Chinese aviation engineers say they have worked out some critical performance constraints of a stealth combat drone still under development in the United States.Their estimates are based on some photos, openly available information and reverse-engineering software. They found that the XQ-58A Valkyrie, an unmanned combat aerial vehicle, was not good at aerial combat. When making a U-turn, for instance, it can withstand a pull of only about 1.7 times that of gravity, according to their calculations. In a dogfight, most fighter jets need to brake against a force seven times that of gravity or higher.
This is a weakness, but the unusual design also signals a major break with tradition in the US military, suggesting gains in other areas, the researchers said.
中国航空工程师表示,他们基于一些照片、公开的信息和反向工程软件已经算出了美国仍在研发的一款隐形无人战斗机的一些关键性能限制。他们发现,XQ-58A "女武神 "这种无人驾驶战斗飞行器并不擅长空战。例如,根据他们的计算,该机在进行U型转弯时只能承受1.7G过载,而在现实空战中,大多数战斗机需要承受7倍甚至以上的过载。
“Through the inversion of the XQ-58A design process, it can be seen that with the continuous breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and network data transmission technology, the ‘loyal wingman’ represented by XQ-58A will gradually become the main force on the battlefield and become a new leading power in the transformation of the man-machine coordinated combat model,” senior engineer Lu Yuanjie and colleagues at the Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute wrote in a paper published in domestic peer-reviewed journal Aircraft Design.
The US Air Force last month awarded a US$13.2 million contract to defence contractor Kratos to get the XQ-58A ready for service by 2023. The company said in May that it would deliver the first production unit this year.
Since its debut in 2019, the drone has made six test flights and suffered two mishaps in landing and take-off. With a relatively low cost of US$2 million, it is expected to be produced and deployed on a large scale.
上个月,美国空军授予国防承包商奎托斯一份价值1320万美元的合同,让 XQ-58A 在2023年前投入使用。该公司在5月份表示,今年将交付第一架量产机。
The XQ-58A is a backbone component in the US Air Force’s Skyborg programme, which aims to provide AI wingmen to F-22 and F-35 stealth jet pilots for combat or surveillance missions. Other defence contractors, including Boeing, have come up with similar products.
China was worried about these drones because they would add further uncertainties in the event of a war. A Chinese military study earlier this year warned that the US could station a large number of XQ-58A drones on small islands or ships east of Taiwan. With a rocket-assisted take-off system, these drones could quickly form large swarms and pose a severe threat to People’s Liberation Army forces crossing the strait should a conflict break out.
XQ-58A 是美国空军 Skyborg 项目的骨干部分,该项目旨在为 F-22和 F-35隐形战机飞行员提供人工智能僚机,用于战斗或监视任务。包括波音在内的其它国防承包商也推出了类似产品。
中国担心这些无人机会增加战斗的许多不确定性。今年早些时候,中国的一份军事研究报告警告说,美国可能在台湾以东的小岛或船只上大量部署 XQ-58A 无人机。借助火箭助推起飞系统,这些无人机可以迅速集结成群,一旦冲突爆发,将对穿越台湾海峡的中国军队构成严重威胁。
“Although the XQ-58A will still be in the testing and verification stage in the short term, the accumulation of related technologies and the verification of application models will affect the basic style of future air combat, and we should pay full attention to this,” said professor Guo Zheng and colleagues at the National University of Defence Technology in a paper published in National Defence Technology in February.
Lu’s team said that the main purpose of their study was not to replicate an XQ-58A but to find the US military’s hidden motivation from cold data.
They found that the US designers tried to pack as much equipment and fuel into the drone as possible while keeping its wings, engine and total size as small as possible. These design priorities may suggest that the US military put weapons, surveillance capability and range before manoeuvrability.
The XQ-58A was advertised as a reusable drone, but was actually designed and built to be expandable, to carry out suicide missions, according to Lu.
This would “allow manned aircraft to command outside the defence zone, and drones to go deep into the hinterland to complete high-risk attack missions”, he said.
陆元杰的研究小组表示,他们研究的主要目的不是要仿制 XQ-58A,而是从冷数据中找出美军隐藏的动机。
The Chinese military has several methods to counter the XQ-58A and similar aircraft, according to Guo’s study. China has built numerous low-frequency radar stations while developing and testing new technology such as quantum radar to detect stealth aircraft.
