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文章原始标题:There is no wildlife in China its a wasteland ???




What are you talking about? It is a wasteland. There's no beauty there. A fish farm???? That is't nature. There are no birds or other wildlife. Just a few newly planted tres!! That's generally what you see in China. Clearly have been brainwashed. My garden has more wildlife than you are showing and I live in a major city in Japan!!!!


Alex Absolute
lol shut up you muppet theres loads of widlife. Why dont you show us your garden then big man


There's not a single bird or even any insects in your video you moron. show ME your widlife!


Alex Absolute
Ok deal, i will go out on Monday and show you. Hows the Geiger counter reading in that garden of yours?


Weibo Z
This is a great documentary called "wild China". - UP: 20


Alex Absolute
Weibo Z haven’t seen it, I’ll look it up 😊 - UP: 0


Jimmy Do
I like your response. Some people just have hate in them. You just can't fix stupid. - UP: 35


Alex Absolute
Lol exactly 😜 - UP: 6

(播主)哈哈 确实

He is clearly the one brainwashed no doubt. The sad part is he has no absolutely idea about it. I would think the western media does a really great job in creating those idiots. - UP: 26


Tim Petrie
coolinjapan just give japan a bad name, he probably not even japanese at all... - UP: 44


miriam tiuseco
Funny. If he is really a japanese, china being a neighbor country, he would know there is wildlife in china. Only people living in the opposite hemisphere of earth think that way because they have never been to china or the east at all. Showing his ignorance and dare flaunt it. Pathetic guy. - UP: 6


Mean Max
An Indian probably. They hate China but worship Japan. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
@Mean Max oh really, never knew that, who knows tbh just another troll :-) - UP: 1

(播主)哦,真的吗,我从来不知道,谁知道这只是另一个喷子呢 : -)

Coolinjapan is an ABSOLUTE LY stupid guy while you Alex, are an ABSOLUTELY cool guy. - UP: 14


Michael Lilley
He's never been to China! 😄 - UP: 28


Alex Absolute
my guess he's only brave behind a keyboard - UP: 4


Fred Culver
Hold on Alex, where's all the locusts that were supposed to be eating everyone alive and how come that wetland isn't under 100 meters of water and flooded? The sun looks awesome reflected off the water. Cheers - UP: 9


holy shit theres cobras in wenzhou - UP: 22


Alex Absolute
Mikhaeel yeah, kinda scary hey - UP: 2


Need more videos calling out and debunking haters - UP: 16


Alex Absolute
People like that that just lie and post hate defo need calling out - UP: 4


Blah Blah
Not haters ,most of them are just anti china bot. - UP: 1


LOL the one dislike in this video must be from him.. LOL - UP: 10

哈哈,这个视频里的“踩”一定有他... 哈哈

Wait a minute. A Japanese or someone living in Japan accuses other countries of being a wasteland?
Isn't the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan? Didn’t the nuclear power plant leak that year?
That place is the wasteland, the real wasteland in Japan - UP: 12


Alex Absolute
David yeah I asked how his Geiger count reading was but he ignored it - UP: 1


K. Kek
David The Japanese government wants to dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the ocean. - UP: 2


@K. Kek I am not surprised if they do that. Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, I have rarely eaten seafood. - UP: 0


Not kidding. I could run a marathon just to get away from those cobras! - UP: 11


Alex Absolute
yeah kinda scary hey, if you look in one of my older cycling videos we found one then also - UP: 2


Mean Max
I'm really scared of snakes too :O - UP: 2

我真的很怕蛇 :O

Michael Mai
he does't want to believe the fact and not willing to do a google search. - UP: 0


Why bother with those who thinks the earth is flat, even with this video they will probably say you use a green screen to edit those birds in the video. - UP: 6

为什么要为那些认为地球是平的人操心呢? 即使有了这个视频,他们也可能会说你用绿屏来编辑视频中的那些鸟。

Alex Absolute
mulanfa yeah I’m waiting for that 😜 - UP: 1


li s
good job!fighting back is fulfilled for those morons - UP: 6


Alex Absolute
li s the best proof is to show 😀 - UP: 0


Great place for bird watching - UP: 21


Alex Absolute
Steve yeah sure is 😊 - UP: 2


I'm in Henan. Most days I wish there was LESS wildlife, they are loud as hell outside my window at 5am. I love animals as much as the next guy, but give it a rest FFS. - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
Corky lol 😂 - UP: 0


Thanks buddy, for showing the true China. Great work! - UP: 16


Alex Absolute
babiumno1 my pleasure - UP: 1


William C
The wasteland probably exists in his narrow head.. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
William C yeah must be - UP: 0


