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文章原始标题:When U.S. closes door to Chinese students, other countries open theirs




Come here in Singapore.. student especially post graduate are most welcome :) - UP: 39

来新加坡这里吧... 学生尤其是研究生最受欢迎 :)

Don't go to Canada Australia they are big trained puppies of america - UP: 46


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
Right, these countries prefer smelly Indians who never go back to India. Serves them right when they become just like India. - UP: 9

没错,这些国家更喜欢那些从不回印度的难闻印度人。 当他们变得像印度一样的时候,就是他们活该了。

Red Disaster
Unfortunately, the Chinese don't listen to you. They just keep coming even we don't want them to. - UP: 3


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
American universities should close their doors to Chinese students. Not invite them in then say Chinese are not welcome. - UP: 1


Willie Dang
Chinese students spent a lot of $ in the US, if US government don't want Chinese students come to US for study, we can use that $ to invite or joint venture with other scientists around the world for research. - UP: 2


Justi ce
well all the other english speaking countries are racists too, it’s all about money man. Not just english speaking countries, any western countries got high numbers of racism, some are more obvious some are kept silence but its there. Imagine chinese student dont bring that much money to those countries, do you think any of these people would give a shit ? So its always about money first then we speak about support and kindness, EVERYWHERE. Sad isnt it :( - UP: 1

其他说英语的国家也都是种族主义者,都是为了钱。 不仅仅是说英语的国家,任何西方国家都有大量的种族主义,有些更明显,有些保持沉默,但它确实存在。想象一下,如果中国学生没有把那么多钱带去那些国家,你认为这些人还会在乎吗?所以,我们总是先谈钱,然后再谈支持和善意,无处不在。很可悲,不是吗?:(

Sean Hard
All the USA and it’s allies businessmen are s as ll spies - UP: 2


door nail
Forget about australia, theyre just as bad as the 🇺🇸! - UP: 35


Chua SC
Study in Asian universities as they are just as good. - UP: 13


Papyrus Okagbue
American, Canadian and Australian Universities & Colleges did a lot of sales and promotions in China. I remember when I was in Guangzhou, their sales brochures are even found in the menu of Chinese restaurants and are plastered on the walls of fitting rooms of boutiques there. A lot of brochures are sent to the letter box of apartment buildings. - UP: 2

美国、加拿大和澳大利亚的大学和学院在中国进行了大量的销售和促销活动。 我记得我在广州的时候,他们的销售广告甚至出现在中国餐馆的菜单上,或者贴在精品店试衣间的墙上。很多小册子寄到了公寓楼的信箱里。

Teh Chuan
The Chinese always said if we don't have one we will create one, - UP: 27


Ter Lo
Hope so. - UP: 1


China's investments in EU is now 4 times more than the US. You get the idea...... - UP: 24


Papyrus Okagbue
The Anglo-Saxons are generally racists and bigoted people. They stereotypes all Chinese students as spies and robbed their parents Billions in tuition fees often paid in advance. Their Universities & Colleges often go to China to do sales & marketing collecting many semesters tuition fees in advance and suddenly declared everyone is spy and deny them visas. They are all daylight robbers. - UP: 7

盎格鲁-撒克逊人通常都是种族主义者和偏执的人。他们把所有中国学生都当成间谍,抢走了他们父母数十亿美元的学费,而这些学费通常都是要提前支付的。 他们的大学和学院经常去中国做销售和市场营销活动,提前收取许多学期的学费,然后突然宣布每个人都是间谍并拒绝给他们签证。他们都是光天化日下的强盗。

Red Disaster
That's because US does not need Chinese investments. - UP: 0


tino v
@Red Disaster so 1trillion + dollars in US bonds that China holds, what is it? - UP: 0


Patrick Pen
Chinese students you only have to witness the way the President of The United States talks and converse to realise maybe the universities in America are not of the highest calibre. He is the President but he can't string a whole sentence together and his vocabulary is lower than that of a year 5 child. Save your money and enrol elsewhere. - UP: 47