“Under the premise of effective detection, the XQ-58A’s weaker manoeuvrability can lead to its destruction by ground-based mid-range anti-air guns, air-based over-the-horizon missiles or close combat by fighter jets,” Guo and colleagues said.
Electronic warfare devices could cut off the communication between the drone and human command, or bring down a swarm of drones with one powerful shot from a powerful electromagnetic pulse weapon. Using drones against drones can also be an effective tactic, according to Guo.
“The defending party can use the unmanned wingman to feint and manoeuvre to force the enemy’s manned aircraft to take actions such as radar start-up and evasion,” they said in the paper.
China is developing hypersonic drones that can fly at five times the speed of sound or faster. One recent study by Chinese air force researchers suggested that a hypersonic drone could quickly catch up with an F-22 and fire a missile or cannon from behind. The XQ-58A’s top speed is Mach 0.95, according to the US Air Force.
Brian S.
This is the "new" East-West Cold War. Those of us born in the mid 1900's are very familiar with it. Relentless propaganda, enormous military spending, mutual assured destruction, hundreds of thousands dead as a result of proxy wars etc., etc.
Entities and individuals on the inside become fabulously wealthy from profligate Government spending. ( aka Military Industrial Complex)
Societies would benefit so much more if those budgets were spent in country.
It saddens me to see this afflicting a new generation. Study this carefully young people, it's up to you to put a stop to it.
MindClarity X.
Typical US stategy: bring a bazooka to capture a rabbit. No wonder it was defeated by vastly ill-equipped forces in Vietnam and Afghanistan. US drones are good for tracking kids, it seems.
King L.
@Mindclarity X. Propaganda again. The US defeated the Talliban government/military in less than 1 month forcing them to go into hiding in the mountain of Pakistan. The US did not succeed in building Afghanistan into a modern democracy after 20 years there but that is a totally different story.
Manny V.
These drones are completely cost-effective and can be used to identify, neutralize, and otherwise occupy air defenses, for example. They can also be used as kinetic weapons, if needed. At $2m each they're cheap, expendable, and cannot be ignored.
Why are these weapons system blurbs so often the lead front page story these days? Has the SCMP become some kind of military newspaper?
Po P.
Mankind spends too much resources on war machines
Mangas C.
US is an unrivaled innovation engine. So much that China's "scientists" have no choice but to be fixated on studying US innovations and desperately try to either reverse engineer. China is no match but US has to be careful not to continue on a path to "feed its enemies" by giving them access to US science and technologies.
Kwo-Sen K.
@Mangas C. "US is an unrivaled innovation engine." Yet, it doesn't have have an operational hypersonic missile, while China and Russia do... LOL.
然而,美国没有可使用的高超音速导弹,而中国和俄罗斯有... 哈哈
Mangas C.
@Kwo-sen K. Comment when you see any Chinese missile hitting anything. US is the hypersonic leader too. They just go deeper. Blind speed is the easist part.
Kwo-Sen K.
@Mangas C. Haven't you read? The US had just failed another test of its hypersonic missile? They go deeper? They couldn't even launch right! Blind speed is the easy part? That has just revealed how much you actually know about these systems.
Ryan S.
@Mangas C. Did the US reinvented the wheel or reversed engineered it by innovating whatever that was learned from the original design? All good engineering practices and innovations layers on existing inventions and innovations snd the process continues everywhere. if this process is not widely practiced then the world would not have reached such a scale of technological and engineering advances in such a short span of history
Kwo-Sen K.
@Ryan S. Of course the US had reversed engineered. If you check history around the first few decades of the 20th century, European powers, ie, England, Germany and France, constantly complained the US's practice of copycatting.
Mangas C.
@Ryan S. Yeah Valkyrie is akin to a wheel 🙄
Kwo-Sen K.
Akin to a wheel to a caveman, of course.
Ryan S.
@Mangas C. just for example? how come the US is still running on 4G now and half the country is on even slower network? Did the chinese stole or reverse engineered this tech from the US?
Mangas C.
@Ryan S. Seriously? All the three major networks are on 5g. Now don't say 5g was invented by China 🙄 Good lord!
Luck L.
@Mangas C. Dont be so sure .if Chinese scientists are commenting on Uncle Sam's tech it is more of an indication they have surpassed technologically in that field. The Chinese already have various brand new toys to counter stealth whereas the US is hardly heard of. There is no way the US can compete with China in the long run. The latter churns out 4 x more science students each year and are more likely better funded than the US . Uncle Sam's global committment is eating up a large chunk of its annual military budget. AI ,drones ,quantum, hypersonics and tele tech ( 6G vs 4G )are China' strengths.
