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文章原始标题:China reveals list of punishments for diehard Taiwanese secessionists


Joseph Wu has luxurious homes ready in both Tokyo and Washington. His kids are Americans. His bank accounts are full of corrupted money $$$. Anything happens, these so-called "independence" leaders will jump into the black hawk helicopter and flee to Japan or the USA. They have fleeing drills repeatedly and have ironed out the hiccups in their fleeing scheme. Wu cries, "We must fight to our last drop of blood!" but he only means the blood of his supporters. Wu means: "Your fighting not mine. Your blood not mine. Me for acting and corruption only." LOL.We all know who are their sugar daddies behind the scene. These left-over traitors from the Japanese colonization and American puppets have no shame. - UP: 9 DN: 0

吴钊燮在东京和华盛顿都有豪宅。他的孩子都是美国人。他的银行账户里装满了贪污的钱。一旦发生任何情况,这些所谓的“独立”领导者就会跳上黑鹰直升机逃往日本或美国。他们反复进行逃跑训练,并消除了逃跑计划中的障碍。吴喊道:“我们必须战斗到最后一滴血!”但他说的只是他支持者的鲜血。吴的意思是: “你们的战斗不是我的。你们的血不是我的。我只是在演戏和腐败。”我们都知道幕后黑手是谁。这些日本殖民统治和美国傀儡留下来的叛徒不知羞耻。

The Chinese are fully capable of settling their disagreements without Anglo interference. - UP: 8 DN: 0


This is all theater. Taiwan will not declare independence and US will not defend it. It's all a game to provoke China. - UP: 10 DN: 1


Tom Pell->TheFishhv2
that game has forced China to double down on increasing their nukes. Good job, neocons. - UP: 7 DN: 0


David G Horsman->Tom Pell
China correctly stated that 3-5 hundred are sufficient. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Tom Pell->David G Horsman
China correctly stated that 3-5 hundred are sufficient. That's old news. China is building 300+ new silos (more to come) to house the new globetrotting hypersonic nuke missiles that can hit any target from any direction. - UP: 3 DN: 0

那种说法是旧闻了。中国正在建造300多个新的发射井(未来还会有更多) ,以容纳新的全球高超音速导弹,这种导弹可以从任何方向击中任何目标。

Ichnusa->Tom Pell
Building nukes cost a lot of money that China doesn’t have. - UP: 0 DN: 9


Tom Pell->Ichnusa
Building nukes cost a lot of money that China doesn’t have. Ha ha ha ... have you been living under a rock? LMFAO. - UP: 7 DN: 0

建造核武器需要大量资金,而中国没有。哈哈哈... 你一直生活在岩石下面吗?笑死我了。

David G Horsman->Ichnusa
That's not reflected in the stats. - UP: 3 DN: 0


5th Eye
Taiwan independence GOOD, Scotland/Catalan/Texas/California/Australia/Canada/Falklands/Common Weath independence BAD. What kind of stupid logic is that? - UP: 10 DN: 1


Good for China. It is about time China punished the traitors. - UP: 6 DN: 0


I've been telling to Taiwanese secessionists that you people should not expect anything from Japanese supporters because they are all racist, looking down on Chinese people, and Taiwanese people are not the exception. - UP: 5 DN: 0


Kino C->Michiko
Well, to be honest, most Chinese look down on Japanese for many thousands of years. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Michiko->Kino C
Yes but it's a long story.Chinese people have every reason to see themselves better than us for the past 2000 years and they were and are always supportive, tolerant and helping Japanese. - UP: 0 DN: 0


China has transformed from a Docile Panda into a Fierce Dragon to those countries that constantly persistently arrogantly want to meddle in China's internal affairs, including HKSAR and Taiwan etc. - UP: 8 DN: 1


the best
The US lost Crimea. Now the US is after Taiwan. It has nothing to do with democracy or freedom. - UP: 7 DN: 1


TheFishhv2->the best
US seems to lose everything it pretends to control. - UP: 9 DN: 1


LotsOfPeople->the best
The US has nothing to do with Taiwan not wanting to have anything to do with China. - UP: 0 DN: 9


If you look at world events since WW2 ask yourself this question:1. How many nations have the USA invaded or declared War or architects of regime change2. Who invaded Iraq based on lies and murdered 1/2 half a million children as a consequence of this illegal war?3. Which nations incarcerates foreign nationals without charge and keeps them imprisoned in a Cuban war camp?4. Which Nation punishes honest journalists and advocates the use of torture?5. Who told us a lie about 9/116. Which of the two leaders are a puppet for the Shadow Government?Answers are below:Answers 1 :USA has invaded too many to count. 2 to 5: USA6: Biden - UP: 5 DN: 0


