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文章原始标题:How come India's brightest minds are leaving India en masse? What’s the point of India's existence when everyone wants to get out as soon as possible?

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Lawyer
An average of 37000 Student Visa applications was received by the US Consulates in India as of 2018–2019
The number was 17000 Applications in 2008–2009 and around 21000 applications in 2014–2015.
This means in 10 years, the number of students wanting to leave India has risen by almost 110%
And thats just US alone.
Its estimated that roughly 9.5 Lakh Students globally doing UG/PG/Ph.D are Indians with 2.35 Lakh F Visa Students in US alone
Why are they leaving India en masse?
The Outside world has far more to offer them than India.
Rather than buy an overvalued flat , drive a car with hugely priced fuel, breathe in polluted air, live amidst a inept judiciary and inept legal system that doesnt protect citizens and listen to Modis lies on a 24*7 basis,



Its better to live in a foreign country with a near market valued house, drive a car with affordable gasoline and live amidst efficient lawmakers and judiciary
Indias most trustworthy employers in private sector as per India Today are Amazon , Deloitte, Ernst and Young, Honeywell and Citibank - all of them are foreign entities.
TCS is the only Indian employer in the Top 10.
In the West, a taxpayer is valued. He gets heathcare, education, roads and protection and accountability
In India, a taxpayer dies on the streets failed by everyone around.

根据《今日印度》 ,印度私营部门最值得信赖的雇主是:亚马逊、德勤、安永、霍尼韦尔和花旗银行,它们都是外国实体。

Many People overseas including my son will claim to be proud of India, watch Uri 10 times, eat Naan and praise it cursing the Quarter Pounder, even say ‘How great Modiji is’
Ask them to return back and theyll Scamper under the Bed and hide and disappear.


Dinesh Jain
Tax payers are treated like dacoits and terrorists. All political parties want our money but hesitate in giving us safety.


Faisal Khan
I always hear such conversations from my Dad and his friends when they come over.
Too much taxes. Still we have to pay our own school fees, pay our own hospital bills, drive on roads with potholes. What do we pay taxes for then? Government services are horrible even if we pay 1L income tax per year.


Shiva Mehera
population. that’s the answer. you live in maha right. so your father’s money goes to central government, who then use that money to uplift population of poor people in bihar,jharkhand, win election, giving free laptops to some so-called backward caste students, build toilets.


Dinesh Jain
We pay so much taxes but when it comes to reality we have to beg for hospital beds nad oxygen cylinders.I was covid positive visiting hospitals after hospitals just for fucking bed.
Last I got treated in 3 star hotel.I gave up on Indian govt as there's no use of roads and temples if tu cannot guarantee health services


Sohab Sethwala
But government servants have handsome salaries in comparison to private sector.
A 4th class category sweeper salary in government service is more than white collar job in private sector.


Rohan Anil Kanawade
Too much taxes??


Venkatesh Swaminathan
Sir, I have been following your answer for a very long time. I also see you are a senior citizen. Please enlighten us how your life was lets say 25 yrs back or even 30 yrs back, are we still there? isn't it more democratic, isn't the legal system improving, aren't politicians behind bars for corruption. Also why is it all the world universities inviting Indian students? It's because we Indian have had schooling which has improved the fundamentals, we have the innate curiosity to learn and improve. We are in this intense world of competition. India is a young country with 1.3bn population, it has changed and I have the faith it will change for better, I am 47, I have seen those changes in my lifetime and very hopeful it will change to far better in the next 50 yrs. It's easy to crib and complain, it's easy to show how bad we are.. it's tough to accept the adversities we were in and how far have we come. Pls we are already in a lot of mess, we need you to be the flag bearer to show hope to the young. I am sure wisdom will prevail


Mathews T.M
I dont know of any foreign university thats inviting us. We apply to them with pocketful of cash and that is what every one them interested in. A miniscule of the students get decent scholerships.


Aswin Chandran
What universities are inviting Indian students? Is it a new scheme where they offer you instant admission with full scholarship if you hold an Indian passport? The large number of Indian students in foreign universities actually proves the lack of quality of the Indian educational system.


