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文章原始标题:‘A story for a movie’: China slams US coercion in UK’s Huawei ban over ‘national security’ pretexts


I'm British and feel deeply embarrassed at the actions and rhetoric coming from my own government. In particular, I can't understand why the UK wants to inflict humiliation on itself because we all know the world is watching and fully understands the situation.
The strangest thing is that the West, led by the US wants to continually 'swim upstream'. Instead of embracing change and wanting to live in harmony (economic, environmental, political and social) the current powers choose a course of hostility, uncertainty and rivalry.
Whether we like it or not, China IS the future.
We will either prosper WITH them or stagnate WITHOUT them. The US will be rendered impotent in the future and it seems we in the UK want to castrate ourselves so they won't be lonely. - UP: 28


Eric S
Information technology is an important tool for intelligence agencies. For the US, spying on other countries put it at a significant advantage to manipulate and blackmail other politicians and businesses of other countries. In this particular case, the US has been able to control the UK (possibly through blackmail) to make it serves it interest. - UP: 3


I'm always embarrassed and disappointed in my country's government. Smh - UP: 1


The Oracle
I can't understand why Truss and Boorish can't have your level of intelligence.
The elected PM system in UK, I can only surmise , is malfunctioning , and producing weird characters unfit to lead the UK , or even to look after its people. - UP: 2


Praveen shukla
@lala Then you can leave the country - UP: 0


Brian Newman
Competition between suppliers drives product advancements. When governments remove competitors from the supply market there is usually a slow down in product improvements. - UP: 4


very right!!! well said!!! - UP: 24

非常正确! ! ! 说得好! ! !

cat fish
Shameless US - UP: 57


Markus Müller
What's the benefit of having even more highly sophisticated espionage devices ?!?
007: "Are you expecting an exploding pen? - We don't really go in for that anymore." ;) :) - UP: 1

007:“你是在期待一支会爆炸的钢笔吗?我们现在真的不这么做了。”;) :)

Naveen Naveen
Dragon sir can give technology that is reasonable prices - UP: 13


Ntiamoah Prince
Simple but clarifying everything - UP: 16


Nick Bao
Uk should ditch Huawei 5G equipment and focus its efforts to help Ukraine. Slava Ukraine! - UP: 0


The US and some allies have no agenda and no conversation topics to present except China, they are so interested about China internal affairs but China is not so interested in theirs , in fact many around the world couldn’t care less too, China is a good great peaceful nation with immensely wise leaders marvelous fabulous people places technology products etc etc etc the list goes on and on everything China is awesome - UP: 5


Dark Cloud
The US can't win against China, so they decided to cheat. And they still losing. - UP: 11


Jovz Flores
YES! Absolutely right! - UP: 1


Shou Lam
China Russia stand togehter strong against u.s. - UP: 18


Max Kazzora
Are we a lackey to those gringos in the USA or do we have our own foreign policy??? I will leave it for those who strive for neutrality and common sense to decide. - UP: 8


Yes , this bully controls the UK goverment . The US is like a big octopus with its slimy tenticles everywhere. Still , its nice to see those tenticles gettiing cut off in many places and one thing is for sure, this octopuses tenticles wont grow back fast enough and soon enough the whole thing will chopped up , grilled and served up on a big plate for the rest of the world to enjoy - UP: 34


Rita Rossi
Who Remember the opium war...?Who Remember the ferocious english colonialism in the East.? Now the robbed Peoples have Learned to Defende themselves.....stop settlement colonizers...stop russophobia. Stop sinophobia.. - UP: 3

谁记得鸦片战争...?谁记得英国在东方残暴的殖民主义?现在被抢劫的人们已经学会了保护自己.... 停止殖民,停止恐俄,停止恐华...

