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文章原始标题:US home-made drones are inferior and cost more than the Chinese ones they’ve replaced...




Joe Smith
China takes the smartest people among their population and inets in them to make them the best they can be and encourages them to produce great things for China. The Uakes the dumbest people in it's population, pretends that they can produce great things and when everything fails, proceeds to do the same thing over and over again. The US will never be able to compete with China unless they dispense with the fantasy that you can make pigs fly by gluing wings onto their bodies. - UP: 0 DN: 0


You cannot fault a country for trying to produce it's own brand of high-tech or low tech products. Cost alone should not be a criteria for attempting to re-industrialize America. I am of the group of Americans who believes wholeheartedly in Made in USA. After all American foolishness of transferring technology first to Japan, then to south east Asia and ultimately to China only to save money has cost the US dearly. It is never too late to buck that rend and give American jobs to Americans first. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Does Boeing make the American drones? - UP: 0 DN: 0


Big Tex
Thank the Democrats for shipping all of the American Technology overseas. Companies have to make money in order to survive and to manufacture their products. When you raised their taxes they all ran to china. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Kostas Kelesoglou
I hope and pray that President Putin will make the advancement of Russian technologies and industries his top priority. I mean advancement well beyond those of all other countries. Holy Rusia I adore you. - UP: 0 DN: 0


I think the world is moving toward that direction albeit very slowly. With the hegemon slowly returns to its normal state as just another power, then those of similar power status would have to make compromises ... a multi-polar and more balanced world. We must allow and encourage the rise of the REST (non-West or the global south). - UP: 0 DN: 0

我认为世界正朝着这个方向发展,尽管速度很慢。随着霸权作为另一个大国慢慢回归正常状态,那些拥有类似强国地位的国家将不得不做出妥协... 一个多极化和更加平衡的世界。我们必须允许和鼓励其他国家(非西方或南半球国家)的崛起。

ven ze
US's drones are inferior to China's?
One would suppose this rare claim must have puzzled or even angered many Americans who always think US is top in everything.
Perhaps it is time to rethink while opening the eyes wide.. - UP: 3 DN: 1


Americans can't count, they are massively uncompetitive in all stem subjects. Their creative and puzzle solving skills have dwindled to practically nothing. If you cannot think, if you are a psychological mess, how can you compete? What do you have to offer? I was speaking to a professor a few years ago (topic centred on Roger Muncaster at first), said you'd be shocked how many physics students need to be coached up on basic maths as they are not ready for the subject at higher level. - UP: 0 DN: 0

美国人不会算数,他们在所有科目上都很缺乏竞争力。他们的创造力和解决难题的能力已经减少到几乎为零。如果你不能思考,如果你心理混乱,你怎么能够竞争呢?你能提供什么?几年前,我和一位教授谈过(话题一开始集中在罗杰 · 蒙卡斯特身上) ,他说你会感到震惊的,有那么多物理学的学生需要接受基础数学的培训,因为他们还没有为更高水平的学科做好准备。

ven ze
Thanks for your insight.
56 years after graduation, I remain a student of physics. Indeed, without math, physics would be paralyzed.. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Only 243 years old but USA has become a thing of the past in the 21st century, with an uneducated, brainwashed and deluded population that is made to believe in a fantasy by the government owned media. - UP: 6 DN: 1


John McClain
I'm sixty three, have worked as a machinist, mechanic, electronics tech for some fifty odd years, and watched all our technology be disassembled, torn down, rusted out, tossed in the dump or sold to Japan, Taiwan, or Indonesia, the rights to patents, tooling, designs, leased or sold, all to remove the cost of "American labor and capital" from the profit margin, I've spent my life talking about this, working in small business, large business, and as a Marine, the only people who wanted to listen were the farmers, and they wanted to plow ever more acres with one tractor. Today, we no longer have ship yards to build four large ships at the same time, including civil ship yards. We can't produce our own boilers, our own rocket engines, we can't repair the machinery we built in the thirties and forties, we've watched China's many other achievements in the past year, and made a lot of stupid noise. China is productive because they've invested real capital, and real labor, in building infrastructure, just as we did over a century, starting two centuries ago, and have since torn apart, sold and scrapped. Had we maintained it, or even "half-assed maintained it" we could ramp up and be productive, but we'd have to train lots of people to work, not just punch buttons. It's not magic, special or exceptional people, it's the right attitude, and will to invest. I've bought a machine shop, one tool at a time, over a lifetime, no debt. - UP: 5 DN: 0


