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文章原始标题:China sentences ringleader of brutal attack on women at Tangshan restaurant to 24 years in prison


Emma E
Good for China on long prison term. Now India can PAY ATTENTION to see that long prison terms for violent offenders against women is the most effective way to get it to stop. Respect for women or leave them alone. - UP: 156 DN: 1


toonbear > Emma E
As long as the "allegedly illegal" practice of "caste" there will always be this sort of activity. Women of the "lowest caste" are "fair game" for members of a higher caste. Were you aware that in Indian village's , where the women do most of the work, they have their own wells and cannot take water from anyone elses well. - UP: 8 DN: 1


Hannah > Emma E
I agree. And they still have a LONG ways to go when it comes to protecting women from physical and harassing assaults. With India's caste system, I don't see that ever happening for them regarding women until they disband that system. When people (men and women) are deemed less important by the government itself, unfortunately, we cant expect citizens to respect the "less important or valuable" regardless. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Nativegenocidesforlands > Hannah
"a long ways to go"? really, Hannah? can u and your girlfriends walk down of LA skid rows in broad daylight? I bet u the Chinese females literary rate is close to 100%. can u make the same claim for American women? how about higher education. most Chinese females study STEM. u and your study what? psychology? sociology? literature? - UP: 0 DN: 0


John > Emma E
India rape women all time and no punishment ,anyone rape a woman cut the peanut - UP: 8 DN: 0


Emma E > John
Either that or shoot them in the balls with a NAIL GUN. Thank you John your comment cheered me up. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Commenter > John
to be fair, not just india, happens in a lot of middle eastern countries as well. very few women speak out, if they do they get disowned or worse, killed for bringing shame to their family. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Bill > Emma E
how about long prison terms for violence against anyone, not just women?? - UP: 2 DN: 0


In my home country, there is NO parole, credit for time served, time off for good behavior ,etc.
DUI is 10 YEARS in the coal mines. Goodbye until Sept 2032. There is also 50% penalty for repeat offenders. First DUI 10 years, second offense, is 10 years plus 50% penalty or 15 years. Home country has problems but safe to walk streets at night with your children. - UP: 75 DN: 3


cricket > Alina
Why would YOU leave such a wonderful place??? - UP: 7 DN: 1


Peter > cricket
No prostitution allowed. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Peter > cricket
It is Belarus. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Jacob > cricket
Countries with brutal penal systems are rarely places with high qualities of life. Singapore is the only one I can even think of and I personally would never live in a country that canes people for spitting. I guess Saudi Arabia is great if you're a Muslim man. - UP: 1 DN: 1


NM > Peter
First time I heard people leave their home country because there is no prostitution allowed over there. - UP: 0 DN: 0


DanPT2000 > Alina
which country is your home? - UP: 2 DN: 0


Peter > DanPT2000
Belarus. - UP: 1 DN: 1


DanPT2000 > Peter
Belarus supports Russia's military operation in Ukraine. Russia has good reasons for going into Ukraine. - UP: 0 DN: 2


Peter > Alina
It used to be 7 year's for DUI in Belarus, now 10, Ha. Ha. Ha. inflation. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Alex > Alina
Weak sauce, the USA has the most incarceration in the world, 2.2 million and counting, get on our level. - UP: 2 DN: 2


Yahoo User > Alex
Yea.....for profit prisons, an uneducated & m3ntally disturbed society is why. - UP: 3 DN: 0

是的... 为了盈利的监狱,一个没有受过教育、精神错乱的社会就是原因所在。

Yahoo User > Alina
in NH USA........so many alcoholics on the road as per the trash on the sides of the road and there are people that are still driving after multiple DUI's. The place has turned into a sh1teh0le & most of the offenders up here are white trash. - UP: 0 DN: 0

在美国的新罕布什尔州........ 路上挤满了酒鬼就像路边的垃圾一样,还有很多酒驾的人。这个地方已经变成了一个粪坑,而且这里大部分的罪犯都是白人垃圾。

Mike > Yahoo User
That's how it works here in America. - UP: 0 DN: 3


J > Mike
lol, in usa cops wouldn't even come. - UP: 1 DN: 1


China considers work to be the basis of rehabilitation. If you refuse, guards will beat the tar out of you. No ACLU to file lawsuits. Prisons are expected to support themselves by operating factories and by offering the labor of prisoners. No prison is fully funded by the government. - UP: 87 DN: 6


None > Jimmy
So...we should use China as our role model? - UP: 24 DN: 1

那么... 我们应该以中国为榜样吗?

