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文章原始标题:What are some illogical ideas that India has adopted from the West?


I think we Indians have our unique style and culture but as we Indians are highly influenced by western culture we follow some highly illogical ideas .
We Indian follow them blindly don't know why .
* Food Habits
We Indian already have very decent food Habits but influence of western culture has high impact on us it not only changed our sitting style but our eating style as well
Earlier we Indians use to sit down on the floor and eat with our food with fingers. We have a scientific reason as well.
But now we barely follow it most of us have dinning tables and we eat with knife , folks and spoons which is also not wrong but we should use them only when they are need we should not use them just for show off or when even we don't need these things .


Following few things from west is good but some things are illogical and they should not be followed for example
* Putting cake on face rather then in mouth .
Most illogical ideology wasting the cake . We Indians have so many beautiful festivals .We have a separate festival for such kind of enjoyement . We have Holi but still don't know why we Blindly follow the west.
This again I find a bit illogical we Indian follows it is very very risky thing but we follow it because of trend
* Fashion Trends

* 把蛋糕糊在脸上而不是放嘴里。

We are highly influenced by western style of dressing which isn't wrong to some extent but some of the dresses are illogical and makes us look funny .
* Low waist Jeans
I don't know what people like in this these jeans actually create oops moment for and and may become the reason of fun especially in the country like India .
* Deep neck Tops
There is nothing wrong in these necks but these type of dress somtimes is uncomfortable for girls still they wear them .
I think following the west is good but following only the west is wrong because they also have some good and bad in there culture so we cannot blindly follow them.
We should keep our comfort and our mind open before following any thing.


Sujeet Kumar
Another good article by vanshika.agree with your all points .My true belief ,”Indian culture is best at all the time “.👌👌👌


Deepesh Srivastava
The most important point here should calling our currency as “Bucks”. This is the most popular and the most irritating one i have ever heard. One friend of mine has this habit of asking me to pay 100 bucks and 200 grands and what not. I mean COME ON. It’s Rupees over here. Call an apple an apple. I dont know why it sounds so cool to people to refer to our indian currency as bucks and grands. Rupees or Paisa is what it should be.


Wilfred Lancelot
Agree on all the points. But, I think we should just get over it rather than pointing it out. Also, most of these things were adopted by our parents (most, not all), so we as second generations are following or used to it. Things got adapted & accepted, so cherish the good ones and the bad ones take it with a pinch of salt.


Martin Smith
what is benefit of eating with hands instead of spoon?


Mahendra B
Lots of scientific benefits currently I remember below-mentioned. 1. you will feel the food before eating, so your mouth create more saliva, which helps you to digest it easily. 2. You will have checked food prior before entering it in mouth so you know the intensity of temperature. 3. Better Hygiene 4. In india, we treat food as very precious and pious thing [its one of the god for us], so mainly pray before eating food and it also helps us to bow down before consuming it.

【回复】目前我记得下面提到的很多科学好处。1. 在吃东西之前你会感觉到食物,所以你的嘴里会产生更多的唾液,这有助于你更容易消化食物。2. 在食物进入嘴里之前,你要检查食物,这样你就知道温度。3.更卫生。4. 在印度,我们把食物视为非常珍贵和虔诚的东西(对我们来说是神灵之一),所以主要是在吃东西前要祈祷,这也帮助我们在吃东西前跪拜。

Artik Kitra
True feminism has strayed away & overshot its core objectives. The struggle for rights has now become a demand for previlages
Once we had feminists like Savitribai Phule who overcame all odds to educate girls
Now we have feminists who encourage extra marital sex as a woman's right & freedom
I'll share actual incidents
At a Railway station in Mumbai an elderly gentleman was waiting at the platform when a local train arrived & a young woman alighted the running train as soon as it slowed, due to the forward motion of the train the woman lost balance & bumped on the elderly man who was taken aback but before he could react she slapped him hard & started screaming crying that he molested her. Within seconds the man was in tears as he'd lost his self respect earned over decade's. A crowd gathered & started giving mixed reactions when some one pointed out the woman's mistake. Seeing the crowd didn't support her enough she disappeared from the scene without even apologizing to him.
This looked very sad!
Another case


