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[2022-01-16]北京地铁网的变化图:2008年奥运会 vs 2022年冬奥会

文章原始标题:Beijing Subway Network During The 2008 Summer Olympics and 2022 Winter Olympics


It bothers me that the red one in the bottom right corner isn't connected to the blue one


shadows888 -> greyplantboxes
I don't think this map is showing future lines & connections


I would also like to see a comparison of high speed rail way. China is miles ahead


gonzolegend -> historyAnt_347
23,578 miles ahead to be exact. I did the math.
China's high speed rail network is 38,000 km's as of 2020. USA has 54km of high speed rail. That means China has 37,946 km's of HSR more than the US, which in miles is 23,578 miles.
So you are correct, China is miles ahead.
But don't worry US is aware of the gap and is working on the California High Speed Rail Project. Once completed (in 2029) it will span 840 kms and will connect the major trading hub of Bakersfield to LA.


XysterU -> gonzolegend
Eh it's unclear if the California HSR will ever be completed.
The project has been widely described as troubled,[6][7][8][9] being far behind schedule and suffering from management turmoil, problems with procuring land, and engineering issues. In addition, the cost of the project has risen from an estimate of $33 billion in 2008 to $80 billion by 2020.[7] According to a poll in June 2021, 42 percent of California voters supported halting the project, while 41 percent supported continuing it.
BTW, where/what are the existing 54km of HSR in the US? I was pretty sure there were 0 miles (although 54km is essentially 0).


bengyap -> XysterU
That would be the Acela (link). It's a joke to call it a HSR. It's because that it ran at "high speed" at only 8% of it's entire route at 150 mph and at the other 92% of the route it ran at a mere 60 mph.
Meanwhile, in China, the HSR network runs at 180 - 200 mph and will soon run at 300 mph.


XysterU -> bengyap
Ahhh that makes sense, thanks. I agree that doesn't really count. They're really grasping at straws lol

啊啊,有道理,谢谢。我同意这不确实算数。他们真的是抓住了救命稻草 哈哈

KristynaKorbelova -> gonzolegend
us: mission accomplished, pack it up boys we're done here


gonzolegend -> TserriednichHuiGuo
I believe it is referring to the Acela train that is active from the Boston to New York line.
Due to regulations and traffic its only able to go at top speed on a 54km section of the route reaching 240 kmh. The newer Avelia train manufactured by a French company should be released soon but will still face heavy regulations stopping it maximum top speed on most of the route.


jorvis_nonof -> gonzolegend
Donald Trump killed federal funding for the project, and construction has stopped.
Bakersfield to LA.
It doesn't even go from Bakersfield to Los Angeles. It goes from Bakersfield to Merced on the segment of rail they were planning to complete by 2025. It wouldn't have gone further south from Bakersfield to make it to Los Angeles until 2033, but even that has been delayed. It would have essentially connected Los Angeles to the little town of Merced by 2033. Californians would've been just absolutely lining up to buy tickets for that...
Bakersfield is a major fentanyl trading hub. Merced has a population under 85000 people.


... and in LESS THAN 14 years, very impressive!


i'm from new york city, and we have had the same exact subway layout from 1952 except for ONE line (the Q train line in manhattan's 2nd avenue), which cost 4.45 BILLION DOLLARS and took 10 YEARS to build four stations. i bet you the cost of all these stations in beijjing cost less


Pink one at the top will take you almost to the Great Wall



CNN、《纽约时报》和其他媒体:但 代 价 是 什 么

That's crazy! The mass transport in my city has literally gotten worse over the last ten or so years.


The infrastructure that China is building is amazing. 😍


Ew stop! China need to stop making public transportation a thing! /s


ni-hao-r-u -> maomao05
I read in a sub that the reason the US doesn't really make public transportation a thing is for tactical purposes.
You see, in the event of a war, all of their supply routes could be bombed. That is why personal vehicles are better. I shit you not.