You are not wrong. Their (Oligarchs) plan would have worked beautifully that they would have enslaved EVERYBODY on earth with division of labour of their design (globalization and globalism). They did not expect China (under CCP) have other ideas and refused to play ball. The oligarchs have not been able to corrupt China. Worse, China has been purging the 5th column (the globalist compradors) within their ranks. - UP: 1 DN: 0


US corporations in China (many are owned by Wall St by proxy) are making 20% profits. Why would they move back to the US to earn, what, 2%? and have to deal with labour problems and huge health costs? Even if you are a medium size manufacturer (not one of the big boys), would you do that? honestly? - UP: 2 DN: 0


I agree, I can't think why they would. The environment in the US simply isn't conducive. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Actually SpaceX does produce their own (US made) rocket engines, so does Blue Origin which is making engines for ULA's Vulcan.
I agree with you on shipyards though. - UP: 0 DN: 0

实际上 SpaceX 公司确实生产他们自己的(美国制造)火箭发动机,蓝色起源也是如此,他们正为ULA的火神号制造发动机。

The government did not want to purchase Chinese drones due to security issues. They don't care about the consumers. They can buy Chinese. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Never buy Chinese goods. - UP: 1 DN: 6


You should go back home and rip out EVERYTHING that is Chinese made. don't forget the laptop you are writing on this minute. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Thanks for reminding me. - UP: 0 DN: 0


welcome. just to be consistent. What do they say? put your money where your mouth is. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Walter Jones
The US ought to start moving their factories to Africa. Cheap labor. Endless land. Billions of highly skilled intelligent workers. - UP: 0 DN: 2


and , what to do with their own workers ? - UP: 1 DN: 0


From inferior drones to missiles that kill innocent men women and children, the US is aware.
But US allies are forced to buy these inferior drones or else they face sanctions.
India was forced to buy $5 billion of these inferior drones, with the threat of sanctions.
But India was humiliated even more - after signing the drone contract, H1B visas were cancelled and trade deals torn up. - UP: 4 DN: 0


USA is finding itself having to spend 8 to 14 times more to build an essential tool of war, that is far inferior to Chinese made ones. And I’m willing to bet that China can build anything faster, cheaper and better too.
Now with that in mind think about the fact that USA spent $766 billion on its military in 2020 part of which is on senseless wars and maintaining 800 bases around the world while China spent $245 billion in the same year all on its own territory and just 1 military base overseas.. On paper it is 3 times lesser but in value, it could easily be twice more than USA and a lot of war machines will already be completed. And this has happened for years. Still think America can push China around with its military power? - UP: 6 DN: 0

现在考虑到这个事实,想想美国在2020年在军事上花费了7660亿美元,其中一部分用于毫无意义的战争和在世界各地维持800个基地,而中国在同一年花费了2450亿美元,全部用于自己的领土和仅仅一个海外军事基地... 理论上它比美国少三倍,但是在价值上,很容易就比美国多两倍,而且很多战争机器已经完成了。这种情况已经持续了很多年。现在还认为美国可以用它的军事力量来摆布中国吗?

Americans don't know how to do industrial capitalism anymore. They stopped even thinking along those lines somewhere in the 1990s. They come up with an idea for a product? They do not even think about setting up a factory in the USA. That is crazy talk. They look to see how to contract it out or build out overseas.
And if they somehow summoned the will to revive the blighted mill towns that dot America's once-formidable industrial heartland, there's nobody left who knows how to run a plant. They are all dead or too old.
The cost structures associated with running a plant in the USA are staggering in a myriad of ways. Where to begin, almost? It's a high cost country that has priced itself out of the industrial game, and does not know how to get back in. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Biden deceives himself by thinking suppressing China can restore US supremacy. Half a year of hostility toward China has proven him wrong. If he looks back, he should study why GE sold its household goods division to Haier and IBM sold its personal computer division to Lenovo decades ago. It was because these companies found them no longer profitable. Banning Chinese drones from US government agencies will not harm China, which has the whole world to supply while US struggles with own inferior production. Talking about dropping a stone on own feet ? - UP: 4 DN: 0