Dark Cloud
Yum, sushi. Chop the US up. - UP: 1


Jose Urena
The problem is not Huawei, China is developing its own technologies and that is the real problem. - UP: 36


Ntiamoah Prince
Exactly - UP: 3


yeah esactly,
US cant stand the competition haha - UP: 7


Dark Cloud
No, the problem is Huawei and a lot of China tech is better than the US tech. - UP: 4


Cute and Funny Earthlings
China should make a movie or documentary on this. - UP: 3


Ale Melo
All the Universe know about USA unfair game, but we see only chinese diplomacy, it's time to play hard China....or will be late. - UP: 3

全宇宙都知道美国的不公平游戏,但我们看到的只有中国的外交,现在是时候动真格了中国... 否则就迟了

Celia D
There are still many places in the UK where you can’t even get a mobile phone signal - UP: 0


jessy cadenas
The solution is a parent-children separation agreement or judgement by court of law. Where we cease to be related forever. Besides the simple fact we are all adults over the age of 21. What's theirs is theirs, what's mine is mine. I demand all my rightful monetary compensations. - UP: 2


Dark Cloud
Define adult? Apparently, Brandon has been changing the dictionary, nobody even knows what a woman is. I doubt Brandon is an adult, the way he acts. Look at the other leaders that follow Brandon's barking order, I doubt they are adults either. - UP: 1


Søren Heidegger
fReE mArKeT - UP: 5


#10th10thEveryear #DawnChorus
Technology into mental health diagnosis treatment and services please - UP: 1


We demand the right to spy on you! How dare you refuse the Middle Kingdom! Even though the Earth is a sphere we still call ourselves the Middle Kingdom! - UP: 2


Greg Wong
Sort of like the US, luckily Assange let us know what they did. - UP: 2


 @Greg Wong  okay first of all you’re talking about Snowden. And second, I fully support what both him and Assange have done because unlike you I am not a slave who praises my government all the time. - UP: 1


Denys Springer
I wish that China would shut up and stop interfering In other countries affairs. The UK is not the U.S. and therefore whst they do is their affair. Mind uour own business I say to China. This is an internal affair. - UP: 0


Obviously, you can't rebut what the Chinese rep said, so why should we listen to what you said? - UP: 22


So you trust CIA.. lmfao - UP: 26

所以你相信中情局(CIA)... 笑死我了

Søren Heidegger
Why? - UP: 8


But trust CIA USA UK NATO??? - UP: 11


US philosophy is, indeed, H. Kissinger's philosophy ('America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests'). Oscar Wilde (Irish writer: 1854-1900) said, 'America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between'. And as Mike Pompeo (former CIA director 2017-2018) said: 'We lied, we cheated and we stole'. Therefore, with a warmonger philosophy (more than 800 military bases around the globe in at least 85 foreign countries & an outstanding number of CIA foreign agents to create riots and conflicts in foreign countries), US never stopped being barbarians... - UP: 112


Stas Vas
Философия США - это продолжение философии Британии. Они друг друга стоят, абсолютно. И если они однажды поубивают друг друга, весь мир вздохнет с огромным облегчением. - UP: 16


Ohhhh no no they have plenty of enemies today. - UP: 5


 @Stas Vas : Indeed: You are totally correct! As W. Churchill said: 'We have no lasting friends, no lasting enemies, only lasting interests'... US - as a former England's colony - has the same colonialism thinking... - UP: 14

的确,你说的没错!正如丘吉尔说的:“我们没有永远的朋友,没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益”... 美国作为前英国殖民地,有着同样的殖民主义思想...

Lefty Letty
being an enemy of empire is dangerous but being a friend is deadly - UP: 12


Stephanie Carrow
Love the Oscar Wilde quote. He had quite a pithy way of capturing the truth. But I agree with other comment, we're still barbaric. - UP: 6


Well said. So true. - UP: 1


Learn ing
Also, genius but ruthless Brzensinsky's geostrategic moves in order to win the Great Game... in which only the USA is allowed to change the rules arbitrarily to prevent others from ever challenging its Hegemony on the global Chessboard! - UP: 2

还有,天才但无情的布尔津斯基,为了赢得大棋局而采取的地缘战略行动... 其中只有美国可以随意改变规则,以防止其他国家挑战美国在全球棋盘上的霸权地位!

