Bruce Brews 24 years active duty
When the Chinese intervened in the Korean War, United Nations (UN) forces under General MacArthur were close to retaking all of Korea. North Korea had invaded South Korea that June[1] and nearly won, but the North’s forces were now shattered and defeated. UN forces were nearing the Chinese border. The UN, however, had problems.
First, UN ground forces, 8th Army under General Walton Walker, were overextended because MacArthur had exceeded his authority. He had been given enough forces to restore South Korea and wasn’t authorized to go beyond the 38th Parallel. But MacArthur took the bit in his teeth and kept driving north: he was willing to involve the United States in a major Asian land war[2], if necessary a nuclear one. As UN forces closed on the Chinese border, units had to cover huge areas. There were gaps in the lines.
The second factor was security on the Chinese part. They moved hundreds of thousands of troops into northern Korea and MacArthur had no clue they were there. The Chinese hid when UN aircraft flew overhead, so sighting reports to headquarters were sparse. Even after the first attacks, 8th Army had no idea of the extent of Chinese intervention. On November 24th, MacArthur told the American ambassador in Seoul that 25,000 Chinese were in Korea.[3] In reality, there were over ten times as many.
A third factor was landscape. The Chinese were assisted by rough central-Korean terrain, which split 8th Army so much that forces on the east coast, X Corps, were virtually an independent force, having no lateral security (patrolling) with the forces on the west. The hilliness also meant that UN forces, with their trucks and heavy weapons, were largely road-bound, whereas Chinese forces, being relatively lightly-armed and using very few vehicles, could move through areas that MacArthur and his staff considered impassable, while trees, hills, and valleys made them difficult for UN searches to locate.
The Chinese also moved and fought at night, again in an effort to reduce their exposure to American airpower and artillery: they would close in on enemy positions and attack from close quarters, making UN protective barrages difficult to lay down without endangering their own men. Darkness also assisted their security measures, allowing them to move large quantities of men with little chance that UN reconnaissance aircraft would see them in the rugged central-Korean terrain.
The final factor was the onset of winter, which greatly diluted the NATO airpower advantage. The cold and often stormy weather also restricted MacArthur’s road-bound forces to the better roads, and those were few and far between, limiting offensive possibilities to a few possible axes. As a result, large areas of north-central Korea were virtually guaranteed to be not even patrolled—let alone be occupied—by UN forces (mostly Americans and Koreans, including Koreans enlisted into American divisions[4]).
So this was the situation. UN forces were advancing in completely predictable directions, each unit’s frontage dangerously overextended. Air support was hindered. At the same time, undetected Chinese forces were deployed for a coordinated attack against an enemy almost completely unaware of their presence.
The Chinese first struck in late October and early November, overwhelming several units. Retreating UN troops found roads cut by Chinese roadblocks, so they abandoned huge amounts of equipment, including vehicles and artillery, and suffered heavy casualties. Then, after a few days, the Chinese pulled back and broke contact.[5]
MacArthur promptly recommenced his offensive as if nothing had happened, resuming advances on a widening front with little ability to reconnoiter his flanks. Then, three weeks after they had first struck, the Chinese hit again, and this time they didn’t draw back. They shattered several divisions of the main 8th Army body. In the east, an American regimental combat team of 3000+ soldiers was destroyed[6] and the entire 1st Marine Division was enveloped and nearly destroyed as well. To make a long story short, we skedaddled out of North Korea, never to return so far north. Seoul, South Korea’s capital, fell again to communist forces that continued advancing. American forces were in their longest overland retreat in history.
Unfortunately for the Chinese, they couldn’t sustain their offensive. Their lengthening supply lines overstretched as UN forces fell back onto their own supply centers and more-easily-defended positions. The lines stabilized. MacArthur was relieved for insubordination and replaced by General Matthew Ridgeway, who had taken 8th Army over in December when Gen. Walker died in a traffic accident.[7] Ridgeway drove the Chinese back using superior firepower, including airpower. Besides again recapturing Seoul, Ridgeway brought the lines far enough north that North and South Korea shared a different border but were essentially unchanged in size.
