Whish Ky
India 🇮🇳 will be Biggest economy in the world in upcoming years, I'm very sure about it, there's no doubt...but Economic crisis, Slow down, Trade wars, recession, is a part of this journey to become a World's Biggest Economic Power, Once India🇮🇳 faced these problems, survive, and moved on through these problems. Then there's nothing exists in this world who Stop India🇮🇳 to become a Biggest Economy Power in the World 🌏🌐 At one time in 1947 India consider as a poor country' and now it's in top 5 Economies...This is huge growth difference..Don't judge entire growth on the basis of 1 quarter... Dubai and China also grow in 2 decades. - Like:9
在接下来的几年里,印度将成为世界上最大的经济体,我对此非常肯定,毫无疑问... 但是经济危机,经济放缓,贸易战,经济衰退,是成为世界上最大的经济强国旅途的一部分。一旦印度面对这些问题,存活下来,并继续前进。 那么在这个世界上就没有什么能阻止印度成为世界上最大的经济体了。在1947年的某个时候,印度被认为是一个贫穷的国家,而现在它已经跻身世界前五... 这是巨大的增长差异...不要以一季度的增长来衡量整个经济增长... 迪拜和中国也在20年内实现了增长。
Amit Carbyne
W there needs to be a lot of smart decision and policies to be made. Just ignoring the facts, hiding or manipulating the data, not accepting the slowdown, isn't going to make it the biggest economy - Like:15
我们需要做出许多明智的决定和政策。 只是无视事实,隐藏或操纵数据,不接受经济放缓,并不能使印度成为最大的经济体。
Rajiv Jha
M W lol. India can’t surpass China and usa as avg IQ of India is very low at 82, while China is 105 and usa is 98. China is already 1st if you look at GDP (ppp) - Like:5
印度的平均智商很低,只有82,而中国是105,美国是98,印度不能超过中国和美国。 如果你看一下国内生产总值(ppp) ,中国已经排在第一位
Amit Carbyne
Carbyne that's why the CEO of Google is an Indian lol - Like:5
这就是为什么谷歌的首席执行官是印度人 哈哈
CEO of google is Indian American not Indian. Indian Americans have avg IQ of 106 while Indians in India have avg IQ of 82. So that’s the difference you must understand. IQ is related to economic prosperity of a country. Indian Americans are rich, even richer than the White Caucasians, while Indians in India are very poor. An avg Indian American is 50 times richer than Indian in India. //// - Like:4
谷歌的首席执行官是印度裔美国人,而不是印度人。 印度裔美国人的平均智商为106,而印度人的平均智商为82。 所以这就是你必须明白的区别。 智商与一个国家的经济繁荣有关。 印度裔美国人很富有,甚至比白种人还富有,而印度本地人则非常贫穷。 印度裔美国人比印度人富有50倍。
adithya adi
W after 500 years - Like:0
500年后就可以超越了 w
adithya adi
Jha I am sorry to say if we are really intelligent then one in every six CEOs would be born from india - Like:1
Amit Carbyne
Carbyne hey man the reason behind less average iq is due to malnutrition of poor people it greatly effects ones iq. - Like:2
adithya adi
adithya adi yeah bro, you are right about that. The genetic potential of India avg IQ is max 95. But how do we achieve that? We are too late. India had bad leaders who didn’t invest in people health and education. Now we need some technology to increase iq of Indians in short period of time say 5 years - Like:1
是的,兄弟,你说得对。 印度平均智商的遗传潜力最高是95。 但我们如何实现这一目标呢? 我们太晚了。 印度有一些糟糕的领导人,他们不在人民的健康和教育上投资。 现在我们需要一些技术来在短时间提高印度人的智商,比如说5年内
Ahir Mr.Arjun
Carbyne I can't agree completely on the fact that the leaders didnt care about people because we are in very bad condition at the time of Independence but now our condition is much better . But they are doing it much slowly . It is like we are a 1-2 decade slow . I don't think there is any technology to increase iq for masses only way is providing sufficient good food that we have started now. - Like:1
对于我们领导人不关心人民,我不敢苟同,因为我们独立时处于非常糟糕的状态,但是现在我们的状态好多了。 但是他们做得很慢。 差不多慢了10到20年。 我不认为有任何技术可以提高大众的智商,唯一的方法是提供足够的好食物,我们现在已经开始了。
Guru Gobind Guchhait
W no , India only has fertility of 2.3 , 2.2 is normal . You people are so negative that people are wrong , we have been successfully feeding our our people and even exporting food . We use lesser oil and energy consumption than USA which has 4x less population . - Like:0
不,印度的生育率只有2.3,2.2这是正常的。 你们这些人太消极了,以至于都错了,我们已经成功养活了我们的人民,甚至还出口了食物。 我们使用的石油和能源消耗量比人口少4倍的美国还要少。