Isn't it crazy how stupid some people can be - UP: 2


That's hilarious! Anyone who understands basic science would know that there's wildlife practically everywhere...let alone a wetland. What a numbnut. - UP: 2

太搞笑了!任何懂得基础科学的人都会知道,野生动物几乎无处不在... 更不用说湿地了。真是个笨蛋。

Alex Absolute
John people want to believe whatever fits their rhetoric I guess - UP: 1


Looks cool. I liked the white cranes. Very scenic! - UP: 3


Alex Absolute
snarkyguy yeah it is, there’s tons of those - UP: 0


Shawn Chen
Pity for you, get up so early just to respond to a keyboard man, lol, But anyway get up early to see sunrise is good and, Really beautiful park. - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
Shawn Chen it was actually something I’d like to repeat, a really fun experience. I should thank him really 😊😊 - UP: 0


theresa leung
Nice footage & music too!
Sometimes people can't help being ding-a-Lings! - UP: 4


Speedy Ladybug
remember there are two clowns saying there were no birds in China? lol, wait, Alex, do you pay the birds, snakes etc. to stage a scene for you? they must be China shills. - UP: 3


Alex Absolute
Speedy Ladybug lol yeah their all paid and well trained actors 😂😂 - UP: 0

(播主)哈哈 没错,它们都是付费和训练有素的演员。

Michael Liber8
According to coolinjapan I guess the great panda bear is not from china. Also Covid 19 never started in china either since they don't have bats. - UP: 3


I remember 20+ years ago, we hardly saw a bird. Because of poverty, people caught every wild life for food. Last year, I talked with my friend for the first time in 20+ years through WeChat and I was surprised to hear lots of bird chirps through the phone. He told me that hunting for wild life has been banned for some times. - UP: 2


Pierre Van Dick
No can't be! These must be planted by China. These are China approved lifes . Ain't wild /s - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
Pierre Van Dick yeah all paid actors 😂 - UP: 0


Alex Absolute
Grace Leung thanks Grace 😊 - UP: 0

(播主)感谢 Grace Leung

HK.Chinese Canadian
Thank You so much for waking up so early to film this rebuttal. Yesterday night, I just saw the movie " The Eight Hundred", film in Shanghai, regarding the Chinese Nationalist resistance again the Japanese. That movie and your video could not have been more perfectly timed! - UP: 3


Alex Absolute
HK.Chinese Canadian my pleasure 😀 I thought this needed to be shown to shut people like him up 😀😀😀 - UP: 0


HK.Chinese Canadian
@Alex Absolute I thought your video was shot in the countryside at first. Chinese city parks are usually so well manicured. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
HK.Chinese Canadian it’s a huge area so some is like what you mentioned some is more wild - UP: 0


y l
Wow, I did not know Wenzhou is such a beautiful place. Thank you Alex for showing us this. I don't think that rude guy is from Japan, he's probably from China's southern neighbour you know which. Don't be bothered by such sort of low guy, we've seen quite many lately. They are bored at home due to pandemic and are jealousy to see you are free to move around. - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
y l yeah Wenzhou has some super beautiful places, this is just the tip of the iceberg 😀 - UP: 0


Thanks for making an effort to wake up an idiot! - UP: 12


Alex Absolute
E L my guess is it still won’t be enough but I tried - UP: 1


Ui68 Kaku
Thank you for showing nature. About this hater. Need to think logic. Most of Japanese cant speak english and i didnt see. So If person came from India ? I saw that they named fake names and can be haters. - UP: 2


Some people just would refuse to open their mind or ears especially those hardcore and deep state moron who promotes hates, lies and unreasonable comments. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
TSHUNG CHING TAY yep some people only hear what they want to - UP: 0


The Real Arch Stanton
There are some beautiful long tailed birds in Nanjing, must find out what they are called... - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
The Real Arch Stanton I’ve been meaning to revisit nanjing, only went once for a chinese year and didn’t get much time to look around - UP: 1


The Real Arch Stanton
@Alex Absolute doesn't have the obvious attractions of some other cities, but rewarding, if you look around, especially the canals, city wall, the parks and random places! - UP: 1


hahahahhahaha you did it!!!! I just laughed my head off on @1:55 when I saw the bird flying, that alone proved him wrong 🤣😂 as typical as us British guy's say "what a twat" hahaha - UP: 1


I'm sure I seem a few pair's of crocodile eye's in thst lake! - UP: 1


Kevin Law
Nice show mate. I like your reply on the Gerger meter, they are still dumping contaminated water into the sea. - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
Kevin Law yeah he failed to respond to that hey 😜 - UP: 0


A great video to debunk that total fabrication! Well, wildlife may mean something different in their imaginary world :) - UP: 2