Spot on. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Kino C
Because Taiwan is 150km's away from China, and has historically belonged to them. The people on the island are majority Chinese. China doesn't want the US to establish a military base on the island. If you were in their shoes, you would react the same way. - UP: 4 DN: 0


Leon Pastis
China has to organise an economic blockade of the island. The "free world" accepted that the US did the same thing to Cuba. What's the difference? And Cuba was/is an independent state, Taiwan is a province of mainland China. - UP: 4 DN: 0


TheFishhv2->Leon Pastis
The Chinese were very badly abused by western countries throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. All Chinese remember these humiliations, even the ones in Taiwan. China's rise is justice for all this. Over 20% of Taiwanese are for unification with China. So things are not as black and white as they seem. - UP: 3 DN: 1


Aiweinsofridr->Leon Pastis
And the war to stop Confederate States from leaving the Union, before that. In other parts of the world, RF's conflict with separatists in Chechnya. Spain's response to Catalan separatists. Ukraine's response to Donbass republics and Crimea. UK's conflict with the Republic of Ireland.Majority of political entities in the world don't take kindly to potential loss of territory and work to prevent such events. - UP: 1 DN: 0


I am waiting for the paid bots to spam this comment section to support Taiwan independence. Those who do not agree with them will be downvoted as usual :) - UP: 11 DN: 4

我在等着那些付费的机器人在这个评论区发垃圾信息支持台独。那些不同意他们的人将一如既往被点踩 :)

Thomas Nelson->Ken
What do the people of Taiwan want? It's up to them, not you. - UP: 4 DN: 4


Tyke2939->Thomas Nelson
the west still do not accept what the people of Crimea wanted - UP: 8 DN: 0


Thomas Nelson->Tyke2939
I agree. It is hypocritical. - UP: 4 DN: 0


Bayardo X. Arellano->Thomas Nelson
Your logic, Could it be apply to Puerto Rico and Hawaii??? - UP: 5 DN: 0


owen arvon jones->Bayardo X. Arellano
A very good point. If the people of Hawaii decided to get out from under the 'yoke' of the idiots in D.C. The D.C. 'crowd' would be rather miffed! - UP: 2 DN: 0


Thomas Nelson->Bayardo X. Arellano
Yes - UP: 1 DN: 1


Bob Barker
Hopefully, when restores Taipei to the mainland, these thug's punishment is immediately converted to summary execution. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Thomas Nelson->Bob Barker
You are talking about mass murder. You are the thug. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Bob Barker->Thomas Nelson
The just and proper fate of those who preach insurrection and sedition. - UP: 2 DN: 0


China, again, doing rightfully its homework, in the proper order...betrayer are now advised, about their own future, before the landlord will come in. - UP: 3 DN: 0

中国,再一次,按照正确的顺序正当地做着它的功课... 背叛者现在被告知了,在房东进来之前,关于他们自己的未来。

really doesnt sound like much of a punishment to me. if u were promoting sepratism in the west, you would get arrested at the airport, then disapear, not just denied entry - UP: 5 DN: 1


owen arvon jones->DFAS ASF
If you are a reporter in the West, you would get at least 175 years in prison....but probably just assassinated. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Thomas Nelson->DFAS ASF
Do you know who Nicola Sturgeon is? - UP: 1 DN: 0

你知道尼古拉 · 斯特金是谁吗?

Thomas Nelson->DFAS ASF
Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested???? - UP: 0 DN: 0

尼古拉 · 斯特金被逮捕了???