Well said - Like:0
manav saxena
Kishore Ha to is me galat kya he... Sahi to bol rahe ho tum... But the growing population of India is really a big issue... Once that solve once the population growth is reduced or stop for at least 1 ,2 , 3 , or 5 year's will really effects on India's people's better standard of living and India's resources as well. - Like:0
但是印度不断增长的人口确实是一个大问题... 一旦人口增长减少或者停止增长至少1年、2年、3年或5年,这个问题就能解决,将会对印度人民更好的生活水平和印度的资源产生影响。
Upasana Deka
Funny you choose to upload this video when we are at one of our slowest phases of growth. - Like:250
Pratyush Kishore
you are right bro.. economists state that our GDP is over estimated by 2%.. n we are in kinnda recession period of our economy. - Like:1
Rajat Dwivedi
India can but long way to travel however, it's not important that India will become super power, it's about will India behave same like those powerful counties??? - Like:97
Sid Syndrome
India's priority should be to reduce population - Like:1
archibald reyes
The world is going through recession INDIA is no exception - Like:0
Paradev Paradev
M W forget aboit surpassing US.. think about China first 😅 - Like:0
Every young generation wants managerial jobs.. nobody wants to do lower jobs.. - Like:3
Scott Gibboney
First China will surpass US. - Like:19
I am an indian and i seriously doubt if we can overtake US even in next 10 years we are emerging though - Like:102
Kunal Saxena
30 years maybe - Like:5
Kunal Saxena
Rakshit Sharma yes that is possible - Like:3
mesuper 2
Currently we are at slowest phase of economy...but if you look at history...before britishers looted India...we contributed approx 25% of world gdp..and when britishers left..they left us at less then 1%...so yes India will take time to become global power...it took britishers 200 years to destroy the living standards..but India is back on track..one day we will eradicate poverty.. - Like:3
目前我们处于经济发展最缓慢的阶段... 但是如果你回顾一下历史... 在英国掠夺印度之前... 我们贡献了世界GDP大约25%...当英国人离开的时候...我们不到1% ... 所以是的,印度将需要时间成为世界大国... 英国人花了200年来破坏印度的生活水平... 但印度已经回归正轨...总有一天我们会消灭贫穷。 .
Xigza D
The timing is such an irony considering india's economical situation - Like:17
Ash Liu
The left will destroy India just like it did to USA and UK - Like:1
Ananth Rao
If you have actually been to India, you know the answer already. - Like:1
India still is a sleeping giant, perfectly captured the unorganised sector. - Like:1
harsh harsh
But currently India is facing slowdown in economy - Like:6
Sourav Singh
Not for long - Like:0
Krishna Chaitanya
higher the gdp is it is more difficult to maintain a high average U.S is already in good spot so they have to face more difficulty to boost their economy. - Like:1
India sure has the potential to be but everything here is poorly executed, right from the Health Care, Businesses, Money laundering, Bribes, Bad roads. - Like:21
Depressed King
India will not be able to achieve the same status as America and China in its lifetime. 😄😆 - Like:1
China's population is getting old . They are moving their factories to as far as Africa. If India stop seeing China as an enemy and more as a neighbor it could be a win win for both.
China could move their factories to India which is much closer . A better India is one more potential costumer for China.
When they are both strong, they will balance each one out . Because the next strongest guy is at your doorstep, non of the two will have time to spread their military powers to the far end of the world like the colonizers and the us is doing . And because so much power will be concentrated there by having 2 powers at that same spot no other country will go looking for trouble there.
