Why does it seem like the average Chinese citizen is happy, content, and at peace with their life while the average American seems quite the opposite?.
I think the answer to this question comes in a lot of parts: Firstly you may not have noticed that there doesnt seem to be any political rallying or rhetoric or segregation or rioting or disputes about polliing or mail in votes or what each candidate can do that the other cant. There doesnt have to be promised made about what XYZ will do if elected.. They have a stable and permanent government Sure there are candidates and leaders who are voted in at the local and regional levels but they are all the one party so though its not democracy but the people do get to select from usually three or more candidates of their choice (at local/regional level.. )
There are also no disputes or riots because of any racial discrimination. China is very careful about allowing any racial problems to occur. That said, I found we could walk the back alleys of Beijing at midnight and all we got were dozens of people wanting to be friends and practice their English language with us. and invitations to a spontaneous line dancing crowd of passers by in the front of the church square. Absolutely no racism against us or anyone. Hence no racial tensions and police discrimination in China
Six hundred million people have been lifted from poverty in the last ten years to a standard where they have solid housing, jobs, money and services. They have TVs and can go to restuarants, (even Pizza Hut and KFC) They can buy what they want and all their children get an equally good education. If they want to visit relatives they have the best transportation system in the world and are building more at three times the rate of any other country. They are actually building new cities across the whole country to accomodate the people who are rushing to fill the economic boom from the country villages and farms.
Heres a pic of the friendly high school students who spend time with us in Guilin
Richard Kenneth Eng
> Sure there are candidates and leaders who are voted in at the local and regional levels but they are all the one party so though its not democracy
What you mean is it’s not Western-style multi-party democracy. It’s still a form of democracy.
I find it amusing that the world believes democracy is just one thing, that there can be no variations. Such a narrow mind.
Brady Milton
Gotta remember that in the original Greek model of democracy there were no parties no voting and no candidates or leaders (officially)
Yes I agree with what you say and I believe it works better for them that way and it certainly works better for the country as a whole
Richard Kenneth Eng
Indeed. Democracy is conceptually flawed:
Richard Kenneth Eng former Project Team Leader at ATI Technologies (1993-2000)
I think it’s true. The average Chinese is more content than the average American. Let’s look at the differences between these two countries in terms of prosperity, safety, and national pride.
In just the last 30 years, China, starting from an impoverished nation, became the world’s largest economy by GDP PPP and the second largest by nominal GDP. This is phenomenal and miraculous!
China has practically eradicated poverty within the country and developed the world’s largest middle class, 400 million strong. This is larger than the population of the United States!
China has built the world’s finest infrastructure of roads, bridges, high-speed rail, airports, power grids, dams, etc.
China has become the world’s technological leader.
【回答】ATI科技公司 前项目组组长(1993年-2000年)
在过去仅仅30年里,中国从一个贫穷的国家起步,成为了世界上按GDP购买力平价计算最大的经济体和按名义 GDP计算第二大经济体。这是非凡的奇迹!
China has the second largest military in the world, a very modern military. China is currently building its first super aircraft carrier believed to be comparable to the Ford class.
China has very affordable universal healthcare.
China has an excellent public education system and pretty damn fine universities, too.
China is very safe from COVID-19, thanks to the government’s excellent handling of the pandemic. China is the first major economy to recover from the pandemic with a most impressive 4.9% GDP growth in Q3.
The Chinese people are rightfully very proud of China’s achievements.
United States…
The US government is riven and paralyzed by extreme partisanship and political gridlock. They face an awful choice of Presidential candidates in next week’s election.
The US has a crumbling infrastructure.
The US has no universal healthcare, the only developed country to hold this dubious honour. Millions of Americans are at risk of going bankrupt over a catastrophic illness.
The US has a declining public education system. And university graduates carry crushing student debts.
The US suffers from systemic racism.
The US suffers from an epidemic of gun violence.
The US has terrible economic inequality. The top 1% of Americans own 40% of the nation’s wealth.
The US has a crushing national debt burden, $27 trillion which is 132% of GDP.