A rail ticket checker stopped a young girl to inspect if she was carrying a valid ticket. She fumbled & appeared to search her purse for the ticked which ofcourse she didn't have. During the search she dropped a 10 rupees note from the purse but didn't notice it. A young boy passing around just asked her to pick it up but she didn't hear him due to her nervousness or panic. So he gently tapped her shoulder to get her to pick it up, in a flash of a moment she turned around & slapped him, this caused a crowd to gather there & she created a false molestation scene inorder to escape being fined or punished for ticket less travel.
These kind of women go unpunished because even indian cops are scared of the women centric laws that allows any woman to falsely accuse random men for molestation without any proof & man gets arrested until proven innocent. meanwhile he looses his dignity, money & sometimes sanity too.


While the women enjoy anonymity & there no law to punish false accusers.
This bias is due to feminist mafia that influences the parliament & judiciary so much that even judges are scared to stop the menace for the fear of being labeled patriarchal & misogynist.


Supriya Singh I have visited all parts of India
The western world has had an impact on every place in the world. But, when it comes to India, the impact goes way too high. While a few things that India has adopted from the West are commendable, most of the things make no sense or logic.
1 - Cake on face.
Is this your idea of fun?
It’s a mere wastage of the food. India still has got a lot of people who go to sleep with half-filled stomachs if not empty.
2 - Using fork and spoon even if it doesn’t call for.
Indian cuisine is vast to talk about. From Veg to Non-veg, nothing requires a thing like fork and spoon that of West as is not that necessary. Our Indian culture includes eating with hands.
3 - Using the word ‘buck’ for rupees.
India has its currency called ‘Rupee’. I guess.. some of the Indians think that Western country uses much more trendy term.
4 - Low waist jeans.

印度有自己的货币“卢比”。我猜... 一些印度人认为西方国家使用更时髦的术语。

This is the most illogical idea which is carried on from the West. It would make sense if someone is wearing more expensive inner-wears than the outfit.
5 - Glass buildings.
This is a good idea for show-off in India but not for regulating the electricity bill because western countries are cold enough to have those glass buildings so that the glasses by trapping the heat can keep the inside of the building warm. There is no point in using them in a hot country like India.

5 -玻璃建筑。

Rohan Sharma Civil Services (2019-present)
Almost everything or most of the things are adopted from the western world. Not only in India but in many countries who are developing and less developed or are poor. Now, in policy-making some changes have arrived otherwise everything was copied from the western world. Why India is backward?
The main reason was only this, our bureaucracy instead of making policies according to the conditions of India, copied everything from the western and developed countries and that's why these schemes were not successful. It is not right to say that, everything is wrong in the western world, but they have developed themselves according to their conditions, and countries and governments need to understand this.


After the 2000s, some changes come in the bureaucracy when the government start using the changes in the policies, and instead of copying everything they started implementing the things according to the conditions of the local and local communities.
The Lokpal comes from the western world only like the Ombudsman etc. But did the corruption decreased in the country I don't think so?
So, there are benefits and advantages of the things which are adopting from the western world, but there are a lot of disadvantages only ad we need to work on that also.
SEBI was also copied from the western world, but that was really a good step.
Hope you like the answer. Follow and upvote.


Maulana Oraf Proprietor at Hind National Exports (1992-present)
A. Nationalism. (patriotism is different). Nationalism is this concept that I deserve more than u
B. Dividing our own people for sake of vote bank. British did it to stop United rebellions
C. Party politics
D. Irrelevant legal system
E. Half assism like Fabian socialism. It's neither capitalism or socialism and doesn't know which way it wants to go.
F. Miserliness.
G. Sensationalism of serious events like a soap opera, making viewers more prone to emotionalism. I smashed my 60 inch tv with a iron rod for this reason.


