OB Norm
China has no interest to compete with India, China, Russia, and India can lead the world with trading. Belt and Road is for every country on earth especially country nearby. Chinese leader alway open arm and talk even to very small country, what Chinese gorverment want is offered job an prosperity to their people. They launched a very aggressive campaign to wipe out poverty And I think India can do the same. If you have a chance to visit California homeless town you will surprise US gorverment failed the expectation of human right. - UP: 33 DN: 0
I doubt the corrupt Indian government has the will to eradicate poverty like the Chinese. Indian elites are puppets of the West, I suspect. Very sad really because I have no prejudice against Indians. I just call it as I see it.
India may have declared independence from the Brits and held elections but that's only to make Indians believe that they have power so they won't revolt. In reality, India is still conquered by the West. - UP: 26 DN: 0
If only BRICS countries work together to improve the livelihood of their people, imagine how powerful they will be. The West will be on their knees begging for a taste of the consumers' spending. Of the five, India is the only one kowtowing to the West thanks to the corrupt elites over there. I don't think there is any Indian person who agrees to be an attack dog of the west after centuries of British oppressions. - UP: 11 DN: 0
You should travel through US, and you will see not only in California. - UP: 8 DN: 0
You are a brave man to travel through that land! Disease and Police everywhere! - UP: 9 DN: 0
India Can NEVER be a world leader, NOT in 500 hundred years. Unless India has a through upside DOWN revolution! - UP: 11 DN: 2
Nothing can be achieved overnight. Modi should have taken a step by step approach. Also, he should seek a partnership with Russia and China. At the moment he seems to be balancing between the US and the East. This is of questionable wisdom. - UP: 2 DN: 0
Jewel Gyn
That Modi oversold India everyone can see that. IMO, what Modi needs to do is to priortise what needs to be done... lifting the millions of Indians out of poverty level should be at the top. And the infrastructures etc... so many domestic issues that needed to be addressed. Having this US perception of a 'perceived enemy' in China is nothing new, and runs in the blood of Indians for ages... something only Indians understand. Playing gung ho and talking tough doesn't gel with reality, when comparisons are taken between the 2. And the irony is that China has never viewed India as a 'perceived enemy' but a potential partner for economic growth and cooperation. That China has said time and again, the same of US. But sadly, both would not want to listen. - UP: 49 DN: 4
每个人都能看出莫迪夸大了印度。在我看来,莫迪需要做的是明确需要做什么... 让数百万印度人摆脱贫困应该是最重要的。还有基础设施等等。这么多国内问题需要解决。美国认为中国是“公认的敌人”,这并不是什么新鲜事,印度人的血液中流淌着这种观念已经有很长时间了... 只有印度人才能理解。如果将两者进行比较的话,那么雄心勃勃和强硬的言论就与现实不相符了。具有讽刺意味的是,中国从未将印度视为“公认的敌人”,而是一个经济增长与合作的潜在伙伴。中国一次又一次地对美国说同样的话。但遗憾的是,两个国家都不愿意倾听。
Mentioning poverty, as if everyone is poor and starving. China is not our partner. You trying to make China look friendly. You are not the only one spewing this junk. - UP: 0 DN: 8
Face facts and act accordingly. India is a 3rd world undeveloped country, that's rapidly slipping into failed state status. Their corrupt, western styled buracracy and impotent, servile politicians are dry kindling for the west to ignite a crises in Asia. For the past 150 years, India has served as a co-intel, beachhead for the west to destabilize the region. They play the same role in Asia as Isreal does in the ME. Both are creations of colonial criminality, to upset and restrain development in the region. - UP: 0 DN: 0
bigcity mike
lol..funny how Internet makes international diplomacy experts especially the guy from failed nation called pakistan - UP: 0 DN: 11
哈哈... 有趣,互联网产生国际外交专家,尤其是来自失败国家巴基斯坦的家伙。
Dear India if China didn't intervene in Pakistan that region would have been burning like the middle east, doubt Indians will take the Indian vaccine good luck. - UP: 12 DN: 0
You are clueless. - UP: 0 DN: 0
Why do you call Pakistan a failed nation? It's doing fine last time I checked. - UP: 7 DN: 1
