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文章原始标题:As a 17 year old Indian, it extremely hurts seeing our neighbors like China having per capita income 5 times more than us. In the last 30 years, they have widely surpassed us. What will you suggest me to do at my age to revert this situation?


Anchal Tamrakar B.A from Political Science (2023)
Things can't be change now you its already we know , i know already readed Many answers where people suggesting you sacrifice you're or other saying leave the india settle where you want Europe , USA…
I ask okay you got settled in USA you got good job employment salery you got old and die , suppose again a new life start in india at corner village he get educated know what you know that USA , china is way ahead their GDP per capita income is way higher than India and we're dirt poor compared to them again he will try run into EU AND USA… then what ?


Every country need sacrifice to build it otherwise it's a piece of land..
Remember diamonds are created under pressure so hold on, it be your time to shine soon..
To become world power all Indians should sacrifice own freedom. Each one should work as a slave of India. To make India a truly free contry in which all its needs are produced. There should be no dependency on other countries. Hard work is required to make India’s own design and development using all available natural resources. And so on…
Empires like Mauryans and Guptas. Let me tell you something, those empires didn't come out of nothing, our ancestors had sacrificed their blood and sweat to give us something to feel proud about. But you Mr. Reader had no role in building those glorious days. What stands before you is your present. Past has faded away, future is yet to come, we only have present in our hands. After maybe a thousand years, when our descendants, would look back at us through the mirror of history pages, what would they think? Wouldn't they blame it on us that we kept India weak like we do on some of our kings? Wouldn't they detest us?


A century is nothing in grand scheme of history. Wouldn't our time period be just ignored like we do to medieval kingdoms? When our descendants would be learning this shameful chapter of Indian history, their Chinese and European counterparts would be learning about golden age of modern China and Europe. Wouldn't our descendants be ashamed of us while discussing about 20th–21st century with their Chinese and European friends and curse at us for being weak. Do you really want to see such a dystopian future?
We are indeed not at same terms as Europeans or Chinese, but if we never try to improve ourselves and resign to our fate, this curse of being slaves will haunt our descendants for thousands of years…


The Ottoman Empire was from the beginning of the 16th century to the beginning of the 18th century already a World Superpower.
It has lived from the end of the 13th century until the start of the 20th century and was for more than 200 years (16th century - 18th century) on the political and military level and to some extend also on the economic level, the undisputed Superpower.
But like everything on this earth which is connected to the natural process of evolution, from nature to human beings and ideas, it was born, grew up, reached its peak, and died.
Same for the Soviet Union.
It was born in 1922 and collapsed in 1991, around 70 years of significance on the world stage and the spread of its ideology around the world.


The difference between the former empires that lasted much longer than today is that with the fast-evolving of technologies and different political ideas, the states nowadays have only a fraction of the life cycle of those former empires.
After the WW2, particularly the West has created something new, a new ideal in relation to a capitalist-libertarian system, united under Supranational organizations such as the European Union, the USA, and NATO, which is also crumbling slowly but surely and everyone is looking to the reality ‘’Who or where will be the next ideal…’’
Even when all of them more or less has represented a different kind of ideas for their respective civilizations, there is one similarity among all of them:


‘’Arrogance’’ and ‘’I know it better than you’’ ‘’I am enough for myself’’ have brought them all to stagnation and in the end to a total collapse.
Actually, if they would adapt themselves into the changing world and learn from each other to continue for growth, a typical human behaviour has set into their character and they all have rejected all offers, rejected the reality and cooperate, ended up in isolationist policies and immense arrogance.
Choice what you want to do!! Currently we're in globalised era..


Anchal Tamrakar
Individually also , Life knows no failure. Failure exists only for those who are always comparing themselves with others.


Monarch Kumar
Politics should be as a side hobby which u read in news every morning. Not something to be sad about. Especially when living in developing country.
That to 17yr old kid. He/she for all we know is not even a adult.


Satvik Gaur
Churchill was the baddest but noone talks bout’him why cause he was our master and we love our slave attitude . It's been 73 years since Independence but we're still dependent . We always find a master and we fear them and that's why we're loyal to them first it was Britain now it's USA . In my opinion Hitler did right he saw his country suffering , signing treaties becoming slaves and if he didn't revolt at that time Germany would have end like us . He was the greatest orator and above all the greatest leader . It's high time we should woke up enough being slave already . We shouldn't fear someone inorder to become superpower or self relient enough of the US sanctions already it's time to stand…


Anchal Tamrakar
It's you're thought majority won't think like this , you're getting too much radicalised like me …


Satvik Gaur
Tho it's the reality. It's not radicalized it's evolutionary.