TserriednichHuiGuo -> ni-hao-r-u
The biggest american cope is that apparently americans don't like public transport.
Well with public transport that shitty of course they wouldn't like it.


Okay, but do you know how much the West "invested" in military operations? Just ignore our crumbling infrastructure.


By 2040 China will be building colonies in Space.


why did they go for a square, grid appearance/layout? rather than a concentric web? no one travels in squares except blockheads in manhatten and other cities like it.


bengyap -> Actual--End21
The layout is largely based on the ring roads which where in turn because of the historical design of Beijing -- the Forbidden City City was ringed by the city wall and another other city wall. When they dismantled the city wall, they build wide boulevards on it's footprint and then when they build the subway, the subway followed that line.
That is why a lot of the inner city subway stations were named after the historical names of the gates of walls.


RedHarbor71 -> bengyap
Due to the railways being built along the ring roads, this also means it is significantly easier to go between various other modes of transit. An example would be how you can go from the train to a bus in just a short walk due to this model of rail.
Supports walkable design and is much better and cleaner than anything I currently have here in Canada.
Good on Beijing for undertaking a project that benefits it's citizens contrary to what the U.S media says.


ale_93113 -> Actual--End21
Beijing is built on a grid, it follows major streets, so it's easy to navigate


So this might be a silly question, but do you see that square that’s formed in the center where there are no lines. How long would it take to walk from the center of that square to a stations on the line? I’m just curious how big the city is on foot


bengyap -> gcs1009
Hope this helps:
That line is bounded by the 2nd Ring Road.
W.r.t. the time to walk from the center of that ring to the side, it would be about 35 minutes. See:

【题主】希望这能有所帮助: [谷歌地图链接]

ale_93113 -> gcs1009
This square with no lines is the forbidden city, which you can only access from the south gate and where no-one lives (anymore)
As you may imagine, building a subway below a palace is not very practical nor a particularly good idea


jorvis_nonof -> gcs1009
Taxis are cheap in China.


We got 3 new light rail stations this year (and it’s been…9 years since the last new stations opened, I think…). 😭

今年我们新建了3个轻轨车站(而且... 距离上一个新车站开放我觉得已经有9年了...)。

Assassin4nolan -> Hold_Effective
What city are you in?


Hold_Effective -> Assassin4nolan
Seattle. Apparently one of the few places in the US where public transportation usage is increasing. I’m constantly being told I should be more grateful that we’re making progress. 😒


Certain-Diet3650 -> Hold_Effective
Seattle has some of the best public transportation in the Country and it’s still a car dependent nightmare.


Hold_Effective -> Certain-Diet3650
It’s depressing, definitely. I moved to downtown a few years back, and it is way better here. My plan is to never be more than a 10 minute walk from a light rail station ever again. 😎


JDips -> Certain-Diet3650
Really? I grew up in Seattle, I’m not sure a single light rail line and unreliable buses can count as good public transport


Socketlint -> JDips
They weren’t saying Seattle public transit was good. More that most of the US public transit is even worse.


The Central Subway in San Francisco is supposed to open in 2022. With a new Chinatown station, strangely enough.


Assassin4nolan -> DorisCrockford
So I can take BART to Chinatown or is it seperate from BART?


PupidStunk -> Assassin4nolan
the fares are so fucking high


Assassin4nolan -> PupidStunk
It cost us like 15ish dollars each to go from Oakland to san Fran proper, hated that shit. Cant wait for 10 cent chinese subway fare when we move overseas.


DorisCrockford -> Assassin4nolan
It's separate. This is the Muni Metro. You'd need to transfer at one of the downtown stations under Market St.


It's so embarrassing. Literally 10 years and $2 billion for 1.7 miles and 3 stations.


My hometown is still debating a 2mi extension of a LRT line proposal from the 1980s, lol.
Literally nothing has changed in 40 years.