你为什么说巴基斯坦是一个失败的国家? 据我所知,它做得很好。
A US Capitalist Philosophy not making a Super Profit for the Trillionaires maybe? In that regard the Rich get Rich and the poor have Covid19 and get shot by Police. In that regard the USA is a Winner Nation! - UP: 3 DN: 0
Like the US, US's cultural genetic predisposition to racism and castes, prevents them from seeing the bulk of their population as worthy of investment and development. At best, they disproportionately allocate resources to those of their likeness and make it a practice to minimize resources to those they consider lessors. Nothing they do will benefit the entirety of their populations - UP: 17 DN: 1
Propaganda. - UP: 0 DN: 6
Very astute thinking, I have worked in engineering & construction, the Indian & Sri Lankan engineers I have worked with were able to go to Uni only because of family wealth, which also meant they had servants and were spoilt, they looked at others with contempt even us western managers, they were lazy & deceitful and couldn't solve problems, everything was theory, not practical experience, basically they didn't like or want to get their hands dirty. The Chinese I have worked with would listen, worked hard and did not look down their nose at others. - UP: 4 DN: 0
Jewel Gyn
Good observation... pretty much what I experienced, but they came from lower to middle income. Met a few of those snobs from the north though. - UP: 1 DN: 0
观察力不错... 和我经历的差不多,但他们来自中低收入家庭。不过遇到了一些来自北方的势利小人。
India needs Socialism and Science China can do it why not India? - UP: 2 DN: 0
Indians, Jews, and Muslims are the most nepotistic people in the world. Do business with them at your peril. - UP: 6 DN: 3
Examinations with a number could end that. Nepotism is very backward in any society! - UP: 1 DN: 0
And you know this how? Because you are an international business man? Oh, just a hateful loudmouth. - UP: 1 DN: 6
If Indian leadership stick to the BRICK and distance from UK Imperials will do well; but instead they go with the once which will keep them down. - UP: 15 DN: 0
The US is trying to break up BRICS.
US installed a puppet in Brazil and have taken control of Modi.
But the 2 main super powers R-Russia and C-China are still there so it will be a success even without India and Brazil - UP: 7 DN: 0
但是两个主要的超级大国 R-俄罗斯和 C-中国仍然在那里,所以即使没有印度和巴西,它也会取得成功。
Bolsonaro will be out of office after the next election and it's a fair bet Lula da Silva will be reelected, so Brazil will resume close ties with Russia, China & BRICS, India on the other hand wants their cake and eat it, they think they can play both sides of the fence, sucking up to the US while still getting the benefits from a good Russian relationship. - UP: 3 DN: 0
博尔索纳罗将在下次选举后下台,卢拉 · 达席尔瓦很有可能再次当选,所以巴西将与俄罗斯、中国和金砖国家恢复密切关系,另一方面,印度想要吃掉他们的蛋糕,他们认为他们可以两头讨好,一边讨好美国,一边仍然从与俄罗斯的良好关系中获益。
Well said. - UP: 0 DN: 0
It's a tough world. - UP: 0 DN: 5
Not for the Chinese it's not.
For India, yes, it's a tough world and that's why they are leaving their country like those caravans from Latin America trying to enter the US for a better life. - UP: 7 DN: 0
Yes dear, Chinese are super special. If you think only Indians emigrate, then go on thinking that. - UP: 0 DN: 6
Peter Imran
I so feel sorry for India. A country with so much potential but ruined by stupid leadership and not too intelligent people like you. - UP: 2 DN: 0
Excellent. My 2 cents.
Modi made a fool of India on the International stage. Everyone is laughing from Canada to Japan from Russia to Africa. To add insult to injury his partner in crime Amit Shah is creating chaos inside India, trying to topple every non-BJP state government.
Most of the rich have their second Passport, residence overseas and transferred their wealth. The poor are suffering. Most of whom were deceived into voting for the BJP.
As for taking on China, dream on. Not in a 100 years.
China's GDP is close to $15 Trillion, and on pace to become #1.
India's is 2.5 trillion. Like 2 shadows from 2 different light sources, they will never meet.
We are now disowned by the East and discarded by the West
India's only option is to become a 'afghanistan' or proxy army for the US and its allies, and China will have the last laugh.