In the end, the Chinese victory, strategic and overwhelming though it was, wasn’t decisive, and the shooting war ended in stalemate. Technically, the war still isn’t over: there’s an armistice (cease-fire) in place, but no peace treaty. And that is how things stand today, almost 70 years later.
See also:
* The Korean War Chronology
* South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu
* 朝鲜战争年表
* 南至洛东,北至鸭绿江
Michael Snyder LTC, Retired at U.S. Army (1975-present)
* The UN forces under MacArthur were pursuing the DKPA to the Yalu River. The US political leadership, emboldened by the success of MacArthur’s operations since Inchon, had changed the desired political end state to unification rather than preservation of the RoK. UN forces were dispersed across the Korea peninsula and were unprepared for the PLA offensive. The PLA was able to exploit this dispersion by finding and attacking the flanks of UN units and cutting in to their rear using the light infantry mobility to cross the mountainous terrain.
* Surprise was in favor of the PLA. MacArthur, Willoughby, consistently ignored both the political, strategic and operational signs that the PRC was willing to intervene to prevent the unification of Korea on UN/US terms. UN forces were caught off-guard and off-balance by the PLA. US troops thought the war was basically over and were suddenly presented with a tough, motivated enemy.
* 麦克阿瑟领导下的联合国部队追击朝鲜人民军到鸭绿江。麦克阿瑟的军事行动自仁川战争以来取得的成功鼓舞了美国的政治领导层,他们将期望的政治终结状态更改为统一,而不是保护韩国。联合国军队分散在朝鲜半岛各地,对解放军的攻势毫无准备。解放军能够利用这种分散,找到并进攻联合国部队的侧翼,并利用轻步兵机动性穿越山区地形,切入他们的后方。
* 出乎意料的是解放军得到了支持。麦克阿瑟,威洛比,一直无视中国愿意干预的政治、战略和行动迹象,以防止韩国在联合国/美国的条件下统一。联合国部队被解放军打了个措手不及。美国军队以为战争已经基本结束了,突然遇到了一个强硬、有决心的敌人。
* The PLA did a thorough job of operational and tactical recon. They identified and targeted RoKA divisions in their initial attacks. These divisions weren’t as heavily armed or as well trained as other UN units and some were not well led. During the initial offensive, the PLA over-ran some of these divisions, which gave them access to the flanks and rear of other UN forces.
* In some cases, the UN/US forces had out-run their logistics, but this wasn’t a major factor in their combat failures. More consistently, it was a failure of doctrine and training. Combat in the mountainous terrain was a new experience, as was an enemy which was adept at infiltrating defensive positions. The need for 360 degree defense, active and aggressive patrolling, night combat and tying in units set up in strong point defenses rather than linear fortifications had to be learned all over again.
* The PLA pushed the UN/US forces back to the 38th Parallel. While they inflicted a number of severe defeats on US forces, they did not destroy or render combat-ineffective permanently any US or even RoKA divisions, all such damaged units being reconstituted. Once the UN/US forces were able to establish fortified positions and apply their superior firepower, the PLA offensives culminated.
* 解放军做好了全面的的行动和战术侦察任务。他们在最初的攻击中识别并锁定了韩国陆军师。这些师没有其他联合国部队那样全副武装或训练有素,有些也领导不善。在最初的进攻中,解放军穿过了其中一些师,这使他们能够进入其他联合国部队的侧翼和后方。
* 在某些情况下,联合国/美国部队的后勤保障已经超出了他们的能力,但这并不是他们战斗失败的主要因素。更为确切的是,这是理论和训练的失败。在山区地形中作战是一种新的经验,而且敌人也擅长渗透防御阵地。必须360度全方位防御,主动和积极的巡逻,必须重新学习夜战和在重点防御上部署部队,而不是线性防御上。
* 解放军将联合国/美国部队推回三八线。虽然他们给美军造成了一系列严重的失败,但他们并没有永久摧毁任何美军师或甚至是韩国陆军师,使其失去战斗力,所有这些遭到破坏的部队都被重新组建了。一旦联合国/美国军队能够建立防御工事并运用他们的优势火力,解放军的进攻就会结束。
John Cordova Interested in International Relations
It is a misconception that the US Army was “far more powerful” than the Chinese Army as the entire US Armed Forces had almost completely demobilized post-WW2 by 1950 and many of its experienced officers and combat veterans were out. “Win” also depends heavily on what perspective you view it from and what context.