To do things right, you need environmental impact reviews, a non-corrupt bidding process for materials (maybe labor as well), a safe working environment, you should give your workers reasonable hours and pay, and more. I’m not convinced all of those are the case in China, like it wasn’t the case when the US built their transcontinental railroad. You can do a lot of things quickly if you’re willing to cross a lot of ethical lines.


Assassin4nolan -> ubelmann
Disregarded ethics are not the factor that allowed for such accomplishments in this case, but disregarded profits. I encourage you to look into chinese sources on the pay and work enviornment of urban construction workers. This is no longer the 1980s, things have changed very rapidly. In the US the goal was private profit, the government bowed to companies and gave massive subsidies to railway monopolies, who then further profited from underpaid slave and immigrant labor. From my understanding, building these subways in China has not been profitable, and that is because those potential profits went into paying the workers and in fulfilling community needs.


bdlpqlbd -> Assassin4nolan
I'm all for rail, but China is far from anti-profit. The rail system is an investment in infrastructure that will pay dividends later because less of their population will die to pollution and won't be stuck in traffic, meaning they'll have more healthy workers to continue to grow their global power. I don't think it's good to worship China, or any other nation.


thrower_wei -> bdlpqlbd
Of course they'd prioritize development that makes economic sense, but that doesn't mean maximum profit for private individuals. I don't think you could really point at specific people that are getting rich from building transit. It's more like it provides economic benefits for the whole country, which benefits the poor and rich alike.


I got so lost on the Beijing metro and I speak Chinese. Chongqing metro is much better designed but it is also more recent.


Assassin4nolan -> genghis-san
I look forward to what completely new cities (rather than old ones like Beijing) that can design their subway expansion from the outset will look like, also what Wuhans metro will look like as I plan to travel there.


MichelleUprising -> Assassin4nolan
Thats a cool thing about Chinese cities now; its standard for there to be lots of metro lines in every single city.


sjfiuauqadfj -> MichelleUprising
thats actually changing, china is making it harder for smaller cities to build metros because those metros tend to be economically unsustainable. instead the new direction that china is heading towards is cheaper mass transit options for those smaller cities


correcthorse45 -> genghis-san
Oh come on, recognizing the good shit china does for its citizens doesn’t make you a shill any more than like saying you enjoy going to state parks makes you a shill for the US.


bdlpqlbd -> correcthorse45
Did you respond to the wrong comment?


correcthorse45 -> bdlpqlbd
d a m n i did


YooesaeWatchdog1 -> correcthorse45
The difference is that national parks were actually built by eugenics supporting fascists who deported Native Americans from their own lands.


Minneapolis recently got a new Orange Line BRT system. Looking at this pic feels depressing tho 😭


“Just today”
You make it sound like they’ll open more tomorrow?
But ok in all seriousness the answer is 0


Assassin4nolan -> PostPostMinimalist
They have many planned expansions for the next few years, but especially for the start of next year (tomorrow lol) because of the olympics


Assassin4nolan -> [Deleted]
It's a convergance of GDP, Olympic, and urbanist interests. These subways will exist long after the olympics and the immediate GPD growth.


sjfiuauqadfj -> Assassin4nolan
well, that may be the case in beijing but china has clamped down on other cities, particularly smaller ones
so in the future it sounds like they arent doing subways for gdp growth as the primary reason anymore


Assassin4nolan -> sjfiuauqadfj
Economic sense is not always profit. It is western profiteering that has conditioned us to think that's the only economic reasoning there is.
It is far more complex than that, and this is obvious when we understand that many economically sound choices are not profitable, because they serve some other need of development or because they conform to economic principles that cant be ignored. We can underdevelop subways (the west does this intentionally to preserve car and oil manufacturers profits), but we can also overdevelop them by putting them where they are not needed in terms of service, or building them prematurely.
What are the indicators that what China is doing is underdevelopment and not preventing over development? What makes this unreasonable? We must learn about the local government (the original source's) side, reasoning, and facts to see if its flawed or correct first before passing judgement.