Elixir de Vie Singapore
I hope China will take in more overseas Chinese students from South East Asia, or perhaps even offer scholarships for them! Singapore is very good at this, as she attracts the very best in South East Asia to study in Singapore by offering them the ASEAN scholarships. When these brightest students eventually graduated, they usually stayed on and took up Singapore permanent residency or even citizenship! China could do the same, too! Attract all the brightest from South East Asia, especially that almost all overseas Chinese in South East Asia still feel very strongly for their motherland/ancestorland, unlike those in Hong Kong and Taiwan. - UP: 52

我希望中国能接收更多来自东南亚的华人留学生,或者甚至为他们提供奖学金! 新加坡在这方面做得很好,因为她通过提供东盟奖学金吸引东南亚最优秀的学生到新加坡学习。 当这些最聪明的学生最终毕业的时候,他们通常会留下来继续学习,并取得新加坡永久居留权甚至成为新加坡公民! 中国也可以这样做! 吸引东南亚所有最聪明的人才,尤其是在东南亚几乎所有的海外华人,与香港地区和台湾地区的华人不同,对祖国和祖先的土地仍怀有强烈的感情。

Elixir de Vie Singapore Singapore should urge their cotizens to speak Chinese as their primary language - UP: 3


cindy tong
China already has too many scholars, they don't have enough school placement. In fact, it is the other way around. Singapore has been offering scholarships to china's gifted little kids to come. I have personally taught them. - UP: 2

中国已经有太多的学者了,他们没有足够的学校安置。事实上,恰恰相反。 新加坡一直在为中国的天才儿童提供奖学金。我就亲自教过他们。

cindy tong
@Hg chinese is already an official language in singapore. Singapore has 4 official languages. - UP: 6


cindy tong i know, but the official languages can be classified as either primary or secondary, tertiary and so on. From what i have seen, the younger generations are using english more than chinese, and so is the professional context like work, law enforcement, etc etc, they mostly use english. This has to be changed, what we should rely on now is china not the west
cindy tong plus speaking english just makes those westerners more pompous as it makes sense why people in the five eyes countries are mostly monolingual - UP: 2


im an overseas chinese but i still respect the country wherr my ancestors were from. If the whites can be working together regardless of their countries, so are we chinese. - UP: 0


lee ang
Some Malay take Chinese as 2nd language. - UP: 0


Cherry Blossom
Just go German, even better - UP: 17


Dostana Dostana
love it, One door closes other doors open. Just to Germany, Russia, South Korea and other countries. Move all your researches to others countries. - UP: 0

我喜欢这句“一扇门关上,另一扇门就会打开”,去德国、俄罗斯、韩国等国吧。 把你们所有的研究转移到其他国家。

Henki Kurniawan Bachtiar
More racialist more chaos their country will be. - UP: 6


Joyful Joyful
Chinese students number more than 200,000 and American universities will be forced to close down as simple as that. - UP: 16


It's better thn corona - UP: 0


Papyrus Okagbue
An estimated $60 - $80 billions of tuition fees collected in advance is now trapped in America. China should start seizing American assets in China to offset this robbery. - UP: 2


L Lk
Give the 5 eyes, US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand black eyes. - UP: 6


Patrick Kok
Not Singapore because it's US buddy - UP: 1


Eddie Yeoh
No need to study at 5 hypocrite monied eye countries!! They really hate Chinese but gloat for the money! Coz their economy are shit! 🤣🤣🤮🤮 - UP: 4


Papyrus Okagbue
This is not the first time these robbing Anglo-Saxons have stereotyped people based on race and religion. Previously, they generalized all Muslim students as Ter****at. - UP: 0

这些盎格鲁-撒克逊人并不是第一次根据种族和宗教对人们有成见。 在此之前,他们把所有的穆斯林学生都归类为恐怖分子。

al bundy
I think China Already have Higher Technology do not need to study USA to get one , They can go Russia or their own Universities can give High enough education . - UP: 24


