以参考。 与此同时,伦敦的银行家们继续与中国公司做生意。
北约国家被敦促向中国宣战,其中一些国家的确这样做了,一些国家开始研究条约内容,声称他们有义务“防御” ,而不是“进攻”。 所有这些国家都开始对中国进行制裁,中国停止出口塑料制品和武器,也许还有衣服和鞋子,他们也停止向中国出口CPU、空中战斗机和隐形轰炸机。

US sends more fleets to pacific and SCS, docks them in Japan, Singapore and Philippine, US soldiers start entertaining in the cities as long as they’re not on duty.
Russia says they are regret and calls for a negotiation but they don’t have a meeting room big enough for 29 countries. They also denied that the new remodeled Su-27 on sale looks like T-50.
Australia also declares war against China, and they swear to send more battleships to protect the trade route in pacific, mostly just Chinese cargo ships are there.
Japan wants to declare war against China but they cannot. They want to send some troops to Manchuria again but their Type-10 tanks are frozen and their X-2 fighters can only slide.
North Korea and South Korea keep silent as they are smart enough to know when to shut up.
Mongolia shows their attitude that they are going to declare war soon, and there is an re-election of president in the next day because the former president was found dead in the tube for a heart-attack.
Vietnam sends their troops in China without declaring war, but retreat very quickly when they find the Vietnam-China border is the only place you can hear gunshot.
There is a celebrity in Taipei, and the few remain statues of Chiang Kai-shek was painted in red, again.

俄罗斯表示,他们感到遗憾,并呼吁进行谈判,但他们没有足够容纳29个国家的会议室。 他们还否认在销售的新改装的苏-27看起来像T-50。
日本想对中国宣战,但他们做不到。 他们想再次向满洲派遣一些部队,但是他们的10式主战坦克被冻结了,他们的 X-2心神战斗机只能滑行。

Tyron Nathan King , lives in Bristol, UK
If the UK attacks on Chinese territory China would win due to massive numerical superiority in terms of troops and equipment which means they could win with pure attrition by overwhelming the small British expeditionary force that would initially seize some Chinese territory and the British troops would have no choice but to withdraw. If the confrontation was near Chinese territory such as in Vietnam or Nepal then China would also win but the UK would put up a very good fight and I am sure Australia would let the UK use it as a staging base to attack China which which would be useful because they could refuel their planes and ships their not to mention that if the UK was coming to the aid of a country like Vietnam (highly unlikely but still plausible) then China would have to fight both that country’s military and the UK military contingent.

Tyron Nathan King ,居住在英国布里斯托尔
如果英国攻打中国领土,中国会赢,因为中国在军队和装备方面有巨大的数量优势,这意味着他们可以通过击败最初会占领一些中国领土的小型英国远征军,来赢得纯粹的消耗战,而英国军队将别无选择只能撤退。 如果冲突靠近中国领土,比如越南或尼泊尔,那么中国也会赢,但英国会打一场非常好的战斗,我确信澳大利亚会让英国把自己作为攻击中国的中转基地,这将是有用的,因为他们可以为自己的飞机和船只加油,更不用说,如果英国援助像越南这样的国家(非常不可能,但仍然合理) ,那么中国将不得不与越南的军队和英国的特遣队进行战斗。