Tom > None
Uh well, yeah. We have to start somewhere. We definitely need a new system. While this one sounded great, it has some major inherent flaws that apparently allowed for exploitation by our enemies. - UP: 8 DN: 1


Thomas > Tom
Start with bring back the death penalty. Up to one year for appeals. People be on death row for decades. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Jimmy > None
In this case, yes. - UP: 15 DN: 1


Tin > None
China's crime rate is really low compared to the USA. - UP: 5 DN: 0


bBoyd > Jimmy
I think it is a good idea. Giving prisoners gyms, tv time and 3 meals a day without work is not working out. Jail is like going to the Hilton in America that’s why we have a lot of repeat offenders. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Competent People > Jimmy
I'm all for tough sentences and locking up multi time felons for life, even the death penalty for 1st degree murder and neutering violent rapists BUT to suggest we should copy China is wrong - UP: 7 DN: 14


US Citizen > Competent People
Agreed, but we can always learn from other cultures too. - UP: 6 DN: 0


Jimmy > Competent People
Don't be too proud to copy success. The murder rate in USA is 10x what it is in China. - UP: 6 DN: 0


Thomas > Jimmy
What is gun ownership % in China? - UP: 0 DN: 0


Larry > Competent People
You can be for something all day long, but if there are people and organizations that use the court system to file appeal after appeal to keep sentences from happening and do everything they can to thwart justice because they don't agree with the law, then maybe we need a new system. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Ed > Jimmy
Sounds like you are saying the facts of the situation.
And not passing judgement. - UP: 0 DN: 1


nagging n whining my way to success > Jimmy
Repay the debt to society. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Larry > Jimmy
Sounds like a good system. - UP: 0 DN: 0


T > Jimmy
So they are incentivised to lock people up? Nothing like free slave labor. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Jimmy > T
Incarceration rate is 6 per thousand USA and .001 per thousand China. I have friends in Beijing who go out for a walk at 11pm without a worry. USA Homicide rate is ten times higher than China. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Jacob > Jimmy
Move there and get out of America - UP: 0 DN: 1


Jimmy > Jacob
I see you haven't replaced the gray matter. Please hurry and do so Mr. MAGA. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Thomas > Jacob
Too funny - UP: 0 DN: 0


For all that China does wrong, they got this absolutely right. Here in California they’d be told not to do it again and given a free meal voucher to Hardee’s. - UP: 137 DN: 16


H8S2Lose > Surface2Air
WRONG! The meal voucher would be to In-N-Out. - UP: 9 DN: 1


Jason > H8S2Lose
Exactly right, I don't think we have Hardees. - UP: 0 DN: 0


DanPT2000 > Surface2Air
according to World Bank and UN, China lifted over 700 million people out of extreme poverty during the last 10 - 20 years. There is a lot that US gov't and the West can learn from Chinese. - UP: 7 DN: 5


roy > DanPT2000
You know how the Chinese do it? They make their people work for what they get. Not like here in the land of handouts. - UP: 3 DN: 2


DanPT2000 > roy
American corporations raked in Trillions of dollars in profits by shifting production to Asia, and then selling the products back to Americans. Those profits translated into Tax revenues for the US gov't. What did the US gov't do with that money? Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, special operations in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Ukraine, Hong Kong and Xin Jiang. Bailout package ($708 Billion TARP) for the banks in 2008, and an ever rising annual military budget (over $800 billions a year now). Maybe a pittance of the money is spent on infrastructure, schools and poverty alleviation. No wonder ordinary American lives are not getting any better despite working harder. - UP: 2 DN: 1