They want to destabilise China because China is on course to become the world's No 1 economy. The US does not want that to happen. In steps India to be used as a battering ram
If we ever attack China, we will be wiped of the map. The US also knows that and will dare not attack China directly. - UP: 13 DN: 2
莫迪在国际舞台上愚弄了印度。从加拿大到日本,从俄罗斯到非洲,每个人都在笑。雪上加霜的是,他的犯罪伙伴阿米特 · 沙阿正在印度国内制造混乱,试图推翻每一个非人民党的邦政府。
In reality if India rises and China falls and the US sees India as the next threat to their perceived #1 status, India can expect the US to attach India in the same manner it has China. India would be far better forging closer ties with China and BRICS where everyone benefits. In the west when it comes to business it is always about winning, the Chinese believe in a win win solution, everyone walks away a winner with a reasonable outcome and no one loses face - UP: 6 DN: 0
mickeyis007 ! Hello brother, your comment is sharp as an arrow tip. China has on many a time counselled India that if India share an ASIAN commonality of interests, the combined market of both will be 3.5 billion people; that will give tremendous economic and political power; India then does not need to speak to the whitemen sahib, like all Indians always do, "WITH CAP IN HAND AND BOWED HEADS"; however Indians are the enslaved minds of the British Raj. Too bad that Indians think "white is best !" Still slaves of a long dead British Empire. - UP: 3 DN: 0
Jewel Gyn
I have been analysing Indian behaviour towards China for years... I conclude with this... it's like telling a fanatical suicide bomber he/she can't enter heaven by killing innocent people. In short, leave it cos you can't change mindset. - UP: 0 DN: 0
多年来,我一直在分析印度对中国的行为... 我得出这样的结论... 这就像告诉一个狂热的自杀炸弹袭击者,他/她不能通过杀害无辜的人进入天堂。简而言之,远离它,因为你不能改变它的心态。
Lost Sheep
Actually Indians are very lovable people like their cuisines, but there are very problematic ones who worship Kali goddess of war and destruction similar to Jezebel spirit. Think of Nikki Haley as an example.
Oh! Russia better include her in the 'ban list'. - UP: 0 DN: 0
Pure jealousy. India ,work with China and you will prosper - UP: 2 DN: 0
I read that some Indians are going to Nepal to get Chinese vaccines. - UP: 1 DN: 0
China can produce 3-5 billion doses per year. - UP: 15 DN: 2
Modi just follows order from bosses in Washington to act against China. It is very simple. - UP: 36 DN: 4
You are very simple. - UP: 1 DN: 16
Peter Imran
The truth is truth and the truth hurts. Imagine a country with 4Xs the population of the US and hiding behind US skirt. - UP: 1 DN: 0
You all believe ridiculous propaganda. I see how scared you are of Modi, that's great. - UP: 0 DN: 4
Peter Imran
Modi and India is the laughing stocks of the world. - UP: 1 DN: 1
And yet 1.4 billion Indians are still following the few corrupt elites in their country. They haven't revolted to improve their lives. They don't have any sense "for the greater good." How can India ever come close to China? - UP: 13 DN: 2
I have been to India on business a few times in the last 15 years. All I would say to MODI is to get his act together at home and stop competing with CHINA. It will take him at least 50 years- by which time, he will no longer be around. It is the truth . - UP: 11 DN: 2
Yes but the ruling Hindi Caste will soon replace him in a jiffy! - UP: 0 DN: 0
china won 237 gold medals in olympics,india only won 9 .....
