the days of successful bullying, that is. the west won't let up, but neither will their bullying be enough to accomplish much against china.
The West is sending warships and warplanes close to China. Yet they accuse China of aggression. How irrational is this !
Stop looking at it from a rationality lens. Start looking from a 'do whatever it takes to win and maintain the status quo' lens.
You don't reason with fascist states and those with a fascist mindset because they don't operate on a rational basis but rather they operate on an emotional basis.
Tbh, there's nothing more rational than ensuring you stay at the top.
Asians need to start thinking this too.
I am interested to know how people in USA and the West think about China.
China does not intend to defeat anyone in anyway , nor surpasses any country. China just wants to improve itself .
China focuses on development and co-operation. With it's huge population, the economy naturally grows bigger over time.
So why should USA and the West be hostile to China ?
The US does not want to share power.
Canzuk does not want to lose power.
And the EU believes every word the US says and think they share a special bond with the US.
Believe me, it's a strange situation here in the US. The media here love to sneak in an angle to subtly (or overtly) blame China for any problem. And the Xinjiang genocide trope is dropped in as added ammunition any time blaming China doesn't hold up as an argument by itself. People here don't know our own history of genocide, slavery, violence, and imperialism beyond an extremely cursory understanding, and so it's easy to level accusations at other countries (especially ones that rival us economically and politically) without worrying about it being seen as hypocritical by the wider audience.
Thing is, Americans generally were indifferent to China before its economy started heating up to the point of threatening US hegemony. Were China willing to be subservient to US interest like Japan and SK, it would be seen as our greatest ally and a beacon of progress regardless of what was going on internally. But because China is determined to follow its own self interests and ideological direction that competes with or contradicts US interests, the country is lambasted in the US media and policy with levels of evidence that would make a supermarket tabloids shy away.
I mean I'm probably not representative of the typical American but I'm quite pleased that China is ascendant and I hope they fucking wreck American imperial hegemony asafp. It will obv be better for the world and, in the long run, us.
Im in the extreme minority in America, but a strong, capable China makes the world safer.
Because... Im sorry, but the conditions on the ground in America are so toxic, it is going to take a few generations to unlearn a lot of fucked up shit and we just do not have enough time for that.
China MUST be strong and the global south MUST rise.
Because whatever the USA is now is primed and ready to be 1930s/40s Germany. I thought the Bush era after 9/11 was draconian and bad. This modern shit is some scary fucking shit. We are talking desperate imperialist/colonial violence.
Also to note, crime is getting REAL BAD here as the politicians and capitalists are doing everything they can to not have to REALLY pay for or fix anything locally except pump up military and police to beat down the masses.
From my view; I can only hope that when it comes to a head, the rest of the world is wise enough to contain in every direction, America's last mad push for imperialist loot.
所以... 我很抱歉,但是美国当地的情况非常恶劣,这将需要几代人来忘记许多操蛋的东西,而我们没有足够的时间。
Contrary to what many believe, majority Westerners don't possess critical thinking. They're textbook definition of brainwashed. Whats actually funny is that they believe they're free thinkers while the rest of the world isn't.
The reality is that they think what they're told to think by their media and politicians. Ask any China bashing Westerner his views and he'll regurgitate the same talking points you see in their media and from their politicians.
Look at the countries that are deeply unpopular in US right now (and this is proven by multiple polls)- Iran, China, Russia, NK. Not a coincidence that these are also the nations that are constantly criticized by their media and establishment.
Yeah. We are unstable as fuck and we just dont know it yet. And there is not enough good reasoning and material reality to get that other half to reconsider their view.
One half wants to teach the rest of the world how to be progressive at the end of a gun and the other half is a full blown reality denying death cult.
As things get worse here economically people will cling onto the dumbest ideas like "STOP THE STEAL".
exactly. it's the country that produced trump and his supporters. we all saw how adamant trump supporters were and still are in their support of him. nothing could change their minds. it's the same with china and the us's perceived enemies, and it isn't just trump supporters who are like this.
this steadfast stubbornness is also clearly a weakness.
It's good to remind them that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction now and again.
They think whatever the CIA outlets and mainstream media owned by the bourgeoisie want them to think. They don't have much of a brain of their own.
They're hostile because this is such a unique situation. China has a huge market for Capitalist interests, a wealth of resources and is still massive source of labour and production for the world. Due to this, and it's sheer size, China focusing on its own growth and development will naturally result in the decline of the American empire and other Imperialist powers.
