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文章原始标题:When BBC reports China news video, it uses different color gradings for Chinese audience and English audience. What do the British think of this kind of behavior?

内容简介:我不是英国人,当然盎格鲁人是殖民者的后裔,所以沉浸在神圣的BBC中。 我觉得很搞笑,很可悲,很恶心。

Tudor Reece lives in Europe, Asia, Africa
I’m not British. Certainly Anglo, a descendant of Colonials, and thus steeped in the sanctity of the Sacred BBC.
I think it’s hilarious. I think it’s pathetic. And I think it’s gross.
The mental conditioning in Anglo high-handed superiority produced a 20-something Tudor who was convinced that the English speaking world had graciously atoned for it’s sins of the past 200 years and was now a world leader in human rights and human dignity.
The current 40-something Tudor stands before you as one who has, since then, been on a 20-year long journey arriving at my current lip-curling disdain for everything the British mainstream media now represents.
They’re proudly displaying the worst aspects of heavy-handed propaganda and Hollywood industrial light and magic rolled into one.


It’s not news. It’s not reporting. It’s just more of the depressingly inane garbage we are now fed throughout most of the English speaking world.
They’ve used up anything of value in the barrel, so they’re scraping the slime at the bottom. I see them tumbling over into it before long.


Felix Su
It’s shocking because a Democracy can NOT function without facts. But the last thing they report is facts.
The whole thing is a mess because the News is now propaganda for the elected so they can get re-elected. Nothing else matters.


Tudor Reece
It’s true. I have nothing against democracy. I actually like it very much. It’s freedom of expression, it’s freedom of individualism, even it’s wonderful messiness in the media, in pop-culture, in intellectual debate. But the weakness of democracy is that it’s freedom can allow powerful private interests the freedom to hijack it.
Authoritarianism might turn into Totalitarianism or Dictatorship in some countries, but it hasn’t turned into that in China. And it’s China’s very Authoritarianism that keeps down the powerful private interests that often hijack democracies.
The US needs democracy. All of us in the West do. It’s our cultural way of doing things. But Democracy is getting corrupted.


Felix Su
I don’t either. But after all the propaganda and brainwashing, the people of the US no longer sees the cons of Democracy. They seem to think it’s some sort of panacea. They don’t even realize they’re being led by the nose, that the way the system is currently set up, they actually have a choice between a tiger and a lion being elected.
And both of those are and are planning further to eat them for lunch. It’s so annoying. If people don’t think there is a problem then there is no reason to even try and fix it.


Tudor Reece
Blame the Christian tradition of good and evil. It doesn’t matter how many atheists are appearing in the West, the moralistic, dualistic ideology remains. It’s even ripping democracy down the middle.
It’s hard for us Westerners, in general, to get our heads around facts being objective facts. We have to make a moral value judgement upon things, even if it’s silly.
In other words, if we can’t find a God and a Satan in an international situation, we have to make them up.


Felix Su
I grew up Christian. Somehow I didn’t end up with that…
Now you’re scaring me…lol.

现在你吓到我了... 哈哈

Tudor Reece
So did I! VERY Christian. I’m still at least theistic.
But I’ve gotta admit, I struggle with the good/evil duality thing.


Zack Frazier
“Hollywood industrial light and magic”, does BBC work out of Hollywood, or is that just a phrase y’all say in Europe? I’m very confused by this phrasing. I wouldn’t think the British Broadcasting Company would be produced in California.


Tudor Reece
Nah, turn of phrase. The rays of the Hollywood sun have enlightened many production crews around the world.


Chan Han Meng
You've seen the light ! Coming from a Commonwealth country (ex-colony) I recall taking BBC as the gospel truth as a kid. Now past the half century, I wonder what has happened to the BBC to make it become almost like Fox News


Tudor Reece
It’s Fox News’ reflection. The images are apparently opposite, but really, they’re the same person.


