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文章原始标题:Coronavirus CDC leak by Dr. Paul Cottrell

内容简介:近日,某视频网站上一名昵称为“Dr. Paul Cottrell(保罗·科特雷尔博士)”的博主发视频称,据CDC内部线人消息,美国目前确诊感染新冠病毒人数已经超过1000例

My Hero Academia Videos
The CDC is not telling anyone anything to the general public. We may get more information then in China. - UP: 134


Janie K
have to say, the safest place now is China(not include Hubei province), no new cases added, the most efficient in testing the virus and with proved effective treatment methods. - UP: 4

不得不说,现在最安全的地方是中国(不包括湖北省) ,没有新增病例,最有效的病毒检测,和被证明有效的治疗方法。

Annie Oakley777
This makes me so damn mad!! Children are going to school, people are out going about their business like nothing is going on... like what the hell is going on?? My family thinks I'm nuts cause I've raised some concerns.. it's maddening!! - UP: 89

这行为让我非常生气!孩子们去上学,人们出去做自己的事情,就像什么事情都没有发生一样... 到底发生了什么? 我的家人认为我疯了,因为我提出一些担忧... 真让人抓狂! !

Golden Doodle
Annie Oakley777 OMG my family thinks I’m insane as well. I’m the college kid btw, I’m the one going out and buying all the canned goods and water and masks. I’ve been raising concerns for 4 weeks now and they are starting to wake up now that the main stream media is a new player in all this. They still think I’m insane.
And you know, Apple has closed stores in China. What do you think will happen when Apple is low on supplies here in the US? If this doesn’t have an impact on us physically, it will economically for sure. - UP: 15


ooohhitskaren 63
I have prepared as well...I just need bottled water..forgot that today. My problem is my 81 year old mother...she doesn't want me to get her supplies...I told her its in case your helpers and meals on wheels can't come. I got masks for as well...more in case I need to take care of her if she gets sick. She told me she would not survive it. I agree with her...I may not survive it either. All I can do is prepare and pray. - UP: 4

我也准备好了... 我只需要瓶装水。我的问题是我81岁的老母亲... 她不想让我给她买东西,我告诉她,万一你的帮手和上门送餐的人来不了,我可以帮她。 我还带了口罩,以防万一她生病了,我还要照顾她。她告诉我她活不了了。我同意她的想法... 我也可能活不下去了。我所能做的就是做准备和祈祷。

Kitty lele
Same for me I keep telling my family and friends about this and they just don't care!! I went to the store last week to prep and people kept giving me an ugly look. One lady even made fun of me!! So frustrating 😠 - UP: 2

我也一样,我一直告诉我的家人和朋友这件事,他们根本不在乎!我上周去商店准备东西的时候,人们纷纷用难看的眼神看着我。一个女士甚至嘲笑我! ! 真令人沮丧

I've started stocking up on food.
And don't go out - UP: 3


Class Action Law Suit against the CDC for leaving the American People exposed to a dangerous Virus by withholding vital data - UP: 58


PaPa Brad SOG
It is worse than you think, I believe CDC helped create it. - UP: 2


Fuck the CDC I'm glad he released this. The CDC DESERVES NO LOVE. - UP: 14


John Maldonado
CDC doesn’t want mass panic. Its simple. All we can do is prepare and stock pile supplies. - UP: 131

CDC不想引起大规模恐慌。 很简单。 我们所能做的就是准备和储备物资。

It's not clear whether the source is legit or not. If the source is legit, regular flu can also be caused by other strains of corona viruses so let's narrow it down if the cdc is really referring to covid-19 which is currently wrecking havoc in China. - UP: 0

目前还不清楚这个消息来源是否合法。 如果源头是合法的,普通流感也可能由其他类型的冠状病毒引起,所以让我们缩小范围,如果CDC真的指的是目前在中国造成严重破坏的新冠病毒。

"I will keep this between us",, proceeds to tell the whole internet,, lol - UP: 44

“我会保守这个秘密的” ,然后告诉了整个互联网... 哈哈

Melissa Pala
Tbliss44 he’s not mentioning names so what? He’s doing his humanitarian duty!! - UP: 13

他没有提名字,那又怎么样? 他在履行他的人道主义职责! !