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Did a Lot of Research on China,Former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India
You cannot revert the Situation. This is the first Truth here.
You are 17 years old, at the start of your life,you cannot waste your time on being hurt that India and China are miles apart or China overtaking India. Its not practical. At 63, when you have nothing better to do - you can get angry at our leaders and our inefficiency and blast off your frustration and anger but at 17 - Dont.
You have one Job - Building your Life
Here are some Tips:-
* You come first, then your family only then Country. You have to put your well being and your familys well being before your country.
* You have to focus on your life. You have to reach the stage when your life can be comfortable and independent. To do this you need to work hard and work smart.

* 首先是你,然后是你的家人,最后才是国家。你必须把自己和家人的幸福放在国家之前。
* 你必须关注你的生活。你必须达到一个舒适独立生活的阶段。要做到这一点,你需要努力和聪明地工作。

* You have to ensure you are not brainwashed by Propaganda. Either Liberandu or Right Wing Propaganda. You have to develop your own individual thoughts.
* Always draw a firm line between Patriotism and Sycophancy. Always call a Spade and Spade and never settle for Mediocrity as a Consumer who pays money.
* Never get frustrated with Reservations or the State of the Country today. You are too young to get bogged down. Do your work and enjoy yourself , watch movies, drink beer (after turning 18), take a bike ride to Leh whatever gets you going.
* If you find that leaving the Country gets you a better life, pack your bag and leave. Dont care about anyone who uses the word Patriotism. As i said You come first, then your family.

* 你必须确保你不会被宣传洗脑。要么是自由党,要么是右翼的洗脑宣传。你必须发展自己的个人思想。
* 永远要在爱国主义和阿谀奉承之间划清界限。总是直言不讳,永远不要满足于作为一个付钱的平庸消费者。
* 永远不要因为国家的保留态度或现状而沮丧。你太年轻了,不能陷入困境。做好你的工作,享受生活,看电影,喝啤酒(18岁以后),骑自行车去列城,做任何能让你高兴的事情。
* 如果你发现离开这个国家能让你过上更好的生活,那就收拾行李离开吧。不要在意任何用“爱国”这个词的人。就像我说的,首先是你,然后是你的家人。

* If you stay in India - do something that is productive and remunerative. Ensure your life is a success. Dont bother with India or China or all these politics other than as a passing Interest. Dont get hurt or bogged down. You are too young for that.
Practically what is it that you can do to ensure India becomes like China?
You can write a Fanfiction about how India turned the corner and became the worlds greatest superpower by discovery of an ancient metal or a fanfiction about how India makes a deal with an Alien race to get their technology in exchange for 300 Million Slaves and uses this technology to become an advanced civilization.
Or you can speak your mind and ensure that you reveal your honest opinions on India and Indian Products without bothering about people questioning your “Patriotism”.


Priti Priya
* If you find that leaving the Country gets you a better life, pack your bag and leave. Dont care about anyone who uses the word Patriotism. As i said You come first, then your family.
This seems easy like leaving a state!


Jagdip Madaan
Great answer. Totally agreed. Your life comes first. Difference between patriotism and sycophancy


I'm 18, and this is the best life advice I have ever received.
Time to head to the pub.


Anchal Tamrakar
I was waiting for you're what you write I also got request and going write answer..
By the way it great answer…
By the way the ancient metal can get from Asteroid mining.. like vibranium and Adamantium

顺便说一下,远古金属可以从小行星采矿中获得... 比如振金和艾德曼合金。

Mousam Mallick
vibranium and Adamantium
Those are metals in Marvel comics universe. They do not appear in the real world.
Or perhaps I didn't get the joke…


Hardaat Singh
But how will we improve if everyone only thinks about himself ??


Yogesh Raj Sharma
Thinking and working for yourself and your family is neither wrong nor harmful for a country.
It only becomes harmful, when it happens at the expense of other person’s life.
So, the main problem is greed not ambition.


Sibasish Panda
and if you work for yourself and your family, you provide jobs and better opportunities to others in society which starts a chain and you end up contributing a lot for your country
but you need to think about other side too(of putting your country before you)


Yogesh Raj Sharma
This man gets it.
As for the other side, I don’t have a romantic or dramatic view about the concept of country.
For me a country is nothing more than a piece of geographical area with internationally agreed upon boundaries.
The piece of land itself is useless, if not for the humans living there and exploiting it for whatever resources they can get their hands on.
So, if people get prosperous by working on themselves and for themselves, without snatching the chance of another person for doing so, the entity called country will get prosperous automatically.