The US has crushing unemployment, over 50% by some reckoning!
The bottom 50% of Americans have seen their average income decline for over 40 years!
The US is still suffering terribly from the pandemic. Economically, the country has a -14.0% GDP growth in Q3.
US national pride is at an all-time low. For the first time in its history, Americans are now pitied by the rest of the world.
美国的国债负担沉重,高达27万亿美元,相当于 GDP 的132% 。
美国的失业率高得惊人,据估计超过50% !
最底层的50% 的美国人的平均收入40年来一直在下降!
美国仍在遭受疫情的严重打击,在经济上,美国第三季度GDP增长率为 -14.0% 。
Mark Nobles
No, China has not practically eradicated poverty within the country. It had practically eradicated extreme poverty within the country before the economic crash caused by the virus, but most of the country still lives in poverty. Yes, 600 million is not half, but ¥1,000 a month ($5 a day) is not middle class either.
Is China rich or poor? Conflicting data sows confusion.600 million people earn less than $145 a month
中国是富裕还是贫穷? 自相矛盾的混乱数据。6亿人月收入低于145美元。
Hu Shi Xiong
BecUz the aVerAgE AmeRican has been indoctrinated from birth this is the way to go .
Yes the state of the economy might have played a huge part .
But do you seriously expect the Chinese every other week for fun like we see some Americans joining in the protests? Just to feel self righteous? What's this no mask protest ?
Do the Chinese protest? Yes they do . If you have over a billion people you're going to have more unhappy people who are discontent and not at peace with their lives not to mention more protestors and protests than others.
It just doesnt appear in your news feed. And they don't start burning things and beating people up because they're protesting .
Thomas Lee
SIMPLY put :
In China over the past 40 years, over 700 million Chinese were lifted out of poverty, many got to be middle class and above, with a very united people and country, highly trusting their government and leaders, covid-19 pandemic basically overcame and GDP back in growth. The country and its people look and feel happy, hopeful and optimistic.
In USA over the last 40 years, the middle class hasn't seen any real increase in their wages and wealth, with a very divided people and country of racial and class struggles, low or no trust in their government and leaders, covid-19 pandemic spread like wild fires and the White House officially announced their giving up of controlling the deadly virus, GDP decline and huge number of citizens unemployed. The country and its people look and feel unhappy, pessimistic and even desperate.
Can you tell the differences?
Alan Moll
I am a happy and content U.S. citizen, but I agree with the OP that many in the U.S. are not. Contentment is something you learn, by being satisfied with what you have, no matter what life has thrown at you. I am at peace with my life, and when I’m not, I quickly seek to return to contentment
A big part of that is my Christian upbringing:
Philippians 4:11-12 [Paul said,] . . . for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Too many in the U.S. are constantly striving for more, and continuously complaining about what they don’t have. There is no peace in that.
腓立比书4:11-12(保罗说) ... “因为我已经学会了,无论境遇如何,都可以知足。我知道什么叫缺乏,什么叫有余。我已经学会了凡事知足的秘诀,或饱足,或饥饿,或有余,或缺乏。”
Paul Lee
We can only see what China propaganda. At least in the US, the poorest of us can have a voice. Who’s to speak out and fight for the 1 Billion Chinese languishing at or near the subsistence level?
Alice Yan
Interestingly, the life is getting better in China, but life is getting worse in America. The main reason: The government in China under one party CPP listen to the people and care about their demand for short term as well as long term, but the government in US under a multi party system care more about their next election, and argue non-stop on who is better.
Tony Wise
A lot of Americans are spoiled and in the case of those immigrants that came over from places other than western Europe they seem to think everyone owes them a living. Or else they think they re tough guys and can intimidate people to get what they want. I was in manufacturing for 35 years and the oriental workers worked harder had great attitudes and were more reliable than any of the other minorities
Jed McCann
How things “seem" is not necessarily how things “are.” It is, however, a fact that many, but not all, Chinese folks are enjoying recently acquired and increasing relative material prosperity. At the same time, most middle-class working Americans have seen no increase in their prosperity for many years, and some of them are falling into relative poverty and economic and retirement insecurity
Kevin Anderson student of Chinese history
I cannot speak for US citizens.