Peace at last . - Like:1
中国人口正在老龄化。 他们把工厂搬到非洲那么远的地方。 如果印度不再将中国视为敌人,而更多地将其视为邻国,那将是双赢的局面。
中国可以把他们的工厂搬到离印度近得多的地方。 对中国来说,一个更好的印度是潜在的客户。
当他们都很强壮的时候,他们就会互相平衡。 因为下一个最强大的家伙就在你家门口,他们两个都没有时间像殖民者和美国那样把他们的军事力量扩展到世界的任何地方。 在同一地点拥有两个权力,没有其他国家会去那里寻找麻烦。
Sarath Kumar
India is a democracy and people here believe in We First, Nation later . Politicians knows this hence policies are made for vote catching short term means not as long term for one nation building - Like:2
Alux knows they have Indian viewer's - Like:1
Satyameva Jayate
Ignorant and clueless idiots Modi and his team is destroying Indian economy and you people talking about Indian economy overtaking China and USA !! Funny. - Like:1
愚蠢无知的莫迪和他的团队正在破坏印度经济,而你们这些人却在谈论印度经济超越中国和美国! 真有意思啊。
Mc Benji
This is outdated info right now India's GDP growth is 2.5% in first quarter ,So atleast for 10 to 20 year India can't even defeat japan in economy growth then how will we defeat us and chine. - Like:1
这视频里是过时的信息,现在印度第一季度的 GDP 增长率是2.5% ,所以至少在10到20年的经济增长中,印度甚至不能打败日本,那么我们将如何打败美国和中国。
Crying Angle
That was a very informative video!
And regarding the question, i think china will surpass the us economy very soon.. - Like:0
somnath indisputable investor
I think China will surpass the USA if they make their trade their strength not the way they are being speculated by the USA .If India want to be a major economy in the world then the cottage industry and agriculture sector can help the country's population to have high number of jobs (employment)and the society should pay tax honestly . - Like:1
我认为如果中国把贸易当作自己的优势,而不像美国那样投机的话,中国将会超过美国。 如果印度想成为世界主要经济体,那么家庭手工业和农业部门可以帮助该国人口获得大量工作,社会应该诚实纳税。
ashish rai
在错误的时间播放正确的视频... 印度正面临最大的经济危机
Jeewanjot Singh
Joke of the century
India can never beat USA and China atleast for next 100 years - Like:7
Ajay singh
No. Maybe Japan or Germany, but not India. India lacks of social structure to become such a one. Maybe 30 more years - Like:0
不会超过,也许是日本或德国,但不会是印度。 印度缺乏成为这样一个国家的社会结构。 也许再过30年
A Billiôn Dreâms
Actually I am an Indian and I am proud to say that I am an Indian because India has given many things to the world such as "0" given by Aryabhatt the greatest mathematician of all time and he was of India. I think every one has heard the term Aaurveda , Discovered in India . Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest souls of all time. He has not only given freedom to India , he first started his freedom struggle in South Africa . - Like:1
实际上,我是一个印度人,我很自豪地说,我是一个印度人,因为印度给予了世界很多东西,比如有史以来最伟大的数学家阿利亚巴哈特给出的“0” ,他来自印度。 我想每个人都听说过 Aaurveda 这个词,在印度发现的。 圣雄甘地,有史以来最伟大的精神之一。 他不仅给予了印度自由,他还在南非开始了他的自由斗争。
Pragalbh Trivedi
India economy Already plunged to 5 nd still going down. Stock keep crashing too - Like:0
印度经济已跌至第五位,仍在下跌. 股市也继续下跌
Ernie Kileste
Yes, #India will overtake the US & China by #2050 as the Strongest #Economy - Like:19
The ans to your questions will depend on the outcome of economic war between US and China - Like:8
India isn't gaining anything out of the trade war, but economic slowdown and loss of jobs. Factories moving out of China are heading to Southeast Asia and Latin America. - Like:1
印度并没有从贸易战中捞到任何好处,有的只是经济放缓和失业。 工厂正在从中国转移到东南亚和拉丁美洲。
Anurag Sharma
India have a more potential in tourism as well.. Just like UAE , Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain shifts from Oil based economy to tourism base business hub based economy... - Like:0
印度的旅游业也更有潜力... 就像阿联酋、科威特、卡塔尔一样,巴林从石油经济转变为以旅游业为基础的商业中心经济....
Games & Tech
Nope,not in this lifetime. - Like:1
I am from India and I think China will overtake US first. Not because China's economy will grow but because US' will slump LoL. - Like:0
我来自印度,我认为中国将首先超过美国。 不是因为中国经济的增长,而是因为美国经济的衰退。
Akshit Dadhwal
India is a failed state.
What exactly motivated you for this video is beyond me - Like:2
Failed states are countries like Venezuela and Pakistan which has least trusted institutions ...but India has been taking millions out of poverty since independence ... - Like:0
Gurkirat Singh
A US-President had said: "In politics nothing is a coincidence. If it seems to be, you can bet it was planned that way."