 @Learn ing : Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) was a Nazi Pole and a former US National Security Advisor (1977-1981)... Nazis will always be Nazis... He's philosophy is the same as A. Hitler and S. Bandera... That says it all about US warmonger philosophy and its fake idea of being above all other nations ('supremacy' & Nietzsche 'superman myth')... Fortunately, the downfall of the warmonger empire of criminals, thieves and liars is imminent and inevitable... A new era arrived with a multipolar world with respect, peace and prosperity to each people of this globe! - UP: 0

兹比格涅夫·布尔津斯基(1928-2017)是一个纳粹波兰人,曾任美国国家安全顾问(1977-1981)... 纳粹分子永远都是纳粹分子... 他的哲学与希特勒和班德拉一样... 这说明了美国战争贩子的哲学及其凌驾于所有其他国家之上的虚假观念(“至高无上”和尼采的“超人神话”) ...幸运的是,这个由罪犯、小偷和骗子组成的战争贩子帝国即将垮台,这是不可避免的... 一个多极世界的新时代到来了,地球上每个人都享有尊重、和平与繁荣!

Learn ing
 @JFM  I know he was ruthless, yet he was a genius who contributed greatly to the fall of the USSR.
Well, the new multipolar world hasn't arrived yet. At the moment, the American Empire still rules undisturbed - in fact, the USD is in a 20-year high. We'll see if Russia survives the war against the Empire, odds aren't good. - UP: 0


 @Learn ing : A new multipolar world had already arrived. In 26th August 2022 (in just one day), US stock market lost 1,25 trillions dollars in capitalization. The Federal Bank is printinging paper with no value whatsoever (the oil is, now, trade in many other currencies)... US is living the biggest recession since 1920's with an external debt superior to 31 trillions USD (default, inflation, currency devaluation, food shortages, starvation, energy crisis, unemployment, rising of homeless and criminality [permanent mass shootings & robberies due to the 'defund police' policy], desinformation/propaganda & censorship policies ['Ministry of Truth'], political crisis [in a verge of a 'civil war' (and with countries like Texas that want to leave the Federation)] and institutional crisis, South border crisis, and so on...). US has already lost its hegemony (that's the reason why US is desperatly trying to maintain its lost relevance by starting riots, conflicts and proxy wars in foreign countries...). The US shameful military defeat against Taliban government, last year (with US withdrawal from Afghanistan), was the beginning of the new multipolar world rising... And, day by day, US/NATO/EU/G7 are loosing badly the economic and military war against Russia... Russia & China are, now, stronger and more united than ever: that is the inconvenient truth... As Mike Tyson (that 'great' intelectual) said: 'everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth'. Welcome to reality: a new multipolar world had already arrived! - UP: 1

美国已经失去了它的霸权地位,这就是为什么美国不顾一切地试图通过在外国发动骚乱、冲突和代理人战争来维持其失去的重要性... 去年美国对塔利班政府可耻的军事失败(美国从阿富汗撤军),就是新多极世界崛起的开始... 而且,美国/北约/欧盟/七国集团在对俄罗斯的经济和军事战争中节节败退... 俄罗斯和中国现在比以往任何时候都更强大和更团结,这是一个难以忽视的事实... 正如迈克·泰森(那位“伟大的”学者)所说: “每个人都有自己的计划,直到他们的嘴巴挨了一拳”。欢迎来到现实:一个新的多极世界已经到来!