Everything I own or hope to buy comes from China or Asia, and it is the best stuff the World has to offer. My, TV's, my cars, my phones, my computer, my drones, all my clothes, EVERYTHING. The US is my economic enemy trying to deprive me of the best. I won't have it. Hey USA, get out of my way. - UP: 7 DN: 0


Arnie Fife
The Chinese make an average of $3.50 an hour in United States currency.
I could see why everything is made in China.
Of 120,000 items sold in a Wal Mart Super Center... 96,000 items are made in China. - UP: 0 DN: 1


Very troubled character this Biden is. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Naw, he's just 'mental'. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Yeah, the USA will NEVER be able to compete with China because it's missing the most important thing required by a competitive global manufacturing country:
A population that is willing to work harder for less reward. Same goes for the rest of the west. - UP: 6 DN: 1


"To put it bluntly, America is not China, therefore it cannot copy China."
America's industrial revolution began with what they copied and stole from Europe. This new tech revolution, presently led by China, will be much harder to copy coz of the people. The Chinese are noted for their hard work, discipline, smarts, inventiveness and working toward a common cause. That common cause is open to the world through the BRI and those who wish to participate.
The US is me, me,me, me, me and more me. Selfishness is as American as apple pie from the lowly criminal on the street to the ones in the US government. A complete overhaul of its national psyche is needed. But its arrogance and self endowed exceptionalism will never permit that. All that's left is to bully and threaten, which is what they're doing now.
The Chinese are just trying to make their lives better. To tell them, or any other people for that matter, that they have no right to do so, and threaten them unless they stop the behaviour of a class A psychotic loser... - UP: 15 DN: 0


good post ! - UP: 1 DN: 0


For decades in the last century, American made products have been touted as the best in the world along with some of the European ones, which was true during those days and they used to cost people in 'lesser' nations an arm and a leg to buy those goods. Then the Japanese came along and took a big chunk out of their monopoly by producing better and cheaper products, from electronics to cars. Instead of trying to learn from their own complacency and arrogance and better themselves, they brought the Japanese into their financial system and loaded the country with debt just like themselves in order to put them under control, and the same could be said about S. Korea. Up to the end of the 20th century, these western hegemonic entities were thinking they could do the same with China as it came on to the world stage proper. but it turned out that China was not only a different kettle of fish to that of Japan and S. Korea, it is a globe-spanning behemoth they have no way of containing. Recently it has become quite clear, if they kept using underhanded tactics and lies in their attempt to slow China's rise, it is only themselves that will get hurt in the end. - UP: 10 DN: 0


Joseph Khoreich
Let's face it. US will not be able to cope with the growing tech and cheap and talented labor costs China is enjoying nowadays. Simply to cope with China, the whole US model needs to change and it might take years...! This applies to all high tech industries including drones. - UP: 4 DN: 0


The Skydio drones made in the US are quite capable. The civilian model is in high demand and particularly suited to filming action sports. - UP: 1 DN: 0

美国生产的 Skydio 无人机非常好。民用型号需求量很大,特别适合拍摄动作体育。

Look at the back of Bidens head....it says ((Drone Made in China.)) - UP: 2 DN: 1

看看拜登的后脑勺... 上面写着(中国制造的无人机)

Not a surprise at all, at least not to me. The products made or manufactured in China are not low quality anymore as they were 40 years ago, actually China manufactures every kind of quality possible ,for everyone's pocket or wallet, I mean that in China or among products manufactured in China you can get or find everything for the right price, from the best quality to a lower(middle) quality or to a low quality. - UP: 35 DN: 0


That's true, China has invested a lots on education and research, specially engineer and science, which means material composition is getting better (from science) and tool using is more precision (from engineer), together will produce a quality products. The success rate of China space programs is the proof. - UP: 10 DN: 0


Frank Hood
Thats why China is a success financially. They cater to all. - UP: 10 DN: 0