别这么肯定。如果中国科学家评论山姆大叔的技术,那更多的是表明他们在该领域的技术已经超越了。中国已经有各种各样的新玩意来对抗隐形,而美国几乎闻所未闻。从长远来看,美国无法与中国竞争。后者每年培养出四倍以上的理科学生,而且很可能比美国有更好的资金支持。山姆大叔的全球承诺正在消耗其年度军事预算的一大部分。人工智能、无人机、量子、高超音速和电信技术(6G vs 4G)是中国的优势。
@Mangas C. 'US is an unrivaled innovation engine' boy talk. Grow up.
“美国是一台无与伦比的创新引擎”...... 脑残粉的言论。成熟点吧。
Joe D.
Question, what would a truely original Chinese innovation look like? An local design un-polluted by the outside world. For 100+ years, I suggest such original innovations are vaporware.
问题是, 真正中国原创的创新是什么样子的?一个没有被外界污染的本地设计。一百多年来,我认为这样的原创创新是空谈。
@Mangas C. @King L, @Joe D - and what if the next invention or even a modification of technology by the Chinese takes out every US weapon even one that got a Nobel prize? What's the end result? Who wins even if China copied technology from the US but deployed it to take out America's version? Does it matter who "invented" it?
Daniel F.
Everything the US designs on its own is based on killing. Everything China designs on its own is based on infrastructure and advancing human life quality. Total opposite!
I don't understand.. never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake
我不明白... 当你的敌人犯错误时,千万不要打断他
Patrick O.
@Chubadao This is why you cant take these "news" seriously.
Kwo-Sen K.
@Chubadao The point is to prevent war because it will cause misery and tragedy on both sides. Let you potential enemy know what it will be up against to discourage initiating attack.
King L.
The US did not need to steal from anyone, German engineers and scientists could not wait to come here, including Albert Eistein. They still come from all over the world, ask Elon Musk and many Chinese in the US.
Dan B.
@King L. But they did steal , how do you explain that ,they basically took war criminals and used them to develope weapons mainly missiles and nuclear weapons .
Surely you understand that this is not American innovation rather Germen .
Greg F.
@King L. Stop making weird definitions. It's a form of lying too :)
别再做奇怪的定义了,这也是撒谎的一种形式 :)
MindClarity X.
US military equipment are known for defects. Zumwalt: The U.S. Navy's Titanium “Tin Can”. If the U.S. war in Afghanistan were a ship, it would be a Navy Zumwalt-class destroyer. - Pogo 2019. F-22: ''The U.S. response to September 11 further clouded the F-22’s prospects. Instead of facing off against peer competitors, the US military engaged itself in conflicts against significantly technologically inferior opponents.'' - National Interest 2019. F-35: ''There have been so many problems with the F-35, it’s difficult even to summarize them. Pilot blackouts, premature part failures, software development disasters, and more have all figured in various documents over the years. Firing the main gun can cra-ck the plane.'' Extreme Tech 2021. Well, there's the 737 Max-8, but we already know about that one...
Beryl B.
Did anybody stop to consider that these things were never intended for high-g combat manoeuvring?
King L.
@Beryl B. No, because that would require "serious" thinking for people whose purpose in life is to repeat propaganda. This drone costs less than many missiles currently deployed by US military
Beryl B.
@King L. Exactly. The whole point of these aircraft is they are intended to be 'attritable'
Dan B.
@Beryl B. Did anyone stop to think that with the money spent on that drone development the US could have helped solve it's homeless problem ?
REn J.
@Dan B. Can't have poverty if u set your poverty level to below 2k usd.
Dan B.
@Ren J. Tell that to the 600k homeless people in the US with no public healthcare and no public housing.
King L.
@Dan B. Open your eyes, from SCMP
睁开你的眼睛吧,来自《南华早报》 (注:关于香港无家可归者的链接)
Dan B.
@King L. I'm sure you couldn't care less about the homelesss problem ,lack of public healthcare in the US and the overspending by the US administrations (due to pressure by weapons manufacturers via their lobbyists in Washington DC) and total neglect of its domestic infrastructure.
American policy is there to serve American big corporations not the American people .
Dan B.
@King L. There is indeed a homeless problem in HK , as in most major cities and also cost of flats are extremely high ,and there's a discussion to have about the reasons for that but I'll give you a hint : it has nothing to do with China.
