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文章原始标题:Do you believe there is fraud in the US 2020 elections?

内容简介:当然有。在现代,任何一个国家的重大选举都可能有作弊的。问题不在于是否有,而在于在哪里、由谁以及如何发生的。做得好的作弊行为当然不会被发现,但假设在选举中没有任何舞弊行为就是荒谬的。 这就是为什么一个

Claes-Bertil Lewau lives in Gothenburg, Sweden
Yes of course. There has most likely never been any major election in modern times in any country totally void from fraud. The question isn’t whether there is any or not but where, by whom and how it has been perpetrated. Well done fraud of course goes undetected but assuming that there should ever be an election without any attempt of fraud at all is preposterous.
That’s why a country needs a solid election system that is safe! The US doesn’t have that. I live in Sweden and ours isn’t perfect but a hell of a lot safer


Michael O'Leary
(I am a former Poll Inspector for NYS)
If there is any fraud it is probably only related to the Mail in Ballots.
Do I believe there was fraud? There ALWAYS is a bit of voter fraud every year, but is there ever enough to turn an election? I’m not convinced there is in other elections but this one is very different due to the mail in.
And it comes down to chain of custody…
When you vote in person it is nearly impossible for vote fraud to occur unless the poll inspectors are really bad at their job. Don’t check signatures or ask for the address to verify they are who they say they are. This is rare and because most poll inspection teams consist of a representative registered to both parties (Rep and Dem) who work together and make calls on how to proceed if there are any issues each side is kept honest. Once a voter is verified they get their blank ballot, fill it out and stick it in the machine, Vote counted….Very little room to taint those votes.


With Mail in, you are not sure of who actually gets the ballot because there is no inspector there to ensure the person the ballot belongs to is the person who got it.
This means someone could easily intercept the ballot, and do what they want with it. Sure the signature is meant to stop fraud but when you have 300,000 ballots to tally how careful do you think those are being looked at?
Second is the practice of Ballot collecting by certain groups. This practice is fraught with Fraud because not only do they get their completed ballot but they get the signature as well so they can easily sneak open the envelope, recast the votes to their favor and fake the signature that was on the original. reseal it in the same envelope and no one can prove it isn’t the original.


And one last problem with Mail in (which is why everyone pandemic or not should vote in person). If you go to the polls and they question or challenge your right to vote you have the ability to confront those people face to face. Once your vote is in the machine, no one can question you and the vote will count.
But Mail in Ballots can be questioned by the inspectors without you ever knowing they did. They can easily claim the signature isn’t a close enough match and throw that vote away. And you would not know a thing about it.
So while I understand the need for Mail in voting during a pandemic I do urge everyone to take the risk and vote in person whenever possible.


The risk to your health is less than the risk of losing your country.
In closing, I don’t expect the election to get overturned or enough fraud to be proved to be able to overturn the election as it stands.
I do find it odd that:
The in person vote looked like a fairly normal split between Dems and Repubs but the Mail ins were overwhelmingly one sided towards the Dems.
I could understand a 10–15 point difference in the mail in votes towards one party or the other…But not the 50 point difference that seems to have played out in just the mail ins. Add to that the difficulty and delay in counting in just the democratic counties of these votes I find disturbing.
In the end Biden will likely be the president and I will support him just as I supported Trump when I didn’t care for him but he won.
What will be interesting to see is what happens in Georgia Senate races because I don’t think they are going to get away with anything they might have done with mail in votes this election day.


Gary Bisaga
I’m assuming you’re talking about the presidential election. Yes, there is always the chance for a tiny bit of fraud or mistakes. As you can see in other answers, the actual amount calculated by groups such as the conservative Heritage Foundation shows the amount to be extremely, even vanishingly, tiny. Even in the current messed up Electoral College system, it would not make any difference whatsoever.
What's more, every one of the “fraud” reports I have heard are either lies and hearsay or better explained as simple mistakes. Example: Some votes were found sent to the wrong post office. You don't have to posit some deep state conspiracy: somebody just put the wrong destination. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.


Colin Riegels
I am not seeing it. Yes, there is a lot of noise, especially on social media. But credible evidence? Not yet. And they are looking hard.
Conversely, all the wild and wacky claims that are being made on social media are quickly debunked when they are fact checked.
Of the over-a-dozen lawsuits that Trump has so far filed (!) challenging votes and alleging fraud, the majority have already been dismissed as baseless.[1][2]
I don’t doubt that the tin-foil hat crowd will keep braying at the moon indefinitely, but it seems wildly improbable to me that any fraud - much less widescale fraud on the scale implied - will be found.
Do you know how many fraudulent votes were cast in US elections between 2000 and 2014? Thirty one.[3] But despite an average of just over two per year, we are supposed to believe that a country which has robust anti-fraud procedures has been absolutely overrun by fraud in 2020? Despite the fact that the White House and Senate and most of the states are controlled by the other party? Makes no sense.


Joshua Suh B.A Economics, Columbia University (2018)
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this voter fraud concept and have come to a new realization.
I stand by my opinion that voter fraud is easier to commit with mail-in ballots. I also developed perhaps an overly pessimistic view of human nature during my more difficult years. Thus, I have a hard time trusting a significant proportion of humans to do the right thing, especially when no one is watching.


In fact, there are many episodes conveying voter fraud. Trashed ballots, dead peoples’ votes being counted, machine glitches, suspiciously high turnout in Democrat counties, pro-Biden ballots that are otherwise blank, poll watchers being denied access, and etc. Liberals tend to brush these episodes as anomalies that fail to indelicate systemic corruption in the voting process.
However, at the same time, I’ve long railed against the BLM movement. I’ve strongly criticized it as being a hate group that mistakenly slanders America as being systemically racist. To others, such as myself, George Floyd’s death is an anomaly, and the misfortunes of minority communities primarily stem from a culture that values financial success less.


James Edward
At bare minimum some postal workers restamped the posting dates for some mail-in ballots so that late votes could be counted. I believe this is technically a double-felony. The Postmaster General is considering criminal charges, but I have not heard an update past that. There are also reports of ballots from armed forces being outright discarded, although I have not been able to confirm those.
So yes, there absolutely was voter fraud in the 2020 presidential race. What’s more, it appears to have taken several different forms, so no one audit is likely to detect all the voter fraud going on.
People tend to fixate on asking “how much,” and not see the bigger picture. Voter fraud is the proverbial iceberg of ignorance. Each fraudulent vote you do find indicates many others. Maybe that number is five, maybe it’s fifty. We don’t know. That’s just how the math of uncertainty works.


There’s always fraud in US elections.
However, the fraud mostly affects local elections, because pulling off a fraud at the national level is too hard.