Puppets of Indian government are worldwide including in USA ! - Like:0
一位美国总统曾经说过: “在政治上,没有什么是巧合。 如果看起来是这样的话,你可以打赌事情就是这样计划的。”
Jatin Bandhiwal
As an Indian that's just impossible and it's only possible in dreams - Like:0
Mood Mechanic
india will be a big economy and obviously bigger than the US because of its population...it is expected that india's population will grow to 1.6 billion in 2060 when the chinese will be reduced to 1.1 billion so that will be the advantage...but india will grow as a consumption driven economy...also by that time all the crony and corupted politicians will be dead and new leadership will be young and more educated about global economy and trade..just a personal opinion - Like:1
到2060年,印度的人口预计将增长到16亿,届时中国人口将减少到11亿,这将是一个优势... 但印度将成为一个消费驱动型经济体... 届时,所有的裙带关系和背景强硬的政客都将死去,新的领导层将更年轻,对全球经济和贸易有更多的了解..只是个人意见
Currently India 's economy is lowest compared to last 10 years....hope so it will rise and surpass China's economy - Like:0
目前印度的经济与过去十年相比是最低的... 希望它能崛起并超越中国的经济
Aurobindo Ghosh
Plz don't hate on india, it's a large country with so much potential, and slowly getting their place correct - Like:0
Sompurna Pradhan
what you are asking is - can a oxen cart win in a race of sports cars, isn't that right? but good question - Like:0
Samesh Maharaj
India doesn't need to take over China and America . India can grow through cooperation and partnership - Like:0
India will never overtake China. All evidence points to India falling further behind China as time goes on.
India might overtake the US when the US becomes majority Mexican/African. - Like:0
印度永远不会超过中国。 所有的证据都表明,随着时间的推移,印度将进一步落后于中国。
当美国成为墨西哥 / 非洲人为主体时,印度可能就会超过美国了。
Siddharth Shah
A video completely meant for gaining subs from Indians. - Like:0
shalvin v.a
If only UK didn't loot us, India would have been number 1 - Like:0
truely INDIAN
noone can overtake China
Think again - Like:11
aao kabhi rule
Lol never possible.I as an Indian can admit it openly.We May make a lot of progress but we are definitely not going to reach the level of the US or China in the foreseeable future - Like:0
atleast China and USA have respect for their citizens. Here 19lakh people are declared non-indians and are planning to do more. What could be worst than this? - Like:0
至少中国和美国尊重他们的公民。 这里有190万人被宣布为非印度人,而且他们还计划增加。 还有什么比这更糟糕的呢?
Suman Biswas
India may surpass the USA and China in terms of GDP nominal but it will lag behind both USA and China in terms of per capita income - Like:0
印度的名义 GDP 可能超过美国和中国,但人均收入将落后于美国和中国
Anas khan
Not in a 100 years can India match US or China - Like:0
Anindya Mitra
India has the potential = yes, but it depends completely on their behavior. India spends 10% of its resources on 1% of its area = Kashmir. show that you can truly uphold the democratic values, give them their vote and if they want to go let them go. let go of religious divides and nationalist anger. only good economy and education can decrease violence. if you look at the data from 2000-2014, the number of causalities by terrorist attacks decreased as India's economy grew and they will rise again if poverty prevails. this is not about hindu-muslim India-pak , its about money , if their belly is full and their rights protected , they wont pick up the gun. and Pak wont mess with India with strong economy. - Like:0
印度有潜力,是的,但这完全取决于他们的行为。 印度将10% 的资源用于克什米尔1% 的地区。 表明你可以真正坚持民主价值观吧,给他们投票权,如果他们想走,就让他们走。 放下宗教分歧和民族主义者的愤怒。 只有良好的经济和教育才能减少暴力。 如果你看看2000年至2014年的数据,恐怖袭击造成的伤亡人数随着印度经济的增长而减少,如果贫困普遍存在,伤亡人数将再次上升。 这是关于钱,如果他们的肚子饱了,他们的权利得到保护了,他们就不会拿起枪。 而巴基斯坦也扰乱不了印度强劲的经济。
Bvk regmi
Economic loss :-
India’s GDP before the British came : 27% of World GDP in 1700.
India’s GDP when British left India in 1947: 3% of World GDP.
When British left us in 1947 our literary rate was 12% today 74% and still increasing. Our life expectancy was 27 and today 70 and still increasing. 90% live below poverty line when British left us in 1947 and today 2.9%. It's far better than 90%. In 2025 poverty will be vanished from India.