Even more so with the BRI creating the infrastructure and trade routes for mutually beneficial trade and growth for those involved.
The Imperialists have no choice but to be aggressive lest they decline and fail.
not even status quo, just maximize profits. its always about profit.
The US (and West) love to project what they are doing onto China. Just in 2020 to now we have seen every single accusation of the US against China get thrown right back in their face.
The West is sending warships and warplanes close to China. Yet they accuse China of aggression.
This is essentially the playground bullying method called "stop hitting yourself" when the bully forces the victim to hit him/herself.
That is just a characterization that greatly underrates the threat presented by the US.
How about you call a spade a spade?
Violating International laws, starting wars of aggression, rampant promotion of racial supremacy.
Would you also characterise Nazi invasion of France and Russia as "bullying"? How about you have the balls to call out an attempt to power grab the world for what it is - global aggression and being a global threat to millions of lives.
My point was to express how immature the West is.
This is essentially the decadent playground bullying method called "stop hitting yourself" when the bully forces the victim to hit him/herself.
Using school bully analogy its the good looking jock with no brains that constantly badgers, flexes his biceps and pushes the late bloomer nerd, who's good at everything, just wants to be successful and has just started hitting the gym hard 😂
They’re actually trying to provoke China into doing something so the Americans have an excuse for their war.
Do they want to test the DF missiles?
Hey, it's target practice. Imagine all your landing ships getting sunk before they can even offload troops.
I fear how a confrontational attitude will work with the west, but China has long been within its rights to demand better treatment from the west.
The west needs to stop viewing and treating China as some meek "oriental" that can be used and exploited at their pleasure.
China is strong, it is giving strength to all of its citizens, it is resisting the west's version of capitalism where the absolute richest and most powerful suck the life out of everyone else, capture the government, control the media, and lead the masses into poverty.
I have high hopes for China's future because of how well it is being governed and how it continues (the government) to pass along its benefits to its citizens.
Long live China.
I fear how a confrontational attitude will work with the west
That's exactly how you deal with anglos, they see anything else as a sign of weakness.
I haven't felt this way ever but I feel as though I'm living through very important history. I think we are going to see a huge challenge to US hegemony over the next 50 years or so and hopefully a loosening of the west's imperial hold on the rest of the world.
Unfortunately that will almost certainly lead to worsening austerity for me personally since I live in the US but there's always the hope that could lead to a boom in class solidarity.
So US, TiaWan, Japan will be attacking China East while US giving orders to India to attack China West...
Seems more and more Covid was 100% CIA biovirus to collapse China economy and stop global travel and create the sort of artificial demand destruction so when finally US strike hot kinetic war it would lessen the global blows of supply chain disruption now that the majority of the world cannot travel and are working from home. It would also explain the mrna vaccine forced on its domestic population, perhaps America is preparing another round of biovirus this time more strategically targeting Chinese genotypes and plus the CyberPolygon drill aka false flag in July is starkly similiar to Event 201 simulations... maybe this month the US explodes a high level EMP to knock out China power grid, then get its vassals Japan, Korea, etc to cut sea cables to China to isolate China from global internet... Then Amerikkka will also round up all ethnic Chinese in USA and throw in gas chamber...
Those who think USA is not this evil nor this crazy aint seen whats about to coming
似乎越来越多的人认为新冠病毒百分百是中情局的生物病毒,目的是让中国经济瓦解和停止全球旅行,并创造一种人为的需求破坏,所以当最终美国发动热战,这将减轻全球供应链中断的打击,现在世界上大多数人不能旅行且在家里工作。这也可以解释强迫在其国内人口身上接种mRNA疫苗的原因,也许这次美国正在准备新一轮的生物病毒,更具战略性地瞄准中国的基因型。再加上7月份的CyberPolygon演习,又名假旗行动,与模拟的“201事件”非常相似... 也许这个月美国会发射高能电磁脉冲摧毁中国的电网,然后让其附庸国日本、韩国等切断通往中国的海上电缆,将中国与全球互联网隔离... 然后美国还将把所有在美国的华人集中起来,扔进毒气室...
this is conspirancy nonsense.
If the us did that then the us will cripple its own economy and cause a global recession.
plus ww3 wont be good for the enviornment especially climate change concerns and would not only fuck over china but would fuck over the us in the long run.
and if the covid 19 was a man made attack by us then that wouldnt explain how the us utterly fucked up containing it in its homeland. Certainly if it was manmade by the us then they would control it in their territory, but they didnt.
and for the biological warfare and literal holocaust and imperialst stuff if the us did that the entire world opinion would turn against the us or at least would be alienated to the point a lot of countries would refuse to help the us.