Keng Long
China and Asian punish neocon corrupt puppet Taiwanese. - UP: 6 DN: 2


For sure, Tsai and company will have to leave Taiwan for either Japan or US when reunification happens, her family already lives in the US. - UP: 2 DN: 0


China shoul dnot be informing them simply limit their travel and money movements, they will now set up proxy representitives and to travel for them or use software meetings, money will be rerouted through illegal means which they are most likely already expert in. - UP: 2 DN: 0


This comment was deleted.


how autonomous can u be if u r doing the white mans bidding - UP: 3 DN: 0


The seccessionists want the benefits of trade in mainland China, but to separate Taiwan for their neoliberal utopia. The West wants to carve it up like Hong Kong real estate as a strategy of leverage against China.40% of trade is with China and that will increase as China rises, so the West is making a last ditch effort to seize Taiwan. - UP: 4 DN: 2


Japan once thought Americans were lazy, weak and unwilling to fight. That they could do whatever they pleased. They even became so bold as to attack a US state. They were not only defeated but their cities raised to radioactive dust for it. Chinese citizens are being told the same thing Japanese citizens were told. America has no will to fight, it's citizens are fat and lazy. By the last year of the war many were fleeing for their lives. - UP: 0 DN: 2


USA nuked Japanese civilians, otherwise Japan wouldn't surrender. In WW2 USA was the only country which had nuclear weapons. Now many countries including China have nuclear weapons. China recently tested hypersonic intercontinental missiles which are designed to carry nuclear warheads. China is a very powerful country. BTW, have you watched the video clip where US soldiers are crying in front of Iranian soldiers ??? If haven't yet, you can watch it on YouTube. - UP: 0 DN: 0


The US has sought to seize Taiwan. Taiwan was always a part of China. The US officially recognise this, that's a fact. - UP: 0 DN: 0


You can't leave from something you never joined. - UP: 2 DN: 5


Formosa was and is a part of China. Declaring otherwise is an act of revisionist history. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Taiwan doesn't spend much on defense. Why should the US taxpayer spend a dime on them. Just hot air from Taiwan, they want their cake and eat it too. Just more Welfare for the US military complex. - UP: 4 DN: 2


Kino C->NoOtherOption
It's the same with the Afghans. The US spends 100s of billions on equipment for them only to pass over to the Taliban. The same thing will happen to Taiwan when the "Taiwanese" surrender. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Taiwan do spend quite a lot on defence actually a amphibious assault will be no walk in the park. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Kevin Elks->kase
Yep, lots recently. Some people just type things without knowing what they are talking about unfortunately. - UP: 1 DN: 2


rolo tomassi
All wars were created by Freemasons. The next one will be no different. - UP: 4 DN: 2


Keng Long
China and Asian will destroy and wipeout all Zionist neocon warmonger hiding in US, get the ovrn ready. - UP: 4 DN: 2


TheFishhv2->Keng Long
Time is on China's side, and the US knows it. All this US nonsense about China is being driven by nervousness about its waning status in the world. US experiencing much anxiety at not being #1 anymore. So all this scary fiction about the horrible China, are just sour grapes by those having a hard time accepting reality. - UP: 1 DN: 1


You have no authority over Taiwan. - UP: 6 DN: 7


Kino C->Zonned
Zonned, it's within China's legal right to sanction those individuals - meaning they can't enter Chinese territory and cannot have any financial connections to China. Totally normal. - UP: 6 DN: 0


Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale->Zonned
Taiwan belongs to China same goes for Afghanistan to the Taliban. We need to stay out of this. Leave it alone. Mind our own business. And if China wants to retake Japan, then so be it. I'm pretty confident that Japanese people have no problem with China leadership. - UP: 6 DN: 2


Zonned->Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale
They failed to take the island.It doesn't belong to them. - UP: 4 DN: 6


Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale->Zonned
Yes it does. Now put your dress on and go back to Reddit. This community's not for you. - UP: 5 DN: 0


RK01->Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale
ZOMBIE ZONNE hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. You are wasting your time on the F**ker. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Zonned->Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale
Touch that island and the US will end you all. - UP: 0 DN: 5


Kino C->Zonned
Z, I am absolutely certain, the US will do NOTHING if China intervened in Taiwan. Just like the US did over Crimea. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Stuart Matthews->Kino C
The people of Crimea voted 89% to return - so there was no need for Amerika to interfere. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Zonned->Kino C
Crimea had no strategic importance. The US government does not want TSMC to fall into the hands of China. - UP: 0 DN: 3


Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale->Zonned
Ugh. Such a trivial mind you have to endure. My sympathy for you. But this has nothing to do with sovereignty and democracies. It's all about the money. China produces a lot of that. China provide wealthy families and corporations with all sorts of luxuries. But what I'm saying, the filthy rich love China. They want them to rule the world. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Bruce Gyde->Big Jim's Worn Out Tire Sale
absolute rubbish - UP: 0 DN: 0


Bruce Jenner is a republican and wears dresses. I'm sure there's a few more of them in those US closets. - UP: 4 DN: 1