Rohan Kute
If every 17 year old started thinking like that,who will join armed forces? 18 year olds joining military because of pride,love for their country.Where you have to put country first.Where life is uncertain.Life is not all about materialism.Your views are too “individualistic” for country like India.


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
People dont join the army to die. They join the army to do some good and to feel good. Nothing wrong with that.
If Army is your future and you want to be a soldier, nobody stops you
Just be sure its what you want
All i say is if a Kid believes his future is best as an Engineer then he should not be forced to join the army.


Mukesh Reddy
Let's assume India discovered an ancient metal, obviously some big politician or business man take control over it, and sell off to highest bidder😂


Pawandeep Kanyal
Sir I did not get your point.You was criticizing Indian public in past posts that they are just doing basic job and now you are saying that they should continue doing this.You are just contradicting your statement.
I am totally agree with you that at age of 17 they should stay away of propoganda. Chinese propoganda of Military Invincibility since 1962 was so strong.some people just spread only negative thing for our country but there other positive things which we can spread .
Jai hind


Sibasish Panda
sir i just have one doubt
you say you want world class products by indian manufacturers but you fail to realise that nothing happens all of a sudden
you give examples of China but you forget that at first they were not world class manufacturers but they manufactured shitty products and their people had no option but to use them and gradually they developed, what do you think?
sir you say put you and your family first , but sir just think if people serving in defence forces start doing this , what will happen? would you be able to write with same liberty as you are doing now? just think would your son be able to become whatever he is today , if everyone thought of themselves first instead of country?


just think if Gandhi ji had put himself and family before country , then what would have happened? probably we would have been cleaning latrines in house of a British bureacrat, our status would have been less than that of dogs
just think if vajpayee had put his family, himself before his dedication to country? would the same ATAL ji you admire for his policy and vision be there?
just think had NARSHIMHA RAO thought of congress socialist ideology instead of country's condition? would you be able to use the same smartphone, wrist watch you use?


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Long question. Lets see
China did make shitty products but they admitted this and learnt and in 20 years dominated.
Defence People join the defence because they want to. Nobody is conscr1ipted. You want to join the army fine….excellent.
All i say is Individual above Nation. Individual decides to join the army, that is also the Individuals choice. He can put Nation above himself. I wont but he can.
Vajpayee entered politics as it was what he wanted. Again Individual choice. Its not as if he was offered a Job in Canada that he wanted but he refused for the nation. He liked it and he entered politics.
Same with Rao.
Gandhi…of course hes a Mahatma


Lakshay Negi
That's what I tell to my friends.First take care of your house' gdp then country's.We need to be selfish.


Astitva Manikpuri
Brother!! This is one of the best advice I've ever heard. 💯


Piyush Sharma
After reading your this comment sir I can only recall Tesla saying all these years I have spent in service of mankind it brought me nothing but insult


Subodh Mathur, Ph.D Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1980)
I am pleased that Indians are comparing themselves to China - and not to Pakistan. This is what I am asking young Indians to do, with my motto:
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. China, not Pakistan. China, not Pakistan. China, not Pakistan.
China is close to the US in GDP, and will probably overtake the US. That’s a huge and and major achievement. It will make China powerful in the world.
So? Why compare India and China? Today, India is way behind China, no doubt about it. And, Indian cannot catch up with China even in 30 years. No doubt about it.


But, if you are a young - under 40 years - Indian, you have more than 30 years to think about. India can catch up to China in 40 years. It will require a focus on economic growth - for the Indian economy to grow at 10+ percent.
Oh wow! India at this high rate? Not possible, you say. Well, China did hit such growth rates. India has the potential to do well. It’s not rocket science or some magic trick. It’s hard, sustained work. With benefits to all as the economy grows.
So, I urge young Indians to focus on catching up to China - in both GDP and GDP per capita. Don’t feel disheartened. It’s doable.


Abhinav Kumar lived in Bihar, India
Well this is the question about which I was also thinking a few years back.I think so it couldn't be changed in a short time period.I suggest to get a job ,be settled ,and around at 30 if you think you are enough stable start going to your village and check if the teachers are therein the schools ,if not then complain to the authorities on mail disturb them at least 14 days. if teachers aren't there(this is the main problem),tell your village people that education is very important and if all the villagers will send their children to school(they usually don't do),the authorities will be almost forced to ensure that teachers are there.I am not saying you to do it all just for your village you do .If we the students even 1% of all after 30 do this I think if distribution is good enough ,I am more than sure that the next generation of their family will know about population control,technology.Some do excellent by this method.(A village boy who used to do only agri work is now earning by freelancing(mainly content writing.)And also this will decrease the number of rabble voters thus ensuring people chose the politician on his merits rather than rs 500.(if done in one school and you think you like to do more then search for the next school target and if still want to do more get your village friends contact the near village students like you and spread awareness.