Of course they absorb all the knowledge We Europe share with them since decades. My grad school has his own chinese students section building.... - UP: 0

当然,他们吸收了我们欧洲几十年来与他们分享的所有知识。 我们的研究生院有自己的中国学生大楼...

my knee be careful
Many fields of modern science are the foundation of western countries, and it is impossible for China to finish learning so quickly. - UP: 0


David vs Goliath
New Zealand is naturally still on neutral term with China compared to UK (rejecting 5G), Canada (kidnapped Huawei) and Australia (Covid probe)... - UP: 20


In the past 70 years, the best students from the globe went to US. Not anymore.... local Chinese graduates in China are paid better than US graduates now in some disciplines. Nothing is permanent, except God. - UP: 18

在过去的70年里,全世界最优秀的学生都来到了美国。然而现在不是了... 目前,在某些学科领域,中国本土的华人毕业生的收入要高于美国毕业生。除了神,没有什么是永恒的。

L Lk
Not god. Change. Change is permanent. - UP: 3


Which god? - UP: 0


dawleylu The God of the Hebrew. - UP: 0


As an American, i tell you, you are right!
Don’t come to the US, we don’t want u here!
We got tired of your stealing our ideas. Make up your own. - UP: 0


Papyrus Okagbue
@camba1987 . At least Yanks need to be honest and tell their parents first before collecting their monies often many semesters in advance. Your Universities & Colleges went to China to do sales & marketing in a massive recruitment scale. Why can't you Yanks be honest. - UP: 1


burung81 the majority in singapore is chinese but unlike the 5 eyes countries, most of them treat everyone equally and the police force there is mostly top notch - UP: 2


Craig Winstanley
Hg - i agree with you. Singapore and China have maintained a long-standing and close relationship. They have their differences of opinion from time to time, but both nations respect each other. The government of Singapore has stayed right out of the anti-China rhetoric prevalent in the five-eyes countries during 2020. Singapore should serve a role-model for others in the region. - UP: 3


@Hg Racial harmony and thus social order is utmost important. - UP: 0


Be among fellow Asians the best. Don’t go India cuz now they are trying to join the 5 eyes and paint their butts white hopefully but yet they are only Asians - UP: 0


What the 5 eyes nation don't realize is that by allowing chinese students to study in their country they are benefitting themselves by becoming a hub for education. By barring chinese student they essentially screwed themselves. China will become the next hub for education. - UP: 13

五眼国家没有意识到的是,允许中国学生在他们的国家学习,他们可以通过成为教育中心而受益。而通过禁止中国学生入学,他们基本上是搬石头砸自己的脚了。 中国将成为下一个教育中心。

Jonny B
I think your on to something, If things get any worse in the US they would leave in a heartbeat. - UP: 5


Erm ... must be careful... even highly educated can get brainwash. There are already samples in HK....lol - UP: 0

嗯... 一定要小心... 即使是受过高等教育的人也会被洗脑。在香港已经有样例了... 哈哈

Ronnie Siew
U S A will soon become like China 40 years back ago. Everything is so wrong now in America and the road to collapse is just within our eyes . - UP: 79

美国很快就会变得像40年前的中国一样。 现在美国的一切都是错误的,崩溃的道路就在我们眼前。

@Ronnie Siew they just choose the wrong president - UP: 2


John Shon
America will become trash nation. Dollar value will become 0 - UP: 8


As soon as we get rid of china, well get back to normal. America doesn’t need China! - UP: 1


@camba1987 Get rid of China? Lol, how about get rid of the rioters first, moron😂 - UP: 7

摆脱中国? 哈哈,先摆脱自己的暴徒们怎么样,傻瓜

Jonn Mero
@PIS BIAK Hm. There was no 'right' president that was viable after Bernie and Tulsi were ousted. - UP: 1


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
America is more likely to become like India, Guyana, middle east etc.. - UP: 1