but if bragging olympics held,india will win all gold medals.... - UP: 11 DN: 0
What does that have to do with anything? Deflection. - UP: 0 DN: 8
It means the Chinese are more hard working than Indians. They practice to achieve excellence and to be the best in the world. Winning gold medals in the Olympics is one example. Pay attention to what others say. - UP: 10 DN: 0
It's all about the people. Indians are lazy and corrupt while Chinese are hard working and smart. The result is China's GDP 5 times that of India's. Numbers don't lie. India will never come close to China as it is impossible to modify the behavior and attitude of 1.4 billion people. - UP: 24 DN: 9
We don't need to lie about anything. You live a life of lies, that's why you believe everything backwards. India has been held back by various forces. Those forces are still present, but the BJP and PM Modi are defeating them. Your racist remarks just show that you are weak, and scared. - UP: 2 DN: 10
Mr Charlie
I guess that poo mountain holding you back, can't see over the top of it. - UP: 5 DN: 1
Having read the posts from the Indian guys I conclude that they live in fantasy land. - UP: 12 DN: 1
Mr Charlie
Compulsive liars, hate loosing face even when they lost outright. I grew up with Indians in multicultural Britain and taught not to be racist against them. Turns out they hate the British and taking us for a ride. So stuff em - UP: 8 DN: 1
Peter Imran
India is so GREAT but your country is still a 3rd World country. Besides your poo mountain, India has done nothing better than China. - UP: 0 DN: 0
Our culture and religious beliefs are better, it is called Sanatan Dharma. China doesn't even have religion. They only had Buddhism, which of course is from Hinduism. Your hatred is only surpassed by your envy. - UP: 0 DN: 0
i know bussinesmen who stopped importing from india because indians only try to cheat and not to give good quality. - UP: 3 DN: 0
Yes could be true India won't catch up with China. There is neither single party nor supreme leader in India. - UP: 5 DN: 1
Peter Imran
Russia don't even want to be close to India as it is a double headed snake. - UP: 0 DN: 1
Corruption has been institutionalized in India by the Congress party over the last 70 years. They have purposely destroyed the country in an effort to destroy the knowledge and culture of Hindus. With the BJP government, PM Modi, there is now the opportunity to make things better. - UP: 1 DN: 3
india was corrupted by brahmins 2000 years ago. learn history from real history books not from fanatic hindusect! - UP: 3 DN: 1
Peter Imran
India registered 300000 infections in 1 day. Probably due to the poo that is everywhere. - UP: 1 DN: 1
jojo rabit
Average Indians are very hard working. Unfortunately the country is ravaged by politicians like Modi and previously Congress. - UP: 6 DN: 2
Geography plays a big role in shaping people's attitude and behavior. India is too hot for any human to work hard and be productive. China is much cooler than India because of where it's located. - UP: 3 DN: 1
It is cultural and difficult to change. India has a caste system and that is worse than racism. It is ingrained.
Racism is against the law in UK but it does not provide for an Indian attitude to its lower caste colleague. A higher caste Indian will not take instruction (even that person is his manager) from a lower caste person.
It is a fact ,I assure you and not a FAKE - UP: 1 DN: 0
The west is pushing them forward to be the cannon fodder by lauding them to the skies. - UP: 1 DN: 0
India is no match for China. Isn't that obvious? - UP: 7 DN: 0
Biryukov Veden
Its a mistake that RT made this kind of report, as most Indians really hate to be criticized, its better to keep quite, and let them keep living in that India is no.1 superpower nation in the world. - UP: 19 DN: 6
Ultimately Pakistan and India must unite under the Red Flag of Socialism
rising standards of living is what the subcontinents fear that can be quite easily achieved with a planned Science based Socialist Economy displacing the Bourgeois and Landlords in both lands. Religion's and armies are the main suppressors of the Working Class! - UP: 1 DN: 0
They are potential a Potential Superpower when they adopt a Working Class Dominated Secular Socialist State including Pakistan based on Science and Central Planning! Modi relies on religious backwardness to keep his Bourgeois and Landlords in Power and military force! - UP: 1 DN: 0
Very true - UP: 0 DN: 0
Modi is nothing but an American pawn, who has done nothing to improve the poverty and discrimination in India. - UP: 10 DN: 2
os993 You are spot on; THE TEST FOR A GOOD GOVERNMENT IS HOW THEY MANAGE TO UPLIFT THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THEIR PEOPLE; compare India with China! People's Republic of China lifted 800 million Chinese people out of dire poverty, and on top of that become the world's richest nation on earth beating the USA. The scale and speed of China progress from being one of the poorest nation on earth and in less than 40 years to become the world's most powerful and richest nation on earth. - UP: 2 DN: 0
你说对了; 一个好政府的标准是他们如何设法改善人民的生活条件;比较印度和中国!中国让8亿中国人摆脱了极度贫困,最重要的是,中国成为世界上最富有的国家,超过了美国。中国的规模和速度从世界上最贫穷的国家之一,在不到40年的时间里,成为世界上最强大和最富有的国家。
Modi has done more to improve India in 7 years than what Congress did in 70 years! If you think he did nothing, either you have no clue, or are lying. - UP: 1 DN: 9
You missed the point; the discussion here is comparing India's achievements against China's achievements. It has nothing to do with BJP vs Congress ! - UP: 0 DN: 0
Read the first comment, it is about Modi. - UP: 0 DN: 0
Yes he has; the hindu slumdogs are now breeding like cockroaches - UP: 3 DN: 0
是的,他做到了; 印度的贫民窟现在像蟑螂一样繁殖
What did Modi improve really? - UP: 1 DN: 0
So many things; 10,000 km of new highways per year; water, electricity, and toilets to over 100,000,000 homes, health insurance and bank accounts for 100s of millions of poor people, world's largest solar power farm, new railway lines plus electrification. There is way more that I can't think of just now. But there is alot more. - UP: 1 DN: 4
Toilets ??.. are you having a laugh?.. India only has one.. Its called India.. - UP: 0 DN: 0
厕所??...你在开玩笑吗?.. 印度只有一个厕所...叫做印度..