S Basu
Venkatesh Swaminathan Hi Venkatesh, If you have really been following Mr. Kanthaswami for sometime then you will also realize that while hi is definitely very knowledgeable and at time does show us and our society the mirror we desperately need to see, but quite frequently he gives away his left leaning. I can bet he will never accept the humongous change we have experienced in our day to day life. Compare getting a passport or driving license in 90s and today. If you go through all his article, there seems to be a great deal of admiration of the high handed behavior of China, he is all praise for them. But never has he ever appreciated the extra mile our government has to go to delivery similar results. The pain the recent government has taken to ensure our safety and development is of no consequence but whatever little the China has done is matter of admiration for him. Notwithstanding, there are some very valid points he raises and there are facts which he presents. So I do read his article but then only intake the facts or stats, his pro China and anti India narrative needs to be ignored.


Prashanth Setty
I'm going to Germany for Masters this winter. But, I'll come back and use the knowledge learnt there to do something here!


All the best resisting the allure of leaving better life. Let's see what happens after few years.


Sreejesh S
Now you live in the world of imagination. After 2 years you will be in the world of reality, and then you will never say the same.


Siddhartha M
You won't do shit, unless you are not forced to. Stop your pseudo-nationalism.


It changes once you start living and earning in India paying taxes and getting nothing in return. Not even respect for the taxes you’ve paid.


Vraja Kishore Mudumbai
Hahahah hope you don't change your mind after living there.


Amit H
Great idea my friend. But don't forget to come back. We all need to play a big role in building our nation. Best of luck.


Manu Mishra
It is true that there are problems in our country bharat. But that does not mean that we should leave our motherland. I just want to say..just go through the history of our country or our sanskriti. What was the thing that was not present in our country, be it science , metallurgy, medical surgery,etc...that is the reality. This country has faced many outside threats. So we should think how we can make our nation great!!!

【回复】我们国家印度确实存在一些问题。但这并不意味着我们应该离开祖国。我只想说... 回顾一下我们国家的历史,或者我们的梵文。我们国家没有的东西是什么,是科学,冶金学,医学外科等等... 这就是现实。这个国家面临着许多外部威胁。因此,我们应该思考如何才能使我们的国家伟大!

Shekar Srikanteswaren
Why the best brains leave India needs greater analysis. Some of the reasons.
* The oppressive reservation policy. Even if a boy or girl secures 95% there is no guarantee of getting a seat for some professional courses.
* Merit is not given due importance.
* Countries like US,AUS,Ireland and Germany encouraging qualified personnel to immigrate to their country.
* Population explosion in our country. Leading to very high demand for the well paid jobs.
* Children of rich farmers in Punjab &Haryana do not want to live in India.
* Caste based govt benefits leading to corruption and nepotism.
* Qualified women do not get suitable bridegrooms in India. They get married to men who are settled abroad.
* Weak currency.

* 压迫性的保留政策。即使一个男孩或女孩确保了95%的机会,也不能保证能够获得某些专业课程的名额。
* 优点没有得到应有的重视。
* 美国、澳洲、爱尔兰和德国等国鼓励合格人才移民本国。
* 我国人口激增,导致对高薪工作的需求非常高。
* 旁遮普和哈里亚纳邦富裕农民的孩子不想住在印度。
* 基于种姓的政府福利导致腐败和裙带关系。
* 在印度,合格的女性找不到合适的新郎,她们只能嫁给在国外定居的男性。
* 货币疲软。

* Retirement. In US and other rich countries you can continue to work even after 60 years.
* Lack of adequate facilities for R&D.
* Ease of doing business. Business is seen as profiteering. Too many regulations and rules leading to corruption.
* Many professionals who want to return cannot do that once they have school going children.
* Quality of life and social security.
* Inspite of all these factors there are many highly qualified professionals who have come back to India to improve things here.

* 退休制度。在美国和其他富裕国家,即使过了60岁,你仍然可以继续工作。
* 缺乏足够的研发设施。
* 营商便捷性。营商被视为牟取暴利。太多的规章制度容易导致贪污。
* 许多想要回国的专业人士,一旦他们有了上学的孩子,就无法回国了。
* 生活质量和社会保障。
* 尽管存在这些因素,但仍有许多高素质的专业人士回到印度来改善这里的情况。

Ayon Ghosh
To get a good job in Europe you need to know the language of that country which is most probably never English. So its tougher for Indians to migrate there as opposed to USA / Canada / UK / Singapore / Australia etc. Still many Indians do work there, my relative is a software engineer in Amsterdam, he has been there for 7 years and started learning Dutch now for better promotion opportunities.