MaLa > DanPT2000
Haha. Lifted them out of poverty by lowering the standard of poverty. 60% of Chinese make $450 or less per month. - UP: 0 DN: 1


DAVID > DanPT2000
Then go live there. They're communist. Hard pass for me. - UP: 0 DN: 0


but there are alot of things we can learn from how they have become a economic power house. we must learn from our enemies, if we are to ever understand how to defeat them. - UP: 0 DN: 0


DanPT2000 > Don N
The fact is, USA is not the benevolent power that the propaganda machine have many believe. US does not make much of anything anymore, only prints dollars to buy things manufactured products from Asia, Oil from Middle East/Canada and Mexico. Carpet bombed Vietnam/ sprayed 20 million gallons of Agent Orange. Sanctions of countries only hurts poor people, and create rebellions and instability. ISIS emerged from Middle East following 2003 invasion of Iraq. The USA threatened to nuke China twice, 1953 Taiwan Straits Crisis, and again during the Korean War. When China acquired Atomic weapons in 1960's those threats stopped. - UP: 0 DN: 0


DanPT2000 > DAVID
I am making plans to first visit China, and perhaps stay there long term. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Daryl Hotline Bling Dixon > DanPT2000
If you love a third world country, move, you traitor! - UP: 2 DN: 4


News Reader
Compared to US, the attackers can be bailed out and don't have medical bills of the victims. As the article says "ordered to reimburse the victims’ medical treatments." I think US should do the same; otherwise the victim was not only beaten but also pay the medical bill themselves. If they don't have money, put on debt or reduce theirs public assistance money. Attackers must be liable for what they did in any forms. - UP: 10 DN: 1


michael > News Reader
Why not take it one step. Make them pay off their victims bills with the $1.00 a day that they make working in the prison. When they finish paying off the debt, they can be released from prison no matter what the sentence was. - UP: 0 DN: 0


That is a tough sentence. If it happened here, one week jail time, and one year probation. - UP: 59 DN: 4


J > david
in usa, call 911 and cops wouldn't even come. - UP: 5 DN: 0


Sun > david
That's why we have so many crimes. - UP: 3 DN: 0


DT > david
you can thank your liberal DA's for that. - UP: 5 DN: 1


Divine Truth > david
Saluting, bowing, standing ovation, hands clapping your comments. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Joey > david
That’s why crime continues to go up - UP: 0 DN: 0


Trunk Monkey
If this happened in New York the guy would have had the charges dismissed the same week. - UP: 145 DN: 15


Out West > Trunk Monkey
If it was California, he would never have been prosecuted. - UP: 16 DN: 6


MAGA King > Out West
He would get a stimulus check. - UP: 4 DN: 3


elson l > Trunk Monkey
Look it up. This guy is a repeat offender with a long list of troubles. It literally says so in the first paragraph. He has been conducting criminal activities since 2012. He has been getting away for years. If the footage hadn't gone viral, they would just give him a slap on the wrist and let him go again. - UP: 6 DN: 3


Seshu > elson l
In New York he will get a weekly payout from the DA so that he can have Prime Rib trhoughout the week and can return to the court date in a Limo. - UP: 1 DN: 3


elson l > Seshu
And how does that add to the topic? implied that China is better than NY because they prosecute the crime. - UP: 1 DN: 0


NM > elson l
Maybe citizen in NY should gather together and shanghaied those trouble makers. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Oldfolks > Trunk Monkey
If this happened in D.C. and a relative of the WH, the DOJ would claim Russian Disinformation and there would be no charges. - UP: 8 DN: 6


Austin > Trunk Monkey
If this was texas he would've been celebrated and honored - UP: 1 DN: 0


David > Trunk Monkey
Yes, he'd be out the same day if he was black in new york, but if he was white, they'd make a big scene. - UP: 4 DN: 3