Just Listening
If this is true, it really pisses me off. What gives them the right to gamble with our lives? - UP: 30

如果这是真的,我真的很生气。 是什么赋予他们拿我们的生命去赌博的权利?

They don't care about you! - UP: 13


Tigers & Ben Schenk
The US has not been prepared, at all, not at all. God help us.. - UP: 2


I 100% believe the CDC and our govt has and will continue to lie to the American people about this virus. It's almost as if they want it to spread far and wide before they say anything. Just like China did. - UP: 36


we ARE China now - UP: 8


Laura T
Depopulation agenda - UP: 8


Walrus Lennon
Well China is trying its best to keep the numbers up to date in real time, updating multiple times per day and we can see the numbers are >70k now. If it's trying to hide it would be less than 5k and update once a week. very obvious who's doing better - UP: 4


brandon boulton
We demand transparency!! Stay safe everyone. Eye's open no fear. - UP: 38


Kathy Bradbury
The worst thing is the lack of effort to contain this, as far as I’m concerned- it’s treason- and they should be executed. - UP: 35


The AirForce is filling the Napalm Bombs with gelled gas as we speak have no fear they will contain the virus one city at a time even if they must uses Nuclear warheads the fireball is as hot as the sun and will destroy 100% of the virus in a 15 mile radius. - UP: 0


he is not a medical doctor and he is not credible - UP: 4


qian rui
mikes1984 hope you can get infected soon! Idiot - UP: 0

希望你很快就会被感染! 白痴

Recovering Soul
5 cities would be testing. To me, "Testing" means the actual test for the virus. Not just checking for fever or cough or symptoms. In Wuhan they can confirm without the test with chest scans showing the lung trouble. But that may only be for people with trouble breathing. If someone has a mild case and no symptoms, the actual test would be the only way to know even though it's only 50% effective.
OK, earlier today i heard on a regular news channel that the 14 people from the cruise ship that tested positive were now ALL in Nebraska. Just now on the radio they said that one of the people from the ship who was at Travis AFB in Northern CA has been moved to a hospital in Napa. Napa is also northern CA in Wine country. Was that a 15th person then? - UP: 2

好吧,今天早些时候,我在一个新闻频道上听说游轮上14个检测呈阳性的人现在都在内布拉斯加州。刚才收音机里说,在加州北部,特拉维斯空军基地的船上的一个人已经被转移到纳帕的一家医院。纳帕也是加州北部葡萄酒之乡。 那会是第15个人吗?

Thursdays Child
thank you for fighting the CDC, doctor. We appreciate your expert help. - UP: 5


If this truly goes sideways and the coronavirus ends up killing millions of Americans, then it will be time for the second revolution of the United States.
But we already know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the elite have their bonkers, we know they’re willing to sacrifice us all for their evil eugenics programs!! - UP: 33


Dutchess Eberline
Thank you for all your hard work reporting on this virus! Your making a huge difference. - UP: 6


What’s sad is we’ve all been lied to so much by our Gvt, we never know what or who to believe anymore. Sad state of affairs for all! May God bless any and all this affects. 🙏 - UP: 8


Lori Patterson
You are the Best!! Thanx so much for telling us the truth, as You know it!! - UP: 2

你是最棒的! 谢谢你告诉我们真相,就如你知道的! !

When do we self quarantine? When do we call it and not go to work and keep the kids home? Now? Or when its to late? - UP: 6


Linda Bumpass
I need money to live and keep roof over my head. If coronavirus is coming, I'd like a house to live in. - UP: 0

我需要钱生活和维持生计。 如果冠状病毒真的来了,我希望有个房子住。

Loading Nickname
Coronavirus mortality rate and symptoms are similar to flu. Stop the panic. - UP: 0