Truth Teller->jocolope
Pretty sure he’s had his wee wee removed as well. lol 😂😂 - UP: 1 DN: 0


Kino C->Zonned
Sure Z, kinda like how you guys ran like mice from Afghanistan. That didn't set a good precedent for you guys. - UP: 3 DN: 1


RK01->Kino C
Zombie Zonne hasn't a clue what he is mumbling about, don't waste your time. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Zonned->Kino C
When the US battled the Taliban it had a 100:1 kill ratio. They were slaughtered like lambs by the millions. They only managed to take down a few thousand US troops over those 20 years. - UP: 0 DN: 2


Bruce Gyde->Zonned
you got your arse handed to you on a plate by freedom fighters as it should be went faced with fascism yes thats right the US is a fascist state run by nazis - UP: 0 DN: 0


T. Agee Kaye
How revealing. 'We will punish you and your entire family, for life'. - UP: 6 DN: 7


andtam008->T. Agee Kaye
China learns a few tricks from the Americums. The Americums must be proud: "he's doing our tricks." LOL. - UP: 1 DN: 0

中国从美国人那里学到了一些把戏。美国人一定很自豪: “他在用我们的把戏”哈哈。

Huck Fungary->T. Agee Kaye
A lot of westerners don't like the fact that China has stood up again. Gnashing your teeth and cursing the Chinese for no longer kow-towing to the West isn't going to make much of a difference. It would be best to learn to accommodate yourselves to the new reality of a multi-polar world, and learn to live together in peace.With all of its wealth, and its growing military might, China could easily become a huge thorn in the side of the USA merely by following the US' own playbook; supporting separatists and attempting to carve off bits of the American empire. I'm sure there are no shortage of people in the USA who would, if given the chance, support the establishment of an "Republic of Aztlan" on lands now claimed by the US. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Kevin Elks
So the punishment is they can't come to where they are desperately trying to say away from?Too funny. - UP: 2 DN: 1


tonyp->Kevin Elks
Not everyone is against reunification with the mainland. - UP: 5 DN: 0


Leon Pastis->tonyp
Indeed there is a big 5th column in Taiwan. - UP: 1 DN: 0


TheFishhv2->Kevin Elks
Your problem is that you ascribe western mentality to Chinese, when they are way more prudent and smarter. It's why they are winning, and this is why US and its loser vassals are saying all this nonsense about China. But get used to it. As for Taiwan, it will be part of China, and I even suspect it will happen without a fight. - UP: 2 DN: 1


The lust for power is a human, not western, phenomenon. Every empire has done it, and China itself has been a feudalistic culture for the last 5000 years. It will not stop at Taiwan. - UP: 2 DN: 3


owen arvon jones->LotsOfPeople
It didn't happen decades ago because the Island had a great relationship with the Motherland. But now America is poking its 'nose' into the relationship, and as usual; causing all kinds of problems! - UP: 1 DN: 0


LotsOfPeople->owen arvon jones
What planet do you live on? The US, rightly or wrongly, has been an advocate for Taiwan since the 1950s, only wavering in the 1980s due to monetary greed by the US economic and political classes to take advantage of mainland China's cheap labor to get rich. - UP: 0 DN: 2


owen arvon jones->LotsOfPeople
The U.S., recognized 'The one China Policy', during the 'Nixon Administration...rightly as you say! Taiwan has been recognized in the U.N. as a province of China. Currently China is overtaking the U.S. in many areas: military of course, economically, and surprisingly...they are bringing more people out of poverty, in direct contrast to America driving people into poverty! Contrary to what you may hear in Western MSM, business is thriving between the West and China; consequently, the U.S. is fuming!, after all isn't America-'The leader of the free World', so China..."must be contained", is the mantra. Taiwan is simply the latest 'dirty trick' that America plays on countries around the World, and frankly just like HK, doomed to failure. - UP: 0 DN: 0

在尼克松政府时期,美国承认一个中国政策... 正如你所说的那样!台湾已被联合国承认为中国的一个省。目前,中国在许多方面正在赶超美国:当然是在军事方面,经济方面,还有让人惊讶的是... 他们让更多的人摆脱了贫困,这与美国让人们陷入贫困形成了直接的对比!与你在西方主流媒体听到的相反,西方和中国之间的商业正在蓬勃发展;因此,美国怒火中烧!毕竟不是“自由世界的领导者”美国,所以中国...“必须受到控制”,是一句口头禅。台湾只不过是美国对世界各国耍的最新的“肮脏把戏”,坦率地说,就像香港的事件一样,注定要失败。