If the skirmish was on neutral territory far away from both countries then the UK would almost definitely win as we have better logistic capabilities as well as a much better quality air force and navy as well as marine force and even our army is more efficient nor to mention other military units such as our paratroopers and special forces. Another thing that would help the UK is the fact that if they attacked China the UK’s territory is safe because it is surrounded by allies i.e. NATO and the EU.
If it was a naval skirmish then it would probably a 50/50 once the UK’s two new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers come into service.
If China attacks the UK on British territory then the UK would win hands down because NATO will help and China wouldn’t even pose a threat as we have the US which could destroy China by itself nor to mention if the Chinese navy is sailing to the UK they have to get past pretty much most European NATO nations if they pass through the Mediterranean before they can even attack us and it is highly unlikely that they would sail along the whole of Africa as that would take way to long and all of NATO would have prepared impenetrable defences, meanwhile though if China is attacking Europe the US and Canada could launch a counter-attack and invade Chinese territory. If however we were by our self in the war then China would still lose it would just take longer but China would only be able to get a small force near the UK due to China only have a green water navy, their single aircraft carrier is an ex-Soviet made one which doesn’t have the range to travel to the UK also it cannot launch that many aircraft and a lot of China’s ships are still Soviet Era ships, although they do have a lot of modern frigates and destroyers but they have no allies near the UK who would let them refuel so they would have to withdraw when they ran out of fuel for their ships and also for their aircraft, China also doesn’t really want to being moving their best ships out of their territorial waters because that would leave them defenceless and vulnerable to the US etc. Realistically though China wouldn’t be able to land a single military force in the UK at best they could seize one of the British Overseas Territories such as Antarctic territory or the Falklands Islands or Gibraltar etc, however closer territories such as Jersey and Guernsey are safe because the UK is right next to it, territories close to the continental US such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands are likely to be safe as well because it is likely that the US would oppose a large Chinese force heading in its direction as it is a threat to them.
In short on British territory China stands absolutely no chance and on Chinese territory the UK stands no chance but perhaps they could severe economic damage to China as they could bomb economic zones with a high importance for the Chinese economy with their long range bombers provided Chinese SAM turrets don’t shoot the bombers down. On neutral territory the UK most likely wins.

如果我们在这场战争中只靠自己,那么中国仍然赢不了,只是我们需要更长的时间,但是中国只能在英国附近集结一小部分兵力,因为中国只有一支绿水海军(阿煌注:一定的中,远海作战能力的海军),而且他们的一艘航空母舰是前苏联制造的,不能航行到英国,也不能发射很多飞机,而且中国的很多船仍然是苏联时代的船, 尽管中国有很多现代化的护卫舰和驱逐舰,但是他们在英国附近没有盟友让他们加油,这样当他们的船只和飞机燃料耗尽时,他们就不得不撤退。实际上,尽管中国最多只能在英国部署一支军事力量,但它也可以占领英国的海外领土,如南极领土、福克兰群岛或直布罗陀等,但泽西岛和根西岛等较近的领土是安全的,因为英国就在它的旁边,靠近美国大陆的领土,如百慕大群岛和开曼群岛,也可能是安全的,因为美国可能会抵制一支庞大的中国军队朝它的方向前进,因为这对它来说是一种威胁。

Himanshu Rawat , studied at FatherSon Public School
Assuming that no one ( including NATO and other European allies ) China would win  the war eventually. The length of the war would depend upon the area over which the war would be fought.
UK still possesses some sort of technological edge over China but in a long drawn out war the immense size of the Chinese empire would decimate UK.
At the moment if we look at the things in a straightforward simplistic way . Chinese army , navy and Air force all are better than that of UK.
UK has ( as I mentioned earlier ) technological edge but falls short numbers to maintain credible deterrence against China in case of a war.
For example -
UK has somewhere around 82,000 army personnel. Each personnel is no doubt half a dozen times more experienced and capable than the an individual Chinese soldier but at the end of the day war is not won by only the technological sophistication and experience but also by the quantity of soldiers involved. If it had not been so Nazi Germany would have conquered the entire world.
To cite more examples

Himanshu Rawat ,就读于法特森公立学校
例如:英国大约有82,000名军人。 每个人的经验和能力无疑是中国单个士兵的六倍,但战争的胜利,不仅仅靠技术的先进和经验,还要靠参战士兵的数量。 如果不是这样,纳粹德国早就征服了整个世界。

So what I mean to say is that in the first few days of UK -China war nothing substantial would occur as both are located at far way places. China has no capacity to take it's soldiers at far away places or even come close to even conquering a tiny piece of land in the UK .
But China is like the Russia and America of WW2.
Ultimate conclusion
A nation of 135o million people ( more than 20 times of UK ) and a nation of $ 17 trillion ( PPP terms ) some 7 times of UK and expanding at a rapid pace ( still adjudged as a developing country ).
So if the war lasts only for a few months or a year. There will be no substantial damage to any of the two nation's infrastructure or civilians or even military assets. English soldiers have more experience and fighting capacities. English officers are better leaders  as years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan has taught them a lot. England has better capacities to maneuver its armed forces and position them anywhere in the world. While Chinese armed forces is still in infancy. It has a lot of catching up to do. They lack the capacity to lift and sustain a major operation anywhere outside their territory