Personally this has been done in our village near patna,bihar though not on a very big level but just believe me if it is possible in bihar that the officials on repeated disturbing are doing this then it is possible anywhere in India.Btw it took us around 15 calls to get this work done but it happened.
It is upon us to think what to do for our country, to leave it for the worst or come up with a change which may not happen today suddenly but it will for sure happen within 15–20 years.And I think the above all should be done only after getting settled because its a time consuming process.
If you are very rich and literally have a unstoppable desire to do something for your country,then you should seriously think about joining politics after finding like minded people but this should be done after the above written tasks in almost every village(that's why I said very rich) and then since rabble voters will be quite reduced,I think that even if half of the students get any feeling that they should not fall in biryani trap and fake promises,it is quite possible to win the elections.


Shivendra Mishra
Oh wow, this was a really nice suggestion. I will look forward to this. I think that you and I have a common goal to change things for the better and I really appreciate your efforts. BTW, can you pls tell a little more about yourself.. like your job and all.
Anyways, thanks for your time at writing this answer sir. Wish you all the very best.


Abhinav Kumar
Kindly don't call me sir.I am a student of class 12 from patna.I don't do have a job.the place about which I have written is about village named koribigha in patna.the start was done by a person from my village itself along with his friends.l joined them just 2 years back and yeah its really happening


Anurag Srivastava Retired Senior Executive at Public Sector Undertakings in India (1982-present)
Electricity consumption is one of the best indicator of level of development. In case of India, we need an electricity consumption level of atleast 500,000MW i.e. India must have a installed capacity of about 840,000MW. And currently India has only 147,000MW of electricity consumption with installed capacity is 374,200MW. China’s electricity installed capacity is 2,000,000 MW i.e. they have more than 5-times generation capacity with same level of population.
So India has great potential to develop.
That is you must attain a position to where you can make some material difference.
Remember your own development will help in development of India.


Monarch Kumar lives in India
I dont know if its a pun qn or not.
But heres some uplifting news.
India is behind china because it started late.
China had economic liberalization in 1978. Meaning its became a free market country n ended license quota n allowed pvt companies in 1978.
While india had economic liberalization in 1991.
That is nearly 13yr late.
N lets see how good we developed.
Even with all the efficiency n honesty that is claimed about china it became a 3trillion economy in 2007 that is 29yrs after 1978.
India with all its corruption n painful democracy became a 3trillion economy in 2020. Ironically after 29yr.
So even with all the shortcoming we achieved the same amount of growth in same amount of time as china.
& we r still growing at average of 7.5%.


So instead of worrying about india china u should focus on ur carrer.
These things r to be done by a 30yr old person who has achieved what he wanted in life n is in the profession that he is satisfied.
Fortunately for u when u will graduate n become 30 india will be a 10trillion economy as our past record shows. N we will be closing our gap even more.
So dont listen to professional pessimists n focus on ur carrer.
Politics should be a side hooby which u read in morning on newspaper. Not to be sad about while living in a developing country


Shashank Software engineer
I wish there are million people like you thinking this and taking voting when you turn 18.
The question is how many 17 yrs think like you or they are on tiktock now.
When you are 30, you need to enter politics, sacrifice your professional career and focus on building this nation.
If a million people like you can think that then yes we can be like china in next 30 yrs atleast.
In india, our politician's are only about earning money from the power, not about helping people.


Raghu Kashyap former Retired Scientist
Be a sincere patriot, always apply your mind & be rational, do not fall for dirty outfits propaganda , expose anti national idiots. Most importantly identify the objective that need to be pursued at national/ societal / personal levels.


Mallikarjuna Yadavanahalli
It is good that you are asking this question. Young people are noticing what is happening.
China grew with laser like focus on economy.
In India we are fighting over CAA, NRC, Nationalism, Cow Protection, Triple Talaq etc…
No doubt they are important.
But there are other problems which require urgent attention like economy, jobs, agriculture distress, functioning of our courts, admin departments etc
We need to focus our attention away from trivial issues and concentrate on major ones.