MacArthur, after the success of the Incheon landings, pursued the KPA beyond the 38th upon the insistence of ROK leadership (their divisions crossed before the Americans and were the first hit by Chinese forces), and against the advice of his advisors in government who received multiple warnings from the PRC that they would intervene the closer either got to the Yalu. (This is presumably in-part why he was fired, for ignoring this, glory seeking, and disobeying the government along with the suggestion of nukes). By this measure of taking back North Korea, the Chinese won.
However, consider the Chinese war goal upon intervening on behalf of the DPRK was to similarly push the ROK/US off the peninsula. They ambushed across the front line and retook Pyongyang, similarly crossed the 38th retaking Seoul, and getting as far south as Suwon to southern Gangwon province after breaking the UN offensive. Once US forces finally reorganized after the initial surprise attack and shattered retreat however, the Chinese could not hold territory, and began to lose ground towards the present border while attempting repeated offensives which failed. The battles with China prior to this point were not confrontations that saw the US forces at full capability, and as another Quora answer said in regards to the lack of logistics planning, “The US military defeated the US military.”
From a logistics perspective, the US faced more challenges considering its nearest supply bases were off in Japan and across the Pacific, and it couldn’t amass nearly the same number of troops as China which has a land border to Korea.
Mark Bellamy interest in history over many decades.
The Chinese army didn’t defeat the US Army, but they did give them a bloody nose and pushed them back from the Chinese border. The reasons are a little complicated. The US Army was vastly superior in terms of tactics, equipment, and supply; but the Chinese had numbers which they deployed stealthily. To make matters worse MacArthur was extremely arrogant and underestimated the Chinese ability and will. In addition, though superior to Chinese forces the US military had been let to deteriorate after WWII due to the political position nuclear arms and strategic warfare were the future and conventional combat a thing of the past. An assumption which the US paid for dearly. The US was caught with their pants down by the Chinese because of MacArthur’s carelessness in rushing towards the border without considering the opposition. So in short I would say MacArthur’s blunders were the primary reason but also a general lack of preparedness due to assumptions about the role of conventional forces and Chinese proficiency at stealth infiltration with large numbers.
Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty Senior Controller at NATO
The PLA did not defeat the US Army, the US Army defeated the US Army.
Logistics in Korea were just as bad as in Europe in 1944.
The Americans had advanced very quickly without having enough supplies to fight off a Chinese intervention.
When General Ridgeway took over in December 1950, he encountered the exact same problems he had had in December 1944: most supplies were nicely stored far away from the front lines and there was not enough transport to supply the troops.
Without fuel, without ammunition, and without winter clothing, the effectiveness of your troops dwindles very quickly.
Roy Parker
This is a, shall we say, unique interpretation of the winter of 1950–51. The Chinese People's Volunteer Army was able to successfully use infiltration tactics and massed infantry assaults, to initially overwhelm UN forces, pushing them all the way back across the 38th parallel, and causing the UN to lose Seoul for a second time. Once Ridgway assumed command, the operational situation changed dramatically.
Tianren Tan
Chinese didn’t win the Korean War and neither did US if you are talking about unifying Korea, but they both achieved their original objective of preserving both North and South Korea. So it’s a draw.
Yongyi Liu
Chinese original goal was to eliminate the potential threat from the border, which meant they should at least get a sufficient strategic buffer area, and this goal had been achieved. Sure they lifted the goal for a while, so as the USA. Finally both sides faced the reality.