and yet India doesn't have enough beds to care for people with COVID-19. What great improvements your daddy Modi has done. - UP: 3 DN: 0
In importing Russia's Sputnik vaccine the irony is that Modi might have to import from China where three Chinese companies have agreed to produce 260m doses of Russian Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccine. Should that be the case that will be a bitter vaccine for Modi to swallow. - UP: 6 DN: 2
讽刺的是,在进口俄罗斯的 Sputnik 疫苗时,莫迪可能不得不从中国进口,因为中国已经有3家中国公司同意生产2.6亿剂俄罗斯Sputnik-V新冠疫苗。如果是这样的话,那么莫迪将会吞下苦果。
The agricultural sector has been robbed for decades by the Congress party's twisted laws. Now farmers will be free to sell their produce and invest in their farms. This is bad for India haters. Reliance has started building its own 5G networks, with absolutely no Chinese components whatsoever. By next year they will be exporting it. Let's see how much you laugh next year. - UP: 0 DN: 0
India has NO CHANCE of competing with China, EVER. - UP: 11 DN: 3
India has a superiority complex since regaining independence. Fanned by the West as the largest democracy in the world, it tries to outdo China in all respects. This obsession leads it to adopting ineffective development plan, waste of precious resources. Known for being the world's largest arms importers, little has gone to human resources development and poverty elimination. - UP: 3 DN: 1
Richland Yabitches"
Whilst all these Indians walking in to Australia with a Certificate in Engineering, the only experience of Driving/Milking a Cow and Building a Sky-scraper from CowShit, and what about the so called Indian doctors, that's the biggest Scam since Israel got Born in 1948 on Palestine" - UP: 8 DN: 1
You live in a hate filled dream world. Your insults have no affect on the people or the country. Only serves to expose your ignorance and hate. - UP: 1 DN: 2
Peter Imran
Chinese never want to work for others as they want to be their own boss. Indians working as CEOs or whatever for Tech Companies is not something India should be proud of as they are traitors. They should be back in India helping the country developed. - UP: 1 DN: 2
India and PM Modi know the capability and position of India.. It is only the west and other hyper propaganda that pit India against China..Indians know the economic might of China and are impressed with it.. Just because India wants to improve its economy -and living conditions for all- a huge huge ask, does NOT mean that India is propagandising that it is a replacement of China..
India and Chine will work to complement each other's positions, and yes despite fights and border disputes and China's preference to keep India in check-- Even then India knows China is a big economic powerhouse and is India's top trading partner.. The west can keep cooking up stories- Until India claims that it has 'replaced' China, all is cook up by excited journalism - UP: 2 DN: 0
印度和总理莫迪明白印度的能力和地位... 只有西方和其他的高调宣传使印度和中国对立... 印度人知道中国的经济实力,对此印象深刻。仅仅因为印度想要改善自己的经济和所有人的生活条件,这是一个巨大的要求,并不意味着印度正在宣传自己可以取代中国...
Modi more concern about a cow health than indian human health. - UP: 0 DN: 0
India : it's an attitude problem. That's why it's a Third World country. Beijing should steer clear of this country economically. - UP: 3 DN: 1
Modi looks at the magic mirror and asks, " Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most powerful of all?" The magic mirror answers, "Saint Narendra Modi!" Modi is very happy and returns to a Yoga session. BTW, the magic mirror is " Made in China". - UP: 3 DN: 0
India will be the sole future hyper-power in the Universe. Indian immigrants will capture the political powers of the UK & USA, and Canada and these countries will become the Indian colonies. The Indian population will account for more than half of the world population. No country can beat that. - UP: 4 DN: 9
If India takes over the world, it will be in the same way as they did it before. People will see how good the culture is and want to become like them. That is how Buddhism spread, voluntarily. Whatever negative things you are thinking about Hindus is actually propaganda. There is so much evidence around, you just refuse to see it. - UP: 0 DN: 5
Richland Yabitches"
And God punishing Indians by Cutting off their Oxygen, as a reminder, they don't have a God given Right to cut Water Supply to Pakistan" - UP: 6 DN: 1
Modi is a zio puppet mron India has a poverty rate of over 80% while China’s is .7. India would never be able to compete with China. - UP: 11 DN: 2
莫迪是印度的傀儡,印度的贫困率超过80% ,而中国的贫困率是0.7% 。印度永远无法与中国竞争。
It is laughable to think India could compete with China. - UP: 5 DN: 0
The latest...... 20 Covid-19 Patients died as a direct result of the Government of India not ensuring Hospitals have sufficient supplies of Oxygen, They boast about being a modern country, that may apply to the wealthiest classes certainly not the majority of the population who exist on a dollar a day. - UP: 1 DN: 0
最新消息... 20个新冠病人死亡是由于印度政府没有确保医院有足够的氧气供应,他们吹嘘自己是一个现代化的国家,这当然可能适用于最富有的阶层,而不是每天靠一美元生活的大多数人。
C. Joseevich
India should be themselves rather than China 2.0 or whatever America tells it to be.