Zw Zhu
Maybe it has not changed, but we have changed.


Daniel Ly
Won’t it be great if like-mind individuals like you to participate in your government decisions making body?


Ed Gardo
Would you say the average british citizen is more inclined to be indoctrinated by BBC or to see right through it?


Andy Tran
I agree with Ang’s sentiments here. BBC is essentially the ‘go to’ news in the UK. The older generation, as much as I hate to generalize, are quite stubborn and will stick with their main source of information, that being the BBC. I think generally people in the UK see themselves as possessing a superiority complex both in politics and in life. They see their system to be a working system without flaws and they feel this should give them the right to preach their life views to the rest of the world.
In my opinion, western nations are probably the most narrow-minded when it comes to international affairs. When they see things as being different, they attach negativity towards them. Not even taking the effort to listen to other views. They walk into an argument with an already established mindset and will outright refuse to accept any other arguments or their points, even if they are backed up by facts.


BBC isn’t entirely trash though. They do produce some excellent reporting that has been impartial and fair. But when it comes to China or generally other nations considered as the ‘enemy’, they will paint them very negatively.
As a Harvard research study has shown, over 90% of Chinese citizens are satisfied with their government. There are more Chinese people that travel freely around the world, they study abroad, they do business abroad, China has shown rapid and significant improvements in tech and infrastructure, has provided aid to African nations in establishing their own infrastructure, and has provided aid to several nations during the pandemic. Yet western media still paints them as an ‘oppressive’ regime.
It does make you wonder, who are the real brainwashed ones here?


Ang Underwood
Yes, I do think many from the older generation do deep down have superior Imperialistic mindset, especially those who don’t live in big cities.
With today’s technology, there is no longer any excuse for British people to only watch the BBC or the usual Western Media, especially on international topics.
I do wonder how those people were educated in the first place. Were they not taught at secondary school to seek news information from various sources before drawing a fair conclusion? I was certainly taught that in Canada, but in those days, there was no internet or youtube.

有了今天的技术,英国人不再有任何借口只收看 BBC或者通常的西方媒体,特别是国际话题。

Albert Chung
It’s a matter of “my mind is made up, don’t confuse me with facts”


Ang Underwood
Yes, many British citizen is more inclined to be indoctrinated by BBC. Especially the older generation.
At least that’s the case with my mother in law, who has the BBC TV channel on 24/7, then she parrots what she hears, makes condemnation without viewing other sources. When I told her BBC is full of biased propaganda / lies and that she ought to watch other non-Western media, she refused to do so.
In fact, for many years, I was brainwashed to think that BBC is the sacred news channel, until I’ve purchased a Smart TV and was able to access other news channels and Youtube.


Ed Gardo
I noticed that here in Quora it is almost impossible to receive a rational response from Britains, regarding some issues. Actually you are the first one the engage me without vitriol.
Most of the time, they simple state the fact that I am not a British therefore I should mind my own business. And they don't even answer the question. It is the good old “ad hominen", at best, racism/xenofobia at worst. However, I find it ironic that they give me this “advice” that themselves do not follow (specially concerning China).


Ang Underwood
I am one of those Brits who do watch other news outlets aside from the usual Western media, having a smart TV helps.
I think there is nothing wrong with having an opinion or reasonable discussion about another country’s affairs, but I do draw my line when foreigners strongly proclaim, for example, that Chinese must overthrow their gov’t, even though they are told repeated that over 90% are very content. In this case, this is none of the foreigner’s business.


Ken Morgan
What like The Sun and the Daily mail JK :D

【回复】就像《太阳报》和《每日邮报》一样 :D

Edward Jones
I don't understand the question but am intrigued by it. Could you explain what it means please?