We have long way to go but today's situation is far far better than in 1947. 90% poverty, 12% literacy and 27 life expectancy in 1947 when British left us....can you imagine this?? Nowadays situation is far better no doubt but we have still long way to go. And people talk about why there's so much poverty. One thing I want to tell them that if you don't know past then you can't understand present. I don't blame those people but their government is hiding colonial history and that's the main problem because they don't know the real reason behind our poverty. If they know it then they don't ask those questions.- Like:0
在英国出现之前,印度的 GDP 占世界 GDP 的27% 。
1947年英国离开印度时,印度的 GDP 占世界 GDP 的3% 。
当英国人在1947年刚离开我们的时候,我们的识字率是12% ,现在是74% ,而且还在增长。 我们的预期寿命是27岁,现在是70岁,而且还在增长。 90% 的人生活在贫困线以下,现在是2.9% 。到2025年,贫困将从印度消失。
我们还有很长的路要走,但是今天的情况比1947年要好得多。 1947年英国人刚离开我们的时候,90% 的人贫穷,12% 的人识字,27岁的人预期寿命... ... 你能想象吗? 现在的情况无疑好多了,但是我们还有很长的路要走。 人们谈论为什么会有这么多的贫困。 有一件事我想告诉他们,如果你不知道过去,那么你就不能理解现在。 我不怪那些人,但他们的政府隐藏着殖民历史,这是主要问题,因为他们不知道我们贫穷背后的真正原因。 如果他们知道,他们就不会问这些问题。
India is growing in each and every sector.. Fastest growing economy in the world.. If this continues than India will surely surpass China as ' Make in India' project has crippled china's economy... 60% import from china is reduced.. and 75% export is increased.. If this continues, India will surpass China within a decade but not sure about U.S - Like:0
印度的每一个领域都在增长,是世界上增长最快的经济体。如果这种情况继续下去,印度肯定会超过中国,因为“印度制造”计划已经使中国经济陷入瘫痪... ... 来自中国的进口减少了60% ,印度增加了75% 的出口,如果这种情况持续下去,印度将在十年内超过中国,但美国的情况就不一定了
Before uploading any video please gather some data on Indian economy.
Don't you think someone have given wrong information to you.
You are making fool out of yourself, think about it. - Like:0
Crazy Ant
Indians are very successful outside of India, so what's going on in India? - Like:2
hari Singh
The world would rather see a strong India than a strong China. India will work with US / EU far better than China. - Like:1
世界宁愿看到一个强大的印度,也不愿看到一个强大的中国。 印度与美国 / 欧盟的合作将远远好于中国。
Danny Shin
After Modi coming to power , Indian economic growth is bull shi* , it’s declining , Modi concentrates foreign trips rather then the economy, I mean no body is concerned 😧 even the government, they are deaf to these problems, they only show growth on paper by manipulating the data ......it’s 💯 % true - Like:1
在莫迪上台之后,印度的经济增长是牛市,现在正在下滑,莫迪更关注的是出国访问而不是经济,我的意思是没有人关心,甚至政府也是,他们对这些问题充耳不闻,他们只是通过操纵数据来显示增长... 这是真的
Only in terms of breeding like rats - Like:0
Sandesh Bura
Poorly researched video as usual - Like:0
Lyric Universe
Nice,but we are missing a big thing SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT which is to develop and grow with taking care of environment and biodiversity which U.S. and China never did, India can’t afford to lose its fresh air in the way of GDP boom. - Like:0
很好,但是我们正在错过一件大事——可持续发展,那就是在保护环境和生物多样性的同时发展和增长,这是美国和中国从来没有做到的,印度不能承受在 GDP 增长的道路上失去新鲜空气的后果。
Abhishek Mukherjee
Stop making nonsense video about my country.
Not before 2065, wer'e going to overtake usa but not china. So, let us grow, as of my opinion usa and India have similar kinda nature- we want to utilise that. China is a real big problem. - Like:0
在2065年之前,我们将超过美国,但不会超过中国。 所以,让我们继续成长,因为我认为美国和印度有类似的性质——我们可以利用这一点。而中国才是一个真正的大问题。
Siddharth Shah
Actually India is the worst performing economy in Asia this year 😕 - Like:0
Majd Sahmarany
What about health index, air quality, etc? - Like:0
Xigza D
That was a very informative video!
Thank you.