因此,我想说的是,在英中战争的最初几天,由于双方都位于遥远的地方,不会发生任何实质性的事情。 中国没有能力把它的士兵带到遥远的地方,甚至没有能力征服英国的一小块土地。
最终结论:一个拥有13.5亿人口的国家(超过英国的20倍)和一个拥有17万亿美元(按购买力平价计算)的国家(大约是英国的7倍) ,并且正在快速扩张(但仍被认为是一个发展中国家)。
因此,如果战争只持续几个月或一年。 两国的基础设施、平民甚至军事资产都不会受到实质性损害。英国士兵有更多的经验和作战能力。英国军官是更好的领导者,因为多年在伊拉克和阿富汗的战争教会了他们很多。英国有更好的能力来调动军事力量,并在世界任何地方部署他们。尽管中国的军事力量仍处于起步阶段。但他们没有能力在其领土之外的任何地方发起和维持重大行动。

If the war occurs at some territory equally distanced from China and England and lasts for a few months or even a year. ( winner would be England )
But if
The war lasts for more than 5 years or for a decade or so until one emerges a victor then undoubtedly China will be the winner because in those years China would simply develop those capacities that necessitates winning the war just the Soviets and the Americans did.

所以如果战争发生在中立地区,持续几个月甚至一年。 (获胜者将是英国)

Jixiang He
Game theory indicates that it would be a loss - loss situation for both parties. And why on earth China and UK would go into a war? Didn’t UK take all the treasures already during the opium wars? It also took Hongkong for 100 years and billions oz of silver, yes billions.
btw, opium was not native product of China, and it was forced on Chinese through TWO opium wars so that UK could “resolved” the huge trade deficit issue. The wars lasted 6 years in total, costed thousands of lives on Chinese side.
The British also wanted to take Tibet, and actually occupied Lhasha and killed thousands of people. But because of the high altitude and Tibetans weren’t very “nice” to them. They had to pull back but not empty handed. They had a “blast”! Then they sneaked around and drew a line on Tibetan soil and said: oh, this belongs to India. Now they claim Free Tibet, free my figure nails! Not to mention the tremendous amount of treasures in those temples, Tibet has abandon of natural resources: gold, silver, underground thermon heat, clean snow mountain fresh water - 8 out of 9 major rivers of Asia start or flow through Tibet. If Tibet was free, it would be just like today’s Afghanistan, no power to defense itself, no human rights to talk about, it would be robbed and raped over and over by those evil countries. By the way, Tibetans still have the rights to open carry knives and staggers. I had tea with room full of Tibetans with staggers many times. They are the outmost honest and generous people.
However, back to the topic, given China’s ability of building islands now, it wouldn’t be difficult for China to build islands with airbases on them close to UK, lol.

Jixiang He
博弈论表明,这将是一个双输的局面。 中国和英国究竟为什么要打仗? 英国在鸦片战争时期不是已经夺走了所有的财富和宝藏吗? 它也占用了香港100年的时间和花了数十亿盎司的白银,是的,数十亿。

China will defeat the UK any place. On Chinese soil and outside. China military budget is nearly 3 times that of the UK, Considering that Chinese men-power is less costly, in practice it counts to much more.
China air force is by far superior to the British one in numbers and doesn’t fall short in the quality of equipment. It may be that the Chinese are less experienced pilots, but it doesn’t change too much with such big differences what more that unlike in movies, the main role of air force is to bomb, transport and gather intelligence - and less to engage in dog fights.
The Chinese have much more means to project power to long distances (which is one main defining criteria of super power) and their nuclear subs fleet is probably superior to the British one. Certainly in numbers and in size of projects the Chinese are having the edge. Few years ago the US navy was training in China sea, then out of no where Chinese nuclear sub surfaced in a distance of few hundred meters from an American air craft carrier, circumventing its massive security circle. Not much is known about Chinese nuclear subs, but it’s known that they are, like most of the weapon China produce (and it produce everything), are the cutting edge of technology, even if a bit less than what the US and the UK have. The Chinese navy is much bigger and more capable than the British one. Though the British navy is one of worlds biggest navies.