And even if the us gets a first strike alongside its allies, it wont get all of the nukes, and china will launch these nukes and the us knows it.
like the us is evil but this is beyond idiotic even for the usa.
For capitalists, climate change and the environment are not even factors.
true but capitalists care about money. And rapidy increasing climate change and enviornmental disaster wouldnt be good for buisness. (tho dont get me wrong the capitalists dont really give a shit about the enviornment judging from our current climate crisis but i think even they know rapidly increasing climate change and enviornment disaster would utterly fuck over their profits and thus be undesirable)
Capitalists are usually very shortsighted, that's why in the long run they always lose, in their control a country will inevitably lose to climate change.
I would argue that climate change is actually good for the capitalists since they would easily be able to sell essentials at a higher price especially in highly complacent populations like in the US.
except at the same time they would also get negative effects of international markets failing.
While that is true the capitalists would sell essesntials at a higher price which would gain more profits for the capitalists if that profit is negated by the losses gained from international market chaos, then it would not be good for the capitalists at all for any positives gained for the capitalists would become easily countered by the negative consequences.
aka the capitalists get no gain from climate change for all possible gains are countered by negative losses
That's because you're looking at the long term, the capitalists only care about what they get in the short term.
For them the quickest buck is the best.
The only part that is a point against you is that a large swath of the American population is contrarian as a first principle. Being told by experts to stay inside and wear masks is MAKING them do the exact opposite. They are proud, rowdy, and dumb.
yes but even with that the american gov still hasnt gone to ww3 yet and still hasnt decided to go to the full deep end of potential bad actions. Dont get me wrong the american public is filled with idiots cough mccarythism but even with that if we look at stuff like the height of the cold war the american gov still managed to avoid ww3, and the us limited their actions if you were a first world country(tho the third world countries got fucked) While the american public is filled with irrational idiots, the actual american gov seems to be capable of restraining the public to a certain degree. If it didnt then ww3 and nuclear armageddon and other forms of crisis would have already happened during the 60s-70s, and we would either be dead or never have been born at all.
If the us did that then the us will cripple its own economy and cause a global recession.
They don't care about that.
and for the biological warfare and literal holocaust and imperialst stuff if the us did that the entire world opinion would turn against the us or at least would be alienated to the point a lot of countries would refuse to help the us.
The US controls global media. The US can blame any disease outbreak on any countrys and most of the world will buy that explanation, since they watch US media like CNN for their world news.
China has long neglected the media space to its own detriment.
for your first comment, i mean surebut the us elites do care about winning. And if they wanted to win Im certain they would care about minimizing the effects of the economic cripple and etc to make sure america wins. But instead like for example regarding covid 19 if it was a plan by the us gov why instead of saying covid was real and addressing the crisis earlier, the us gov instead pretended it didnt exist and etc. If the us gov had addressed it earlier and said it was real, they would have still embroiled with china and at the same time utterly minimized the negative economic and political effects of covid crisis in america and thus gain a large advantage over china, but instead they didnt.
And additionally besides that theres still the issue of nuclear warfare. Like i believe the us global elite still do care about nuclear warfare not because they care about humanity but because theres literally nothing to be gained with nuclear warfare. What will nuclear warfare produce except a desolate hellscape where both nations are utterly destroyed..(and before ya say the us first strike i just cant see how a us first strike would decimate the chinese nuclear capibilaties. If the us sent nukes chinese rader woudl immediately detect that and the chinese would immediately send counter nukes at the us).
除此之外,还有核战争的问题,就像我相信的那样,美国全球精英仍然关心核战争,不是因为他们关心人类,而是因为从字面上讲,核战争没有任何好处。除了两个国家都被彻底摧毁成荒凉的地狱之外,核战争还会产生什么呢... (在你说美国的第一次核打击之前,我看不出美国的第一次核打击怎么能摧毁中国的核能力。如果美国向中国发射核武器,中国雷达会立即察觉,然后中国会立即向美国发射对抗核武器。)
The elites don't care about "winning" lol, they aren't Trump like figures.
They care most about profit and if that means world war or climate change then they'll pursue that.
You're acting as if they care about anything other than profit.