And regarding the question, i think china will surpass the us economy very soon.. - Like:0
KSi VS Logan Paul
The left will destroy India just like it did to USA and UK - Like:1
J Sunil
Proud to be indian - Like:0
Santhosh kumarv
Please correct yourself. India is worlds 6th largest economy as it surpassed France in 2018. - Like:2
请纠正自己的错误。 印度在2018年已经超过法国,成为世界第六大经济体。
Nikhil Rai
The population is a hindrance for growth - Like:0
Sherlock Holmes
India surpasses China - Like:0
lovish agnihotri
No way - Like:0
Satyameva Jayate
India will. Jai hind - Like:0
mushtabeen abbasi
Before British Invade India 🤑 $ 34 Trillion Economy After British Rule looted it became $2 Trillion 😓 Now 2019 $ 4 Trillion 🤑 & Increasing
Next Perfect Computer Language May Be Sanskrit 👍 - Like:1
Emjoi Joiemoni
India will surpass USA and China by 2050. No doubt in it. - Like:0
funny maker boy
Your indian economy dropped by 6% there is a lot of poor people in India, your gdp per capita is less than what I pay (here in America)for my apartment!
I don't think India will ever pass America. - Like:0
Joiemoni In India product was cheaper compare to USA and western country . It not fair comparison. - Like:0
在印度,产品价格比美国和西方国家便宜。 所以这样的比较不公平。
Douglas Santet
Sarcasm at it's peak point:
1.GDP is below than 5,%.
2.growth rate of 2019 is 5%.
3.our best RBI governors are resigning from their posts.
4.our news media is sold out to government.
5.our industry are facing worst economic crisis, many companies shut down due to slowdown of gdp.
6.unemployment is at highest since from Independence nearly 7.1%
7. Communalism at it's peak.
Your video resemble with Titanic movie "The whole vessel is drowning but we're playing the violin". - Like:3
1. 国内生产总值低于5% 。
2. 2019年增长率为5% 。
3. 我们最好的印度储备银行行长辞职了。
4. 我们的新闻媒体被政府收买了。
5. 我们的行业正面临着最严重的经济危机,许多公司由于国内生产总值增长放缓而倒闭。
6. 失业率达到自独立以来的最高点,接近7.1%
7. 社群主义达到顶峰。
Md Rihan
Maybe India can undertake a massive infrastructure to form a strong foundation to it's economy - Like:0
huz khan
Currently India 's economy is lowest compared to last 10 years....hope so it will rise and surpass China's economy - Like:0
目前印度的经济与过去十年相比是最低的... ... 希望它能崛起并超越中国的经济
Nikunj Ranka
Indian ecconomy going bad for last 3 years. Rape and mob lincying on high level. - Like:0
印度经济在过去的三年里逐年下降。 而强奸和暴徒行为逐年上升。
Ananth Rao
India will not be able to achieve the same status as America and China in its lifetime. 😄😆 - Like:1
India will be #1 economy in 2040 ! - Like:0
Chirag Arora
India was the richest country for thousands of years
It just fell when brits looted us for 300 years
Now we will be back - Like:0
Aphungkoo Vlogs
God bless u for this video. - Like:0
Opu Kar
I'll chop my dick off if india can ever achieve 50% of China's GDP let alone USA - Like:0
不用说美国,如果印度能达到中国国内生产总值的50% ,我就把我的小家伙切下来
Yes in 10-15 yrs definitely..🇮🇳 - Like:1
Janghir Alam
England must return the 45+ trillion dollars it looted from India. - Like:2
Sourish Saha
Half of that belongs to Bangladesh and Pakistan - Like:0
Hamza Wajahat
yes and we will if we send Antinationalists away and help Modi - Like:4
Kenny Ken
Wake up
The bell is ringing
India's economy is going downward
Situation is getting worse
And all hails to uneducated politicians like modi - Like:0
What happens if Pakistan were to conquer India & Bangladesh again in WW3 Insha'Allah.. Greater Pakistan economy would be worth over £25 Trillion - Like:0
Gold Digger
Lol.. How a country with people having Low IQ level of 85 will became superpower. Lol. Lol.. SHIT.. - Like:0
prasad jadhav
When Indians start eating Beef, the economy will grow and surpass more than USA, Japan etc.. Eat Beef for economic growth.. - Like:0
Alwyne Avinash
India is building "Detention Centers",along the lines of Nazi Germanys "Concentration Camps".Enough said. - Like:1
Kaustubh Raj
India's growth is driven by domestic consumption and exports are not upto expectations. But government policies are making life difficult for private companies that in turn is causing unemployment. Basically people don't have money to spend and purchasing power is going South, this is impacting each and every industry. We have a Finance Minister who is arrogant and has no clue what's going on and what has to be done - Like:0
印度的增长是由国内消费驱动的,出口并没有达到预期。 但是,政府的政策使私营企业的日子不好过,反过来又导致了失业。 基本上人们没有钱消费,购买力下降,这影响着每一个行业。 我们有一个傲慢自大的财政部长,他不知道正在发生什么,也不知道应该做什么
My Daddy
Even though we are suffering from a economic slowdown these days but it does not change the fact that the 21st century will be remembered for INDIA! - Like:0
尽管我们现在正遭受经济放缓,但这并不能改变这样一个事实: 21世纪印度将被铭记!