Dutchess Eberline
Question Can a virus be activated by 5G??? - UP: 7


as of this moment - 5G not implemented in USA (yet) - UP: 0


First Name Last Name
This is one of the major steps in the demise of a civilization. When institutions whose supposed function is to serve the public; are instead viewed as purveyors of mendacity, and servants of mammon... This is the end game of a civilization. As it was in Ancient Rome, so shall it always be. - UP: 0

这是文明灭亡的主要步骤之一。 当那些被认为是为公众服务的机构,被视为谎言的制造者,和财富的仆人时... 这就是一个文明的终结。就像古罗马时代一样,永远是这样。

New case in Florida from what I understand 2 - UP: 7


AL Hubb
Where in Florida? I know of 1 in Pensacola - UP: 2


Jl Gibbo61
Americans think they are immune from everything. We will get the grand finale. - UP: 2


I have a co-worker that works in Vermont, and she is saying there are 9 cases there. - UP: 23


Regina Horner
The cases in vermont are not positive. There are 9 people being monitored. - UP: 2


Amanda Henley
The YouTube channel The Watchmen Project had a video today stating there was a gag order in New York regarding the coronavirus outbreak. - UP: 2


Do you mean that the coronavirus comes from the "flu" in the United States? oh,no.. - UP: 1

你的意思是冠状病毒是来自美国的“流感”吗? 哦,不...

Bill Ckole
Wonder if someone at CDC will blow the whistle 🤔 - UP: 8


Greg Nettles
It only took one to start a fire in Wuhan.how many do we have here in the states?it’s to late people.what you can do is get right with the God above... - UP: 2


Since when could we trust the derelicts at the CDC helm? A CDC official in Atlanta was arrested for pedophilia and bestiality only a few years ago - UP: 1


Armando Sanchez
If people in full body suits are getting the virus, how does a mask help ? 24 days of incubation is the scary part , - UP: 2

如果穿着全身防护服的人感染了病毒,戴口罩有什么用? 24天的潜伏期是最可怕的,

Daniel H.
The whole city of Wuhan has been locked down since January. There’s not even flights from wuhan to other cities in China 🤷‍♂️ - UP: 2

整个武汉市从一月份起就封锁了。 甚至没有从武汉飞往中国其它城市的航班。

There are patients who infected H1N1without SARS-COV-2 at first, and several days later, after several tests, confirmed SARS-COV-2 infection. - UP: 1


Ann Seeton
Oddly, this whole thing sounds like the situation in the early 1900’s with influenza. THE GREAT INFLUENZA is an eye opening book. - UP: 0


Mysterious cases of unidentified flu-like virus by the thousands in Jan, many sudden deaths after 2-3 weeks of mild cases. Remember that news? What if it was always NCoV? - UP: 1


Tommy Igoe
Thank you Dr. Cottrell. From a concerned American living in Thailand. Be well. - UP: 0


Angry Gran
Dr. P. do you recall almost 3 weeks ago I told you about the live broadcast from British Columbia, Canada. The health minister said it was a PANDEMIC! It was scrubbed from the evening news! All of the countries are lying! - UP: 1


The CDC have lied and hid evidence for decades! - UP: 0


Annie Tremblay
Thank you Paul ! You are very brave. I would buy some masks and store some canned food - UP: 1

谢谢你,保罗! 你很勇敢。 我会买一些口罩和储存一些罐头食品。

Yaonan Zhao
Now where are the U.S. media that blame China not disclosing information - UP: 10


Pamela Poore
Paul you look so stressed. Please take care of your self, thx for the information, and by the way you were right it is a man made virus confirmed . - UP: 1


Jason Flikkema
You are a true warrior Paul, thank you and GOD bless you! - UP: 3


Whitney Coulter
There's 1000 in Texas alone.. verification from a naval intelligence officer and marine corps nco - UP: 4

仅在德克萨斯州就有1000个病例... 来自海军情报官和海军陆战队士官的确认信息

Chris Sargent
then several would have died already based upon the mortality rate... - UP: 0


Whitney Coulter
@Chris Sargent and if there is, do you think we will hear? - UP: 0


Whitney Coulter
@Chris Sargent I can only pass info I have. I agree with you but I also know they're estimating over 100k cases in the US now. My sources haven't been wrong yet. Not that they can't or won't be. A lie is a lie. Is it not? - UP: 0

我只能传递我现有的消息。我同意你的看法,但我也知道他们现在估计美国有超过10万病例。我的消息来源还没有错。并不是说他们不能或者不愿意。谎言就是谎言。 不是吗?