精英们才不关心“胜利” 哈哈,他们不是特朗普那样的人物。
except if that winning ensures continued profit and continued power then they would care about winning
the us rich economic control and political power basis no matter how much they try to move factories overseas is still reliant on the usa.
and thus their interest relies on the us to win so they could continue their profit making power
Im not saying they care about america from a nationalistic perspective, im saying they care about america because they utterly rely on america for their political and economic power and seeing it fail would fuck over these companies ability to make profits.
I think you might be giving American leadership too much credit here. Might be worth looking at some of the decisions we've made as a country over the past few decades that were obviously going to backfire but were pushed anyway.
yes but even then the american leadership always had a limit that they wouldnt cross, like nuclear Armageddon. the anglo is willing to do a lot of stupid shit but those stupid shit usually were things that had consequences that would slowly appear way long after the action happened, or the consequences are isolated mainly to the foriegn countries. And additionly the anglo even at their worst would also not choose actions that would have had extremely terrible and immediate consequences for them like nuclear warfare. Dont get me wrong the anglo is stupid but pursuing biological warfare, internment camps and nuclear armagedon in our current political enviornment would be utterly economic and politically suicidal and the modern anglos know that.
It's funny that you think the rich who control the US care for any of that, if they did they wouldn't have hollowed out their country since the reagan years, this level of obliviousness is not acceptable.
and for the biological warfare and literal holocaust and imperialst stuff if the us did that the entire world opinion would turn against the us or at least would be alienated to the point a lot of countries would refuse to help the us.
Were you born yesterday? The US has the most powerful propaganda apparatus in the world.
And the US has done plenty of idiotic things.
The rich are incredibly short sighted to the point of incompetence.
Also while the rich are shortsighted to the point of incompetence is a statement i agree with there was always a limit to their incompetence. If there was no limit then ww3 would have happened during the cold war, the korean and vietnam war could have gone nuclear but it didnt why because besides profit the rich are also motivated by self preservation.
the US is both evil enough and crazy enough but, I suspect, not capable enough (and also probably not stupid enough, and hard as that is to believe)
A first strike on China would spell the end for the US. I mean, the US is already in decline, something like this would make it fall right off a cliff. Russia, the only other adversary with significant nuclear strike capabilities, will be sure to offer the second strike response in kind. They would rather do this since nuclear weapons appear to have lost their ability to deter such attacks. There would be no point to delaying the inevitable and succumbing to an eventual capitalist onslaught.
Obviously, we should be worried about nukes. If nukes ever fly I'm more than willing to bet the US would goad India into launching a limited strike against China. Obviously, China retaliates and India is obliterated, but China would sustain significant damage and this could make an invasion of China from the east possible. Even then, I honestly can't see how this doesn't spiral into an all out thermonuclear war. Anybody claiming that they possess the ability to neutralize second-strike capabilities is delusional. A part of me believes that the Indian regime, as terrible as it is, still cares about self-preservation and would like to develop its economy peacefully (after having been embarrassed by its smaller neighbor Bangladesh).
A more realistic fear is seeing American nukes falling into the hands of christian dominionists. These absolutely insane people would rather see their wet dreams of a biblical apocalypse come to fruition than let China trample over their gOd gIvEn rIgHt to enslave and subjugate.
All-in-all, I see the United States collapsing and balkanizing as a more real possibility than a suicidal first-strike.
India can't be convinced to do any suicidal stuff, India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, the whole system is about politicians and industrialists pocketing the small amount of wealth in the huge country. Because of that vested interest, India can't handle military pressure regardless of what they say. India is like America on steroids in that regard.
An American WMD attack can't be ruled out for reasons like you say, there are genuinely crazy delusional leaders among them, and their ideology of a "chosen few" going to "heaven" making them not really care about lives of their own citizens.
China has been hard at work for decades making nuclear defenses most likely in the low probability of such a character gaining control of US WMDs. Even though 1000s of nukes cannot all be intercepted, nuclear proof bunkers can hold enough people to keep civilization surviving.
A more realistic fear is seeing American nukes falling into the hands of christian dominionists. These absolutely insane people would rather see their wet dreams of a biblical apocalypse come to fruition than let China trample over their gOd gIvEn rIgHt to enslave and subjugate
Hey good thing the US Air Force isn't completely run by fundamentalist evangelicals....
I doubt this would happen tbh.
I'm not sure the other countries would risk nuclear devastation just on the whim of the US. Japan could be bombed back to the 40s if it actually launched an attack.