Andy Tran
The question is in relation to how the BBC applies a certain colour filter to give off a certain tone. It sets the mood of the video and can be interpreted positively or negatively. In this case, it has been picked up as being negative.
Watching them side by side, you can clearly see the colour tone differences. And this has been interpreted by some people as depicting Wuhan/China as a very ‘polluted’ and/or ‘lifeless’ city/country. However, they only applied this colour filter in the English speaking channel and not the Chinese version. In the Chinese version, you can see the colour filter is more neutral and the colour pops out more.
The question is - do you think there is an agenda behind this? Are they trying to depict China in a certain way to their English speaking audience? Or did someone just screwed up in the editing process?
How you interpret it is entirely up to you.


George Knowles B.A. International Relations (2020)
I’m not quite decided on my opinion so far as I’ve only heard Quora mention it but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true. The BBC tends to report everything (including UK news) in dull, drab colours, though, so it might be an editorial rather than a political decision.
I think the BBC was once a very impartial organisation with good journalists but since watching their Brexit coverage (why did Nigel Farage get so much airtime?) and the Jimmy Saville scandal I doubt they stand for much. It’s especially interesting to see them act like a propaganda wing for the Conservative party during Covid so that they get their license when it’s next up for review.

我认为BBC曾经是一个非常中立的组织,拥有优秀的记者,但自从看了他们对英国脱欧的报道后(为什么奈杰尔•法拉奇获得了如此多的播出时间?)还有吉米 · 萨维尔的丑闻,我怀疑这些有什么意义。尤其有趣的是,看到他们在疫情期间扮演着保守党的宣传部,以便在下次审查时能拿到许可证。

Jamie Wang
BBC news Chinese
BBC News
It is a political thing.


George Knowles
Just checked myself, you’re right.


Simon Kirby
Well most media checking organisations would disagree with you, stating that the BBC has a slight left leaning bias while still being impartial in it’s reporting.
Also, as the next licence discussion isn’t till 2027, there is no guarantee that the Conservatives will be in power.
Regarding COVID-19, surely it is the job of all media organisations to discover the facts, and support the health of people, not like Fox news for example which started off denying COVID and are still questioning vaccine use.


Hamed Khan
BBC has inherent bias. When I hear one good story of Chinese governance (ffs the Chinese government raised 800 million out of poverty: an amazing feat that should be celebrated) then I will start finding otherwise.


Richard Perry
Sorry, I’m trying to work out what the problem is. I watched this clip when it was first broadcast and I thought it was really positive - inspiring. It is often difficult to get realistic impressions of what life is like for ordinary chinese people. I thought the images of the Soldiers gathered together for a group photo laughing, informal, relaxed or another soldier laughing as he fluffed his lines whilst being interviewed for a piece to camera were a fantastic contrast to the grim, choreographed images of regimented masses which is the usual “go to” stereotype for journalists.


Shane Rooney
The problem is the effort to make China look like a smog filled wasteland.
Can’t have the air in China looking clean, that would ruin the narrative.


Kevin Robbins
BBC is one of the most professional, impartial, independent public service broadcasters in the world.
Totally unrelated to any known government, it works at its best to provide British people with the best quality news reports and a full spectrum of fact-based opinions and analyses from experts around the world. In the 100 years since its foundation, BBC only focuses on doing one thing: deliver the truth to the people who need it.
BBC, your best source of information.


Shane Rooney
Take your joke answers to ask.


Chris River
Totally unrelated to any known government????? ARE YOU KIDING ME?

【回复】与任何已知的政府都毫无关联??? 你在开玩笑吗?

Tony Tan former Self Employed Trader
And to think that the BBC has the temerity to proclaim that its news reporting is always “forensically fair”.
When I think of that, I always have the urge to throw up.