Wheresyohome Huh
The video was just released February 11th.... Watch it all!! God be with us all🙏🙏 - UP: 0

这段视频刚刚在2月11日发布 ... 小心点! 上帝与我们同在

Ja Yoe
Watch your own safety.
Whistleblowers seem to end up ? - UP: 1


Mgtow Values
This is bizarre fear-mongering hearsay, Doctor. Your shortest video is still not informative. If you have something to say, just say it in less than 30 minute videos. And if you just have rumor, keep it to yourself. - UP: 1


t.c 802
We should to an online petition - UP: 1


Angry Gran
Quick backup this video folks before it gets canned! - UP: 0


Charlotte Knight
I saw that.
I just heard from a friend that went to an eye clinic a few days ago...
And they made him and others put on a mask saying they had 4 people come in recently with cvid19.
By other things he heard from a retired military person...things are being hidden...on purpose. - UP: 1

他从一个退役军人那里听说了一些其他的事情... 事情被隐藏起来了... 故意的。

Michelle Batchelor
We need to try and validate this. I have a feeling it is true. Here in Florida we have had alleged suppressed information as well. Wouldn't it be a civil liberties violation if the CDC were to be lying to the American people? - UP: 6


Here in KY they closed one elementary 2x already and went in with a crew to sanitize the whole school top to bottom . - UP: 0


Dale Power
The CDC, despite their wonderful name, is a private contractor and not a government agency. So, no. They aren't required to tell us things like that at all. Plus, if the government is behind the lies/withholding of information, then there is no one to call them on it, other than a few fringe media types. - UP: 0


NC here.... when to keep my kids home from school? Dont want DHS knocking on my door. - UP: 0

我是北卡罗莱纳州人... 什么时候才让我的孩子不用上学? 不想让国土安全部的人来敲我的门。

Keep safe!!! - UP: 0


Thomas Johnson
It's a massive worldwide coverup for fear of economic collapse around the globe. - UP: 0


Edward AA
Lol, the funny thing is North Korean would get praised - UP: 0


I believe California had it for awhile now....I feel like I had for a month headaches...tired...little cough... taste was all off for a week.. - UP: 14

我相信加利福尼亚已经感染有一段时间了... 我感觉头疼了一个月... 疲倦... 有点咳嗽... 味觉消失了一个星期。

TicTac bee
Ive had those same symptoms - UP: 1


Celina Zui
Now all the hypochondriacs are coming out... - UP: 2


Yep in sacramento ca in December there was a super bug going around like no other flu we ever saw lasted for a month for sum people high fever very bad body aches started with a lot of lots of sneezing. - UP: 1


Lol dude give us a break. U dont have the corona virus. It's called a cold. - UP: 1


Shane MacD
And you know this person is with the CDC how? Did you do any vetting whatsoever prior to posting this? My money is on no. - UP: 0


Super Sun
Any update ?
Not heard anything from news or CDC - UP: 0


Not releasing information will make it worse in the long run! - UP: 1


christine c
So......when do we self quarantine? - UP: 3

那么... 我们什么时候自我隔离?

glenda snyder
you know we are all gonna get this virus - UP: 0


Im Comingforyou
You see in my country🇱🇺 they tell nothing about the virus no information nothing and normally about the little things they talk hours about it... Very very strange - UP: 1

你可以看到在我的国家,他们关于这病毒什么也不说,什么信息也没有,通常他们几个小时都在谈论一些小事... 非常非常奇怪

ElLic Online
nonsens to lie with that quantity - UP: 0


Angry Gran
Why are so many top politicians and banking officials around the globe suddenly resigning!? - UP: 1


Marietha Otto
This message was all over the internet 3 days ago. Apparently the person from the CDC is Dr Nancy Messonier. Maybe ask her directly and do a follow up on your Channel with the results? - UP: 0