DemocraticPatriot > Trunk Monkey
Just FYI, Data shows the most prolific sexual predators are from Republican states. - UP: 3 DN: 2


isee dumb people > DemocraticPatriot
That is a possibility, the Democrats are moving to Republican states by the 100’s of thousands in the last couple of years.
That statistic seems valid based on the influx of the Welfare bunch who grew up receiving participation trophies, confused by their gender after being taught in schools that gender neutral is the norm.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The good news is those republicans actually arrest and prosecute criminals, so the population in our prisons continues to rise and be majority blacks, which are mostly democrats living off the democrats welfare, for generations. - UP: 0 DN: 2


roy > DemocraticPatriot
That is because these predators are stopped, prosecuted, convicted and put behind bars in Republican states not like in other states where they're given a pass. - UP: 1 DN: 3


Loi > DemocraticPatriot
Did you mean "My Son Hunter". - UP: 1 DN: 2


Crimes occurred June 10. Today is September 23. Three months to arrest, charge, try, and sentence the gangsters. USA and its bleeding heart vassals can learn a thing or two from the Chinese about dealing with criminals. - UP: 148 DN: 12


Connor > Jimmy
It's only "fast" because it has attention. Numerous similar cases have been ignored. However, I agree US needs to do better in dealing with criminals. - UP: 21 DN: 0


JwL > Jimmy
Of course you're enthralled by an authoritarian government... conservatives and the Republican Party have slowly (or in more recent years, rapidly) morphed from the party of crowing about "defending democracy" to the party of embracing authoritarianism for the sake of keeping/gaining power. - UP: 8 DN: 5

当然,你会被这样的威权政府吸引... 保守派和共和党已经慢慢地(或者在最近几年里,迅速地)从高喊“捍卫民主”的政党变成了为保持/获得权力而拥抱威权主义的政党。

Jimmy > JwL
Sounds like you sing tenor in the Amen Choir for the criminal element. - UP: 3 DN: 3


the U.S. learned that aside from releasing the criminals on no cash bail, they should also send them off with a nice warm hug, just to let them know that they care and are loved by the justice system. - UP: 7 DN: 4


While one of the most corrupt, treasonous criminals in American history, McDonald Trump, lives like the king he wants so badly to be! - UP: 3 DN: 2


don't forget hunter biden and his senile father, bobh - UP: 2 DN: 4


CliftonT > Jimmy
You can always relocate to China if you love their system so much. Personally, I'm kind of fond of democracy and rights and such. - UP: 4 DN: 3


Jimmy > CliftonT
You must be the Soprano for the Amen Choir. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Tuan > Jimmy
USA is not a Communist country...that's why laws are totally different. - UP: 8 DN: 8

美国不是一个共产主义国家... 这就是为什么法律完全不同。

marko > Tuan
Maybe we should cause all these criminals are getting away with murder in the US. Too easy to steal and beat up people and also killing. Time to change our laws to reflect like another countries. Harder labor and No more going into a vacation home here in the US Prison. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Razorback_06 > marko
Exactly. This statement outlines everything that came to my mind when reading this outcome. - UP: 0 DN: 0


At first, they were going to let him go. It was only after public outcry that they considered the case more seriously. - UP: 0 DN: 0


sirnewtron > WYDSIWYG
Plea deals work well. Look at all the rioters at the Capitol that received probation.. - UP: 1 DN: 0


DanPT2000 > Jimmy
I'm surprised it was just 24 year prison. That was actually attempted murder IMO. - UP: 0 DN: 0


NOW--this is the way to handle criminals--we could learn something from them. - UP: 59 DN: 1


David > 7
Don’t believe too much of the bees from China. That dude is out in 2 weeks - UP: 0 DN: 1


good...24 years seem lenient. - UP: 48 DN: 0

很好... 24年似乎很宽容。

Andreas > Peter
Jail time in China is tough. 24 years is a long time in these Jails. Pretty much the guy has been sentenced to live the rest of his live either in jail and later in social isolation. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Peter > Andreas
should apply the same to the US here. - UP: 0 DN: 0


michael t > Peter
Better than the US! If happen in the US, probably 1 week probation! - UP: 0 DN: 0


