Irin Shept Master of Traditionalist Theory (MTT)
While I beg to differ with the somewhat inaccurate label of “wealthiest country in the world”, the undeniable fact of the past half-century is that China has managed to escape bare-bones destitution in ways that Africa, in general, has not.
Why has this been the case?
What about history, then? It cannot be denied that history plays a role in everything, but at the end of the day, it can only reveal so much. After all, both Africa and China were oppressed and subjugated by geopolitically and economically superior powers in the 19th and 20th centuries—namely Britain, France, and Japan. Why is it that China has overcome her grand humiliations with such unparalleled vigor and energy, while Africa remains, in many ways, a dire basket case?
The most convincing explanation, in my view, is cultural. I would like to stress, however, that the cultural explanation should not be considered to the exclusion of others.
Nonetheless, it is Culture that lies at the heart of the core principles, worldviews, and values that differentiates the sum total of humanity into a myriad of oftentimes irreconcilable societies.
I have spilled much digital ink on the rationality or irrationality of different religious-philosophical systems and their consequent implications on socio-economic evolution, so perhaps it helps to approach the issue from a slightly different angle.
The logic is actually quite simple.
China is a Civilization of Prestige. So is Western Christendom, Persia, Judaism, and even India.
Africa, on the other hand, is—collectively speaking—a cultural non-entity for all intents and purposes. Yes, there was the Great Timbuktu and the Great Zimbabwe, but African “Civilization” does not lend itself well to a rich reserve of historical memory because it simply does not exist on the same plane of sophistication like the civilizations of more evolved peoples.
Sure, there is tribal “pride" in belonging to the community of the Zulu or the community of the Bantu, but the African peoples understand, deep down, that their own attempts at Civilization do not suffice for a convincing counter-thesis against the mighty sword of Europe they have seen with their own eyes. The African peoples, without having to subject themselves to external prejudice or ridicule, know their inferiority intrinsically and feel it to the bottom of their hearts.
It is this quality that differentiates Africa from China on a fundamental level. Where Europe has Christ, Africa has…folk spirits? Ah…but where Europe has Aristotle, China has Confucius. Cultural Prestige is what allows the Chinese to mount a serious counter-thesis against the colonial oppression of the West, and fight for the mantle of success on the world stage. In sharp contradistinction to the African peoples, the Chinese understand that they inherit a Civilization every bit as rich and sophisticated as Western Civilization, if not more. And they have a proud history to stand upon, a history that reflects the full essence of what they are capable of achieving as a Nation.
That, dear reader, is what ultimately motivates a country—or a group of countries within the same cultural sphere—to excel. After all, the best predictor of future success, as the adage goes, is past success. And what past success can Africa draw upon? Is there any to be found?
正是这种特质让非洲从根本上有别于中国。欧洲有基督,非洲有... 民间神灵?啊... 但是欧洲有亚里士多德,中国有孔子。文化威望让中国人能够对抗西方殖民压迫,在世界舞台上为成功而战。与非洲人截然不同的是,中国人明白,他们所继承的文明与西方文明一样丰富和复杂,甚至更多。他们有一段值得骄傲的历史,这段历史充分反映了他们作为一个民族所能取得的成就。
Wenjie Piao
it didn't take China 30 years (even you only count years after the opening up), and China is not the wealthiest country in the world.
it took China 70 plus years to come to today. FYI, in 1978 before the opening up, China was already the 6th largest industrial country in the world. not sure why most, including you choose to ignore it. As a matter of fact, the backbone differentiates the economic structure of China and Africa was all built during the time you ignored. Think about it, in the 90s China isn't a more competitive place for labor price than Africa. Why the world industry chose to settle and accumulated in China, but not Africa?
africa and China is not comparable. Africa is not a single country, not even a single market. (hooray for Africa FTA)
I'd say the most problematic for Africa, based on my limited knowledge about Africa, is not understanding the fact that what you can buy is eventually not what you own. very generally speaking.
I can't say Africa is insignificant, at least not in China's world view. Chinese foreign minister won't make a habit of visiting a insignificant place to start their working year for the past several decades. But yes, Africa's capacity is still very much limited.
Craig Stevenson
China isn’t the wealthiest country in the world by a long shot.
China’s control of its economy has disabled peer developers and degraded global development outside of China, because it can create resources and control markets in ways that attract the money, knowledge, investment and technology of global corporations to serve MNC markets around the world. This has degraded the development ability of all other poor developing countries.They can’t bring the weight that China can with the aid of the Worlds MNC’s in tow.