中国有更多的手段向远距离投射力量(这是超级大国的一个重要定义标准) ,他们的核潜艇舰队可能优于英国。 当然,在项目的数量和规模上,中国人占据了优势。 几年前,美国海军在中国海进行训练,然后中国的核潜艇在距离美国航空母舰几百米远的地方浮出水面,绕过了其巨大的安全圈。 我们对中国的核潜艇知之甚少,但众所周知,它们就像中国生产的大多数武器(以及生产的所有东西)一样,是技术的前沿,尽管比美国和英国的还要少一点。尽管英国海军是世界上最大的海军之一。但中国海军比英国海军强大得多,也更有能力。

In terms of industry, China have much more means and capabilities for mass production. In WWII Germany fail to understand the industrial capabilities of the US, therefore declared war on it, ending with the German defeat. The Chinese military industry, much like its civilian one, manufacture everything. The worlds largest air transporter (we just learned about that few weeks ago), also it currently develop fifth-generation fighter air crafts ( Chengdu J-20).

在工业方面,中国拥有更多的大规模生产的手段和能力。 在第二次世界大战中,德国不了解美国的工业能力,因此向美国宣战,结果以德国的失败告终。 中国的军事工业,就像它的民用工业一样,制造一切。 世界上最大的空中运输机(几周前才知道) ,目前还在研发第五代战斗机(成都 J-20)。

The point is that they are in rapid developing process very. And even now they do many things the UK just can’t (like starting a project of developing fifth-generation aircraft).
In terms of science and technology, China is blooming. 1 in every 3 peer reviewed scientific papers published in international journals is carrying Chinese name or names. So even if the UK is more advanced in some technological areas, it’s not enough or close to enough to make such huge difference. What more, that we know the Chinese do have cutting edge original technologies. For instance, they dazzled American reconnaissance satellite using powerful laser beam from the ground. They also developed the first known anti aircraft carrier ground to sea missile, with a range of 1500 km.
In space, the Chinese have much more assets, and are the third country in the world to send men to space.

重点是他们正处于快速发展的过程中。 即使是现在,他们也做了很多英国做不到的事情(比如开始研发第五代飞机)。
就科学技术而言,中国正在蓬勃发展。 在国际期刊上发表的每3篇科学论文中,就有1篇带有中文标题。 因此,即使英国在某些技术领域更为先进,也产生不了巨大的差异。更重要的是,我们知道中国确实拥有尖端的原创技术。 例如,他们使用来自地面的强大激光束使美国间谍卫星失明。 他们还开发了第一枚已知的反航空母舰导弹,射程1500公里。

In cyber capabilities, China expenditure is huge, and they have huge capabilities, The Chinese also have huge computational capabilities and many super computers. We also know that few years ago the Chinese army did an experiment in which it pass something like 80% of worlds internet communication through its servers. Though I tend to think the UK is more capable in at least part of the important aspects involved, but again, the gap and the size of it are not enough to compensate on the huge disadvantage the UK have when it compared to super power like China. It’s like comparing a leopard to tiger.
In number of soldiers, there is no place to start to compare. So, no, the UK don’t stand a chance. The only balance in terms of military power to the UK, is the US (which currently have the edge). Not even Russia can stand against China.

在网络能力方面,中国的支出是巨大的,也拥有强大的计算能力,和许多超级计算机。我们还知道,几年前,中国军队进行了一项实验,通过服务器传递了世界上大约80% 的互联网通信数据。 虽然我倾向于认为英国至少在一些重要方面会更有能力,但是再说一下,与中国这样的超级大国相比,这一差距和规模不足以弥补英国的巨大劣势。这就像把豹子和老虎作比较一样。

In WWII the military of the UK played a minor role in defeating Germany, if we scale it in terms of physical power. US and Russia were the muscles behind the defeat of the Germans. The UK came up with brilliant intelligence operations and with ingenious intelligence gathering. This is the UK till today. If China open war on it, the US will have to help her, otherwise it stand no chance.
But a real extreme scenario should happen for China to attack western country. They are rational.
Just want to add that in war games and war simulations done in the US by the US army strategic research branch, it’s always found that in case of war between the US and China, US wouldn’t be able to defeat China, not on its soil. The UK is nothing in compare to the US in terms of military power, military size, military technology and military budget. So it may give you a proportion.