Orlando Olivera
ok. we need those judges here in the US.. - UP: 55 DN: 0


I have to hand it to China on this. In America, these guys would probably be out soon and repeat their crimes. - UP: 59 DN: 0


good quick work and trial the USA should be like this! - UP: 39 DN: 1


michael t > Douglas
Trial in the US would probably last 2 years with all the continuations from the lawyer! - UP: 0 DN: 0


Big Guy > michael t
You both know the only reason this wrapped up so fast was due to the exposure it got. - UP: 0 DN: 0


michael t > Big Guy
Are you smoke something? - UP: 0 DN: 0


I'm glad China took action. - UP: 21 DN: 0


STAN > James
Remember they are still a communist country bent on our destruction ! - UP: 0 DN: 0


I wish our country could would put people in jail for decades as fast as the Chinese for this kind of crime. Our streets would be safer. - UP: 33 DN: 0


ECHE > swami242
Human rights for criminals in U.S. has to be honored before the victims' human rights. - UP: 5 DN: 0


Now that's what the US needs to do in this country! - UP: 45 DN: 2


Lookin good like the Good Wulff Should...
WE might pay attention to how china is handling their criminals- these clowns will probably serve every day of their sentences. The or their families will pay every dime of their fines. And i bet their prison is no picnic. So they might be inclined to be decent law-abiding people when/if they get out. Thats kind of the idea of a legal system. We could most definitely use a few lessons there. They will regret the moment that they committed their crimes. They also get to pay their victims med bills. It isnt just going to be the taxpayers that pick up the tab.
They might be a communist country but they handle their law breakers a whole bunch better than we do - UP: 9 DN: 0


All 28 criminals captured, investigated, trialed, charged in 3 months. You've gotta admire China's justice system and how their tax money is used. - UP: 8 DN: 0


New York and California Attorneys General have sent a formal protest to China demanding that the perpetrator be released without restriction to be given a few more chances. - UP: 5 DN: 0


P and M
We may dislike China's other policies, but we love their justice system. Ironic, huh? - UP: 35 DN: 3


We need some more Chinese judicial punishments here. - UP: 28 DN: 0


"The main perpetrator involved in the brutal assault on four women at a restaurant in Tangshan, China, has been sentenced to 24 years in prison." Not bad China! Here in the States you have to kill at least 24 people to get that sentence. - UP: 21 DN: 0


Meela > JohnX
And that would come with a chance of parole. - UP: 7 DN: 0


Ray > JohnX
indeed....goes to show american lives are cheap as hell. - UP: 3 DN: 0

的确... 这说明了美国人的生命极其廉价。

24 years, impressive china! - UP: 23 DN: 0


The MM.
Happened on June 10, 2022, love Chinese efficiency, fast & just.
If happened here.....lawyers would have stalled it, claim defended "suffered" from abuse as a child, alcohol / drug abused, bullied at home & school, MAYBE 3 yrs in prison.
We should LEARN for the Chinese Justice system. - UP: 9 DN: 0

如果发生在这里...... 律师们会拖延这件事,辩护说在儿童时期“遭受”虐待,酒精/药物滥用,家庭和学校的欺凌,也许就关押3年。

In the US it will get a plea bargain and receive a light sentence and will be out on parole soon - UP: 17 DN: 1


Now that is how you stop repeat offenders! - UP: 24 DN: 0


If it occurred in NY or SF, he would be free to repeat it. - UP: 26 DN: 3


DanPT2000 > KOOLIO
yea, what was it, any theft under $900 is a misdemeanor? - UP: 1 DN: 0


This is another case of public outcries making a real and quick difference in China. Yes, there is censorship in China, but real grievances do get aired and get addressed. This compares to the US where dozens of people get murdered everyday but nothing changes, freedom of the press or not. - UP: 3 DN: 0


This would have taken YEARS in the USA. - UP: 7 DN: 0


Full Disclosure
I think 3 months from the incident to the conviction is about right. In the USA it takes years to do the thing that is obvious from the start. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Here in the US the criminals that assaulted Asians were not charged and committed the offense after release. There was 1 in the news that 1 was arrested 49 times but never charge. - UP: 8 DN: 0