Learn ing
 @JFM  I'm sorry, I disagree, I believe it hasn't arrived yet. It was heading steadily that way till 2019. Then the India-China conflict of 2020 started a rift, which we can see widening today. The USA would have never let go of its Empire if it could avoid it, therefore it had created its own plan to counter the multipolar world towards which we were heading. What was that plan? To use Ukraine in order to sever Europe from Russia (they succeeded), and use India against China (they're still working on it and are close to success through QUAD, I2U2 and the new trade deal between India and the West - the final step will be to get India off BRICS).
Re: "that's the reason why US is desperatly trying to maintain its lost relevance by starting riots, conflicts and proxy wars in foreign countries..."
That's something the USA has never stopped doing in its entire history, just like the British Empire before it.
In essence, the British Empire was transformed into the American Empire, with the same State language (English) that eclipsed other Empires' languages worldwide (the world language of diplomacy used to be French) and that is used as a vehicle of culture. This culture is permeating every aspect of daily life through the Empire's technology and media (from Google and YouTube, to Hollywood and Netflix).
I agree that the USA debt is a Ponzi scheme that's never going to get repaid (by printing more money, they lower practically the value of their debt), but I believe they can still be victorious in the monetary area by refusing to pay and moving to a "Great Reset" where they start off with a clean slate of no debt, yet still siphoning off the resources of the countries they control overtly through their military or covertly through other mediums. Don't forger there was a time when it seemed the Eastern Bloc and Communism would win, yet after the Sino-Soviet split and the rapprochment of China-USA, and despite the defeat in the Vietnman War, the USA won. Now, there's not even an Eastern Bloc because each country acts on its own, while the USA+allies(or rather, USA+vessels) act in unison even to the detriment of some of them (EU). - UP: 0

抱歉,我不同意,我相信这样的时代还没到来。在2019年之前,这一趋势一直在稳步发展。随后,2020年的中印冲突开始了裂痕,我们今天可以看到裂痕在扩大。如果可以避免的话,美国永远不会放弃它的帝国,因此它制定了自己的计划来对抗我们正在走向的多极世界。这个计划是什么?利用乌克兰来分裂欧洲和俄罗斯(他们成功了),利用印度对抗中国(他们还在努力,通过QUAD、 I2U2和印度与西方之间的新贸易协定,他们已经接近成功——最后一步会是让印度脱离金砖国家)。

Learn ing
 @JFM  I gave you facts to support my opinion of the multipolar world not being here already (but getting there), but you say "it's factual" without offering facts. If it's already here, then why on every UN meeting, the USA+Vassals position still wins? Why did the USA+Vassals succeed in kicking Russia out of many global major organizations, from Olympics to the UNHRC? Why don't African countries like Uganda buy Russian oil, despite needing it badly, after the USA warned them they might face secondary sanctions? It's because the USA still holds the Emperor's sceptre, that's why. - UP: 0


Learn ing
 @JFM  What I see happening is creating "multipolarity" in name, not in essense, with the US Empire's culture (you're right it's not a civilization) permeating local culture and substituting civilizations globally. Even in Russia and China, at schools they have to learn English and people can't live without fast-food and Hollywood-type movies. If true diversity and multipolarity were created, one would expect the worldwide acceptance of such different counties like Islamist Iran and Communist North Korea. Do you see anyone in the West accepting such countries? I do hope the Empire will collapse, but it's not there yet. - UP: 0


 @Learn ing : We really don't know what planet you live on... In this digital era, We are all connected... People around the world (America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia) are in touch and share their experiences and their knowledge... Unfortunately, US thinks that everyone is dumb as itself... We know that US is very fun of the Hollywood actor and director Orson Welles (1915-1985) (particularly, his quote: 'War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength'). We say: Respect is Peace, Ignorance is Slavery, and Knowledge is Strength... As Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) stated: 'there is a cult of ignorance in United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that '... As We already said, the multipolar world arrived with respect for each people of this globe. This means that We all respect our cultural, religious, social values and lifestyle differences... Freedom is Respect... People around the globe saw US true colors and, now, there is no way out: US and its international institutions (NATO/UN/IAEA/...) lost their credibility as well their hegemony... Respect and Knowledge are the key of this new multipolar world... First, multipolarity arrived to the people and now the multipolar world is in full bloom. Thanks God the world is not Hollywood, Showbiz & fast-food. - UP: 0