Sakshi Rao
India is a nightmare for science and research. And that's a major problem for STEM students. Government doesn't want to spend on research and most of the times uneducated leaders can be seen lining up behind unscientific fools.
US spend heaps on Research. Just once they decreased their Research budget and people were on streets.
Numerous examples of people who chose to stay, performed research despite all the difficulties and at the end their hardwork was tossed in a bin my politicians. And not to forget how respected scientists like Bhaba died because government can't even protect them.
It's not just money and social security. It's the utter lack of respect for the work people put in science.


Shantanu Bhattacharya
You are wrong. This Indian government is thinking on the right lines. No point wasting money on Western concepts like Science, including safe nuclear power, chemical-based medicinal research, or absolutely anything to do with empirical evidence based outcomes, like we have done in last 70 years.
This government knows what India really needs- research into Gau-mutra and it’s medicinal properties, as well as potential for Gold extraction, Auyrveda for medicine and Corona cures, and of course, Astrology to chart the way forward to a great future!
Jai Hind!


Seema Kharayat
They were, are and will leave India but I don't understand bringing Modi into this picture. It's like because I don't have any valid reason and because I don't like this particular person let's bring his name to shame. You want to validate the point then please tag it as a failure of whole system not just Modi. People have good/enough money to spend on their children and nowadays it's common to study abroad so don't point out Modi for this sh*t talk. You hate him I understand but please don't be like every other liberal who has nothing but Modi to say in every Fu*king thing.


Aditya V Acharya
So why don't you the author go and settle w your son in whichever country he resides in and enjoy 1. Staying in a house which is properly valued
2. Driving a car with properly priced fuel
3. Breathing fresh air
If you are probably referring the USA by your answer, don't forget
* Stupid gun laws
* Filthy racism in some parts of the US
* Get treated like Shit since you are an Asian and an Indian
* Crave for their Green Card throughout your life etc etc

1. 住在价值合理的房子里。
2. 开一辆价格合理的汽车。
3. 呼吸新鲜空气
* 愚蠢的枪支法
* 美国部分地区存在肮脏的种族主义
* 被当成狗屎一样对待,因为你既是亚洲人又是印度人
* 一生渴望获得他们的绿卡等等

Aman Sharma
India is unfair to students, intelligence is judged on cracking exams. Hence lot of people with innovative thinking are not given platform. I got offer from La Trobe university in Australia which is around 470 in QS world ranking. I am average students. To get into college of similar stature, you need to solve dumbass hard problems, which anyway you would never see again in life after passing entrance.


Siva Kumar Satheesa Kumar Ahila
There are some positive reasons for increase in Emigration too. Emigration is a costly endeavor more people have the money to do it now.


Sarthak Tiwari
Despite all this, India is India because it is home. I've been living in the US for two years, but am never at ease. It is isn't worth living away from family and friends, just for a more comfortable life. I also don't find living away from family comfortable in the first place.


Ashish Jha
Good, so when are you coming back?


Sankara Narayanan
Please do not forget that money for their cheapest and USA class education they got in India are from Tax payers like me.
Were you born in USA your children would not have reached this far.
And what about health care? Why half the west is on Medical tour in India?
Do not be a slave.
And slaves cannot tolerate Modi.


Pritish Kapali
Just because the roads, security, car price is good in other countries, one should not leave India. I and my wife are earn pretty good but we are not interested to migrate to other countries and there are many people like me who agree. Here, we could get cheaper services than other countries. Even an umbrella or a chappal could be repaired at Rs 10, show me this thing in western countries. I have a full time maid, the same is very costly in other countries. The healthcare is very cheap in India.
India is also improving but at it’s own space. There may be negatives about India but it also has many positives that we don’t realise. India is an emotion for most of us.
Jai Hind!


Anchal Tamrakar
Only because you earn others don't


Bikash Pandey
Or may be now more indians can afford to send their kids to study in US due to increase in purchasing power. I know you won't highlight this as it won't help your agenda.
International passenger also saw almost similar growth in this period which is not possible unless more Indians have money to go abroad.


NRIs generally praise Modi not because of his adminstrative excellencies but due to the fact that After Modi became the PM, India had a significant respect in the international community.


Shantanu Bhattacharya
Hahahahahaha good joke!

【回复】哈哈哈哈哈哈 不错的笑话!

Venkatrangan Gokul
I will sum this up as:
India is great.
Indians aren't.