He would have received 24 in the U.S. as well... 24 hours of community service - UP: 7 DN: 1


Joe Smith
Wow. He'd still be awaiting his preliminary evidentiary hearing for two more years in America, already on day 2 of his sentence in China. That's pretty impressive. - UP: 7 DN: 1


"Saving face" is more important than protecting women or enforcing laws. - UP: 6 DN: 2


Good deal! we need a whole lot of that here. all those people looting stores, blocking public roads, etc. - UP: 5 DN: 0


varun > BV
no chance, maite. dems will lose votes. - UP: 0 DN: 0


In America they receive probation - UP: 10 DN: 0


David > LELAND
In Houston they do! - UP: 1 DN: 0


Love China or not, Most criminals their feel the punishment they are given. - UP: 8 DN: 0


Harsh, but sounds good to me. - UP: 10 DN: 1


he needs 30 public lashing weekly for 24 yrs! - UP: 9 DN: 0


David > Idk
He would not last that long. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Tim G
Too bad he's not going to one of our prisons, for the homeboys would do a serious number on him. But then again, Chinese prisons are serious, no joke, so he's in for a long bout of well deserved hardship. - UP: 5 DN: 0


In US he will be released in 24 hrs. - UP: 11 DN: 2


Cg > John
No, in the US he would have likely never been arrested without witness testimony. Our gang culture is over a million strong with some members in Law Enforcement. In some cities they run the entire criminal enterprise. - UP: 1 DN: 0


JJ > John
In CA or NY released within an hour. - UP: 2 DN: 2


If this had happened in Florida, they would be electing this guy as a House of Rep....just like Matt Gaetz is one. - UP: 18 DN: 7


Loco > Phil
And the OldFatGelatinousOrangeDump too. - UP: 2 DN: 1


I sure wish we did that here. I would support this harsh punishment for those who choose to act in this manner. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Good for China. If the USA had stricter and longer sentences we might not have as much crime. We spend so much money to try and get drugs off the streets, how many decades have they been trying this. Look at other countries and how they do things differently for every kind of crime. There are all these stories about other countries prisons. Ours are like country clubs compared to prisons elsewhere. Copy those prisons and the strict terms and maybe USA can put more criminals off our streets. - UP: 1 DN: 0


We should send our criminals to Chinese prisons....it would be cheaper. - UP: 16 DN: 1

我们应该把我们的罪犯送到中国的监狱... 那样会更划算。

Andy > Nickey
Agree 100! save tax payers - UP: 3 DN: 0


Alcaniz > Nickey
Best idea I have ever heard......someone in authority should look into it. - UP: 2 DN: 1

这是我听过最好的主意... 应该有权威人士来研究一番。

H > Nickey
Nah... it will never get approved. If sending inmates oversea is allowed, send them to North Korea. Will be even cheaper. North Korea needs money.
A more realistic way, build the prisons by the US/Mexican border like many factories. Let Mexican authority manage the prisons. Family and friend can still visit from the US side. - UP: 0 DN: 0


In NYC He would've been released back on the streets after a day or 2. - UP: 3 DN: 0


isee dumb people
Reading all of these comments, I want to personally thank every democrat out there. Your failed policies on crime and homelessness alone is the Republicans best campaign ad.
2024 and winning back the POTUS seems surprisingly easy, but we shall not take anything for granted. We love a good fight, and fight we will to win this country back. - UP: 3 DN: 4


The MM. > isee dumb people
The only way you'll "win" is to cheat. - UP: 0 DN: 0


c > isee dumb people
You don't and never even know what your agenda is. More of a MAGA than a Republican - UP: 0 DN: 0


US should apply China's law. US law is too soft with the criminals. - UP: 18 DN: 6


Boo > Andy
And US should apply Saudi Arabia's Law on shoplifters, snatchers, & thieves. U know, they chop a finger or a hand. - UP: 2 DN: 0