我们真的不知道你生活在哪个星球上... 在这个数字时代,我们都是联系在一起的,世界各地的人们(美国、欧洲、非洲、中东和亚洲)彼此接触,分享他们的经历和知识,遗憾的是,美国认为每个人都像自己一样愚蠢。
我们知道美国人非常喜欢好莱坞演员兼导演奥森·威尔斯,特别是他的名言“战争就是和平。自由就是奴役。无知就是力量”。而我们说:尊重就是和平,无知就是奴役,知识就是力量, 正如艾萨克·阿西莫夫所言:“在美国有一种对无知的崇拜,这种情况一直持续着。反智主义的压力已经像坚韧的针线一般缠绕在我们的政治与文化生活中,而给予它支持的则是一种错误的观念,即:民主便意味着我的无知与你的博学是一样优秀的”...
正如我们已经说过,多极世界是带着对地球上每一个人的尊重到来。这意味着我们都尊重彼此的文化、宗教、社会价值观和生活方式的差异... 自由就是尊重... 全世界的人们看到了美国的真面目,现在已经没有退路了:美国及其国际机构(北约/联合国/国际原子能机构...)失去了信誉和霸权,尊重和知识是这个新的多极世界的关键。首先,多极化已经到来,现在多极世界正在蓬勃发展。感谢上帝,这个世界不是好莱坞、不是娱乐圈、不是快餐店构成的。

Cassandra Chery
Hey - UP: 0

Yin Hou Khor
I tend to replace the word "allies" with servants.
In addition, the free market is only free when they say so.
Great work as always!! - UP: 180


Or minions - UP: 7


Or lackeys - UP: 7


or lapdogs - UP: 7


Saint FluffySnow
"free market" means being subject to FOREIGN plundering (foreign acquisition: privatization of public resources, services, and institutions of a target-victim country or region) - UP: 4


Opinion Only
In other words, it's free market only upon securing their approvals. - UP: 0


Spot on! - UP: 0


Anthony E
Honestly, there is no cure for stupidity. The Aussies and Canadians are not far behind. What I’m surprised is Germany. I once had respect for them now nata. - UP: 133


Canadians at least had the excuse of proximity: “Poor Mexico. So far from God and so close to the United States.” If Mexico can keep up it's current direction, then Canada's excuse starts to look extremely weak. - UP: 13


Bobby Low
Let the world see US for what it truly is. - UP: 96


I think it does. Only u.s. citizens, who are so thoroughly propagandized, don't. - UP: 17


There never was any "fair competition" between capitalist countries or corporations. The "free market" is in essence a utopian notion. It is all about a ruthless and "unfair" fight for domination of markets, raw materials, spheres of investment, and strategic territory, vital to their investors and profit-accumulating enterprises. It always has been. Also, US "allies" are really just client states. - UP: 96


A very succinct statement of the soul of the USA. - UP: 4


Drake Koefoed
exactly right. now we need to get the trumpers to understand that, and run this gov out of town. - UP: 2


Stephanie Carrow
How long before Europe ditches its "friend" for its new bff's, China and Russia? I'm actually amazed that a mainstream UK paper actually published this. Great job. - UP: 55


Peter Jenner
The sooner the better for them - UP: 8


Mammoth Mk3
Why do you think the US send more troops to Europe ( Poland for example) while also increase budget for their own police force? - UP: 2


Mac Nicolson
As a European resident I await the day that Europe ditches the US and embraces Russia as part of Europe - unfortunately it would seem that this prospect still terrifies Germany who quite like their dominant position in the Union. - UP: 8