在第二次世界大战中,击败德国的过程中,英国的军事力量扮演了一个次要的角色,如果我们从物理力量来衡量的话,美国和俄罗斯才是德国战败的幕后推手。而英国想出了出色的情报行动和巧妙的情报收集手段。 今天的英国依然如此。 如果和中国开战,美国将不得不帮助英国,否则就没有机会了。

Willard Foxton , British Telly producer - covered 2 wars & got PTSD
On Chinese soil, the Chinese, unquestionably. Anywhere else, the British, unquestionably.
That's the real issue here - the British military is built as an expeditionary force. It's meant to project power globally. The Chinese PLA is very much overtly a home defence force, with limited ability to operate far from home. The Chinese army and airforce vastly outnumber the British; the Chinese strategic missile regiments totally control the seaways and skies over China, but unless the British invade mainland China, there's no way for them to fight.
Why? Because in particular, China currently has almost no meaningful anti-submarine capacity, while Britain has a fleet of some of the best hunter-killer submarines in the world.
Any open sea "battle" is one the Chinese are going lose as a result; and that makes it exceedingly hard for a Chinese force to actually get in anything resembling conflict with a British one. Which realistically means the Chinese won't try it,.

Willard Foxton 英国电视制片人,报道了两场战争并患了创伤后应激障碍
在中国的领土上,毫无疑问是中国获胜。 其他任何地方,英国获胜,毫无疑问。
这才是真正的问题——英国军队是作为远征军建立起来的。它的目的是在全球范围内投射力量。 中国人民解放军在很大程度上是一支本土防御力量,在远离本土的地方作战能力有限。中国的陆军和空军大大超过了英国;中国的战略导弹团完全掌控着中国的海上和领空,但除非英国入侵中国大陆,否则他们不会发生战斗。
为什么? 特别是因为,中国目前几乎没有真正意义上的反潜能力,而英国拥有一支世界上最好的猎杀型潜艇的舰队。

If it really comes to it, both sides have nuclear missiles. Both sides have approximately the same number of warheads - while China only has a few dozen missiles capable of reaching Britain, and Britain has hundreds of missiles capable of reaching China, the comparative sizes of the countries means it's a mutually assured destruction scenario, with every major urban centre on both sides being destroyed.
So, in conclusion, if Britain invaded China, Britain loses. If China invades Britain (or somewhere defended by Britain) China loses. If the war goes nuclear, everyone loses.

如果真的发生战争,双方都拥有核导弹。 双方的数量大致相同——中国只有几十枚能够打到英国的导弹,而英国拥有数百枚能够打到中国的导弹,两国的相对规模意味着这是一个相互毁灭的方案,双方的所有主要城市中心都将被摧毁。
因此,总而言之,如果英国入侵中国,英国就输了。 如果中国入侵英国(或英国保卫的某个地方) ,中国就输了。 如果战争变成核战争,每个人都会失败。

Khalid Elhassan
Assuming just each against the other with no help from allies, the Chinese would come out ahead in a nuclear war, while the British would have a slight edge in a conventional war.
If it's a nuclear war they would both suffer horrifically, with the British proportionally losing a lot more.  The UK's population is concentrated in a densely populated small geographic area, so it wouldn't take that many nukes to wipe out something like 90% of the population.  The Chinese population, many times that of the British, is spread out over a geographically greater area.  So in a full blown nuclear exchange the Chinese might kill, say, 60 million British while the British kill 5 times as many Chinese.  But 60 million British is almost all the British there are, while 300 million dead Chinese would still leave China with almost 1.1 billion people.