Udayeswari M lives in Bangalore Frazer Town (2018-present)
According to me
I don’t understand what’s the difference of kissing lip to lip and Cheek to cheek?
Some respect must be there between husband and wife
Wearing Suits
Putting On A Robe And A Funny Looking Cap During Graduation Ceremonies
Glass buildings
Low waist jeans
Using the word Buck for rupees
Using spoon or fork if its unnecesssary
Having a Sunday as a fun day
Attestation By Gazetted Officers


Anu Radha Filmmaker, Writer, Travel junkie, Dreamer:
1. Importance of only external appearance
2. English being the first & only language spoken and understood
3. Nightlife and pubbing
4. Man-handling attitude (female gender)
5. Disintegrating children and family structure

1. 只注重外表
2. 英语是第一语言,唯一能说和理解的语言
3. 夜生活和泡吧
4. 对待男人态度(女性)
5. 四分五裂的儿童与家庭结构

Edmund Price
Taboos surrounding sex and Nudity.
Before my ancestors and the Mughals conquered India, there was no state-sponsored homophobia, no prohibitions of nudity, and a lot more tolerance and acceptance.
My country, the UK, and many other countries of the west have begun to adopt many cultural ideas from Pre-mughal India, so, cultural spread of ideas wasn’t only in one direction.
Christianity and Islam, need I say more.
Ideologies that are definitively not based upon established or provable facts, which are therefore illogical.


Rohith KN
The current education system - not just us but the entire world. This system trains you to believe that there is only one right answer for every question. This leads to “linear thinking” as the default mode of problem solving; which is simply absurd.
This affects every aspect of our lives, careers, and governance; so, literally everything.
This also has given raise to “success = great grades as a student, then money in first half of career, then power” i.e., a single goal and this twists the reality further and further.


Ranjiv Kurup Author on History and Philosophy of the Hindu
The industrial model system of western education that considers all children as standardized products of a factory!


THE MOST illogical idea that India has adopted from the West is dependency on Alcohol and the subsequent banning of God’s sacred Herb : MARIJUANA/GANJA


Quora User
In the era of globalization, when resources, services, as well as ideas are exchanged at such a rapid rate without any capping, it is not difficult to fathom how quickly a country manifests worldly colors in the form of varied practices, architectural designs, beliefs, etc.
While some of these exchanges like mobile phones, jeans, or pizzas make sense and make our lives better, some really push our minds into thinking if they are a bit bizarre and are just a product of the momentum of exchanges with other nations. Now, whether we like it or not, there is no coming back from what has been entrenched. Even then, let us look at some of these things that India


adopted from western countries and see for yourself whether they need more thought put in.
1 Sitting on a chair as opposed to sitting on the floor.
It is said that ‘sitting is the new smoking’. Though it might seem a bit odd, it’s not an unfounded saying. It is an unhealthy habit that we have unfortunately adopted from the west, and as opposed to sitting on the floor, it doesn’t have a strong case from the health perspective.
When we sit on a chair, our glutes stretch out enough to make them inactive and weak. Moreover, recent literature suggests that excessive use of a chair for sitting increases the risk of degenerative diseases. On the other hand, sitting on a floor with your legs crossed not only helps with improving digestion but also helps in significant weight loss as well as improves flexibility as this position signals the brain to focus directly on the food that we eat.
2 Glass buildings


While some of you may disagree with this point being mentioned due to the professional as well as the aesthetic value that glass buildings may hold, the idea of having these types of structures is not congruent to the type of climate that India sees.
The primary purpose of the glass buildings is to trap as much heat as possible from the sun in the regions with colder climates so that a temperature balance could be maintained inside the building. India has a comparatively warmer climate than these western countries, therefore glass buildings do nothing more than trapping heat inside the building more than needed. Excessive use of Air Conditioners inside these buildings supports this logic even more.
Use of English language


India has the highest population of English speaking youth in the world. While this country tries its best to gain every possible advantage of this fact, the flip side is not so impressive. Though it has been 70 years since India stood on its feet after prolonged colonization, people are still treated differently based on their command over this language even today. There is no denying the fact that it is the second most spoken language in the world, but it is imperative to understand that a person’s fluency in English is not a justification for a judgment over his/her true nature.


Earth Hour
In a country where power cuts are so frequent that in some areas, people spend more time without power instead of with it, the idea of Earth Hour seems redundant.
The main reason why Earth Hour came into practice was giving some rest to the power stations in the Western countries. It is a worldwide movement by the World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) and has several thousand cities participating.
6 The current form of government. Prime minister and the president
Source: DNA India
