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文章原始标题:Why doesn't China need religion, and how have they lived for thousands of years without God?

内容简介:然而,在中国历史上也有一些哲学,如儒家和道家发挥了作用。 这些土生土长的哲学与其他各种体系,比如万物有灵论、祖先崇拜、佛教、基督教等多种体系并存,这些系统已经进入了中国文化。 中国当然是用不同的眼光

Hans Lukeij,
Well it certainly makes you think doesn't it?
However there have been philosophies which have taken a role in China's history such as Confucianism and Taoism. These home grown systems have existed alongside various other systems like animism and ancestor worship and the advent of Buddhism and Christianity which have made inroads into Chinese culture.
China certainly looks at the world differently. It certainly doesn't look at the world through a religious filter. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It's certainly more pragmatic than hating just because some dude follows a different god.

Hans Lukeij,
然而,在中国历史上也有一些哲学,如儒家和道家发挥了作用。 这些土生土长的哲学与其他各种体系,比如万物有灵论、祖先崇拜、佛教、基督教等多种体系并存,这些系统已经进入了中国文化。
中国当然是用不同的眼光看待世界。 它当然不会通过宗教的过滤器来看待世界。 这是好事还是坏事? 这肯定比仅仅因为某些家伙信奉不同的神而相互憎恨更加实际。

Dhiren Master, Author, Second Chance (2011-present)
Your question as it has been framed has an implicit definition of religion which I don't agree with, and a statement which is not true.
My definition of religion is a system of beliefs , which has answers to the following questions: Is there a God? What happens when you die? What is the purpose of life? What moral laws should i follow? If there is a God what is their nature and how do I connect?
The Chinese have been following Confucianism for the most part since 500BC. Which is a system of beliefs that has answers to those questions.
They believe in spirits, and in an impersonal spirtual entity (ying and yang) that governs this universe (I Ching). So they don't believe in a personal God like Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Shiva etc. But nevertheless they do believe in spiritual entities. Buddhism is similar in this respect. Both Confucians and Budhists are non-theists. They are NOT atheists.
They mostly worship ancestral spirits.
They also have a concept of heaven, which differs from the Judeo-Christian, but is similar to the Buddhist and Hindu concept of Nirvana.

Dhiren Master, 《第二次机会》的作者(2011-至今)
我对宗教的定义是一个信念系统,它回答了以下问题: 上帝存在吗? 你死后会发生什么? 生活的目的是什么? 我应该遵循什么样的道德法则? 如果有上帝,他们的本性是什么,我如何沟通?
自公元前500年以来,中国人大部分时间都在遵循儒家思想。 这是一个信念系统,它能回答这些问题。
他们相信精神,相信一个统治万物的客观实体(阴和阳)(易经)。 所以他们不相信像耶稣、安拉、克里希纳、湿婆神这样的人性化的神。 但尽管如此,他们还是相信灵性的存在。 佛教在这方面也是类似的。 儒家和佛家都是非有神论者。他们不是无神论者。他们大多崇拜祖先的灵魂。

Even during Mao the Chinese people were secretly continuing to follow Confucianism. Its easy to do this at home as you don't need to go to a church/ synagogue/ mosque/ temple etc.
So the Chinese have been following “a religion” and they are non-theists. They are definitely NOT atheists.
Even an atheist has a set of religious beliefs which has themselves as ‘god of their own lives'.
More on world religions, beliefs, philosophy, spirit, in my book Second Chance.

即使在毛时代,中国人仍然秘密地继续遵循儒家思想。 在家里这样做很容易,因为你不需要去教堂 / 犹太教堂 / 清真寺 / 寺庙等地方。
因此,中国人一直在遵循“一种宗教” ,他们是非有神论者。 但绝对不是无神论者。

Toby Wilson, Ex-theist, an atheist.
Why doesn't China need religion, and how have they lived for thousands of years without God?
China doesn’t need religion for the same reason nowhere else needs religion, because you don’t need it for anything but defrauding the credulous, inspiring acts of violence and controlling the gullible.
The Chinese used to have a number of gods and there are small numbers of religious people, presumably reacting to the all but enforced atheism of the state.
It’s easy to live without gods, and impossible to prove that gods exist, so a secular state is perfectly viable.

Toby Wilson, 前有神论者,现无神论

James Hough,
Nobody can live “without God”. God is, by definition the Creator and Sustainer of all life, and the earth itself. He not only created us at a point in time, but He continues to create us (sustains) or we would cease to ever have been.
We are contingent creatures, we can be or not be, there is no necessity in my existence. If my parents had not married, then I would not be.