Many Chinese are content: their upbringing with its Confucian/Maoist roots treats obedience, social cohesion, deference to authority as high civic virtues.
Don Matson, lived in China (1980-1985)
No, they can’t possibly be happy!
How can 1.4 billion people be happy without “the rule of law”, democracy, Christianity, capitalism and guns?
How can 1.4 billion people be happy in a country where their government invests in infrastructure like roads, bridges, airports and high speed rail systems for the people?
How can 1.4 billion be happy living in a country with blue skies and clean clear rivers and lakes and a government that protects the environment?
How can 1.4 billion people be happy when they can travel anywhere in the world anytime they like?
How can 1.4 billion people be happy living in the largest economy in the world today?
How can 1.4 billion people be happy and feel safe in a country where the police do not carry guns?
How can 1.4 billion people be happy eating Chinese food with sticks everyday?
How can 1.4 billion people feel safe and be happy living in cities with 22 million fellow citizens, cities where they can walk any street day and night without the fear of being shot?
Jacky Lee, lived in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
A very good question.
Well, it is hard to explain it from all aspects. I would just take one important thing as example: People’s lives.
About 70 years ago, people in China had nothing after WW2, and that was the beginning of the New China. In that date, a common people could not even affor d a can of coke. All of them were struggling with living. Yes, just for living. Normal people were hardly able to eat meat.
About 40 years ago, the leader of China had decided to open the country to the world, lots of world famous brands came to China, like CokeCola, Pierre Cardin. At that moment, people had to use a week’s salary to buy a bottle of Coke, and pork were beginning to enter normal people’s lives, but still with very limited amount.
About 10 years ago, people in China had enough money for all kind of meat, and were easily to afford a bottle of Coke. They started to go oversea to take a trip or even migrate there. More and more Chinese became rich and spent money all over the world.
Now a days, China is the biggest economy in the world and all the other countries know Chinese is rich and they are fully welcoming Chinese to invest. In some aspect, China is better than any other country, like E-commerce, Super-Computing,Aerospace technology. Most of Chinese are having very good life style. More and more people are caring about health and longevity, and they had spent more and more time on exercising which is very similar to the developed countries.
Some West Medias may still dislike China. However, they have to agree that China had developed a lot. Normal people would not care about National ideology,communism or capitalism. All they care is the improvement of lives. If all the Chinese are having good lives, why aren’t they happy? The main target for the government is to make its people to have good lives, and Chinese government had done a very good job and still keeps fighting.
So, tell me, if your lives are getting better in last 70 years, would you be happy?
David W. Rudlin
My first trip to China was in 1982. It was the early days of China rejoining the world; I went there for the opening of the 2nd international hotel in Beijing.
And it was a dump.
The hotel was next to an open-air market, which is a nice way of saying that farmers had set up shop in the rubble. The air was black with coal smoke. There was no fresh milk. Food hygiene was rudimentary at best. There were almost no cars; everyone rode bikes. There was separate currency for locals and tourists, and only the latter could be used at the Friendship Stores which were the only stores that had stocked shelves. Locals wandered into the hotel to steal the color brochures — there was almost no color printing in China at that time. There were seven clerks at the reception desk, only one of whom spoke English.
Fast forward to, say, 2006. That market is now a massive office and shopping complex. The level of English is higher than in Tokyo. There is some extraordinary architecture, excellent food (both Chinese and Western), a terrific public transport system, a superb airport, etc. etc. etc.
To see that much change in a single lifetime is nothing short of extraordinary. While the very young — who don’t remember the way things used to be — do have some of the expected complaints, most people realize they’re part of a miracle. And they rightfully give their government some of the credit.
