Joe Fiore Psy. D., MS, NCC Fiore Psychology Services, LLC
All things being equal, China has more than four times our population, 330M compared to 1.4B. Based on a normal distribution, they should have a much greater number of total aggregate geniuses than we have in the USA. I found one reference on the internet that indicated that China has 4.3 times more geniuses than we have, which is only slightly more geniuses than we have proportionally. However, the more I do internet searches, the more I see erroneous data being cited.
I did not see the movie “Social Network” and was unfamiliar with the comment assuming it was said like that. Although the writer seemed sincere, it’s simply absurd to think there are 330 million geniuses in China.
FYI: Just because it says so on the internet, doesn’t mean it’s true. During this search, I noticed that Lady Gaga has a reported IQ of 166 and more amazing that Snoop Dogg has a reported IQ of 147. During an earlier search, I saw Banksy was listed in the number two spot on a list of the 50 greatest genius, with an IQ of around 205. Banksy was listed above da Vinci, generally considered the greatest genius that ever lived. I need to be more careful with internet searches, because I seriously doubt the reported IQ scores of Lady Gaga, Snoop Dogg and Banksy. I seriously doubt the IQ scores reported on these three individuals, very seriously doubt it. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, or at least use your best judgement.
【回答】心理学博士,NCC Fiore心理服务有限责任公司
仅供参考:仅仅因为网上这么说,并不意味着这是真实的。我在搜索中,发现 Lady Gaga 的智商是166,而 Snoop Dogg 的智商是147。在之前的一次搜索中,我看到 Banksy 以205的智商位列50位最伟大天才的第二名。Banksy 被列在达芬奇之上,达芬奇被认为是有史以来最伟大的天才。我需要对网上搜索更加谨慎,因为我很怀疑报道中的 Lady Gaga、 Snoop Dogg 和 Banksy 的智商分数。我很怀疑这三个人的智商分数,非常非常怀疑。不要相信你在网上看到的一切,或者至少你要最仔细判断。
Stephen White
Especially Banksy. Basically all they have to go on is that he is good at drawing.
Joe Fiore
Banksy and Snoop Dogg highly overestimated in the intellectual realms.
【作者回复】Banksy 和 Snoop Dogg 在知识界被高估了。
Zack Lu former Financial Analysis Software Sales
This is a pretty straightforward question to answer.
* The most common threshold for “genius” is IQ of 160 or higher.
* The average Chinese IQ is 105. IQ distribution is known to be a pretty vanilla bell curve, at least within 2 standard deviations. SD for IQ is generally agreed to be 15 points.
* Let’s assume a population of 1.5 billion for China, and 330 million for the US.
Run those numbers and you get a result of 0.0001 X 1.5 billion = 150K
That’s the population of a small US city, not the US as a whole.
The only way this statement can be true is if we set the threshold for “genius” at 116:
0.23 is roughly 330 million / 1.5 billion
That being said, 116 is still pretty darn smart.
* “天才”最常见的标准是智商160或以上。
* 中国人的平均智商是105。众所周知,智商分布是一条非常普通的钟形曲线,至少在2个标准差之内。智商的标准差通常被认为是15分。
* 假设中国有15亿人口,美国有3.3亿。
计算这些数字(按智商160以上),你得到的结果是0.0001x15亿 = 15万
John Cate Freelance Public Relations Specialist, Mount Airy, NC
I would be shocked if a country with 1.35 billion people didn't have more people with genius IQ than a country of 0.33 billion people.
The US has one-fourth the population of China. Of course it is going to have fewer genius-IQ people!
China has more total geniuses than then United States for certain, but it doesn’t have more geniuses than the entire population of the USA.
Arthur H
Most sources online say the US average IQ is 98, while the Chinese average IQ is 105. So there could be a higher “genius-rate” in China than the US.
John Cate
Not enough to make the statement that there are more geniuses in China than there are Americans true. That would be absurd.
Joseph Xue
The difference is small. And it could be accounted for due to different education systems, standardized testing is more emphasized in China perhaps leading to better IQ scores.
Arnez Bridges
Genius is at least 120 or even higher isn't it? So the average chinese is smarter but not genius.
Jeff Cook
Pretty sure it is 134 or 136
Jeff Cook
People don’t realize that a piece of paper used as a test is not an IQ test. Unless you were 1 on 1 with a psychologist you did not take an IQ test and your result is just BS. I have also taken those tests and i score above 140 also, but I understand that it means nothing.
People also like to claim Mensa entrance exams are IQ tests, they are not.
Out of all the classification systems, more then half of them group anyone above 130 in the same group, because only a small percentage are above 130. Also, out of the major classification systems, most say that only 2–4 percent are above 140.
在所有的分类系统中,超过一半的分类系统将130以上的人归入同一组,因为只有一小部分人在130以上。此外,在主要的分类系统中,大多数人认为只有2%-4% 的人超过140。
Dominik Škovran
Did anybody measure/test IQ of all Americans and Chinese? I doubt it…
【回复】有人测试过所有美国人和中国人的智商吗? 我怀疑...
Connor Copeland
It is incredibly difficult to compare IQ across countries. All countries measure their IQ different, both in terms of the tests themselves as well as the numerical ranking for a particular level of intelligence.
Really though, in the US 100 is always the median IQ score, so it is actually difficult to even compare one year of test takers to another because that median may have changed and you wouldn’t know.
Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón
If we take a standard distribution centered in 100 and with deviation in 15 (more or less how IQ tests suggest) it means 1/4 of the total population would be above 110. This would mean that the population in China, which is in the fourth quartile (above 110) is greater than the whole population of the USA. Let’s use Arthur H’s figure that the China ‘s mean IQ is 105, so it means that China’s better quartile (those above 115) are more than the whole US population. Are 115 IQers geniuses? They are certainly above average, but most of them wouldn’t be considered geniuses. Above 130 is 2% of population. 2% of Chinese are 27 million people. So you have more Chinese geniuses (if 130 and above is genius) than the population of any US state but Texas and California. If we put the genius level to IQ 145 and above. China would have over a million geniuses. Near the population of Maine.
Scott Brickner
In terms of IQ, “genius” is supposed to be 125+, on a score that has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. A score of 125+ would only include 4.8% of the population.
For the claim that China has more geniuses than the US has people, their population would have to be twenty times ours, not a mere four.