James Hough,
没有上帝,就没有人能活下去。 根据定义,上帝是所有生命和地球本身的创造者和维持者。 他不仅在一个时间点上创造了我们,而且他继续创造和维持我们,否则我们将不复存在。
我们是偶然的生物,我们可以存在也可以不存在,我的存在没有必要。 如果我的父母没有结婚,那么我也不会存在。

P. T. Sinclair, studied at The Source
To make it short: google it. I really can not believe it that you did dare to ask this question without the slightest effort to find answers. man!
Google it. Google Chinese religions. Then google Christianity in China.

P. T. Sinclair, 在源头学习
长话短说: 谷歌一下。 我真不敢相信你竟没做任何调查,就问这个问题。朋友!

Gerard van Wilgen, programmer, webmaster, lexicographer
Of course the Chinese have not lived for thousands of years without religion; large-scale atheism in China and elsewhere is a relatively modern phenomenon. The Chinese have lived thousands of years without your god.
Obviously people are able to live without your god, as proven by the fact that millions of people have done and still do that.

Gerard van Wilgen, 程序员,网站管理员
当然,中国人几千年来都没有离开宗教; 在中国和其他地方,大规模的无神论是一种相对现代的现象。 中国人在没有你们上帝的情况下,已经生活了几千年。

Matthew Beasley, works at Fanfiction.net
1: China has had religion for a LONG time. They have their OWN religious backgrounds and groups.
2: God as Christians interpret the word isn't necessary for survival, culture or civilisation. Really, it's not that hard to grasp.
3: For a LONG time, monotheism was a rare oddity. The idea of a single, all powerful God was considered laughable by many. Instead, we had many different gods. You can see this throughout history, from the Ancient Egytians to the Vikings.
4: You don't need a god figure to be moral or ethical.

Matthew Beasley, 在 Fanfiction.net 工作
1、中国有宗教已经很长时间了。 他们有自己的宗教背景和团体。
3、在很长一段时间里,一神论是一种罕见的怪现象。 许多人认为,唯一的、全能的上帝的想法是可笑的。 相反,我们有许多不同的神。 从古埃及到维京人,你可以在历史上看到这一点。

Gary Braithwaite, works at Retail Food Industry
China has many religions in its culture.Not hard to find from Google.
There are pockets of missionary churches around the place, as I understand it, mostly from the Christians, as well as some mosques and I think there are some synagogues.
However, for thousands of recorded years they did pretty well without the Christian god (I assume you refer to that being from your grammar). Maybe it's worth you examining whether or not you can live without Christianity? Atheists do, as do those who follow faiths not your own.

Gary Braithwaite, 在食品零售业工作
然而,有记载的几千年来,他们没有上帝也过得很好。也许你应该想想你自己,没有上帝,你是否还能活下去? 无神论者是这样,那些信奉的不是你们上帝的人也是这样。

Phil Chalk,
Everyone has lived for thousands of years without ‘god’. It’s just that not everyone realises it.

Phil Chalk,

George Sawyer, Listen, but watch their feet
Why doesn't China need religion, and how have they lived for thousands of years without God? China has as many religions as they have needed (Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, folk religions, even some Christians), and China has many many gods.

George Sawyer, 倾听但注意他们的言行
为什么中国不需要宗教,他们如何在没有上帝的情况下生活了几千年? 中国有许多他们需要的宗教(佛教,道教,伊斯兰教,民间宗教,甚至一些基督教) ,中国是有许多神的。

Meiditha Juin Abraham,
I think you may get it wrong from the words ‘China does’t need religion’. In fact there are 18.2% Buddhist, 5.1% Christian, 1.8% Muslim, and any other religions over there. You may check the fact from CIA’s website.
Perhaps the situation is more like their governments are separated from religions, so you see the country that way.
If you go there, you will see some of worship places. And I have a couple friends from there, and they are religious Christians undoubtly. So, Chinese people do have religions. Some may not have and considered theirselves as an Atheist. Just like in any other places around the world.