Khalid Elhassan
如果这是一场核战争,他们都将遭受可怕的打击,英国相应地损失更大。 英国的人口集中在一个人口稠密的小区域,所以不需要很多的核武器就能消灭英国大约90% 的人口。 中国人口是英国人口的很多倍,分布在更广阔的地理区域。因此,在一场全面的核战争中,中国可能会消灭差不多6000万英国人,而英国人消灭的中国人是英国人的5倍。但是6000万英国人几乎是英国人的全部了,而失去3亿中国人,中国仍剩余11亿人。

So the UK would come out far worse.  She'd cease to exist outright, while China might be seriously hurt, but would still remain a going concern.
If it's just a conventional war with no nukes, the problem would be that neither side has the projection ability to reach the other and inflict serious damage.  The British certainly lack the ability to conquer China were they foolhardy enough to try an invasion.  The Chinese on the other hand might conquer Britain if they ever got there in force, but they lack the ability to transport and support a big enough army to British shores.
The British have a small blue water navy, while the Chinese don't have a blue water navy at all - just a regional navy built to operate near Chinese waters.  What would likely happen is the British raiding Chinese commerce and harassing Chinese shipping lanes with their superior naval projection (particularly their submarines), while the Chinese navy, lacking the ability to operate all the way across the world near the British Isles, would play defense and try to locate and destroy those British naval assets operating in China's backyard.  So it would devolve into a regional naval war near China, and sputter along at a low level until the parties negotiate a peace agreement.

因此,英国的情况要糟糕得多。 她将被抹除,而中国可能会受到严重伤害,但仍将继续存活。
如果这只是一场没有核武器的常规战争,那么问题就是双方都没有能力抵达对方并造成严重破坏。 如果英国人有勇气尝试入侵的话,当然,他们没有能力征服中国。另一方面,如果中国大举进攻,他们可能会征服英国,但是他们缺乏运输和支持一支数量庞大的军队到达英国海岸的能力。

Elizabeth Green
If we are talking about today , then it would be China .
Although many people still see China’s military as more of a home defense army , they are still able to project power overseas .
UK and China may have peace for now , but in the blink of an eye. Arguments can lead to Cold Wars and then turn out to be a World War 3 if either side becomes too aggressive.
In terms of military , China ultimately crushes England’s whether it’s their own land or the British’s . But they would sustain heavy losses .
In terms of navy , I say it’s China that wins because as of now , China built a missile that can take out an entire aircraft carrier in one shot ( the DF-26 missile ) , it is specifically made to counter the US’s carriers because they are the most advanced . Plus China developed submarines that can take out an entire surface fleet on their own . Shocking right ? But its true .

Elizabeth Green
在海军方面,我认为是中国赢,因为到目前为止,中国制造的导弹可以一次性摧毁整个美国航空母舰(东风-26导弹) ,它是专门用来对抗美国航空母舰的,它们是最先进的。 此外,中国还研制出了可以单独摧毁整个水面舰队的潜艇。令人震惊,对吧? 但这是事实。

In terms of air battles , I will give it to Britain because the British have more sustainable fighters and their technology is better but China is catching up rapidly . However , if naval fighters are used ( they are deployed from aircraft carriers ) , they might lose more . Earlier I mentioned the DF-26 missile , it will take out the carriers before the fighters can even take off . The missile can reach 3000 miles and can reach it’s target in less than 30 minutes ( China does not reveal how fast it can go but it is speculated , the missiles are confirmed for their existence ) .
ECONOMICALLY : China is more capable of sustaining their armies because of their massive economy and food production . England is able to sustain but only for the first half of the war . Until the end , China still beats UK in terms of economy .

在空战方面,我认为英国赢,因为英国拥有更多可持续的战斗机,他们的技术更好,但中国正在迅速赶上。 然而,如果英国使用海军战斗机(它们是部署在航空母舰上的) ,它们可能会损失更多。 之前我提到过东风-26导弹,它会在战斗机起飞前摧毁航空母舰。这种导弹的射程可达3000英里,能在30分钟内到达目标(中国虽然没有透露它能飞多快,但据推测,这些导弹的存在已经得到证实)。
在经济方面,由于庞大的经济和粮食生产,中国更有能力维持他们的军队。 英格兰只能维持战争的前半部分。 直到最后,中国仍然在经济方面击败英国。

Before this type of war would even begin , allies will step in to back up UK , while China only has a few neighbors it can rely on . If Russia joins China along with North Korea , Kazakhastan , Kyrgizstan , Pakistan , Urberkizstan , Tajikistan and other Asian neighboring allies . It could potentially become the largest military organization in the world but would not be able to compete in terms of technology because of US ( NATO ) . But if Russia remains neutral , China would definitely pull back before the war even began against NATO .
In economy , such a war with most of Asia fighting NATO , world economy would collapse and politics will diminish , military campaigns and conquests would terrorize the world . Even South America and Africa would be called eventually , then when one country could not withstand the attacks , it will fire nuclear and then everyone fires . Ending life as we know it .
So yeah , my basic conclusion is China wins overall but the only reason that it won’t win is because of UK’s alliance with other countries (NATO) .