I'm glad to see those American trolls angry.Drug addicts surrounded them, but they could only curse the CPC in a dark corner of Philadelphia.I heard they opened some new legal opium houses in Rhode Island. It's fantastic.For food stamps, I'm going to work for the government to produce more keyboards and sell them to the US😂with HIGH tariffs. - UP: 1 DN: 0


David G Horsman
"The law will see those listed, as well as family members, prohibited from entering China, Hong Kong and Macau while further mechanisms would prevent them from benefiting monetarily from the mainland.“The mainland will pursue criminal responsibility for Taiwan independence diehards in accordance with the law, and it will be effective for life,”And this would apply to their families too? Fact check? - UP: 1 DN: 0




Until all comprehend that the US and most of the planet now, are ALL RUN BY THE INTERNATIONAL ROTHSCHILD BANKSTER CARTEL, through their monetary systems, via the Central Banks, such as the Federal Reserve, there will never be peace and freedom. They must be exterminated like the vermin they are! They use the US as their killing machine.They finance both sides in most wars since the Battle of Waterloo! They bankrupted The Bank of England, during that battle with Napolean, and caused the Great Depression and the 1938 Bankruptcy! Those without Rothschild Central Banks such as Russia,China, Iran and North Korea are their enemies and they will wage war against them through the media they control. They control all the 3 letter spy agencies as well. Just ask JFK! - UP: 5 DN: 0


If you believe America is weak and feeble then take Taiwan, Uncle Sam is waiting. - UP: 2 DN: 3


The ziopath-controlled yanks have absolutely no business in other countries' internal affairs. Sticking their nose in where its not wanted will get it cut off for sure. If I was China, I'll cut off a lot more than just their hook-noses. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Bruce Gyde->Zonned
and waiting and waiting and waiting - UP: 0 DN: 0


And then runaway like in Afghanistan. Lol - UP: 0 DN: 0


john doe
US and Europe can offer Citizenship to those who do not want to unify with mainland..23 million is a population that is very useful for these ageing countries and industries. That China gets is a land mass that they can use...win win for everyone - UP: 1 DN: 1

美国和欧洲可以向那些不想与大陆统一的人提供公民身份。2300万人口对这些老龄化国家和工业非常有用。而中国得到的只是一大片他们可以利用的土地... 对每个人都是双赢的

Yuthegreat->john doe
Why are you so eager to welcome Chinese to your nations..When hate crimes in the UK and US against Asians has risen tremendously? Is being fake just normal in the West? - UP: 3 DN: 0


john doe->Yuthegreat
not all. I expect majority will stay with China.. only the elites and rich will want to leave and its good to have them in west - UP: 0 DN: 3

并不是全部的。我预计大多数人会留在中国... 只有精英和富人才想离开,让他们留在西方是件好事。

Yuthegreat->john doe
Well, How many people actually left Hong Kong? The UK was talking about 3 million who wanted to go to the UK,,, It never happened...Why leave go to a Nation like the US, where 75% is anti China... When these Asians walk on the street, nobody knows if they are anti or pro China... There are no Hate crimes against Taiwanese in China, because Chinese see them as family, brothers and sisters... More than 2 million Taiwanese work in China, that's basically 10% of their total population.. The West is exaggerating this issue a lot.. To flame the anti China feelings in their own nation..... If the West wants to contain China, they can only do this with the approval of their population, that's why your gov. needs you to hate China...Just like Hong Kong, the truth is far from how it's portrait in the West... - UP: 4 DN: 0

那到底有多少人离开了香港?英国当时正在讨论有300万人想去英国,而这从未发生过... 为什么要去像美国这样的国家,那里有75%的人反中... 当这些亚洲人走在街上,没有人知道他们是反中还是亲中... 而在中国大陆没有针对台湾人的仇恨犯罪,因为中国人视他们为家人、兄弟姐妹... 超过200万台湾人在中国大陆工作,这基本上是他们总人口的10%... 西方国家夸大了这个问题... 点燃他们自己国家的反中情绪... 如果西方想要遏制中国,他们只能在他们的民众同意的情况下才能这么做,这就是为什么你的州长需要你去讨厌中国... 就像香港,真相远非西方人所描述的那样...