Ronnie Siew
Indian are fifthly dlumdog,
LOL , that is too cruel and a bit unrealistic. I still hold to my prediction morever, many rich and talent America will migrate elsewhere. Investors will leave in great number as well too - UP: 1

哈哈,这太残忍了,有点不现实。我仍然更加坚持我的预言,许多富人和有才华的美国人会移民到其他地方。 投资者也将大量撤离。

Pat Robertson
The only thing wrong in America are the leftists. - UP: 1


Red Disaster
Without US invention of modern computers and the internet, China would still be using abacus and riding donkeys, like 80 years ago. - UP: 0


Aldred Warren
@camba1987 First of all the United States will not be able to get rid of China and with all the damage that Trump is inflicting along with the coronavirus and racism things might not never get back to the so called normal - UP: 0


Chinese students must avoid the 5 eye countries. - UP: 55


Elv Ent
Yes.. Just avoid all those country.. They all are anti Chinese - UP: 6

是的... 只要避开那些国家,他们都是反华的

They should for the simple reason that these countries ultimately gain more by having smart students going there. Why should China help them when they are bent on destroying China? - UP: 2

他们应该这样做。原因很简单,因为这些国家吸引了聪明的学生去那里学习,而获得很多好处。 而当他们决心摧毁中国时,中国为什么要帮助他们?

L Lk
Yes, avoid US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These 5 English speaking countries gang up to spy on other countries. And US lapdog India too. - UP: 8

是的,避开美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰。 这5个说英语的国家联合起来暗中监视其他国家。 还有美国的狗子印度。

@L Lk Never thought any Chinese would study in a backward country like India! - UP: 0


pretty much no one goes to these small countries, chinese go to germany most - UP: 1


Bishop Bishop 777
no one likes china - UP: 2


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
@Bishop Bishop 777
Even Indians don't like India. - UP: 3


They can go to Singapore n Korea to study. - UP: 0


@Bishop Bishop 777
Who said nobody like China, I am one of them like China so do my country ppl. - UP: 2


China and India is not a headache. The worst headache is UK govt n USA govt not the people. Without them world confirm sure peaceful. - UP: 0


Papyrus Okagbue
But 5 eyes pardos are the largest migrants in East Asia particularly SEA countries. They often come as native English teachers. - UP: 0

但在东亚,尤其是东南亚国家,最大的移民群体是五眼公民。 他们经常是以英语为母语的老师。

China will remember the time when country withdrew cooperation with it and China stopped letting Chinese study there. In the long term it actually helped China to diversify and stand on its own feet. China is no stranger to autarkic development. The US may have some good schools, but it also has many mediocre. So if the face wants to cut its own nose, China can only watch in amazement at such folly and let its students go elsewhere. No loss. - UP: 16


Africa is a good option! - UP: 0


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
India is a better option for you. - UP: 0


Bluuoff Bluuoff
America should take in HK students instead so they can train the protesters in the US the way they were trained by CIA agents in HK.. - UP: 13


Patrick Kok
Totally agree, CIA can send them to Greenland for their next mission. - UP: 1


Ali Rajput
International students bring in money.
Banning them is like cutting the tree branch you’re sitting on. I’m sure every country would accept with open arms.
Love China 🇨🇳 from Pakistan 🇵🇰 - UP: 62


Chinmya Kathait
How's your daddy from china and mother from Pakistan - UP: 1


Ali Rajput
shriram ram Are all Indians arrogant and incorrigible or just majority of you? - UP: 0


Craig Winstanley
Good on Pakistan! Generally, lovely people in Pakistan. - UP: 4


VLog Lover
I'm not sure if Australia is good choice since it's not friendly towards the Chinese to begin with.... There are anti-chinese in Australia... Maybe still can consider UK & Canada... Or maybe other country like Russia... - UP: 16

我不确定澳大利亚是否是一个好的选择,因为它从一开始就对中国人不友好.. 澳大利亚有反华势力... 也许还可以考虑英国和加拿大... 或者其他国家,比如俄罗斯..