Jackson Lee
I still remember when I was little in the 80s, my parents, and their generation, were paid RMB 200 a month(40 USD). They were proud they made contribution to the “four modernization of China”, and they did not care that much about their incomes. Today I made over 400 times more than my parents ever dreamed of every month, and I knew everything good in life today was greatly attribute to the dedication and sacrifice my parents’generation and those before them had made.
you had been in China when China was weak and poor, so you understand how much had changed over the years. It was extraordinary, and I feel proud to live in China.
David W. Rudlin
That’s an amazing story. And it used to be called The American Dream. Let’s hope China can keep the dream alive (this is forecast to be the first generation of Americans that doesn’t out-earn their parents).
Samuel Liu
“The level of English is higher than in Tokyo.”
Seriously doubtful
Dale Coder
It is hard to find someone in Tokyo who will speak English with you. The Japanese learn to translate written English into written Japanese, but not how to speak English.
Otto Willum Nielsen
Yes the Chinese people are very happy with their government, I think as high as 80% have no complaints, that is much better than USA or Europe where never more than about 55% are happy, and even then they are never really happy with the government.
Gladys Foster, former Works at Medical Students
Yes. Though I can only speak for myself, all the Chinese I know are happy with the CCP.
Not currently living in China, but I spend a good portion of my life there and am a first generation immigrant.
Many mainland Chinese are very happy and pleased with their government. The Reason Why? Because regardless of the censorship, the China knows that first and foremost, a government should help its people. And that's what they do.
Now, compare this to the American government. Over here across the Pacific, the federal government cannot put its folks initially. Political leaders tend to be bought out-by wealthy lobbies, and therefore the big corporations are favored (cutting fees and laws, pushing dirty environment, etc). Trump exemplifies this: he continues on insane levels of holiday on taxpayer dollars, and helps out the wealthy by slashing taxes, and defunding benefit.
in regards down seriously to it, the fact is that the Chinese government is far more efficient at providing its men and women. Like, just take Shanghai. Prior to the increase of CCP, it was an underdeveloped city, with a large population but not many amenities and a lot of individuals in impoverishment. Today? Shanghai is just one of the leading towns and cities around the globe, a completely modernized monetary powerhouse with imposing skyscrapers and amazing infrastructure. Even today, the Chinese consistently serve individuals, whether its through infrastructure (high speed rail, subways, etc), benefit, and also the environment.
Alexsandr Kallus, Superior Agent (2008-present)
I’ve talked to my colleagues and friends in Canada and UK, now I can draw a conclusion that nobody is happy about their government. You see, we humans will never be satisfied. We can complain for food, water, air quality, policy, public welfare and the list can goes on. No matter how hard a government works, you can always find shortcomings, and feel dissatisfied. I want an uncensored internet access and a loose media environment. But when I moved to Canada and later UK, I have the two freedom I want, but I begin to complain for public transport, for security in certain areas and for too many refugees. I still don’t feel happy under British government. In conclusion, to answer your question, I don’t feel happy under China and UK.
Rokume Yangtze
The answer is yes, they are really happy with it.
I am tired of these kinds of questions, just look back and compare the status of China in the past, and tell me who else can skyrocket the country‘s economy several times in just two or three decades, and I tell you another fact is that they will eliminate poverty among 1.3 billion people soon. I am a native Chinese born at the end of the 1990s. I can share part of my experience with you. Can you imagine that the things around you are getting better year by year in all aspects? That is basically all the Chinese people feel about the past three decades. The government is fixing the problems the people face one by one even now. For these platitude westerners always mention in media, I suggest you believe five percents of them, they literally sound hilarious for the people who live in China.
Ben Casper, lives in Connecticut, United States
No, they are not. Some may be, but most are not. Most Chinese are unhappy, but those Chinese are, on average, poorer and less likely to have access to the foreign internet or speak english. Therefore, the Chinese you come across online are disporportionately supportive this, and are not a fair sample of the populace.
Carpet Li, B.A Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering
It depends what phone do you prefer.
China and western countries, in comparison, are like IOS AND ANDROID.
We don't have much power to manipulate it freely , but it is fully functional and is running more smoothly.