Meiditha Juin Abraham,
我想你可能误解了“中国不需要宗教”这句话。 事实上,那里有18.2% 的佛教徒,5.1% 的基督教徒,1.8% 的穆斯林和其他宗教。 你可以在CIA的网站上查到这个事实。
如果你去那里,你会看到一些宗教崇拜的地方。 我在中国有几个朋友,他们无疑是虔诚的基督徒。 所以,中国人是有宗教信仰的。 有些人可能没有,并认为自己是无神论者。 就像世界上其他地方一样。

V. V. Raman, former Prof: Physics & Humanities at Rochester Institute of Technology (1966-1999)
Why doesn't China need religion, and how have they lived for thousands of years without God?
Why didn’t the Aztecs need tea, and how did they live for thousands of years without tea?
Why didn’t Europe need potato, and how did they live for thousands of years without potato?
The point is, God, tea, potato are all great to have, but – like ball-point pen and Coca-Cola - they are probably not indispensable for sane and decent living.
Peace with and without God!
10 May 2018

V. V. Raman, 前教授,罗彻斯特理工学院物理与人文学科(1966-1999)

Leslie Dellow, BSc from University of Leeds
China is famously the country which all set to become the one with the world’s largest Christian population by mid century

Leslie Dellow, 利兹大学的理学学士

Kyle Cranfill, former Combat Engineer at U.S. Army
I don't know about majority….I doubt anyone could answer that accurately…..I mean even if someone wanted to do a poll, there are only two possibilities:
A private organization conducts this poll and is quickly shut down by Beijing out of fear that they are proselytizing.Beijing conducts the poll but no one answers truthfully because they only tell Beijing what they are officially supposed to believe.What I can provide however, is anecdotal evidence. In my seven plus years living here in China, I've met some Christians. They don't tend to be very knowledgeable about Christianity or the bible (I'm am Oklahoma preacher's kid so my bar for this may be pretty high….but still), but they are very enthusiastic too share their faith with me.
I've met many many Muslims and get the impression that most of the western third of Chinese people and much of the far north of China is devoutly Muslim. These people pray at mosque weekly, make pilgrimages to Mecca (or dream of doing so), understand basic Arabic greetings, and don't eat or drink anything haram. These people are often the subject of pretty racist policies and attitudes from Han people and the government/police so they don't usually talk about it unless prompted, but I've been invited to mosque a few times when I was mistaken for Pakistani after not shaving for a few months.

Kyle Cranfill, 前美国陆军战斗工程师
一个民间组织进行了这项调查,但由于担心他们在传教,很快就被北京关闭了。北京方面进行了民意调查,但没有人如实回答,因为他们只告诉北京他们应该相信的官方信息。 然而,我能提供自己所见的事实是,在我生活在中国的七年多时间里,我遇到了一些基督徒。 他们往往对基督教或圣经不是很了解(我是美国俄克拉荷马州牧师的孩子,所以我的标准可能相当高...),但他们非常热情,也与我分享他们的信仰。
我见过许多穆斯林,得到的印象是中国西部三分之一的中国人和中国北方的大部分人都是虔诚的穆斯林。 这些人每周在清真寺祈祷,去麦加朝圣,懂得基本的阿拉伯语问候语,不吃不喝任何东西。 这些人经常成为汉族人和政府相关政策和态度的对象,所以他们通常不会谈论这个问题,除非事先提示。但有几次,我被误认为是巴基斯坦人,因为我几个月没刮胡子了。

There are also a fair number of Buddhists in China, but of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of people I met who claimed to be Buddhist, only about one or two are following what I would call actual Buddhism. The rest seem to followa very Chinese form of worship that incorporates Buddhist iconography but, and I'll get into this more broadly in my next and final point, focuses in a very Chinese way on praying for material wealth and prosperity rather than eschewing these things like pure Buddhism would.
So if then, few are Christian, only 1/3 or less are Muslim, and almost none are truly Buddhist, then what are Chinese people believing in a religious sense?
Well, I would say from my observations, Chinese people, even more than the West, (which is impressive because we're pretty strong into this too) believe in personal gain at any cost. The concept that the needs of anyone outside oneself and their immediate family might be of real importance is very much diminished in the face of attempts to accumulate wealth and improve one's own standing. As I said, this in and of itself wouldn't be remarkable in modern society, if not for the ferocity with which Chinese people I have met have pursued this goal.