Rakesh Saigal
Awesome video ... No biasness towards anyone ... Like BBC hindi does all the time .... Loved it❤️ - Like:0
真棒的视频... 没有针对对任何人的偏见... 就像 BBC做的所有视频一样...我喜欢 ❤
Milton Tan
This is a typical nonsensical piece of "news" that is designed to titilate the Indian ego. India is a 2.7 tn economy struggling with massive socio-economic issues - Like:0
这是一个典型的无意义的“新闻” ,目的是为了伤害印度人的自尊心。 印度是一个2.7万亿美元的经济体,在大规模的社会经济问题上苦苦挣扎,
Avdesh Y
I wouldn't think US will allow it to materialize. - Like:0
Ashivam Singh
I am indian and i ensure all of i that india can never beat anyone,even Bangladesh will takeover us.. India is worse than what u r shown..now its below 5 becoz of modi ego..btw i am from village .. - Like:0
我是印度人,我保证印度永远不会击败任何人,甚至孟加拉国也会接管我们... 印度比你看到的还要糟糕... 现在已经低于5% 了,因为莫迪的自负,顺便说一句,我来自印度乡村。
200 dislikes from pakistan 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Like:0
shivam more
Everyone(including myself) is giving opinions and comments... Very few people are doing things which will lead India to becoming next superpower... I don't know if India will Or will not surpass US and China someday but we have to hope for it and work towards it as one... - Like:0
每个人(包括我自己)都在发表意见和评论... 但很少有人会认真做一些事情,让印度成为下一个超级大国... 我不知道印度是否会有一天超过美国和中国,但我们必须抱有希望,朝着一个目标努力...
ʟǟʐʐʏ ȶʏքɛʀ
I am Indian I think it's too far to think comparing US and india - Like:0
Nabanil Das
Indians have terrible work ethic and they throw their trash everywhere. No, they won't be an economic powerhouse. - Like:1
印度人的职业道德很差,他们到处乱扔垃圾。 不,他们不会成为经济强国。
Ateeb Ahmed
not the same every where in India. U have to understand India. It is complex and contain 1.3 billions of population. - Like:2
印度的每个地方都不一样。 你必须了解印度。 它很复杂,拥有13亿人口。
Bibin John
Gay hind! - Like:0
The Vision Alpha Legend
Another example of Marketing technique for views , just put in the " India" in title.. - Like:1
Paradev Paradev
I just came to see all the indians on the comment section. Currently we are trailing 5 positions back and there is a lot of way to go from now it'll take atleast next 60 years to call a super power but by then I believe we'll be seeing a GDP slowdown just like USA and western Europe. Can't say we'll ever reach that goal. - Like:0
我只是来看看评论区的所有印度人评论。目前我们落后5个排名,从现在开始还有很长的路要走,至少需要60年才能成为一个超级大国,但到那时我相信我们将会看到 GDP 的下滑,就像美国和西欧一样。 不能说我们会达到那个目标。
Sankar Samanta
Younger generation is fuckedup by tiktok..facebook and social media.. so don't consider young generation as working generation.. - Like:15
年轻一代都被抖音、facebook和社交媒体搞得一团糟.... 所以不要认为年轻一代是实干的一代...