Salt Lake City is getting at least one light rail station sometime this spring! It’s practically hurtling into the 21st century


mwbrjb -> ApeofGoodHope
Do you have any at all right now?


boilerpl8 -> mwbrjb
SLC has 3 LRT lines (plus the S line, which is kinda more of a streetcar IMO).


My town doesn’t even have public transit. It takes nearly an hour and a half to walk to the nearest bus stop in the next town over.


My city relies on buses completely (we don’t have many bus-only-lanes tho, so buses are often slow and delayed). :)


We've been working on one for the last twenty years in Dublin.


Crossrail in London will open in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 2022


Two new lines (14 and 18) with 48 stations opened yesterday here in Shanghai.


I miss China so much. Public transport and the subway was so convenient and fun to experience as a tourist


Assassin4nolan -> Curejoker
How was the street culture and public spaces though? We are hoping we can find book clubs or other social environments.


LiGuangMing1981 -> Assassin4nolan
Shanghai has great street life, especially inside the Inner Ring Road. It's very walkable and there's always lots of activity. Beijing, though, not so much. I don't find it to be very pedestrian friendly at all.


boilerpl8 -> Assassin4nolan
Shanghai depends a lot on neighborhood. Bund was crowded with a ton of people. A bit south of there, very congested with cars. A couple blocks off that was creepily quiet at night with all the garage-door storefronts closed. French concession very quiet low-density residential, not a ton going on. Parks full of people playing badminton and drawing calligraphy with water on the sidewalks. Pudong felt oddly futuristic with cool skyscrapers but empty because ground level is huge roads and pedestrians had to take bridges.


Curejoker -> Assassin4nolan
Depends on the city tbh, I was in guangzhou to see my family and they took me around so I don’t rlly know


Mi city is about to start building a light rail line of 9 stations


The last light rail line to open in Portland was in 2015.
There was a purple line that was supposed to begin operations in a few years, but voters struck that down.


We are working on getting 1/2 of an LRT over the coming 5 years…. (We currently have 2 for 1.4 million)

我们正在努力在未来5年内获得1/2的轻轨... (我们目前有2条,人口140万)

My city of 1.4 million residents has zero subway and zero light rail (or any rail for that matter, other than intercity Amtrak). Nothing but a shitty bus network that prides themselves on being green by using CNG...


JimmySchwann -> LegitPancak3
What city?


LegitPancak3 -> JimmySchwann
San Antonio


None we can’t even get 1 without blowing 10+ years and ~2.5 billion dollars on it


Jesus christ. This is amazing wow. i know one of the criticisms of massive subway systems like this is how confusing it can be for the average person.

我了个老天。这太惊人了 哇。我知道人们对这种大型地铁系统的批评之一,就是它会让普通人感到很困惑。

Assassin4nolan -> MichelleUprising
It's a city for 38 million people that is one thousand years old. What we are seeing is modernity being applied to an ancient preexisting city that is also just massive. At some point your scale and density becomes complicated regardless of how well you plan.
This is also why I'm not ever going to Beijing that shits too complicated lmao

这也是为什么我不去北京的原因,那里太复杂了 哈哈

LiGuangMing1981 -> Assassin4nolan
Beijing is 21 million people, not 38 million. The Beijing map is also personally my least favourite map for any system - Shanghai's is much nicer and more legible despite having a bigger system.


Assassin4nolan -> LiGuangMing1981
You might be right, 38 million might include the suburbs and metropolis. It has been hard for me to tell whether population is only urban or includes suburbia.


LiGuangMing1981 -> Assassin4nolan
The only way you'd get a population of 38 million for Beijing is if you included the entirety of neighbouring Tianjin Municipality's population or if you included quite a bit of surrounding Hebei Province's population. The full population of Beijing Municipality is 21.8 million, and that includes quite a bit of rural population given that Beijing Municipality has an area of 16000 square kilometres (the urban area is just over 4000 square kilometres of this).