Not while Germany and the US are in charge - UP: 1


Ever since Huawei attempted to acquire 3Com in 2008 but was rejected by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, the US has been trying to fck over Huawei and ZTE. - UP: 78


RC Brascan
The thing is that Huawei holds the major patents on 5G so even if countries ban Huawei's equipment, they still have to pay license fees for their technology. Huawei will make money out of this no matter what. Huawei is developing 6G now. - UP: 9


Drake Koefoed
they tried to say huawei had back doors, but it looks like what usa does not like about it is that huawei does not have back doors for nsa. i can't prove this, but it's what it looks like. - UP: 12


Mister Hill
Malcolm Turnbull wrote an article, a report on how successful Huawei was, and how it could one day be as successful as American companies.
Trump saw that. - UP: 4


Rodger Asai
It's not hard to understand why American made versions are slower (and more expensive) because they have the dozen or so backdoors built-in for the various competing "security" agencies and the "secret" software to support each "secret" access point.
All the extra overhead for those "features" consumes processing capability. The Chinese product runs cleaner/faster simply because it doesn't have all those extras - and is why they readily furnish all their source code so that anyone can see that there's no such extras in their products. - UP: 3


Dried Brainfreeze
Honestly, Im surprised the eu still considers the us an ally - UP: 50


I suspect it’s all based on the “anglo” identity - UP: 14


chris manecke
They don't want to be the next Venezuela. - UP: 4


 @chris manecke  no I think that only applies to non Anglo nations. I’m sure with the UK its more about bribes than punishment. Anglo nation’s need stick together as they’re the scaffolding of US hegemony - UP: 7


EMAN67:RP forum
The EU needs to grow a set of balls - UP: 19


Sandy Klein
 @EMAN67:RP forum  Not likely anytime soon. They are weak and I cannot wait for them to start falling apart. - UP: 4




Lorell Aldos
Chinese companies are building basic infrastructure (water, electricity, communication, roads, railways, ports, etc.) in the global south which the US strongly rejects. The US doesn't want the world around it to develope, because it makes it harder to maintain the current form of US imperialism/ colonialism. - UP: 58


Vince Cable Former Liberal Democratic Leader of the UK
said The UK government’s decision to ban Huawei 5G equipment and services “had nothing to do with national security,” and was because of American pressure, a former business and industry minister has said. - UP: 23


more and more newspapers in the five eyes countries needs to publish more of these articles to disclose how the us strong their allies and friends! just look at Germany now, all because the American doesn't like ns2 - UP: 25


Ashley McIntosh
I think I.ve read after taking out Huawei kit Britain has had to put a lot of it back as no one else can supply similar up to date 5g kit..at a huge cost to the tax payer. - UP: 13

我想我读过这报道,在取出去华为成套设备之后,英国不得不把很多东西又放回去,因为没有其他国家能够提供类似的最新的5G成套设备... 而纳税人付出了巨大的代价。

Chomwa Chomwa
They deserve each other. - UP: 38


UK is not a US ally.
UK has been a US Vassal for 50 Years.
And its not only foreign Policy that is dictated from Washington like most countries can clearly see but so much internal policy too that trends towards the US way. - UP: 46


The US is curtailing Huawei while at the same time not offering any alternative to their 5G products. Ericsson and Nokia are European companies, but guess where the majority of their products are produced? Ericsson and Nokia also license essential 5G patents from Huawei. So in the end with Ericsson and Nokia you're still getting Chinese made products using Chinese technology, but paying 30%-50% more for the privilege. Paying more for less, it's the American way... - UP: 25

美国在遏制华为的同时,也没有提供任何替代华为的5G产品。爱立信和诺基亚都是欧洲公司,但你猜它们的大部分产品是在哪里生产的?爱立信和诺基亚还从华为获得了重要的5G专利许可。所以,最终爱立信和诺基亚仍然可以获得使用中国技术的中国制造的产品,但要为这一优待多付30%-50% 的费用。花更多的钱得到更少的东西,这就是美国人的方式...