在这种类型的战争开始之前,英国会有盟国介入支持,而中国只有少数几个邻国可以依靠。如果俄罗斯、朝鲜、 哈萨克斯坦、 吉尔吉斯斯坦、巴基斯坦、 乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和其他亚洲邻国加入中国的行列。它有可能成为世界上最大的军事组织,但由于美国(北约)的原因,还是无法在技术方面与其竞争。但是如果俄罗斯保持中立,中国肯定会在对北约的战争开始之前就撤退。

William Moore , Lived in China for a few year
No one.
China is a more power Military. But there is a pretty huge amount of physical space between the two. And China does not have the force projection to mount anything near a actual invasion or attack on the UK.
And China is much to hard a nut for the UK to actually crack in Asia.
Also the Rest of the EU/NATO would be involved. And that would more or less spell disaster for China.
In the end it would just be the UK/China looking at each other mean across the globe for a few months and then a rather silly peace accord.

William Moore 在中国住了几年
中国是一支更强大的军队,但是两者之间隔得非常远。 而且,中国也没有实际入侵或攻击英国附近的行动。对于英国来说,要想在亚洲真正打开一个大门,中国是非常困难的。
此外,欧盟 / 北约的其他成员也将参与其中。 这或多或少会给中国带来灾难。

Josh Wright , Technology Developer (2000-present)
If I read the question correctly, war takes many forms.
The answers I’ve seen so far focus on a military campaign, I’d like to propose another perspective.
FINANCE, before most militaries go to war usually there are sanctions and financial wars.
If a War between the UK and CHINA started it would start with a financial one first before any military one was invoked.
On that basis the UK would be wiped out financially, as it doesn’t compare Globally to China financially.
In fact China doesn’t have debts and has a trade surplus. It invest globally and it exports more than it imports.
China is the 2nd largest Economy on the planet and it doesn’t have debts like the UK and the USA.Put simply for the UK to attempt to take on China in any kind of financial war would be suicide.
The main thing financially is the USA would be severely affected by any kind of financial issues between to UK and China and would probably lean very heavily on the Brits to de-escalate

Josh Wright 、技术开发人员(2000至今)

The UK wouldn’t have any money to build up its military and its industrial production is very small. No doubt there would be significant internal problems with the population in terms of insurrections due to a shortage of resources.
China is not a democracy and therefore any insurrections would be dealt with differently.


Laxon Kamau
Actually, they've been to war before during the opium wars. China(Qing dynasty) ended up losing Macau and Hong Kong to the British company. Control of Hong Kong was relinquished back in 1997. At the same time, China experienced what is known as the period of humiliation where they were conquered by the Japanese empire.
However, with time China gradually advanced their defense tactics. For instance, during the 1950 Korean war, US soldier made the mistake of crossing to Chinese territories, and they got a taste of what Chinese defense was made of.
In case of a war today, the United Kingdom will do all that is in their power to win including recruiting soldiers from commonwealth country and asking NATO's help. In the case of China it would be less significant to win a war instead defending its citizen is more important. This is due to culture, China Confucius's philosophy  encourages people to respect and value one another. Western culture, on the other hand, encourages people to conquer; for instance, the workplace performance is more important than teamwork.

Laxon Kamau
事实上,他们发生过鸦片战争。 中国(清朝)最终将澳门和香港输给了英国公司。1997年,英国政府放弃了对香港的控制权。与此同时,中国也经历了被日本帝国征服的屈辱时期。
如果今天发生战争,英国将尽其所能赢得胜利,包括从英联邦国家招募士兵和寻求北约的帮助。 但就中国而言,赢得一场战争并不那么重要,而更重要的是保护她的人民。这是由于文化的原因,中国孔子的哲学鼓励人们相互尊重。另一方面,西方文化鼓励人们去征服;例如,个人工作表现比团队合作更重要。