从我的观察来看,中国人,甚至比西方人更相信个人利益,不惜一切代价。 在积累财富和提高自身地位的努力面前,认为自身和直系亲属以外的任何人的重要性不高。 正如我所说的,这本身在现代社会是不值得注意的事,就是因为我遇到的一些中国人追求这一目标的劲头很猛才注意到。  

From what I've seen, China in large part worships the self. The highest virtue in modern Chinese society is wealth, regardless of how that wealth was accumulated.
I'll conclude with an anecdote I've seen on a number of occasions that I tend to think of when I'm asked about Chinese selfishness compared to American selfishness:
Let us imagine I owned a car repair business and someone came into my shop with no idea about cars, I would be faced with a choice to either cheat them for a one time gain at the risk of them discovering my deceit and never returning or even possibly telling others who will then never come to my shop, or to give them a fair price and hope to create a life long customer. In America, if I were the first type of man, I would never admit to anyone I deceived these people because we're anyone to find out, I would soon be shunned by society and known as a terrible businessman… ifI were the second type I would be praised and called a great businessman and I would be rewarded with more business as everyone grew to trust me…….in China however if i were the first type, I would tell everyone how I tricked the stupid buyer and my friends and family would praise me for being a clever businessman and I would be rewarded with more business and social prestige for my shrewd business acumen. If I were the second type, no one would notice me and I would be pressured by family to be more like my cheating and lying competitors who make more money than I do. There are many reasons why this is the case that I won't get into here, but it's a good example to illustrate my point that the values of society and self-worth in China tend to all center around personal gain and accumulation of wealth.

在我看来,中国在很大程度上是崇拜自我。 现代中国社会最高的美德是财富,不管财富是如何积累起来的。
然而在中国,如果我是第一类人,我会告诉每个人我是如何欺骗这些愚蠢的买家,我的朋友和家人会赞扬我是一个聪明的商人,我会因为我精明的商业头脑而得到更多的生意和社会响应。 如果我是第二种人,没有人会注意到我,而且我会被家人施压,让我像那些撒谎欺骗的人一样,他们赚的钱比我多。

Augustus Chen, Singaporean in China.
Yes, the vast majority of them are atheists. I have been in China for about 8 years and I have literally not met a single theist (apart from monks in temples, which I can’t be sure are true theists either).
It is true, though, that they do sometimes worship a higher power. Deities of Buddhism such as the Buddha or Kuan Yin are most commonly worshipped, but worshipping is often as far as it goes. They generally have very little to no understanding of Buddhism, and oftentimes they clearly acknowledge that these deities are fictional. But nevertheless they still rush to temples on festivals to pray for the wellbeing and good luck of their families. I call that superstition, not religion. They’ll basically pray to anything that is said to bring them good luck or fortune. This has become a tradition over time, but one that will soon perish, as the younger generations have learned to be skeptical of it.
Thus the worship of deities is more of a superstition or tradition than religion. I literally know no genuine theist among the Chinese in China.
And for your information, no one really worships the Jade Emperor. At least I’ve never heard of one who does.

Augustus Chen, 新加坡人在中国。
不过,他们有时确实崇拜更高的力量,这是事实。 佛教中的诸如佛陀、观音等神灵是最常被崇拜的,但是崇拜的程度往往也就那样。他们通常对佛教知之甚少,甚至完全不知道,而且常常明确承认这些神灵都是虚构的。但尽管如此,他们仍然在节日期间赶往寺庙,为家人祈福和好运。我称之为迷信,不是宗教。他们基本上会祈求任何据说能给他们带来好运或财富的东西。 随着时间的推移,这已经成为一种传统,但这种传统很快就会消失,因为年轻一代已经学会了对它持怀疑态度。
因此,对神的崇拜与其说是宗教,不如说是一种迷信或传统。 在中国的中国人里,我真的不知道有谁是有神论者。

Parry Poly
According to the official statistics, there are over one hundred million Chinese identify themselves as “religious”. That is less than ten percent of the population. However that is organized religion, such as Daoism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.
The rest cannot be assumed to be all “atheists”. Majority of Chinese pay tributes to gods in the Chinese folk religion, which is suspected to be the largest unorganized religion in the world. They worship countless gods and historical figures, such as “the Stove God” for food supply , “Sir Guan” for home security, and random ancestors in the family for pretty much everything. These gods can be historical figures, folklore figures, ancestors or sometimes, a legendary bad guy who had been said to have power to protect or spell curse of sorts.