The One
I'm from the UK, and I welcome Chinese students to live and study in the UK 👍 - UP: 3


Patrick Kok
Any other country not 5 Fox country - UP: 3


Tanya Brown
yes, As an Australian I dont want chinese students here stealing our intellectual property. - UP: 0


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
Digging for minerals and growing wheat then selling mostly to China requires intellectual property? - UP: 3


The One
Personally I think the world has already endured enough prejudice and mud slinging ... but at the end of the day we are all human beings, no matter which country we are from, so we should treat each other well. It is primitive behaviour to treat others negatively just because of their race or nationality. The world needs more unity and less division ... I hope wherever Chinese students choose to study, that they will be accepted and welcomed, because it is not easy to leave your home country and live overseas away from family and friends in a foreign country. It is even harder to live abroad if you have to face unnecessary hostility ... so I hope that Chinese students will have an enjoyable time studying overseas, no matter which country they decide to study in! - UP: 1

我个人认为这个世界已经忍受了足够多的偏见和诽谤... 但归根结底,我们都是人类,不管我们来自哪个国家,所以我们应该善待彼此。 仅仅因为他们的种族或国籍而消极对待他人,是一种野蛮的行为。这个世界需要更多的团结,更少的分裂... 我希望无论中国学生选择在哪里学习,他们都会被接受和欢迎,因为离开自己的祖国去国外,远离家人和朋友,生活在海外是不容易的。如果你不得不面对不必要的敌意,那么在国外生活就更加困难了... 所以我希望中国学生在国外学习会很愉快,不管他们决定去哪个国家学习!

VLog Lover
@The One Yes, I agree... Even if deep inside that they really can't accept Chinese people at least just show a little respect, The students came to foreign countries just one thing in their mind that is to build pathway to their better future... and of course to see what outside China look like... learn other's cultures, cuisines, beliefs and etc...what you hope for the Chinese, is a blessing for them... - UP: 0

是的,我同意... 即使在内心深处,他们真的不能接受中国人,也至少表现出一点尊重,学生们来到国外,在他们的心里只有一件事,那就是铺设通往他们更美好的未来的道路。当然,也是为了看看国外是什么样子... 学习其他的文化,烹饪,信仰等等。你对中国人的希望,对他们来说是一种祝福..

Helen Hawkins
Anti this and anti that is exactly why America is hurting right now so just stop it. Hasn’t your parents taught you pol anything about ppl of this 🌍. We are one so just stop the hate. When u die who will care what your thoughts were. Enjoy life while your are alive. Chill ppl 😀😁🙏🏽🙏🏼 - UP: 0

反对这个和反对那个正是美国现在遭难的原因,所以停止吧。 难道你们父母没有教过你们这些吗。我们是一体的,所以只要停止仇恨。当你死去的时候,谁会在乎你的想法。 而你活着的时候,就好好享受生活。冷静点。

Studying in the west for asians is never a good idea. Singapore, south korea, china, and japan are better options. this is based on my experience studying in a western country: worst ever decision inmy life - UP: 0

对亚洲人来说,在西方学习从来都不是一个好主意。 新加坡、韩国、中国和日本都是更好的选择。这是基于我在西方国家学习的经验:这是我一生中最糟糕的决定。

VLog Lover
@Hg I agreed with you on Singapore...not sure about South Korea, China and Japan... But will want to find out about China in future... - UP: 0


Jack Miller
Honestly I think when they see what is happening in the US right now, they will be glad trump did this, it definitely saved them. Also I doubt all the other international students especially Africa students will feel safe to study in US - UP: 7

老实说,我认为当他们看到现在美国正在发生的事情时,他们会很高兴特朗普这样做,这无疑拯救了他们。 我也怀疑所有其他的国际学生,尤其是非洲学生,在美国学习是否会感到安全。

J McHan
The US is the only country that I have been to that mocks education and people with higher education. Ignorance is highly prized in the US. - UP: 4