Ivan Alexeevich
China. Literally, without NATO help, UK is gonna be just stomped. People give too much credit to Britain. Mainly they think that if uk is west, so automatically, their tech is far ahead others, their soldiers have great experience and their military just shows the best quality ever. But people, who doesn't watch western propaganda crap aka BBC/CNN/History Channel are more sceptical about it for various reasons. First of all, Chinese military tech improves with every year and already shows impressive results(such as VT-4). Secondly, there is no real proof, that British army is a lot better trained. Some people will say that brits have more expierence, but I don't think, that beating 3rd world nations aka Argentina, Iraq etc. can be counted as impressive FEAT. Third, Chinese economy is a LOT superior to british, and they have a lot bigger industrial capacity. So, overall, apart from bbc reality, China stomps without breaking a sweat.

Ivan Alexeevich
中国。毫不夸张地说,没有北约的帮助,英国只会被碾压。人们给予英国太高的评价了。 他们主要认为,如果英国是西方国家,那么想当然认为他们的技术远远领先于其他国家,他们的士兵拥有丰富的经验,他们的军队是有史以来最好的。但是,由于种种原因,那些不看 BBC / CNN / 历史频道等西方宣传的垃圾节目的人,会对此更加怀疑。
再者,中国经济比英国优越得多,而且他们有更大的工业生产能力。所以总的来说,除了 BBC 的真人秀节目之外,中国不费吹灰之力就能打趴它。

John Erker , B.S. Business Management & Foreign Policy, University of Laverne (1985)
Presently, China would have a difficult time defeating the UK, that is to take the country, due to location of the UK. China does not have the far reaching forces necessary to invade and conquer. Even if they did, the UK would put up one hell of a fight. Supporting a invasion force far from home requires a vast logistics network, which China doesn’t have.

John Erker 拉维恩大学商业管理与外交政策学士(1985)

Roshan Mashoor , Freelance journalist
China would win definitely. Britain is not an empire anymore and hasn't got the same capacity it had 70 years go. Britain is no match to China without USA or NATO behind its back. Of course uk could inflict pain on China but no way it's going to defeat China. Statistically China has 150 nuclear missiles more than uk,China has more than 30 submarines and uk has only 4. China is building more aircraft careers,etc.
In short there's no way that uk is going defeat China militarily

Roshan Mashoor 、自由撰稿记者
中国肯定会赢。大不列颠不再是一个帝国,也没有70年前那样的能力。 如果没有美国或北约的背后支持,英国根本不是中国的对手。 当然,英国可能会给中国带来痛苦,但它不可能打败中国。 据统计,中国比英国拥有150枚核导弹,中国拥有30多艘潜艇,而英国只有4艘。 中国正在建设更多的飞机产业等等。

zhewang, studied at (ZJUT) Zhejiang University of Technology
Countries in Africa will win i suppose
When war starts between countries like China and U.K., it will become a nuclear war.almost every country in the world will be attacked by nuclear weapons .only the poorest countries which almost everyone forget can escape.
Preventing potential other nations from becoming strong after the nuclear war is also what the counties will think before starting the war.
Besides ,UN has already had a war with China in korea and didn't win, do you really think China is still that “antiant China “?


Jean-Luc Chevrier , lives in Europe
China don’t need to make war to the United Kingdom. They just have to wait and buy what will remain after Brexit.

Jean-Luc Chevrier ,住在欧洲
中国不需要向英国开战。 他们只需耐心等待,购买英国脱欧后剩下的东西。

Simon Harrison , 17th century European history enthusiast

Simon Harrison 17世纪欧洲历史爱好者

Fabian Feary , lives in The United Kingdom
Whilst the UK military is very weak, it's dedicated mostly to widespread power, an old habit from the empire days.
Chinese military is densely focused inland. So in a conventional war, the UK MAY have an edge.
However, the UK has a lot of close allies, far more powerful than China as a collective both nuclear and regular (the US for example). I don't really think it's in China's interest to invade a small island, who happens to be one of their big customers.

Fabian Feary ,生活在英国
然而,英国有许多亲密盟友,无论是核国家还是常规国家(例如美国) ,其实力都远远超过中国。 我真的不认为入侵一个小岛屿符合中国的利益,而这个岛屿碰巧是他们的大客户之一。