Steven Miller
What nobody seems to pick up on is that when comparing different media, Japan makes China look better than China does. 😂


Thomas Choi former Controller
BBC, aka the British Bullshit Channel.
The failed insurrection on January 6, 2021 had totally defamed the Western so-called Democratic systems with the biggest eye of the Five Eyes. NZ has been smart enough to step away from the Eyes, and Australia has been burnt due to being a front runner to demonize CHINA and got what they had deserved and had kept at low profile since. Now come to UK and Canada. UK has just exhausted itself from the Brexit and the Mishandling of viruses, however, UK wanted to save the biggest brother USA, teamed up with Canada to concoct such genocide joke to divert USA's Mishandling of all conceivable internal issues, but to no avail. Just shame on those Blinded Eyes, especially Canada, shouting thief to divert the attention of being a thief itself, helped US to illegally arrest an innocent individual due to USA's sanctions on Iran. USA, with its Hegemony of Military and Greenbucks, has been applying its own internal laws globally and too bad that its timid neighbor Canada got nothing else better to do and made themselves a laughingstock globally.


Pete Glyde former Electrican / Technician (1963-2016)
The general opinion is that sometimes it seems that some political figures are given an ‘easy ride’ when it comes to interviews. It would also seem to be the case that some ‘issues’ are sidelined or minimised. This would mostly seemto be as pressure from government. As regards China, I don’t know, but UK has it’s own issues of Human rights to address.Given that the UK deals with a middle eastern country for trade, but ignores people in what has been called ‘the largest open air prison in the world’, I would think pressure is applied.


Willy Gilder former Radio Reporter at BBC (1995-2019)
I have recently asked here what people in China make of China against the BBC. Every answer tells me that the BBC is a spreader of malicious falsehoods.
This is, of course, nonsense. The BBC goes out of its way to tell the truth and verify its sources


Ron Chow
I disagree. An ex-BBC reporter once said BBC often ‘spinned’ a story to suit its narrative. The following is a 3-year old BBC video on China’s poverty eradication effort.
Notice the tone that was used by the BBC reporter? Even the titled is one of skepticism and distrust. Well guess what, many from this Cliff Village have now been relocated to government housing down on the plain. The last few will be relocated by this summer when the relocation project will be 100% completed.
Every Chinese person now have access to food and lodging on a daily basis. So abject poverty is a thing of the past. Will BBC do a video to applaud this human achievement of the century? Of course not!
So report the negative, but never the positive has been the stand of BBC and CNN, and other western media. In some case selective images and video were used to form a skewed picture of a positive situation. I used to enjoy BBC world news, their excellent nature series, and crime dramas. I guess on the news part I have to view it with huge skepticism now.


Willy Gilder
Spinning to suit a narrative shouldn’t happen. It’s against Editorial Guidelines.


Thye Kim Meng


Ron Chow
Well it happened three years ago and is still happening now. I do believe in your days BBC was a more ‘truthful’ outlet of journalism. I have always enjoyed watching BBC international news and preferred it over the North American news outlets.
Not any more, at least not when it comes to China anyway. China-bashing has become the trendy thing among English Speaking media, and BBC has left impartial, righteous journalism behind and instead opted to cater to sensationalism and bias to feed the uninformed public. What a deplorable state for this news outlet that I once admired.


Bob MacKenzie former Business Owner, Manager at Private Business Self Employed (1993-2020)
Why is the west worried about China? It is not one of the ones who invaded Iraq to start all the trouble in the world today. The US and UK are responsible for that mess as well as the murder and destroyed lives of millions of people , the displacement of millions of refugees, the flooding of Europe with refugees, China had nothing to do with all of that.
China needs to defend itself against the crazies running the US and UK not the other way around.


Malik Brooks
I have no issues with BBC News, I trust what they report and they've always been accurate from my experiences.


Ezio Yao, B.A. Accounting & Military, Iowa State University
First from a professional point of view, BBC is a very professional international news media. They have many journalists who have been trained for a long time. They have many professional ideas and technologies. Therefore, although I don't like BBC, I must admit its powerful influence.
But the professional media force of BBC serves their country and their allies first. For other countries, their professionalism does not serve the neutrality and objectivity of news but conveys their information in a secret way.
It's just that China is a bit like a loner, refusing to obey the unequal order established by Anglo-Saxons, so all China reported by BBC is distorted.
We will think that the news of international news media like BBC is true, responsible, and fair. But in the end, we find that what international news media like BBC have been doing is untrue, irresponsible, and even more unfair. Just like a judge, he does not fear justice but uses the law for personal gain.