这条消息三天前在网上到处都是。显然这CDC的人是 南希·梅索尼尔 医生。 也许直接问她,然后在你的频道上跟进结果?

the cdc called me today,, on a phone that has no service on top of that - UP: 1


Xuanting Chen
REALLY?That's so creepy. - UP: 0

真的? 太诡异了。

bob C
Everybody should stock up on food and water for a long period of isolation as that may be the only way to get through this. - UP: 3


tara devine
Apparently toilet paper is the #1 most sought after item in China right now. I'm stocking up. 😉 - UP: 0


Loading Nickname
It’s too late to say things like this, the virus has been spread to Europe and around the world quite some time ago. A British super spreader got his virus at a French resort like what, last month. Anyone can be infected from anyone now. - UP: 0


Wheresyohome Huh
CDC is evil - UP: 4


Take the L
Get the popcorn and wait for all hell to break loose. - UP: 0


hot pepper
Tomorrow I am going to buy more food this is crazy - UP: 0


Chris Brew
time to panic... - UP: 0


kingan pao
cornavirus whistleblower of america ,good luck. - UP: 2


flor de sakura
Hal Turner on his show from 3 days ago read the entire text with the name of the CDC employee and all. This text message was supposedly leaked by the son on the man that was exchanging the info with the CDC high level employee. - UP: 0

哈尔 · 特纳三天前在他的节目中读了份名单,上面有CDC员工的名字和所有人的名字。据推测,这条短信是那个和CDC高级职员交换信息的男人的儿子泄露的。

It must be those 5g towers - UP: 2


Hiding information will make a country panic worse - UP: 0


Marcus with the Curls
Reveal the CDC workers name, If it's TRUE the CDC will respond! - UP: 2


I'm shocked the CDC is lying to us - UP: 6


Sandra Martin
Canada isn’t telling us the right numbers of the infected & deaths from this - UP: 0


Valarie olivas
I saw those texts on facebook from Nancy Messonnier, MD, she is the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) - UP: 0


Mason Robb
Guess we the people never know the truth - UP: 0


It's just logical. Start with a couple hundred passengers and tourists, full spread for over a month, the incidence of cases CDC knows about has to be in the upper hundreds, possibly over a thousand. Time is not on our side here. - UP: 1


Fk Bagus
US only care about china's human right ,never care about USA's people's right, even life . - UP: 1


Holly Sapp
Dr. Paul, I need to talk to you ASAP about info I have. - UP: 5


If there are already 1,000 cases in America then it's all over. - UP: 0


Lee Johannes
u will under free speak control... - UP: 0


Rose Mooney
Your Senator cannot do anything because he is in with the ghouls. He's one of them. You have to call Trump directly. - UP: 0

你们的参议员什么也做不了,因为他和食尸鬼是一伙的。 他是他们中的一员。 你必须直接给特朗普打电话。

Debi Caron
I've known all along the CDC was lying. I am a RN..and I am not panicked..just want the correct info.. Please take care, Doc.. Prayers for you for getting this info to us - UP: 0

我一直都知道疾控中心在撒谎。我是一名注册护士... 我一点都不惊慌,只是想知道正确的信息,保重博士。为你把这些消息告诉我们而祈祷。

Trey Fan
You are a real Whistle Blower! - UP: 0


Fafa Dada
Yesterday, a Japanese news reported that usa cdc is going to test those flu like sytoms for coronavirus, maybe some dead cases are not dying for flu but coronavirus! maybe usa is the first country has this virus but they covered by flu! if it is really flu , already 14000ppls die!! is the flu vaccine not working at all? or this is not a normal flu so vaccine not working ? In usa now has over 25 million ppls got this "flu" , is not a small nos. for us population... - UP: 2

昨天,日本的一则新闻报道说,美国疾病控制和预防中心将对这些类似流感的病例进行冠状病毒测试,也许一些死亡病例不是死于流感,而是死于冠状病毒!也许美国是这种病毒的第一个发源地,但是被流感覆盖了!如果真的是流感,但已经有14000人死亡!!流感疫苗根本不管用吗?或者这不是普通的流感,所以疫苗不起作用?在美国现在已经超过2500万的人得到这种“流感” ,以我们的人口来说,这不是小数目...