Parry Poly
根据官方统计,有超过一亿的中国人认为自己是“宗教人士”。但这还不到总人口的百分之十。 然而,这是有组织的宗教,如道教,佛教,伊斯兰教和基督教。
其余的人不能都认为是“无神论者”。大多数中国人向民间宗教中的神献礼,这被认为是世界上最大的无组织宗教。 他们崇拜无数的神灵和历史人物,如“灶神”为食物供应,“关帝”为家庭安全,以及家族中所有随机的祖先。 这些神可以是历史人物、民间传说人物、祖先,有时也可以是传说中的坏人,据说他有能力保护或施展各种诅咒。

Stoyan Stoyanov, Creative Lead
In my experience, if they’re religious they keep them private beliefs to themselves, so even most “religious” people appear atheists in China.Although many of the people I met are indeed atheists.Now the one religious ‘experience’ is when we were sightseeing some monasteries and stuff, they don’t have 1 god, but rather a god for luck, god for youth, god for fortune and it’s symbolic so they’ll knee say a wish or something, just in case there is supernatural. But they’re not gonna cry if it doesn’t happen, they’ll work hard on becoming better and having a better life themselves. And certainly not gonna fly a plane or bomb a building for it. Even if they have religious beliefs, they’re kept to themselves and won’t push it on other’s throats.Learn from that, Middle East.One last (but related) example, one of the many times I was asked do I believe in god there and I replied with a simple no. Then I proceeded to ask: how about you? The reply was - I do. That was that. And then we had lunch together. If I replied no in some muslim country I might’ve been beheaded.

Stoyan Stoyanov, 创意领导
根据我的经验,如果他们有宗教信仰,他们会把自己的信仰隐藏起来,所以即使是大多数“有宗教信仰”的人在中国也会被认为是无神论者。 尽管我遇到的许多人确实是无神论者。 现在中国唯一的宗教体验是我们去一些寺庙观光,他们不是唯一的神,而是有幸运的神,青年的神,财富的神,这是象征性的,所以他们会跪着说一个愿望或什么的,万一有什么超自然现象。 但是如果没有发生,他们也不会失望,他们会努力变得更好,去拥有更好的生活。当然也不会为此开飞机去轰炸大楼。即使他们有宗教信仰,他们也会把自己封闭起来,不会逼迫别人。 好好像这学习吧,中东。
最后一个(但是有关)例子,很多次我被问到我是否相信上帝,我回答了一个简单的不。然后我继续问: 你呢? 他的回答是:我有的。也就是这样,然后我们一起吃了午饭。 但如果我在某个穆斯林国家回答不,我可能已经被斩首了。

Sean Bro, studied Biomedical Engineering
Atheist is not exactly the right fit to describe Chinese in China. There are 56 tribes of Chinese, lets just focus on the biggest Han population.
Majority are Realist and Materialist. Most of them believe in deities one way or another if it meets their current state of mind, but not intense to the point of worship. They have not much concern for after life. They mainly care for day-to-day living and whatever they can achieve to make their living more comfortable and luxurious. They enjoy financial security and any fun time it may bring.

Sean Bro, 研究生物医学工程
大多数是现实主义者和唯物主义者。 他们中的大多数相信有神,但不强烈到崇拜。 他们不太关心死后的生活。 他们主要关心的是日常生活和他们所能做到的一切,使他们的生活更舒适和奢侈。 他们享受经济上的安全感,以及可能带来的任何乐趣。

Maxim Kazhenkov,
China never had an organized religious majority in its history, and after the establishment of secular education by the Communists and frequent anti-superstition campaigns, the majority of Chinese people today are not only non-religious, but outright atheist. There are probably more atheists in China than the rest of the world combined.
The Jade Emperor is just folklore from ancient times (like Nordic gods in Europe for example), nobody seriously believes in it. There are quite a lot of Buddhists in China, though definitely still a minority.

Maxim Kazhenkov,
中国历史上从未出现过宗教组织占多数的情况,在共产党开展世俗教育和频繁的反迷信运动之后,今天的中国人大多数不仅不信教,而且完全是无神论者。 中国的无神论者可能比世界其他国家加起来还要多。
玉皇大帝只是古代的民间传说(比如欧洲的北欧诸神) ,没有人真正相信它。 中国有相当多的佛教徒,虽然肯定还是少数。

Naoya Yamaguchi, studied at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Being an atheist is one thing and being non-religious is quite another. The word religion derives from Latin religare, meaning to bind together. If you believe in God without going to synagog, church, temple or mosque, you are not bound to any particular school of faith and you are therefore a non-religious theist. A large number of Chinese are non-religious theists.