Bob MacKenzie former Business Owner, Manager. (1993-2020)
China became a unified country again in 1949 under a central government that had to take compete control of governmental affairs so that what little the country had left after WWII could be properly used to rebuild Chinese independence. There was no room for capitalist greed. Eventually the motivating properties of capitalism was worked into the system while the communist ideologies kept things in balance for the people. .Africa is a collection of more than 50 countries. They all have their own way of doing things with little or no cohesion and cooperation. Gadaffi tried to unify Africa but that was not to the liking of the US so he was eliminated. It seems Africa is being kept divided for foreign interests.
Garrett Andrews
Simple really. Communist leadership in China was able to unify a large part of lands that were at times historically part of past Chinese empires and control outside influence over these regions. While far from a guarantee of Successful governance, not being unduly influenced from outside actors and being allowed to control its vast natural resources and socialist central planning have created the conditions that have allowed China to grow wealthy.
Africas lack of political unity, the fact that it’s resources tend to be owned and/or controlled by individuals residing in the industrialized west, subsidization of unpopular leaders who protect western/non-African financial interests and massive debts owned to western financial institutions prevent Africa and its citizens from making use of it’s great wealth
Lulonyo Africa lives in Africa
Africa has a long way to go: Too many countries have not yet achieved the type of reforms that can prevent dictatorship, corruption, and economic decline. Due to continued sectarian violence, weak and ineffective leadership, and lack of political will, countries like the Central African Republic, Eritrea, Somalia, and South Sudan remain saddled by poor-functioning governance structures.6 The absence of good governance in many African countries has been extremely damaging to the government’s corrective intervention role, particularly in the maintenance of peace and security, as well as the promotion of economic growth and the creation of the wealth needed to confront poverty and improve human development.
Jason Ford studied Computer Science at Howard University
How come it only took 30 years for China to become the wealthiest country in the world, but Africa is still so poor and insignificant?
* African is not a country.
* China has existed more than 30 years so technically, its taken 3,000 years for China to be the wealthiest Country.
* Thirdly, and most relivant, Africa for the last century (and counting) has be the piggy bank for the West. Africa has the most natural resources out of all Continents (once again, not a Country).
3、也是最相关的一点是,上个世纪以来(至今仍在持续) ,非洲一直是西方的储钱罐。非洲拥有所有大陆中最多的自然资源(再一次强调,不是一个国家)。
Noel Kodhe
Thanks for your answer this qustions on China becoming wealthy in 30 years are becoming very common
Venu Gopala Reddy
Because of their government it is leading the global market, they have rules for their own culture and languages, they go revolutionary at every thing,and keep focus on just capture the market not domestic but international. The people work faster. They have a rules like they wanted things to be done any case you compare politically/economically/they just focus on every thing they wanted to get. They can make cheap and duplicate products and sell get the money for their development.
Tom Fessenden Six Sigma Black Belt (2009-present)
The United States in 2020 had a total wealth of $106,000 billion in contrast China had a total wealth of only $64,000 billion. That would mean it is not the wealthiest. If you looked at GDP per capita then Luxembourg would be number 1 with $109,602 and China would be number 59 with $10,839.
The only way China comes in number 1 is Total GDP by purchase power parity. In this model Int$24.16 and the US comes in second at Int$20.81. The reason this is so, is the low GDP per capita keeps prices low in China allowing the nations purchasing power to seem higher.
中国排名第一的唯一方式是按购买力平价计算的 GDP 总量。在这个模式中,中国为24.16万亿美元,美国为20.81万亿美元,位居第二。之所以如此,是因为中国低人均GDP使得物价保持在较低水平,使得国家的购买力看起来更高。
Lee Du Master Sustainable Env from University of the Free state,Bloemfontein (2019)
A lot of dynamics, fundamentally I think the Chinese civilization is much older than the African, China needed the spark (technology) while Africa needed first independence from colonialism (plunder of its resources) remember China supported Africa in decolonization, from Cape to Cairo that has taken over 300 years in modern times.
【回答】布隆方丹自由州大学 可持续环境硕士(2019年)
Terra Katchina PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2018)
Africa is not a country, it is a continent containing countries with varying degrees of economic success. Apples to oranges.
Kancheepuram Narasimhan former aircraft instructor
China / India were developed countries even much much before European countries witnessed Industrial revolution. Africa was called DARK continent- unknown to world till beginning of 19th century.
Esther John ADM (1998-present)
Africa is not as poor as it is broadcasted. Without Africa, major companies out there would collapsed due to lack of Raw materials.
【回答】ADM (1998年-至今)
Ashley Joshua, lives in South Africa (1972-present)
Good honest leadership, enforcement of laws, respect for laws, investment in education, hard work. Everything we lack in Africa.
Dar Milli, Philosopher
China is one state. Africa is 51 states. One government vs 51 governments. That’s the reason.
中国是一个国家,非洲是51个国家,一个政府 VS 51个政府,这就是原因。