一个精彩的视频来揭穿这个无稽之谈!好吧,野生动物在他们的想象世界里,可能意味着不同的东西 :)

363 likes, 1dislike😹,I guess it's him! - UP: 2


Sylvester Fong
Bro Alex, do not waste your time dealing with negative people.
There are lots of different wildlife in every country. Nice to see the birds at such at early hour near your house. 👏👏👏 - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
Sylvester Fong it was a fun thing to go out that early, I might do it again - UP: 1


hysoka X vinsmoke
dont argue with him, just show him chinese national bird!!! and hopefully he can show us some japanese specialty 'mechagodzilla' - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
Ah that white crane is China’s National bird? Cool 😎 - UP: 0


hysoka X vinsmoke
@Alex AbsoluteI'm not entirely sure about that particular type, but Chinese national bird is a crane thats for sure. Japanese crane is the English name I think. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
hysoka X vinsmoke ok cool, I’m going to look it up now 😀 - UP: 0


They’re not birds and dragonflies they’re drones that China copied from Merca! - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
lol yeah always 😂 - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
G L actually I should thank him/her as it was a great experience 😀😀 - UP: 0


You have to consider how bad a Japanese is to watch China videos and crap on them, just because he feels the need to feel superior to someone. They used to be cool, 20 years ago. - UP: 2


Alex Absolute
wargent99 yeah it was quite extreme of him, now just to wait for his video of all the wildlife in said garden of his 😂 - UP: 0


The first time I went to China, people were asking me if Europe had a sun. That was before the internet. And they were very old people. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
lol brilliant, what did you reply? - UP: 0


@Alex Absolute well I told them we had everything, they didn't believe me and kept asking about very simple things, like having a chair or a bed or a toilet. But you must know it was in 1991, the world was different and China just opened up to the rest of the world. - UP: 0


Ken Ho
Hi Alex, You must be joking. Thats not wild life its Food. (/s) - UP: 1


Andy L
This is super cool, man! Love the this kinda debunking videos!! Fantastic job and please make more stuff like this. Huge fan here from New Zealand~ - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
Thanks! Will do! 😀😀 - UP: 0


omg those machines look so real ... China creating fake wildlife to deceive the whole free world !!! - UP: 1

我的天哪,那些机器动物看起来那么真实... 中国创造假的野生动物来欺骗整个自由世界!!!

Robert A
Hi Alex, i have looked through all your 268 comments, and could not find CoolinJapan anywhere. He must have gone into hiding through embarrassment. - UP: 1


Simon Ng
Hahaha... Good one bro!
Ohh, but wait. He might come back and say the birds and wildlife r been paid to make their appearance. 😁 - UP: 1

哈哈哈... 干得好,兄弟!

Alex Absolute
Simon Ng lol yep all green screen stuff 😂 - UP: 1


Great camerawork and great response to one of the abundant China bashing trolls out there.
China is vast so, of course, there will be plenty of wildlife in its territory, not to mention beautiful green areas in many cities, trees galore and so on. It's not wasteland, nor a landfill, nor an asphalt jungle. Those who have no idea of China don't know what they're missing.
Coolinjapan is probably a bored Otaku, trying to bring China down from a filthy basement. I wish him good luck with that. - UP: 1


helena russel
those cobra's are mating.. a very rare sight perhaps.. but very dangerous snakes.. - UP: 1

那些眼镜蛇正在交配... 也许是非常罕见的景象,但那是非常危险的蛇..

Alex Absolute
helena russel yeah I wouldn’t want to get too close for sure - UP: 0


Weiqi Er
lol, i think he will say it make of CGI - UP: 1


S St Catherine
I just found your channel and subscribed. I sometimes dislike when YouTubers say... I'm not going to name and shame blah blah. I know it's not worth it at times to waste your energy on them, but you did right. Some just sit behind a screen and spew nonsense. He suddenly doesn't have the guts to show up here again to rebut. China is amazing! - UP: 1

我刚发现你的频道然后订阅了。有时候我会对一些油管用户说的话点踩... 我不会点名批评什么的。我知道有时在他们身上浪费精力是不值得的,但是你做得对。有些人只是坐在屏幕后面胡说八道。他突然没有勇气再出现在这里进行反驳。中国很神奇!