Naoya Yamaguchi, 就读于日本东京外国语大学
做一个无神论者是一回事,不信教则是另一回事。宗教这个词来源于拉丁语 religare,意思是结合在一起。如果你相信上帝但不去教堂,你就不受任何特定信仰学派的约束,因此你是一个非宗教性的有神论者。 许多中国人就是非宗教的有神论者。

Melania Van, Devout Taoist
There are two 2 major mythology systems.
I must add an announcement here: Buddha is not a God, Buddhism is an anti-God/non-God religion. Some large temples could have the statues of Gods, but the monks will be punished if they worship the Gods. The Buddhist could only worship "doctrine, rabbi, and monk". Chinese people, DO NOT answer the Buddha is a God ever agagin!
Far ancient myhology system上古神仙谱系, which is based on the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《山海经》, Huainanzi《淮南子》, etc. This system appeares before Taoism is founded. Most gods of this system are the ancestors of Chinese people. To glorify ancestors is Asians' culture.
Here are some examples:
The God of the Sky天帝, name - DiQun帝俊
The Goddess of the Sky天后, name - Xihe羲和, Diqun's wife.
The Goddess of the Moon月神, name - Heng'e姮娥, changed to Chang'e嫦娥 due to lipogram (To avoid Wen Emperor of Han Dynasty's name刘恒). Chang'e might be the most famous Chinese Goddess among westerners, because of the Satellites Chang'e.
This system is extremely ambiguous, even in the same book, the descrip1tions might be different, for instance, one theory says Diqun's wife is E'Huang; one theory says Xihe has 10 sons (Gods of Suns), 12 daughters (Gods of Moons); one theory says Chang'e is Xihe's daughter, one says Chang'e is Xihe herself, and one says Chang'e is the wife of Houyi, who murdered Xihe's 9 sons.
Gonggong共工 - The God of Water, fights with The God of Fire - Zhurong祝融, failed, crashed into the Buzhou Mountain不周山, Buzhou Mountain collapses, thus the Earth falls, rivers flow to the east, and the sky also collapses, flood flows into the human world.
Nvwa女娲 - a Goddess, Fuxi伏羲’s younger sisters. She is the creater of human, and she fixed the sky to stop the big flood. Nvwa's lower part of her body is in the shape of snake.

Melania Van, 虔诚的道教徒
我必须在这里补充一点: 佛陀不是上帝,佛教是一种反神 / 非神的宗教。 一些大型寺庙可以有神像,但是如果僧侣崇拜神,他们会受到惩罚。 佛教徒只能崇拜“教义和僧侣”。 中国人,他们永远不会说佛祖是一个永恒的神!
上古神仙谱系是基于古典的《山海经》和《淮南子》的。 这一体系是在道教成立之前形成的。 这个系统的大多数神仙都是中国人的祖先。 颂扬祖先是亚洲人的文化。
月亮女神(月神)的名字——嫦娥。 由于“嫦娥”卫星,嫦娥可能是西方人心目中最熟悉的中国女神。
这个系统非常模糊,即使在同一本书中,描述也可能不同,例如,有一种说法说帝俊的妻子是娥皇。有一种说法说羲和有10个儿子(太阳神) ,12个女儿(月神) ; 有一种说法说嫦娥是羲和的女儿,有一种说嫦娥是羲和本人,还有一种说嫦娥是后羿的妻子,后羿杀害了羲和的9个儿子。

Alexander Tee, Han Chinese but not from China
There many Gods & Goddess in China. China's belief system ranges from old "Pangu  / "Tian" to (as mentioned by Joseph Boyle) to the recent one, Christianity.
Islam, which dated back  since 616 to 618ad, are also quite prominent in China. It is estimated that 1.5% to 4% of Chinese of  the China's population are Muslim. Which consists of around 23 millions to 54 millions of the population.
In general, those who are not Christian or Muslim have very confusing belief system. A system that blend different beliefs together like a fruit-salad consisting Confucianism, Chinese mythology and Buddhism. But they usually just refer to themselves as "Buddhist" or "Taoist". They are usually Han Chinese.

Alexander Tee, 汉人,但不是来自中国
中国有许多神与女神。 中国的信仰体系从古老的“盘古”到近代的基督教。
伊斯兰教,可以追溯到公元616到618年,在中国也相当突出。 据估计,中国人口中有1.5% 到4% 是穆斯林。 大约有2300万到5400万人口。
一般来说,那些不是基督徒或穆斯林的人有非常混乱的信仰体系。 这个体系将不同的信仰融合在一起,就像一盘水果沙拉,由儒家思想、中国神话和佛教组成。 但他们通常只是自称为“佛教徒”或“道教徒”。 他们通常是汉族人。