MichelleUprising -> Assassin4nolan
I mean its impressive regardless, I just have heard one of the criticisms of Chinese metro systems is that they are often very boring and repetitive. One side effect of building transit on a massive, industrial, unprecedented scale, is that creative design is secondary to efficient design.
This is the most minor of criticisms though; in most every way China is a world leader in transit and should be looked to for inspiration and technology.


MapleGiraffe -> MichelleUprising
Having lived in Seoul and Shenzhen, you get used to a massive intimidating metro system. You end up memorizing your main stations and transfers. It is just hard to navigate if you are a short term tourist.


crackanape -> MapleGiraffe
I find Seoul's pretty easy to navigate as an occasional visitor.
Now Tokyo, that's annoying, because some of the posted maps seemingly arbitrarily omit lines/stations.


crackanape -> MichelleUprising
When I was in Beijing absolutely none of the posted metro maps had English labels. Many of the station names are similar so it sometimes took me a while to plot my course.
This was over a decade ago; I assume that at least by the Olympics they made it a little more outsider-friendly.


I highly doubt they opened 9 new lines on the same day. Spreading misinformation is what cars do.


Assassin4nolan -> tannerge
They are rapid expansions to prepare for the 2022 olympics which were made operational on the same day, you can read the specifics here.


tannerge -> Assassin4nolan
Okay so those are 9 new extensions of existing lines. Still impressive.


Assassin4nolan -> tannerge
They seem to be newly opened sections of non existing lines. Not 9 fully planned out lines opening simultaneously, but bits and connectors being opened on the same day.


IMPORTANT_jk -> Assassin4nolan
Considering the boycotts, I wonder how the 2022 olympics will turn out


Assassin4nolan -> IMPORTANT_jk
For those unaware, the US announced a "diplomatic" boycott, which means certain diplomatic figures would be not attend. They were not planned to go in the first place, and the US athletes and corporate funding is still involved in the olympics, meaning it's an entirely symbolic (entirely worthless) gesture that uneducated people can be misled into thinking is more than symbolism and posturing.
Look beyond words and posturing, look for actual economic and political consequence and interests, this is how you dispel proganda.


Newman2252 -> IMPORTANT_jk
What boycotts????
You’re not talking about those diplomatic boycotts are you, the ones China said that it doesn’t even matter because the politicians were never invited in the first place.


Op_Anadyr -> Newman2252
And then the US requested visas for like 18 State Department officials anyway


China still get’s it’s majority of electricity from coal power plants.


TrotPicker -> Rubber-Ducklin
Why developing countries gotta emit so much carbon?? 😡😡
Note that this is not per capita.
Note that this is not based on imports/exports.
China has about 20% of the global population and it is the factory for the entire world yet its carbon footprint is relatively tiny despite this.
China began lurching forward to industrialization in the 1950s. Meanwhile they are charging ahead on renewable energy (note that this is from 2013).


Assassin4nolan -> Rubber-Ducklin
Your comment is irrelevant and distorts the facts of global pollution and fossil fuel usage.
The US also gets 60% of its power from natural gas, oil, and coal. China gets 65% of its power from coal, natural gas, and oil. Their per capita usages are widely disparate, with the US being the highest polluting nation per capita.
The percentage of chinese non renewables, especially coal, is shrinking every year. In the last 7 years its coal reliance shrank from 78% of total electricity to now 60%.
Chinese nuclear output increased by 550% since 2008.
US nuclear output shrank by 3-5% since 2008.
Chinese renewables have increased by 320% since 2008.
US renewables have increased by only 190% since 2008.

自2008年以来,中国的可再生能源增长了320% 。
自2008年以来,美国可再生能源仅增长了190% 。

Rubber-Ducklin -> Assassin4nolan
I’m not saying that the US does any better and this doesn’t diminish that China also has a lot of great initiatives considering renewables.