Alex Absolute
I don't usually get involved with those kinda haters, but in this case I just couldn't not as what he was saying was just flat out a lie. Also it turned into a fun experience being out there that early and enjoying the wildlife and surroundings, so a real win 😀😀 - UP: 0


S St Catherine
@Alex Absolute I understand... sometimes it is necessary to prove these people wrong. I can't wait to return to China once travel normalises again. I am binge watching this and other positive vids from you guys in China. So lovely to see this so close to or in the middle of a city. Thanks for sharing 😃 - UP: 1

我理解... 有时候证明这些人的错误是有必要的。一旦旅行恢复正常,我迫不及待地想回到中国。我正在狂看这个视频和你们在中国拍的一些积极的视频。在离城市这么近的地方或者城市的中心,看到这样的景象太美妙了。谢谢分享

Alex Absolute
you must be looking forward to coming back - UP: 0


Martin Davis
Thank you for showing the truth. I have also seen youtube videos and comments spreading rumors that there is no birds in China. - UP: 4


And people believe them...😂😂😂 - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
Yeah I’ve always wondered how they think people would believe that, guess maybe the planets average iq isn’t as high as we’d like to think 😂 - UP: 1


Benjamin Wang
lol bird shit drop on my head in China, I hate them 😂😂😂 - UP: 2

哈哈 在中国,鸟屎掉在我头上,我讨厌它们

John SS
Sometimes to much wildlife isn't good either. Here in Arkansas we such an abundance of wildlife that it can cause problems. We had a Black Bear they had to capture that was in town a few days ago. Arkansas is known as the "Natural State" and I love the large wildlife population, but they can cause lots of headaches lol. The stinking coyotes are bad to kill young sheep and goats. I always carry a gun here if I'm out in the woods due to the Black bears, Mountain lions, and poisonous snakes. - UP: 4


Xu Long
Can you actually shoot a snake? I believe they’re pretty difficult to aim at. - UP: 2

你真的能射中蛇吗? 我相信它们很难瞄准。

John SS
@Xu Long yea no problem. I've killed several. - UP: 3


Alex Absolute
Wow black bears ! That’s kinda scary hey - UP: 0


Ben Louis
What r those birds that were standing on the cable? - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
Ben Louis id like to know too - UP: 0


I prefer to listen to a nature sound instead of noisy music. - UP: 2


Support you to fight back against the troll. But you made this nice video because of him, and that is one of few good things this pathetic troll has ever done. - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
Limin yeah I agree, I should thank him 😊 - UP: 0


Stop lying you added all those with the app the China gave you to add birds and anything you want . Hahahahaha - UP: 1


Alex Absolute
lol you got me 😂 - UP: 1


@Alex Absolute tell them to make me an app so I can get my ass back in China too lol. I miss my wife and in laws =( - UP: 1


all fake CGI birds...lol. - UP: 1

都是假的,电脑特效鸟... 哈哈。

Steve Luke
Good work dude! A natural wetland in China@!@ - UP: 0


The CGTN documentary channel is always on my TV, even though i dont watch much TV but believe me china is anything but a wasteland. The wild life and wilderness in china is huge and mesmerizing.


Another dude willing to waste a week of his life on debunking a random anonymous YouTube troll.


I also heard that some brainless people claim that China has no wild life cause the Chinese people ate every single of them, that's how strong and stupid western media impacts some westerners IQ.


If you don't debunk lies it means you accept them as truth. This is why the US government addresses almost every conspiracy theory no matter how insane.Alas I have also taken the heavy burden of educating Indians and Vietnamese on this forum.


Actually there is hardly any wildlife in western europe. Even the "woods" are planted trees in many of the places. There is almost nothing in Britain.


Not true at all, I lived 15 miles from Central London, deep in the Surrey woods,near a little town called Oxshott and we had foxes and wild dear frequent the natural pond in my back yard all year round.


Of course China have wildlife ... the United States and China top the world in terms of geographical/wildlife diversity.

当然,中国有野生动物... 美国和中国在地理和野生动物多样性方面位居世界前列。

Shehr Abbasi
The US does.
China, not so much. Actually not even close.


Both do ... the US has basically all the geographic features China has and vice versa. This is to be expected since they are roughly the same size.

这两个国家都是的... 美国基本上拥有中国所有的地理特征,反之亦然。这是可以预料的,因为它们的面积大致相同。

China has great biodiversity, but the number of wild life is not as numerous as US, US is a new country with much less human activities in the history comparing to China.


US has a lot of wildlife ? i dont think so. Bisons , alligators were almost driven to extinction. US does have lot of aqautic life as it has enormous shores on both east and west side. I dont know about china but i would suprised if a semi tropical country does not support plenty of wild life. If i am not mistaken china has elephants, tigers, bears, pandas etc.


I'd say the US has an overall edge in terms of geographic diversity due to Alaska and Hawaii. But broadly speaking, both US and China are in the same category and no other country in the world comes close.


As one of 17 mega-biodiversity countries in the world, China harbors nearly 10% of all plant species and 14% of animals on earth.