Nic Ngu, Malaysian Chinese
No, its not like that in China.
Most Chinese who are still religious are polytheist, which means their faith consists of more than one god. And since Chinese religion is not structured like Christianity/Islam which has a book of guidelines, Chinese religion is very diverse. Many village have their own god, or different family can worship different god based on what they expect from their gods.
In the old days, Chinese believe in the Jade Emperor , which is a lot like Greek Olympus where the sky is ruled by a highest authority and his underlings. There are many gods like god of lightning, god of plague and etc.
Chinese also believe in ascension, which means that if a good person dies, he/she can become a divine being and take care of common people. This is why Buddha is worshiped despite he was once man. Chinese and many other parts of Asia believes a good man like him had became god and watch over mankind. There are many other examples from Alexander Tee's answer/
Some also worship their deceased ancestors. Like this:
Source: Traditional Chinese Family and Lineage

Nic Ngu, 马来西亚华人
大多数仍然信教的中国人是多神论者,这意味着他们的信仰是由一个以上的神组成。 而且由于中国的宗教结构不像基督教 / 伊斯兰教那样有教义,所以中国的宗教非常多样化。 许多村庄都有自己的神,或者不同的家庭可以根据自己对神的期望崇拜不同的神。
在古代,中国人相信玉皇大帝,这很像希腊的奥林匹斯。 有很多神,比如雷神、瘟神等等。
中国人也相信飞升,这意味着如果一个好人死了,他 / 她可以成为神,照顾普通人。 这就是为什么尽管佛陀曾经作为人,但他仍然受到崇拜。 中国人和亚洲其他许多国家都相信,像他这样的好人已经成为了神,并且守护着人类。

In short, Chinese religion is very complicated. There's Buddha, Emperor of heaven, ancestors, and many different gods and they are somehow related. Not to mention about the influence from Taosim and other schools of philosophy.
This answer barely scratches the surface about Chinese religion. If we want to fully explain everything, we can come out with a book. And I'm no expert on this either.

总之,中国的宗教是非常复杂的。 有佛陀,天帝,祖先,和许多不同的神,他们在某种程度上是相关的。 更不用说道教和其他哲学流派的影响了。
这个答案仅仅触及了中国宗教的表面。 如果我们想充分解释一切,都可以出一本书了。 我也不是这方面的专家。

Don Johnson, I lived in China for a long time.
China has a lot of people and a diverse culture, so no one answer to this question can be complete. Traditionally, China was not a monotheistic country, if that's your question. Most Han Chinese practiced a kind of "ancestor worship" in which the universe is run through a heavenly bureaucracy with the Celestial Emperor at the top, and your ancestors can intervene for you if you have troubles. (This is a pretty simplistic descrip1tion; I hope someone else can improve it.) China also has a lot of Muslims and a rather smaller number of Christians, so of course for them there is a God westerners would recognize. China also has a very large number of Buddhists, although their conception of God probably varies a lot; many Chinese Buddhists are pretty casual believers (and of course many are not) and in any event Buddhism is not as jealous a religion as the Abrahamic ones - traditionally many Chinese would perform both Buddhist and ancestor or other rites, seeing no conflict.The People's Republic today is officially atheist and many Chinese are formally or informally atheist as well.

Don Johnson, 我在中国住了很长时间。
中国人口众多,文化多样,所以没有一个答案是完整的。如果从你的问题上回答,传统上,中国不是一神论国家。大多数汉族人实行的是一种“祖先崇拜” ,即宇宙有一个天上的官僚机构,上面有天帝,如果你有麻烦,你的祖先可以帮你解决。 (这是一个相当简单的描述; 我希望其他人能够补充一下。) 中国也有很多穆斯林和相对较少的基督徒,所以当然,他们也有一个西方人认识的上帝。 中国也有很多佛教徒,尽管他们对神的看法可能有很大差异; 许多中国佛教徒是相当随意的信徒(当然很多人不是) ,而且无论如何,佛教不像亚伯拉罕教那样的排斥宗教——传统上,许多中国人会同时举行佛教和祖先或其他等仪式,不会有什么冲突。今天的中华人民共和国官方上是无神论者,所以许多中国人正式或非正式地也成为了无神论者。

Magd Abdel Wahab, Full Professor
To demonstrate the logic in the existence of Almighty God, we consider some examples from our lives. For example, if someone finds a glass cup on the street, would it be possible that he thinks that the cup just existed by itself or made itself? Logically, he will think that it has been made by someone. In fact, it will have gone through a manufacturing process, from design right through until the production of its final shape. Similarly, if you see a building, it is impossible to think that it was found like that or it was built by itself. There would have been an engineer, who designed the building and contractors, who implemented the design of the engineer.
Similar to the two examples of glass cup and building described above, everything around us has an origin and was made by some power. Chairs, tables, cars and airplanes have been designed and manufactured somewhere and by someone. We can even identify the manufacturer of products by looking at them. For example, if we look at a car, we can recognise its manufacturer, e.g. Mercedes, BMW or Opel.