Dave Scatena
If I remember correctly the Chinese never officially entered the Korean conflict they specifically did not wear Chinese military uniforms for the same reason the United States didn’t attack China for fear of making it a much larger confrontation even though by the end of the war besides knew the other was involved.
Roy Parker
That is why they were known as the People's Volunteer Army. They wanted to keep the war limited.
Yongyi Liu
Not fully true, the US aircrafts crossed the border and attacked somewhere, at least one aircraft were hit down and pilot was captured within Chinese territory. If you dig deeper, you even might find something about biological warfare.
Christopher McAnally
We were at a point where both sides could escalate enormously. China had essentially unlimited manpower, and could draw on enormous Soviet stocks of material and we could also draw on additional firepower including nuclear weapons.
Anything we could do short of nukes could be matched, and regardless we didn’t want to repeat Japan’s problem with getting mired in a land war with China.
Benson Pe Chua
the USA could not finished it out of fear of getting into the quagmire as the the Japanese did and the result will be the same like Vietnam - run away high tail LOL
Benson Pe Chua
It’s good MacArthur was replaced , he has become so arrogant , they called him the Japanese emperor and if he has his way, the world will be doomed, it’s good you had a right thinking and wise president in harry Truman.
【回复】好在麦克阿瑟被替换了,他变得非常傲慢,他们称他为日本天皇,如果他按照自己的方式行事,这个世界将注定被毁灭,好在你们有一个正确的思想和明智的总统哈里 · 杜鲁门。
Ozgur Zeren
With that logic, German army defeated Germany army in Ww2.
Lets face it - Chinese Army pretty much defeated entire ‘United’ Nations army. Including US.
Brad Lee
In a sense you are correct. The PLA achieved its goals of creating a buffer between China and the UN forces. But given the sheer amount of casualties the PLA took along the way it could hardly be considered a victory for them, nor a total “defeat” for the UN. It was a tie if anything.
Edit: To reiterate, the Korean War ended in a stalemate because both sides’ expectations were not met. China settled on keeping a buffer state between it and capitalist South Korea but did not succeed in driving the UN out of the peninsula whereas the UN (largely the US and SK) succeeded in repelling communist forces and restoring South Korea as a sovereign capitalist state but did not succeed in annihilating the DPRK. There are very good reasons that the war ended in a stalemate, and it’s not because Americans can’t admit defeat (although that is sometimes the case). Both can claim “victory,” but objectively speaking it was a tie.
Ozgur Zeren
Winners of a lot of historical battles could be classified as losers by that proposition.
The reality of the matter is that China just a few years after its revolution, took on entire Atlantic system which controlled ~75% of the world (FDR admn.’s calculations) and accomplished its strategic goals while frustrating its enemy’s.
That’s a victory.
Benson Pe Chua
That’s why up to now - nobody dare challenge china w it’s modern weapons. Now china is mostly concerned w defence and modern weapons. So it’s a different t perspective now.
David Jacques
The Chinese goal was to help the North Koreans take control of all of Korea. That failed, so they settled for a buffer state.
Ozgur Zeren
Thats not correct. China’s entry to the war was to prevent US from being able to access China border. Last invasion to China was launched from Korea. Hence they either needed to take over entire Korea, or create a buffer.
They created a buffer. It still works today.
Colin Thompson
I would just add it was a failure of leadership. MacArthur was not the strategic genius he thought he was.I assume this happens because people don't want to damage MacArthur’s reputation as the American Caesar.
Robert Young
I agree that McArthur is the one to blame. The war could have been won if he took his time and realized and planned for a Chinese response. Instead his bluster and foolishness came to the fore and thousands of our soldiers were wasted.
Jay Taikeff
Ridgeway is one of the most underrated generals in history. He took a defeated, retreating army cognizant that victory in the traditional sense would not be permitted by the political structure, and led them on an advance under the most difficult conditions. I am still awaiting the report that Truman ordered in the first weeks of the war about the viability of using the A Bomb. I think it is scheduled to be declassified in 2025!!