john doe->Yuthegreat
No one has a problem if they do it willingly..there will always be some who do not want to be part of... mostly elites and rich business... they can go to west and live as second class citizens which is better than china... - UP: 1 DN: 2

如果他们心甘情愿这么做,就不会有问题... 总会有一些人不想成为其中一部分... 大多数精英和富商... 他们可以去西方过二等公民的生活,这比在中国要好...

noremedy->john doe
The west definitely needs more oligarchs. Why do you grovel to such corrupt power? - UP: 3 DN: 0


Maia->john doe
Please keep the elite in the uk. We have enough parasites as it is already. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Sammy->john doe
It works perfectly well for Hong Kong, Taiwan, Why dont you LGBTQZX-P perverts mind your own business and Fluck off before you face another but bleeding defeat like Afghanistan - UP: 6 DN: 1


Really little difference between life in both places today. People exaggerate a potential Chinese liberation as something horrible to be feared. China dealt with Hong Kong without resorting to military force at all. Main difference is the lack of popularity contests known as elections. But as we see in the west, elections don't guarantee good leadership. And the only ones who would lose are the western provocateurs and a handful of their local vassals. - UP: 5 DN: 1


The only hand full that held protests were the usual suspects of LGBTQZ-P pervert paid agents; its a very old method of cowardly west; needless to say it fell flat on its face in Hong Kong, as it will in Taiwan, as it did in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria.........when you build a narrative on lies, you dont need enemies; you arrange for your own demise.....lies never work - UP: 0 DN: 0

唯一举行抗议活动的是受雇代理人LGBTQZ-P的变态惯犯们;这是一种非常古老的懦弱的西方方式;不用说它在香港一败涂地了,在台湾也会如此,在阿富汗、巴基斯坦、伊拉克和叙利亚... 也会如此。当你用谎言编造一个故事时,你不需要敌人;你是在给自己掘墓... 谎言永远不会奏效。

dont worry we all push back against china,,we bankrupt them - UP: 2 DN: 6

别担心,我们都对中国进行反击... 我们会让他们破产的。

You first, I'm right behind you but don't look back. - UP: 4 DN: 0


Leon Pastis->Markeeeeee
The US were bankrupt, already a long time ago? - UP: 5 DN: 1


Keep trying, and you will end up with empty pockets. - UP: 2 DN: 1


Miss Em->Markeeeeee
Excellent idea, but how do we do it? I would in a heartbeat but everything we use is made there. - UP: 1 DN: 0


China showing its TRUE COLORS. - UP: 1 DN: 7


Kino C->Sunflower
It's within their right to sanction those individuals. I see nothing wrong with it. - UP: 5 DN: 0


Marc Pedneault
I will never buy Chinese - UP: 2 DN: 9


Juan More->Marc Pedneault
Everything you buy probably has parts or sub-assemblies made in the PRC. - UP: 5 DN: 1


Huck Fungary->Marc Pedneault
The only thing that is still manufactured in the USA is military equipment and the casus belli necessary to justify their uses. - UP: 2 DN: 0


nomoresilence.world->Huck Fungary
precisely - UP: 1 DN: 0


We are in the age of sanctions and lawfare. It is sanctions vs sanctions and law vs law. Whose sanctions and law will win out? There is a FINAL arbiter of all these disputes and it is coming soon in the next few years. - UP: 0 DN: 0

我们正处于制裁和法律战的时代。制裁 vs 制裁,法律 vs 法律。谁的制裁和法律会胜出?所有这些争端都有一个最终仲裁者,而且在未来几年内很快就会出现。

Fall into line. - UP: 0 DN: 0


I read the article, but couldn't find a list of punishments anywhere? - UP: 0 DN: 0


Anastasia Dekov->humptydumpty
The law will see those listed, as well as family members, prohibited from entering China, Hong Kong and Macau while further mechanisms would prevent them from benefiting monetarily from the mainland.The ban is for life. - UP: 3 DN: 0


Trump Farms->humptydumpty
That's because the Chinese do, they don't empty talk. - UP: 3 DN: 0


India should nuke China ASAP. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Multipolar World->DowntrendDAVE
With what? Chicken curry? - UP: 0 DN: 0

用什么? 咖喱鸡吗?

The land belongs to those living on it - UP: 0 DN: 2


So will anglo-saxon give up North America,Australia and New Zealand? - UP: 1 DN: 0


tell that to the mexicans in california in 1848. - UP: 4 DN: 0