Pictures themselves are also a form of art, so we believe that different people may have different views on the same work. Similarly, news pictures will have different feelings.
But from an artistic point of view, I think the photos of Chinese media are basically not artistic.
But you can take a look at the pictures taken by Westerners. There is a very clear distinction between light and dark, and the characters are not directly displayed. On the basis of realism, artistry is added. It gives people the feeling that China comes from darkness.
To be honest, the presentation of western media is more artistic. Once artistry is added, subjectivity must also be added.
For example, if a person takes pictures of his mother, he will hope that the mother will give people the feeling of warmth and kindness. I don't think many people will make their mothers look sexy. This is subjectivity.Therefore, photo processing is a simple but practical method.


The second one is the presupposition of position and presumption of guilt. First stick to the anti-China premise, then make a patchwork of "black materials". BBC correspondent John Sudworth in Beijing is an “expert”. He often uses tendentious and induced questions in interviews. If he can't find the real evidence, then he will adopt a fabricated method. Then add the words "massive evidence", "reliable news" and "independent analysis" in front of it, so that the news that meets the BBC's political needs will appear in the BBC news.
If you think there is something wrong with what I said, you can check, what is "a lot of evidence" and whether "reliable information" is reliable?

第二,立场预设与罪责推定。首先坚持反华的前提,然后再拼凑出“黑料”。BBC驻北京记者约翰 · 苏德沃斯是一位这方面的“专家”。他经常在采访中使用带有倾向性和诱导性的问题。如果他找不到真正的证据,就会采取捏造的方法。然后在前面加上“大量证据”、“可靠新闻”和“独立分析”等,这样符合BBC政治需要的报道就会出现在BBC报道中。

Third, as long as it is anti-China news, whether true or false, it is regarded as true news by BBC.
The BBC has been attacking China over Xinjiang. But in fact, are these things real or fake? Xinjiang is China's territory, so long as you hold a legal passport, you can visit Xinjiang. You can even live here if you like. Peaceful and stable Xinjiang is not what BBC wants to see, but only turbulent Xinjiang is what BBC wants to see. The same thing, as long as it is done by Westerners, is just; It is evil for people other than Westerners to do it. What is this? This is a double standard. In the eyes of the BBC and Westerners, it is wrong for Chinese people to eat and breathe.


The reason why the West is the source of science comes from the true record and careful analysis of objective facts. So facing China, Westerners chose to distort the truth. In fact, it's not that Western media don't know the real China. They have been in China for so long and met so many people. Even if they have a prejudice against China, at least they know China better than most Westerners who have never been to China. And the reason why they do this is because it is a manifestation of confrontation between countries. Attacking a distant eastern country can unite its own people. It is more in their interest to divide this great eastern country by various means. Therefore, they will use this method to target China.


Paul Mitchell Veterinarian (2014-present)
It’s just that China has started to point out a lot of the lies and propaganda that the BBC has been pushing as factual news.
The people in China could not care less about the BBC. It’s as relevant to their lives as empty boxes and bruised vegetables that are left over in a wet market. It just doesn’t matter to them at all.


Daniella Daine former professional (2020-2021)
My opinion: the BBC should value the trust people have in them, and can make some false claims, but enough is enough, if there is more false than true (as it is now), for people. Their existence is no longer meaningful.
My Chinese boyfriend's opinion: I hope the BBC will continue to do this and do more so that it will not do any real harm to China and can stop those idiots from coming to China. Idiots live badly anywhere. He has seen many such men. China's modernization and comfortable life are earned by Chinese people with their own sweat. The idiots who hate them don't deserve it.