Platoze Republic
So what if our drones are becoming less inferior than others. We need to spend our money and resources to determine our gender (that has already been determined at birth), and discover new frontiers to build state of the art toilets bowls and bathrooms for our trans people.
WE're proud to say that we finally managed to send males claiming to be women to win women's beauty pageants, Miss Nevada( a trans man), aka Miss Scortum. LOL! - UP: 10 DN: 0


this is funny. a thumb up. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Be it race, gender or abortion, any issue which divides the serfs will be tremendously amplified by the oligarchy corporate media.
Inequality, austerity, poverty, access to housing/healthcare/education... . - UP: 1 DN: 0


Way too complicated.
They just had to change the labels 'Made in China' with 'Made in USA'
Much cheaper, and it works on any product - UP: 2 DN: 0


That is what Vietnam is doing right now. - UP: 0 DN: 0


That is the Walmart business model! - UP: 0 DN: 0


Buy it from Turkey, problem solved... - UP: 0 DN: 2


Tom Bushing
I see US sanctions coming against the Chinese companies making the drones. Whenever a Chinese company beats the US or Europe, the cabals feel their world order crumbling. Their response is not to compete, fairly, but to sanction, provoke war and conspire against China. It will not work! - UP: 17 DN: 0


Every sanction is a surrender by the US and a victory for China and the world. I encourage the US to sanction the world so they can be disappeared. The sooner the better. 🍻 - UP: 10 DN: 1


Not only have we as Americans forgotten how to make the things, we have forgotten how to make the machines that make the things.
A generation or more of metal fabricators, industrial electricians, tool and die makers, steamfitters, etc., left to rot. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Tom Bushing
In all NATO countries things cost more! Citizens of these countries are struggling to live. On one hand, the prices of everything keep rising. On the other, their taxes keep going up too. Thus there is less and less disposable income. Without China cheap goods, a great majority of citizens cannot afford much. Capitalism is bankrupting the working class wherever the system exist. The cabals have NATO to impose their way on us all. - UP: 26 DN: 1


So then HOW do the Chinese afford all those things on their low salary?! Seems like they're leaving all the developed nations in the dust.
I guess that's what happens when people become lazy and rely on cheap labor across the pond.. - UP: 3 DN: 2


Tom Bushing
The Chinese do not have as many cabals to enrich and are not heavily taxed to pay for useless wars costing trillions. - UP: 6 DN: 0


Frank Hood
These wars also make trillions. There is no other reason for so much control on a global scale. - UP: 2 DN: 0


Trillions for the very FEW only. - UP: 2 DN: 0


And they have a leader that wants to offer them a better life with better opportunities... - UP: 5 DN: 0


CHEAPER is all relative. it may be cheap for those in US, but for the Chinese it ain't cheap. They pay the price of the local wages and materials. Yet, it seems that many of them now have more than we do. Perhaps better $ management?! - UP: 0 DN: 0


The truth of the matter is that capital flows where ever can reproduce itself faster and cheaper, China is just using it wisely. - UP: 2 DN: 0


James Phifer
They will change or die, darwinism at it's best. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Why change? they have been winning for so long (200 to 300 years). Only the rise of China since 2000 changed all that albeit SLOWLY. If not, I suspect Russia (by itself) would have already been broken up in pieces and swallowed up by the globalist oligarchs. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Maybe they should copy the Chinese ones ))))))))) - UP: 3 DN: 0


The fact that China's Jade Rabbit is pottering around the dark side of the moon, has a lander on Mars with sample return capability should tell any normal person that the Chinese are a technology super power. Add to that the Chinese rolled out and implemented 5G way before the US , with the laughable Noddy accusation that they stole it from the US. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Cheaply made US products, unreliable and fake. I rather buy Chinese. - UP: 11 DN: 0


Embrace modernity and buy Chinese... - UP: 6 DN: 0


I would buy Russian products but not those from China. - UP: 1 DN: 4


I wouldnt even touch anything from scandinavia, but russia is just fine as the chinese ones. - UP: 1 DN: 0


I have a feeling that you don't have a choice...
I wonder how is that Russian keyboard, Russian computer & Russian mobile phone doing... - UP: 0 DN: 1


america is already in ICU on life support system with china supplying necessary ingredients for survival, so amerikants, be nice to china - UP: 1 DN: 0


Are US drones made by forced prisoners or forced border hoppers? Will they fall out of the sky like Boeing? - UP: 6 DN: 0