US Citizen > Boo
That's too much. - UP: 0 DN: 0


CEO > Boo
after losing one hand from crime sentencing those middle eastern / Hindu criminals will use the other hand to commit crimes with. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Justice served. - UP: 4 DN: 0


Too bad that judge is not in charge of the Jan 6 cases sentencing. - UP: 15 DN: 7


India is another Country where women have little say and are thought of as "Chattel". In the U.S. the GOP is trying to take us backward, where women have little say in what happens to their own Health Care. Perhaps they will next repeal women's right to Vote... - UP: 1 DN: 0


Another windmill
Some things the Chinese do seem to be just fine. To bad other countries don't follow some of their lead. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Interesting. Despite the fact that China is antithetical to our Constitution and ideolgy, they give real prison sentences to violent criminals. Whereas in the US we let them out on low bonds, and even the prison sentences are way too short for the crimes. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Babyface Finster
24 years sentence.... we should do the same to the black boys here that attack old Asian women. - UP: 22 DN: 4

24年刑期... 我们应该对这里袭击亚洲老年妇女的黑人男孩采用同样的做法。

Competent People > Babyface Finster
Why be prejudiced?
All men who attack any old women should get at least 24 years. - UP: 4 DN: 0


When there are severe punishments for severe brutality, there is there are few severe brutality events.
When there are no punishments for severe brutality, there is San Francisco, NYC, and Chicago brutality events. - UP: 2 DN: 0


One thing you have to give China credit for. They don't mess around when it comes to dealing with lawbreakers...if you commit a crime, you will do the time! We could use more of this in America. - UP: 3 DN: 2

有一件事你必须给中国点赞。当涉及到处理不法分子的时候,他们是认真的... 如果你犯了罪,你就会坐牢!我们美国可以采用更多的这种做法。

Face > Daniel
I see a lot of other Conservatives want Chinese justice over their own system. But, I like juries and stuff. Never know when you might be accused of something you actually didn't do. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Daniel > Face
You assume am a concretive. I've been voting a straight democratic ticket for 30 years. Don't get me wrong, I like juries and stuff too but I don't like it when I see one person serving 5 years for murder while another serves 20 years for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their family (this is a hypothetical situation but there are many real situations like it). - UP: 0 DN: 0


Luymas > Daniel
Wrong. It all depends on the perpetrator social status and connections, - UP: 0 DN: 0


China doesn't like to be humiliated on an international stage, thus the brutal punishment. I suspect if it hadn't been picked up overseas, the guys would have gotten away with it. - UP: 4 DN: 6


yahoo!! > Blippo
Why don't you go to China and rough up one of their woman and see what happens? Better still, maybe bring 500g of Cocaine and see whether they actually execute you? - UP: 0 DN: 0


nagging n whining my way to success
Chinese jails not the luxury spas that US criminals check-in and check out like criminal rehab centers. They're rigidly operated penal institutions specifically designed to discourage repeat offenders.
And for those offended pundits saying "if you like it so much, go live in China" - you can walk around on most Beijing streets at any hour of the night without fear of murder, rape, molestation, muggings, etc. Try that in Washington DC sometime...anytime. - UP: 2 DN: 0

至于那些嚷嚷着“如果你这么喜欢的话,就去中国生活吧”的玻璃心砖家,你可以晚上在北京的大多数街道上漫步,而不用担心谋杀、强奸、性骚扰、抢劫等等。有空在华盛顿特区试试... 什么时候都行。

Code 40 Dog
Good thing Trump didn't vacation in China, he'd be doing life by now. - UP: 6 DN: 3


If US would be this strict, I promise you there would be less crime. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Assaulting a woman
In China= 24 yrs in prison/medical expenses reimbursed to the victims
In America= 24 months probation/medical expenses, sheet out of luck - UP: 2 DN: 0

在中国 = 24年监禁/支付受害者的医疗费用
在美国 = 24个月的缓刑/医疗费用,真倒霉

I like that they have to also reimburse the victims. That's the icing on the cake - UP: 1 DN: 0