It has plenty of smart and hard working people, I’m sure. - UP: 0 DN: 0
C. Joseevich
It is good for the world if Modi’s hatred towards China leads to more quality exports of COVID vaccines from India.
Whether India delivers, it will be up to Modi. - UP: 1 DN: 0
No, it will be good for US of A if India and China fight. More sales of fighter jets, missiles, and bombs to India. - UP: 3 DN: 0
Thats exactly what USA wants, not because they love India. - UP: 0 DN: 0
hexagon liver
India is already finished as a country, because Modi got tricked by the usa gov, to go against China, so China which originally wanted to help India advance economically, now has a change in mind - UP: 1 DN: 0
The British ruled India for close to 300 years. A major tried and true tactic they used was divide and rule. The British could have abolished the Caste system, they didn't. They encouraged it to perpetuate. Then they put the Anglo-Indians and the high class Indians (British educated) to be in charge of all others. Put Muslim officials in charge in the Hindus dominated areas and Hindu officials in charge of Muslim dominated areas. The British Raj wanted to make sure Indians from different groups dislike each other. In today's political hierarchy, the upper crust Indians see themselves as the successors of the British masters. In their hearts, they are with the West. This is what I know about India from my own business travel experience and the study of their history. - UP: 0 DN: 0
India under Modi wouldn't be ready to compete with China even in the next 50 years. - UP: 1 DN: 0
It is really funny that India keep targeting China as its number 1 competitor. The entire nation is obsessed. Yet, China never consider India a competitor. To India, it is China, China, China. To China, it is USA, USA, USA. Can someone explain this (India 's obsession with China)? - UP: 1 DN: 0
印度一直把中国作为头号竞争对手,这真的很有意思。整个国家都沉迷其中。然而,中国从未将印度视为竞争对手。对印度来说,就像“中国,中国,中国”,而对中国来说,就像“美国,美国,美国”。有没有人能解释一下(印度对中国的痴迷) ?
Three years ago I was in India - Mumbai on a business and part of journey was also a visit to manufacturing plant in Pune about 250 km from Mumbai. About 12 years ago I was for the first time there and it was absolutely the same as 9 years later. Motorway connecting these two places is incredible. Despite motorway the journey was lasting 6 hours in one direction. Reason is simple, holly cows are roaming or just sleeping on the motorway and causing traffic jams. To see broken axes on trucks or buses stopped on the middle of the motorway is a part of tourist excitement except that Indians in no hurry sit all around buses on the motorway watching life passing by. India is chaotic country and full of controversies and I am puzzled how on earth they intend to compete with well organised and perfectly managed China. India was promoting itself as the largest democracy on planet without anyone really understanding the meaning of democracy. Indians believe as Americans that democracy means rights to vote and rights to make chaos. If I would be pressed to make an investment than sure as a hell it would not be India.
In a distant 1973 as a young student with colleagues from campus we visited India and I can assure you that India is place where time stopped - UP: 0 DN: 0
China was sanctioned by the USA & allies from 1950 until 1974; which means China had been ostracized by the rest of the world. India was the "baby blue eyed of the west and hence had A HEAD START on China for 24 years and yet at the starting line in the race in 1990, India had been ahead of China just marginally, but after that period when they were both about the same size and with the same size population, CHINA surged ahead of India, becoming 500% of that of India's. There is no comparison ! - UP: 1 DN: 0