They fall out of the sky over Iran. - UP: 1 DN: 0


The cost of building an aircraft carrier, a destroyer or a fighter jet in the US is at least 10 times more expensive and takes at least 3 times longer than a similar aircraft carrier, destroyer or fighter jet built in China. - UP: 27 DN: 1


It doesn't matter what Sinophobes are saying or criticizing about Chinese manufacturing. Just wait 10-20 years and see what happens. I'm pretty sure the US will not be seeing any type of manufacturing breakthrough that will return it to it's "glory" days - UP: 1 DN: 0


Of course, China's costs are lower and production faster. China doesn't have to abide by burdensome regulations, including hiring unqualified personnel due to Affirmative Action law embedded in every federal contract. - UP: 6 DN: 24


Frank Hood
China also hires on ones abilities, as opposed to hiring the same number of each sex. - UP: 1 DN: 0


As I said, the Affirmative Action programs are detrimental to efficient operations. Hiring quotas based on gender, race, or ethnicity result in incompetent personnel being incorporated into the workforce and this practice not only leads to inefficiency but is counterproductive (i.e., incompetent workers produce waste which must be replaced by competent workers). - UP: 1 DN: 1


Miller Arthur
Also, Chinese work 12 hours per day while their American counterparts work 7.5 hours per day with several breaks... On top of that, Chinese are twice or three times more effective / efficient. - UP: 9 DN: 2

此外,中国人每天工作12个小时,而美国人每天工作7.5个小时,还有几次休息... 此外,中国人的效率是美国人的两到三倍。

Some Chinese do work 12+ hours per day, but that is because their productivity is low and it requires more labor hours to produce the required output.
American production workers typically put in a standard 8 hour shift. This may include two paid breaks of 10 minutes and an unpaid lunch period of 30 minutes.
If Chinese workers were so much more efficient than any other workers in the world, then China's economy and the workers' wages would reflect this greater productivity. Instead, they are the lowest paid workers of any heavily industrialized country. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Platoze Republic
US economy (in general the west and much of the east) are just huge ponzi schemes bound to hit rock bottom sooner or later. - UP: 2 DN: 0


US can't build "High Quality"...all the Germans have Past...! Unable to use own "Sponge" in Cranium.. - UP: 0 DN: 0

美国造不出“高质量”... 所有的德国人都是过去式了...!无法使用自己头盖骨里的的“海绵”了...

OB Norm
America first ! Of course US can build a better drone than China, everything can made in America. It happened when the US need to spend trillions of dollars industrial subsidies to made cheaper in America. The question is can they afford it don’t forget the inflation. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Frank Hood
Plus 7 to 10 dollars an hour is no longer doable, so prices must rise also. - UP: 0 DN: 0


The USA can make bombs or weapons to kill people. But nothing for customers to enjoy...just for customers to disintegrate. - UP: 1 DN: 0

美国可以制造炸弹或武器来杀人。但是没有任何东西可以让顾客享受的... 只有让顾客散架的玩意。

"Of course US can build a better drone than China".
Dream on! - UP: 0 DN: 0


The Weisides
The day F*wdy dissents against the narratives of China is the day he becomes a good journalist or gets offered a better job. - UP: 2 DN: 9


OB Norm
If u don’t like RT America, why bother to read it, a lot western media really offend us but we didn’t said anything. - UP: 7 DN: 1


The Weisides
Its best to expose yourself to as many narratives as possible, even if you disagree with them. - UP: 1 DN: 1


Dwain Duncan
Eh? The world have definitely changed. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Made in USA...garbage
New reality - UP: 8 DN: 0

美国制造... 垃圾

Timothy Germann
RT distortion field translator:
America is building devices that the Chinese used to monopolize and Russia state media needed to put a negative spin on it. - UP: 2 DN: 10


Your the one whos distorting here. - UP: 1 DN: 0


Americans can't make high quality drones for cheap. Yes, they can make nice drones, but DJI drone are far superior! - UP: 5 DN: 0


Then they get angry. Dumb and angry. Not a good thing for the US. - UP: 0 DN: 0


Biryukov Veden
As long Uncle Sam can keep printing money out of thin air, this ain't big deal, right ? - UP: 10 DN: 1


I bet they were trying to copy DJI's drones... - UP: 3 DN: 0