Assassin4nolan -> Rubber-Ducklin
And yet you blame China, which was an impoverished nation without industry or electricity in most of the country 50 years ago, for using fossil fuels to create their newfound renewable industries? You expect them to have popularized renewables first, which is unrealistic. Unlike the US stagnating renewable development due to corporate lobbying, China had to endure fossil fuels due to the hundreds of years of underdevelopment imposed upon it by colonialism. Now China can finally start to dismantle fossil fuel usage. Simply put, it was not possible for China to industrialize without its domestic coal production, and now that it has, it can start to be rid of it in a realistic, gradual way.


I'm sure it will be high quality construction, just like everything else made in China


thrower_wei -> Trans_Alpha_Cuck
I mean, their trains do work super well


crackanape -> Trans_Alpha_Cuck
A great many things in the world these days are only made in China. They can be good quality or they can be poor quality, it depends on how much the factory's client pays. High-quality, high-complexity items like iPhones are also made in China; Apple's willing to pay to have it done right.
You can get things made for incredibly cheap prices in China, and that will often translate into shit quality. But that's because the company you bought it from decided to go with the cheapest bidder and pocket the difference.


My city extended a light rail line, adding 9 stations, including one that’s a short walk from where I live. We’ve still got a long way to go, but it feels good.
Happy new year everybody!


Toronto here. We have the same subway line since the 50s I think


CORNELIVSMAXIMVS -> heartlessinc
Only the Eglinton-union bit was built in the 50s. The basic shape of the network hasn’t changed much in like 40 years, we’ve gotten two short lines and an extension on a longer line since then.
A new subway line that’s basically a glorified tram is opening soon, and line 2 is getting an extension to replace line 3. An extension of line 1 to Richmond hill may have been approved too, but I don’t remember well.
Both the subway extensions are set to open like ten years from now, but let’s be honest, it’s probably gonna be delayed.


Here we might get a new subway line in 2030 and our new LRT line will (maybe???) open in 2022......


We just opened up a trolley extension close to where I live, which is nice, but it took 10 years. I guess that’s the drawback, not to mention the city is pretty limited on where it can build the trolley so it just does next to freeways, meaning some neighborhoods are almost always going to be underserved.


Glasgow opened none…


so many rail lines and the city is still completely overrun with cars. more subway lines is definitely good though


We’ve only got two in Warsaw, one built in the 90s and one newer still being completed. But it’s a much smaller city than Beijing and there are many other options.


My current city has one subway line, and I think we're getting an above ground maglev line in like 2025+ lol


0 I live in Latin america


I can't believe how nice and well-organized the system looks, at least on this "map." Curious how well this translates to the physical geography. Looks like there would be a very low mean distance to a station, at least in the downtown core. Beautiful!


Tokyo got a new station, or was that 2020?
Edit: It was 2020.


Wow that's beautiful


Not to mention they have more high speed rail than the rest of the world put together… why can’t we have nice high speed rail in America ffs?

更不用说他们拥有的高速铁路比世界上其他国家加起来还要多... 为什么我们不能在美国建造漂亮的高速铁路呢?

Wow, that looks like a really nice network! No centre, and multiple ways to get between A and B.


my city has a 2 mile streetcar line. that's it that's all we get


My city just opened its first. The second one will be opened in a few years. So that's a win, I guess


A city in India called kanpur opened a whole new Metro system with two lines which was completed in just two years recently.


It sounds like Beijing didn't had a metro last week lol


Assassin4nolan -> Sharks_Ala_Pierre
In a way, yeah. Beijing was the first chinese subway in 1971, and only had two lines until 2002. Now it has like 27-30 lines with plans to finish a few more each year.


LiGuangMing1981 -> Assassin4nolan
Yeah, the growth of Chinese metro systems has been amazing. Shanghai's first section of Line 1 only opened in 1993, and like Beijing only had 2 lines until 2002. Now it's the world's largest, and continues to grow.
One other thing they've also started doing here is building more regional rail with fewer stops and higher speed than Metro, but fully integrated into the Metro payment system.