Now comparatively when it comes to social services free healthcare , public housing , infrastructure,low taxes there's no city in the US/UK that offers what HK offers .
You better open your eyes ,I suggest you also scr1ape them with bleach.
Junray P.
Guns are first developed and invented by China which copied by West and US from late imperial era😂,you benefitted from Chinas inventions,such as umbrella,compass etc..and you're complaining to China for copying?🤔😂
Kwo-Sen K.
@Junray P. It is not new to catch up developments with copycatting and it certainly is not limited to China. Almost all countries do it, whether that care to admit or not. Germany copied England shortly after the start of industrial revolution. In the first few decades of the 20th century, European powers, ie, England, Germany, and France, constantly complained about the copycatting going on in the US. During WWII, Britain pretty much transferred all advanced technolgies to the US to secure its participation against Germany. The US, thus, got to copy outright. At the end of WWII, the US bagged a lot of German and Japanese scientists to "share" their knowledge and went on with another round of free copycatting. After WWII, Japan was known for copycatting, then Taiwan and S Korea as well as Hong Kong (to a lesser degree). These economies all developed with copycatting as the first stage of development.
King L.
If they could figure out the performace of a still classified aircraft by just looking at some photo publicly available, I would say Chinese engineers are exceptional in astrology also. Maybe they would earn more practicing astrology than engineering.
Simon H.
@King L. If you were in the third year undergraduate Mechanical Engineering, you would have learned fluid mechanics and simulation based on 2-D photo or 3-D model to determine the performance of the objects in flight. It is not difficult.
如果你是机械工程专业本科三年级学生,你会学习流体力学和基于2-D 照片或3-D模型的模拟,以确定物体在飞行中的性能。这并不难。
V C.
@King L. India does that all the time.. 100%. They look at a picture of some gear or hear some stories on Wion and go to the temple to ask for specifications. Lol
Richard W.
Its only USD1M a piece. No human. Small and stealthy. Thus no need to be highly maneuverable.
Daniel F.
@Richard W. It still bankrupted their country. Those millions spent on murdering add up.
Alenev 0.
Does any one think China is sitting there doing nothing about drones? China has the skill and Industrial capacity to manufacure stealth drones in massive scale but at a fraction of the cost. As you can see they are keenly studying the vulnerablities of US drones to design their own. For every 1000 US drones, China could produce 2000 AI driven stealth drones, thanks to China's advanced manufacturing capabilities and its dedicated and disciplined work force. The US can try "drone swarming". But what if they meet with a Chinese drone swarm twice bigger?
Raptor D.
@ Alenev O Ever heard of electronic countermeasures? There are new miltech of direct energy type that can take down anything that has electronics. Hence, smart drones are not so much reliant on GPS/Satellite but more or less relies on optical and Inertial guidance type for navigation and hardened electronics that is not susceptible to emp/high energy pulse. The US Air Force have carried out missions without GPS and or satellite services either via human or autonomously.
Alenev 0.
@Raptor D. Don;t be silly, you use electro-static pulse you knock your own drones out of the sky. What makes you think China won't produce even smarter drones that is interference proof? Afterall China could produce DF-17 Hypersonic glider missiles which are already in combat service, and the US fails one test after another and is still scratching its head. When it comes to drones, China is leading the US in drone technology for stability, agility, accuracy, and autonomous abilities.
James W.
The US is opting for range and fuel load over maneurvability, because the war is likely along China's eastern coastlines and the US drones have to fly longer distances to reach Chinese coast. That is why they have to prioritize range and fuel load over combat capabilities. Things are opposite for the Chinese, they can design drones with shorter range and less fuel in exchange for maneuvavility and higher load of weapons, because China only fights wars in its front yard. So whose drones will be shot off the skies first? Hint: Not the Chinese drones with its superior combat abilities.
Turf n S.
I only have one question,. Where is the battle field! N. America or Asia?
我只有一个问题,战场在哪里? 北美还是亚洲?
Joe D.
@Turf n S. Asia. THe US only has the capability to fight across the ocean in any meaningful way. Sure, someone can get off a few shots, bomb a couple targets, but sustain a war? No way. Only the USA has that capability. Russia at its height could not maintain the heavy lift and sustained forward combat of the US; except in Europe. After precision munitions, the US' capability to project sustained combat power is what scared everyone the most since 1991.
Kk F.
@Joe D. "... Only the USA has that capability....". And yet, she lost her wars in Vietnam, Syria, Afghanistan??