Eugene Ong
All Chinese tourists should also stop visiting all 5Eyes countries, why contributing billions to their economy ??? - UP: 4


Edward Tay
Everyone in the world should study in Germany because it's free even for foreigners! - UP: 54


Don't forget russia. English should be dropped as the international language. The world should instead adopt more languages such as russian, chinese and german. - UP: 11


@Sukan Yes it´s more unique languages which really trains your brain. - UP: 2


Craig Winstanley
When Germany gets rid of the 37 US bases and all the US troops stationed there, maybe Germany will be held in more respect, globally. WW2 ended over 75 years ago and the Soviet Union does not exist anymore. Why does Germany need to still suckle from the ‘motherly tits’ of the USA in 2020? - UP: 6

当德国摆脱了37个美国基地和所有驻扎在那里的美国军队,也许德国会在全球范围内得到更多尊重。二战在75年前结束,苏联不复存在了。为什么德国在2020年仍然需要吮吸美国的“母乳” ?

Davin S
True, But Germany's Engineering don't lose out to the States. - UP: 0


Some are free, some are not. But their tuition fee very very low comparing to UK or US. - UP: 0


I realise, USA always use human rights and national security to target other countries or a group of people. This is how we make America great again :( - UP: 18

我意识到,美国总是利用人权和国家安全来针对其他国家或一群人。 这就是我们如何使美国再次伟大的方法。

As an asian, i feel Asia countries are way more fun than western countries tbh - UP: 6


Davin S
True true. Asian colleges are getting better, maybe in 10 years, no one gives a damn about going overseas to study. - UP: 0

没错。 亚洲的大学正在变得越来越好,也许在10年内,没有人会在乎去海外留学。

All the Chinese students are more than welcome here in EU. And we have better universities than the backward empire either way. Eurasia FTA! - UP: 22

欧盟非常欢迎所有的中国学生。无论如何,我们有比落后帝国更好的大学。 欧亚自由贸易区!

winstons mother
Chinese students have no reason to study in Nazi Amerikkka. Trump and his regime are besieged by heroic black rebels. - UP: 88


Whoever is the next President will not make a difference. America's policy will never change! - UP: 3


He is hiding in his bunker from his own people as we speak telling the military to shoot the protestors. - UP: 6


Patrick Pen
Power to the protestors for making the world realise that USA is not the free and equal country that she constantly con the world to think. Protestors need the mask to protect themselves from the tear gas.... like those provided by the USA to the western lackeys in Hong Kong. - UP: 4


Micky Z


Susan Ananda
Chinese students are welcome here in Singapore! - UP: 17


Tan James
Silly of Trump.
What America loose is other countries gain.
International students pay to study in America & many stay back & assists in the country economy after they graduate. Students from China alone contributed 15 billions in revenue in one year to America.
Lots of lecturers & professors are going to loose their jobs. - UP: 1


Mohit Sharma
Save the money in your country. Or spend on research . China Russia bigger than combined than us and rest Europe. Why you bother going us and European university. Look how much UK people hate china and they want to make alliance with other countries to financiallyvweaken china. Better invest this money in college and work with East Asia country. BTW, Please boycott India completely - UP: 43

把钱存到你们的国家。或者花钱做研究。中国、俄罗斯比美国和欧洲其他国家的总和还要大。你们为什么要去美国和欧洲的大学呢。看看英国人有多讨厌中国,他们想和其他国家结盟来削弱中国的经济实力。 最好把这些钱投资到大学,然后与东亚国家一起合作。顺便说一下,请完全抵制印度。

L Lk
I agree fully with you. Boycott India completely. 👍👍👍 - UP: 5


there are 50 million chinese students , only less than 1% go overseas to study, but they are biggest source for most western countries, - UP: 2


Mohit Sharma
I m Indian live in North east. I m seeing the behavior of Indian people please boycott Indian people - UP: 0