Jamy Smith
An ally is not the same as a partner
London is Wallstreet’s chief rival in debt finance - UP: 25


Spoken by former Prime Minister Henry Palmerstone in the British Parliament in 1848, the full quote is as follows:
“We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual - UP: 18


And seeing the deplorable results for British communications, all one can say is 'serves them right'. The US officials also tried same tactics in the rest of EU, fortunately the results were less dramatic - UP: 11


Hengki Ng
US "Ally" is synonyms of US "State" - UP: 17


Canada went from a vassal state serving one empire to a vassal state serving another empire with not an once of independence in between. - UP: 1


The Comment
Free market, free press, free speeech, free this and that are all good propaganda points as long as they serve the US regime interests. - UP: 13


they created a monster, deal with it - UP: 37


jan mark pamute
And it all started with
"Taxes" - UP: 0


Serasichong Chinliong
There is no honour among the thieves. - UP: 27


Brad Bell
Sounds like US was also worried that Huawei would be an impediment to it's total surveillance regime - UP: 1


With friends like the US who needs enemies? - UP: 20


Titanium Skunk Og Kush
Systems have outcomes that can be measured to identify the effectiveness of that said system. Just look at the current social problems in America. Inequality, the decreasing middle class and social problems that stem from rampant poverty. That in itself would mean America's system is failing. Why would any developing countries want to emulate the failing American system? - UP: 4


DK Black
How do Eurpeans feel as second class citizens in the eyes of Americans? How do they allow themselves to perpetuate such a relationship? - UP: 9


colly beans
politicians is the answer... - UP: 0


DK Black
 @colly beans  no colly....politicians are the product of people. I think Europeans feel privileged to just tag along, and you know what, the global South has started to realise that and are starting to laugh at Europe. Nothing sucks like being made fun of. - UP: 0

不是的... 政客是民众的产物。我认为欧洲人还感到很荣幸能跟在后面,而且你知道吗,南半球的国家已经开始意识到这一点了,开始嘲笑欧洲。没有什么比被当乐子更操蛋的了。

Danny Boy
Britain has no choice but to follow the instructions from the US. Same for all other Western allies like Australia, Canada and EU countries. - UP: 2


Herald S
That's what they are trying to do to the African continent also. - UP: 6


Intimidating? Intimidating is a much nicer word than assassination, coup, riot, overthrow, etc. - UP: 2


Good job Sunday Times ! - UP: 3


Ok i knew UK was trying to please US when banning Huawei but to be threatened? thats messed up dude - UP: 1


Klaus Ellrich
Mayby that the NSA is not able to control Huawei equipment. - UP: 5


Very brave journalism. - UP: 2


Happening now with Chip4 forcing S Korea and Taiwan chip maker set up plant in US while severing ties with China. This will destroy Korean and Taiwanese chip makers. - UP: 10


This will definitely have a negative impact on China too though. Not sure by how much. - UP: 0


Pleiades Starr
So now Britain can give all of their private data to the US instead. - UP: 2


Fred Frond
Nice job, once again , exposing US HYPOCRISY. - UP: 0


I'm not sure what your problem is with the CIA's program, it only cost Canada about $300M to replace the Huawei equipment, I mean, what's $300M to strangle Huawei and with Canadian money? (sarcasm intended) - UP: 0


I guess it's their loss for not using a cheaper and better equipment. - UP: 2


MultiPolar WorldOrder
I read that HUAWEI is a private Chinese Company founded in China. Only Huawei staff can own shares in Huawei. No Huawei shares are listed. Regards. - UP: 1


Like fatherland like son, eh Britain? - UP: 3


jan mark pamute
Britain now is getting a taste being colonized, from their former role of a colonizer
"Everything's all topsy-turvy now"-Euguene Krabs - UP: 0