Magd Abdel Wahab, 全职教授
为了证明全能的上帝存在的逻辑,我们从生活中想一些例子, 例如,如果有人在街上发现了一个玻璃杯,他是否有可能认为这个杯子是无中生有出来的? 从逻辑上讲,他会认为这是某人做的。 事实上,它将经历一个制造过程,从设计到最终形状的生产。 同样地,如果你看到一座建筑,你不可能认为它一开始就是那样的,或者它自己形成的。 正常来讲,会有工程师,负责设计建筑,会有承包商,负责实施工程师的设计。
类似于上面描述的玻璃杯和建筑的例子,我们周围的一切都有一个起源,是由某种力量造成的。 椅子、桌子、汽车和飞机都是在某个地方由某个人设计和制造的。我们甚至可以通过观察产品的制造商来识别它们。 例如,如果我们观察一辆汽车,我们可以识别出它的制造商,如奔驰、宝马或欧宝。

Similarly, if we look at Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars and Galaxies, is it possible to think that they are there without a designer and a manufacturer (creator)? Where do they come from? How do they move relative to each other? How were they designed? Based on logic that any product has been made by someone, we have to accept that Earth and Heaven were created by a super power, Almighty God.

同样地,如果我们观察地球、太阳、月亮、星星和星系,会认为它们本来就存在,没有经过某些人的手吗? 它们是从哪里来的? 是如何相对运动的? 是如何设计成这样的? 根据逻辑,任何产品都是由某人制造的,我们必须承认,地球和天堂是由一个强大的力量,全能的上帝创造的。

Darwin Sujaya, Pastafarian
I am a third / fourth Chinese Indonesian, our fammily migrated yo Indonesia during civil war, so we never experienced communist rule or cultural revolution. My parents are TriDharma Budhist who worship Buddha, Chinese gods like Earth God and GuanYu, and also have Confusian mindset.
When I was a child the best school in the city are Catholic and Protestant schools. They think if I was converted to Catholictism it will easier to me to go to the best school (this assumption is wrong btw, they do accept studwnts of all faith) so they urged me to convert to Caholictism. I was still in second grade of primary school, so I just do what my parents ask. They dont want me to Prostestanism because back then hey have bad experiences w;th relatives who converted then dont practice Chinese tradition anymore, The Catholics have better reputation as more tolerant to Chinese tradition, at least according to them.
But yhen even as they support me and even urged me to convert, they also urgedtoe yo practice the Chinese tradition like praying to my deceased grandparents and great grand parents, also pray to Earth God and Money God so I can be rich and succesful. In a way I am more attached to the tradition than my new religion because no one in my home practice that except me, later I become agnostic.

Darwin Sujaya, 飞天意面神教(阿煌注:一个合法的讽刺型宗教,他们认为意大利面是唯一真神...)
我是第三 / 四代印尼华人,我们的家人在内战期间移民到印尼,所以我们从未经历过共产主义统治或文化大革命。 我的父母是三法佛教徒,他们崇拜佛祖,崇拜中国的诸如土地神和关羽之类的神灵,也有宗教观念。
当我还是个孩子的时候,这个城市最好的学校是天主教和新教学校。 他们认为如果我皈依天主教,我就更容易进入最好的学校(顺便说一句,这个说法是错的,他们接受所有信仰的学习) ,所以他们敦促我皈依天主教。 当时我还在上小学二年级,所以我只是按照父母的要求去做。 他们不希望我改变传统,因为那时他们过有不好的经历。而那些改变信仰后的亲戚不再践行中国传统了。天主教徒对中国传统更宽容,至少在他们看来是这样。
即使他们支持我,甚至催促我皈依天主教,但是他们也仍然坚持着中国的传统,比如向我已故的祖父母和曾祖父母祈祷,也向土地神和财神祈祷,这样我就可以变得富有和成功。 在某种程度上,我更喜欢这个传统而不是我的新宗教天主教,因为在我家里除了我没有人信这个,后来我变成了不可知论者。

My parents view for religion is practical: if you can get better education by converting then do it. If certain god can promise you wealth then follow him, religion is for worldly benefit. But never forget your identity and family tradition. 

我父母关于宗教的观点很实际:如果你可以通过皈依宗教而获得更好的教育,那就去做吧。 如果某个神可以许诺给你财富,那么就跟随他吧,宗教是为了世俗的利益。