Mario C.
And these are only the things we actively know about. It’s likely there are top-secret projects in the works that will remain class ified even as they’re rolled out into active use.
Aston L.
It seems Chinese scientists could be an excellent fit as testers for products invented in US :)
Richard C.
For goodness sake, why could't these Chinese engineers keep quiet and let America continues making the mistakes by putting in some more money to their mistake drones? Let US digs the holed deeper and deeper first, so US would waste them more money to find out the original problems to be fixed.
Alenev 0.
@Richard C. Why? It was a design problem and it is too late for the US to make design changes. China can safely point out their flaws.
Beryl B.
@Richard C. For goodness sake, why don't you look at what these drones are actually meant to do? You might then realise that this so-called 'analysis' is ridicu.lous.
Richard C.
@Alenev 0. Fair enough, but it would be better let US digs their hole deeper and deeper. well done!
Richard C.
@Beryl B. You could not answer my previous asked simple question, why should I bother to reply your question? Just let me remind you about my previous question, IE. By the way what were your previous old user names before you created this new September 2021 user name?
Beryl B.
@Richard C. I did answer your 'simple question', but you weren't listening. BTW, I'll let you in on a little 'secret': These drones aren't intended for high-g combat manoeuvring, so the reported analysis by Chinese engineers didn't uncover anything that wasn't already known. LOL
Mario S.
@Beryl B. Drones that have already been overtaken by China's own drones technology. Yeah, there is nothing to fear from overpriced US toys.
V C.
Wow.. Scmp forums do attract a lot of Indians. Wonder why? Nothing interesting in the Delhi News? Nevertheless, India is best... SUPERPOWER, greatest and most advanced. After the get permission from Macron and Putin though. Lol
哇... 这论坛确实吸引了很多印度人。想知道为什么?新德里新闻没什么有趣的吗?不过,印度是最好的... 超级大国,最强大和最先进的。不过要先得到马克龙和普京的许可。哈哈
The world has said it has found flaws in China
Paul W.
This is surprising. You dont tell your enemy you have discovered a flaw in their weapons as it gives them the opportunity to rectify it before launching an attack.
Aston L.
The Chinese "experts" couldn't understand it, The very strategy behind Valkyrie is to demolish the China's crude strategy of missile based denial of access. Denial of access as primary strategy is telling about China's inability to deal with US multi domain offensive capabilities. US has always said that about China and has never been too worried about it. The second wave of HARM missiles that follow Valkyrie will render China blind that will lead to US air dominance in the war theater.
Jon K.
You should be more concerned about orbitally-based kinetic weaponry. These are country-killers.
why would you ever tell somebody you found a flaw? so they can improve a weapon against you?
Jack 1.
Every year it seems we are getting closer to the scri1pt of The Terminator.
Alex F.
Engineering is always about compromising one feature over another. That is why the F-35 was designed and manufactured after the F-22, the latter being the superior air superiority fighter. So, no big revelation here.
工程设计总是要在一个特性和另一个特性之间妥协。这就是为什么F-35是在 F-22之后设计和制造的,后者是更优秀的制空战斗机。所以,这里没有什么大的披露。
Alenev 0.
@Alex F. F-35 could be a viable air deterant if it was not plagued with serious design and engineering flaws which are still not solved as of today. The problems are ao bad "The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed". As for the F22, it's production line has been dismantled after producing only 180 units of which 89 are fit for combat. (Military insiders estimate China has established at least four aviation brigades with a total of 150 J-20 fighter jets, consisting of two training bases in the north of the country and two aviation brigades in Anhui and Liaoning under the eastern and northern theatre commands.)
F-35如果没有严重的设计和工程缺陷,那么它可以成为一种可行的空中威慑力量,直到今天这些问题仍然没有得到解决。问题很严重“美国空军刚刚承认F-35隐形战斗机失败”。至于 F22,它的生产线只生产了180架就被拆除了,其中89架适合作战使用。(军方内部人士估计,中国至少建立了四个航空旅,总共拥有150架歼-20战斗机,其中包括在中国北部的两个训练基地,以及在东部和北部战区指挥下的安徽和辽宁两个航空旅。)
King L.
@Alenev 0. Cmon, 650 F35s has been delivered to the world's most advanced countries who themselves could produce their own jet fighters if they want to
Mario S.
@King L. Oh you mean the F35s that are outdated and mostly crashed in the last few flights? Yeah supposed world's most advanced US toys that crash.