Ivan Grysky
China had over 300,000 to now throw into the fight, technically they were not superior but that was of no concern. They overwhelmed the UN forces and so they had to retreat.
it ended in a statement because both sides achieved their goals. US came to the aid of its allie and repulsed an enemy attack. China help an Allie the same way. Both put back the same lines that they started with.
Erik Orlow
BS. If the Chinese and NKs had defeated the forces of the US, SK, and lots of others there would be no South Korea.
Tianren Tan
SK would have gotten more if China and NK didn’t push back in the Summer of 1953 in its last offensive.
John Kanagaraj
True to the adage “An Army moves on its stomach”
Garfield Farkle
If the Chinese army had defeated the U.S. Army, there would be no South Koreaduh.
Nathan Thomas
A loss is a loss. Even if America won all the battles, which they didn't. They lost the war.
Benson Pe Chua
The USA side and Chinese will not both admit defeat as there was stalemate so korea was cut into 2 up to now. It’s the policy of the British and American ever since to divide and rule , like India and pakistan etc and the Middle East and Yugoslavia and so many countries - it’s the same policy to colonise.
Kunal Kar
Then that win goes to China only right. Cause if there some carelessness form US side still it was China who beat US. Same can be said for German.
Glen Broderick 30 Years Managing Technical Sales Channels
* Element of surprise.
* Willing to take a lot more losses.
* Shorter logistics lines. They were on their doorstep. We had to ship everything from the US.
* Even then they didn’t defeat us. They just pushed us to the 38th parallel. Which is where we started. In fact, I would say we won the war because the goal of both China and North Korea was to conquer all of Korea. They failed to accomplish their goal. We fought for three years and lost no ground, and were never defeated in battle.
* 出其不意。
* 愿意承担更多损失。
* 更短的后勤线。就在他们的家门口。我们不得不从美国运输所有的东西。
* 即使如此,他们也没有打败我们。他们把我们推到了三八线。这就是我们开始的地方。事实上,我会说我们赢得了战争,因为中国和朝鲜的目标是征服整个朝鲜半岛。他们未能实现他们的目标。我们战斗了三年,没有失去任何阵地,也从未在战斗中被打败过。
Brian Valentine M.A. International Relations, Princeton University (2013)
Technically the Chinese Army was far more powerful…325k US troops vs ~1.5mm Chinese…
American, 5000miles away from homeland…
and MacArthur was relieved of command for suggesting attacking China…
Better question is how the hell did the US retake South Korea and prevent “the far more powerful” Chinese Army from holding all of Korea.
严格来讲,中国军队要强大得多... 32.5万美国军队 vs 150万的中国军队...
Naseem Shahnawaz
Unity, numbers of the soldier, courage, and wisdom.
Brian Hoang
who defeated who?, had truman not stopping gen. macarthur from pushing through china. china might be like japan today
Mark Damohn Ph.D. International Relations, University of Wales Swansea (1999)
Original Question - How did the Chinese Army defeat the far more powerful U.S. Army during the Korean War?
It didn’t. It pushed the UN forces back but did not defeat them. The US is still in Korea. We have different interpretations of the Korean War. Initially North Korea pushed South Korea and the UN forces back into the Pusan Perimeter. With MacArthur’s Inchon Invasion the North Korean Army disintegrated and fled back across the 38th Parallel. The UN forces followed almost to the Yalu River. Chinese forces crossed over and did initially push the UN forces back. Then it see-sawed back and forth.
Also, which country, South Korea or North Korea, has by far has the best economy and standard of living for its citizens. North Korea doesn’t even have electricity.
Chris Waters
Would the US allow China to invade Mexico and station troops right on their border?
We all know the answer.
China has shown nothing but patience, humility and restraint regarding it's border integrity.
And America is still fortifying it's ring of military based around China, again selling weopons to Taiwan. Perhaps China should arm Hawaii.