Vasu Budidi
If you people show correct Indian map and do enough research before making a video then no problem. It is our strength. Our population. We are the world's largest democracy. - Like:0
如果你们在制作视频之前展示了正确的印度并做了足够的研究,那么没有问题。 这是我们的力量。 我们的人口。 我们是世界上最大的民主国家。
Milon Moon
I think India don't have oil resources,but India has young generation taking major part of economy growth in the future.corruption is major issue staging indian economy down. - Like:6
aaron thokchom
India will overtake China before they overtake us - Like:1
neelanshu gupta
Now I am totally convinced that some YouTube videos are meant just for views. We all know India missed the bus a long time ago. Currently the growth rate has decreased to 5% and the country that live in the past is about to go bankrupt. - Like:0
我们都知道印度很久以前就错过了搭上增长快车。 目前增长率已降至5% ,生活在过去的国家即将破产。
India will... not right now ....but in future for sure . - Like:0
Prabhat Kumar
Sorry to say but this time India is the worst growing economy in the WORLD....now we r at the 7th place in the WORLD......we never cross USA or CHINA if modi stay as PM - Like:0
很遗憾地说,这一次印度是世界上经济增长最差的国家... 现在我们排在世界第七位... 如果莫迪继续担任总理,我们就永远不会超过美国或中国
vyshnav mp
I dont care what the govt or UN officials have to say. I as an individual will make sure that i take every effort to make this dream a reality and i hope my fellow indians will stop complaining and start working towards achieving this dream! - Like:1
我不在乎政府或联合国官员说什么。 作为一个个体,我将尽我一切努力使这个梦想成为现实,我希望我的印度同胞停止抱怨,并开始为实现这个梦想而努力!
Dia Mond
Short answer: no
Long answer : 0:00 - Like:0
archibald reyes
India will become largest economy by 2050 surpassing US & China - Like:0
Positive Academy
One thing sure in the near future India will overtake China for being the highest population in the world. - Like:0
INDIA cannot overtake the US and China as strongest economy because India is suffering huge loses right now.
people are losing jobs there is no growth and opportunities.
love from India thanks for making this video... - Like:0
harry sethi
Alux deserves an unsubscribe for such a misinformed video.
The biggest resource of India it's youth are plunged into the hands of a hate mongering machine. A decade has gone . By the time the matter is resolved the youth will have lost their opportunity and end up old and poor . - Like:0
作为印度最大的资源,年轻人被投入到一个散布仇恨的机器手中。 十年过去了,等到问题解决的时候,年轻人就已经失去了机会,变得又老又穷。
Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia will surpass India.. - Like:0
India's economy in 2018 is $2.73 trillion not $2 trillion...
Have ur facts correct - Like:2
ashish rai
Sshhh... don't tell them.
When India hits 3 trillion they be stunned and amazed how India went from 2 to 3 trillion in that short time . - Like:0
嘘... 别告诉他们。
Todays date indias economoy is badly suffering GDP got down to 5% - Like:0
good work by A.J
The chances of that happening is 5% - Like:0
Ayush Sharma
I think alux you were high when making this video or are you joking 😂 - Like:0
From Thailand 🇹🇭 India will in time be number one not China ! China be number 3 USA number 1 only if it becomes a non racist quasi FASCIST state! God Bless INDIA & USA & KING OF THAILAND 🇹🇭 - Like:0
我来自泰国,印度最终会成为第一,而不是中国! 中国只会成为一个非种族主义的准法西斯国家,中国只能排第三,美国第一! 上帝保佑印度、美国和泰国
Milo Kors
Employed people are an asset on the other hand unemployed people are liabilities to the state. At the current position unemployment is rising. - Like:0
就业人员是一种资产,而失业人员是国家的债务。 在目前的情况下,失业率正在上升。
musical fantasies
The formula to views and subscribers on YouTube: make a video on India - Like:0
Video IS in a public interest by BJP🤣🤣 - Like:0
Tariq Sherwani
The fact is India is still eyeing to achieve 10 trillion dollar economy by 2030. So India has a long way to go. - Like:0
事实上,印度仍然希望在2030年实现10万亿美元的经济增长。 因此,印度还有很长的路要走。
Shubham Singh
LOL, 600,000 jobs lost only in the Indian automotive industry, totally missed GDP growth targets, 500 million citizens below the poverty line. I HIGHLY DOUBT IT. - Like:0
哈哈,仅在印度汽车行业就有60万人失业,完全没有达到 GDP 增长目标,5亿人生活在贫困线以下。 我对此深表怀疑。
Siddharth Joshi
I'm from India
Today September 5 - 19 ,India's GDP growth is 5%,Facing food shortage...
Unemployment at it's peak
People are struggling to find livelihoods
You are telling us that India become next biggest economy - Like:0
我来自印度,现在(9月5日至9月19日),印度的 GDP 增长率为5% ,面对食物短缺..失业率达到顶峰,人们正在努力寻求生计。