@Mohit Sharma Beggar pakistanis using Indian name 😂😂 - UP: 2


Mohit Sharma
I m not Pakistani idiot. I m Indian only - UP: 0


Renaat Ceulenaere
Please Chinese students, don't go to the 5 eyes countries !! Other European countries have much better universities AND have english courses. An advice of a Belgian academic living in China. - UP: 4

请中国学生,不要去五眼国! ! 其他欧洲国家有更好的大学和英语课程。 一位在中国生活的比利时科研人员的建议。

Papyrus Okagbue
Whites are very racist toward coloured people. They often have this racial superiority complex. - UP: 0


Word for Word Covfefe-19
China, Chinese people, and Chinese students are welcome globally.
BTW, Trump won't be president after 2020. 😉 - UP: 1


Lorentz Force
The wealthy from China would disagree with this comment section. - UP: 1


Don't worry. The U. S. is not the only country in the world having universities! There are thousands to choose from all over the world! - UP: 3

别担心。 美国不是世界上唯一拥有大学的国家! 全世界有成千上万的学校可以选择!

Dominion Span
China should build more world class universities in China, to attract local as well as international students. So Chinese students will not be used as political tool. - UP: 2

中国应该在中国建立更多的世界级大学,以吸引本地和国际学生。 这样中国的学生就不会被用作政治工具。

Wellcom to Europe! - UP: 1


Robert Anderson
Hope UK only lets them study Arts and Western culture instead of sciences - UP: 0


Bruno ang
Come to Singapore, It's safe and there are anti racism laws in place to ensure everyone gets fair treatment. - UP: 0


Slarti Bartfast
UK academic research and development will benefit while America will go back to the good old days of the dark ages. - UP: 1


tuks kano
This is what you get when a petty child is elected president of the United States - UP: 0


Ali Khan
Choose UK, Singapore or German universities. All have good higher education universities. - UP: 0


To all Chinese students think twice about going to UK to study. A good example is Australia. At first welcome you with open arms then when their master the US bark now they also lable you as spies and limit your numbers. - UP: 3

对所有中国学生来说,去英国留学要三思而后行。 澳大利亚就是一个很好的例子。 首先张开双臂欢迎你,然后当他们的主人美国命令的时候,他们也会给你贴上间谍的标签,并限制你们的数量。

Pat Robertson
This is great news! They can go to the UK, Canada, France, and steal their technology instead of ours. - UP: 0


Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
You don't have any technology of your own since Von Braun and the other German scientists brought to America died. - UP: 0

自从凡 · 布劳恩和其他被带到美国的德国科学家去世后,你们就没有属于自己的技术了。

Dav Rocket
Don't come to Canada Australia they r puppets of USA. Come to UK. - UP: 0


Yashwant Bhosale
Now with the help of new technology like 5 G and digitization, universities of Asian countries will also be capable of dissemination of world class knowledge. Singapore, India, Japan, Australia and China will do that. No need to worry. - UP: 0

现在,随着5G和数字化等新技术的帮助,亚洲国家的大学也将能够传播世界一流的知识。 新加坡、印度、日本、澳大利亚和中国将会这样做。 不用担心。

Indians are filthy slumdogs India is a shithole
Exclude India because Indians will still be running to America for green cards. - UP: 0


Kelly C
US will see a major drop in $$$$$ in these international students. - UP: 0


Patrick Kok
China should stop study going to US and transfer them to EU countries now. - UP: 0


Antediluvian Atheist
China is welcome in Aotearoa. - UP: 0


Angelina J
US discriminates black people, now discriminates and bullies Chinese students! What a shame! - UP: 0

美国歧视黑人,现在歧视欺负中国学生! 真可耻!

Meta4 Ribeiro
UK, Canada, Australia are not countries. They are provinces of USA. - UP: 0


Ramachandra Bhaskar
Us wont loose anything. India has enough students who can fill in - UP: 0


Patrick Kok
Yeah replace with Indian students - UP: 0


JoKe ToNg
come Malaysia, we need talented Chinese students and researchers in our universities... - UP: 3