While you can do everything on your android phone, it does crush all the time, and malwares, advertisements are harassing you all the time.
【回答】伊利诺伊大学香槟分校工程学院 工业工程学士
相比之下,中国和西方国家就像 IOS 和 安卓。
Yiqun Fan, lived in China
that depends on people.
You see a few years ago China started to introduce new generation console like Xone and PS4 to China. However most of the violent video game is Banned or edited. PUBG, a battle royal game, has a Chinese version which is introduced by Tencent. In this version, the whole battle become a manoeuvre and people won’t bleed with red blood but green smoke instead. However there is a game called Helldiver which is a game about spread democracy with bullet and explosive. In Chinese version they only delete a logo which is a skull.
Oh and they cut all of the blood screen in the new Predator. But they didn’t cut the church screen in Kindsman
几年前,中国开始引入新一代的游戏机,比如 Xone 和 PS4。然而,大多数暴力视频游戏都被禁止或编辑了。PUBG,一款射击对抗游戏。在这个版本中,所有的战斗都变成了演习,人们不会流血,而是冒绿烟。但有一款叫地狱潜者的游戏,是关于用子弹和炸药传播民主的游戏。在中文版本中,他们只是删除了一个头骨的标志。
And they sometime banned stuff because of political issue. But have official permitted Fallout (a wasteland game after nuclear war between CN and US) So as long as your not making China as the 100percent badguy or show your ignorance and discrimination about China you game might just introduce in the country.
So if China want to ban some game or video product. The First reason will be sex then violent after that might be political issue.
And I am an adult not a freaking kid.
Thomas Lee
I am not sure if everyone in China is happy under their government.
But I am sure many are because their lives and their quality of life have been improving consistently over the past 40 years and there are still solid reasons to believe things are going to further improve.
Chinese people also tend to trust their government and leaders a lot more compared to the West They don't need to be skeptical and worrisome about their leaders day in and day out.
As Chinese trust their leaders, the leaders are delivering results, and people are enjoying those results and expecting things will get even better, then why on earth Chinese do not feel more calm and happier than most others especially those in the West, who have enjoyed successes but declining fast.
David Tjahyadi, studied at University of Queensland
Imagine [a nation where the government kidnaps dissidents, tortures them, harvest their organs, silenced protest, and all other thing accused of] citizens sits quietly and move on with their lives?
If anything history has shown us that repressive dictators seldom worked out, no matter how powerful their military is you really can’t continually abuse your people. They will fight back, they will form underground movement, even in Nazi German there are dissidents that works the good cause. This is the internet era, if a 1.4bn population with a smartphone oppressed and unhappy, you can be sure their echoes would rock the world.
Now can you imagine a country with 1.4 bn population , just turn a blind eye, and live happily if the above accusations really is true?
On the contrary, most countries is some form of democracy, but not everyone of them are happy. I’ve had dissatisfaction with my government, there are times where all candidates didn’t fill me with hopes. There are also times where the candidates that i like didn’t win.
Democracy is only as good as the options available.
H.C. Ma, MBA, MPhil. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1990)
Not too long ago, I was in China, travelling by taxi and have a little chat with the driver. The driver told me frankly that he used to be a poor peasant living in a remote country side. Then, the government come, starting to build and build, and giving him the incentive to make good use of his land which would otherwise have very little productivity to help his family. As a result, he can afford to buy a taxi and become a driver. Needless to say, he is very thankful of the government.
This is just a small episode that I encounter almost everyday while in China. The fact is, the government is doing a good job helping to raise people’s general living standard by improving the infrastructure, from highway to medical care, of the country, particularly in the country side. This also creates a lot of jobs for people everywhere so that they can feed themselves. If a government is working its ass off to improve the living standard of its people and to give them hope that things will change for the better, regardless of what party runs the country, I would say it is a good government and will definitely be liked by its people.
Darren Hughes, lives in China (2012-present)
I’m British. I wish they were leading my government instead of Boris Johnson and the tories, who have no clue between their arse and their elbow.