Castorp Z.
Depopulation 2020 Plan is going as planned - UP: 0


So when should we start wearing protection ? - UP: 1


Laura T
Lets think about this logically....
We have 15 confirmed cases in the USA. We have had hundreds of suspected cases and direct contacts of the infected self quarantine in the USA.
Our first case was reported on January 21st, a little over 3 weeks ago.
The test that they use to confirm the virus is NOT 100% accurate.
Only 5 cities are currently, and have just RECENTLY started testing for the virus if you show suspected symptoms.
Most of the USA is NOT testing for the virus unless you had a connection to China.
We know this virus is airborne and spreads person to person.
We know that the virus has a very high transmission/spread/Rnaught rate.
We know that early on the airports were only taking passengers temperatures when they exited the planes from China.
We know that you are contagious during incubation and showing NO symptoms.
Since there is a high rate of people only having mild symptoms, how many of those people self diagnosed their selves as just having the flu and did not seek medical attention.
China forced millions of people on complete lockdown and the virus STILL SPREAD like wildfire.
So you tell me if it seems logical that we only have 15 cases confirmed in the USA??? If the CDC told us the REAL numbers of infected people in the USA we would all be running for the hills and in complete chaos. - UP: 0


Ezio Auditore
If thats the case were are all screwed - UP: 0


Centers For Disease control seems like they are just a front if they can't be transparent and make demonstrable steps towards controlling this disease. RIP🙏🙏 - UP: 0

CDC似乎只是一个幌子,如果他们不能做到透明,不能采取明确的步骤来控制这种疾病。 那就安息吧

Zheng Chang
After blaming China, now it is their turn. - UP: 0


28 Summilux
Give a wild guess, patient zero is American. - UP: 1


This One01
Maybe they are keeping it quite because it is effecting people of Asian decent more than non Asian. I wonder what implications that would entail. - UP: 0

也许他们保持沉默是因为这对亚洲人的影响比对非亚洲人的影响更大。 我想知道这意味着什么。

Nancy Messonnier, the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) within the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is the person who blew the whistle. - UP: 0

美国疾病控制中心(CDC)国家免疫和呼吸道疾病中心(NCIRD)主任南希 · 梅森尼尔是揭发此事的人。

By not being truthful to the American public, they are causing more panic and increasing the number of people getting sick. - UP: 1


Jl Gibbo61
Be careful , they like to kill Whistleblowers - UP: 1


toye sckeu
Hilarious!At this important time,you really believed that Trump will hide this??He doesnt need votes anymore?? - UP: 0

搞笑!在这个重要的时刻,你真的相信特朗普会隐瞒这件事? ? 他不要选票了?

Wendy A. Presley
The CDC is worried about the economy, not our well being. Believe that. They don't prep the military for 15 cases people. Think about that 4 a min. - UP: 0

CDC担心的是经济,而不是我们的福祉。相信我。 他们不会为15个病例就准备军队的。花一分钟想一想。

I believe best way is the set up the High capacity quarantine facilities NOW,and then release info to the public after they transmit all patient in.It suppose to do right this or else PANIC will shake U.S. continent the same as China and the movie contagion. PANIC IS MUCH MORE WORSE THAN VIRUS ,i believe. - UP: 0

我相信最好的办法是现在就建立高容量的隔离设施,然后在他们把所有的病人都送进去之后向公众发布信息。 恐慌比病毒更可怕,我相信。

K Baylaine
Virus is spreading across NY. People should try to get out if they can. When NY goes into a panic it will be difficult to get out. - UP: 0

病毒正在纽约传播。 如果可以的话,人们应该试着离开这里。当纽约陷入恐慌时,就很难脱身了。

Pro Lifer
How stupid do the CDC think we are? - UP: 0


freefly deals
shame on US CDC. now quite a lot people and medias from Russia, China, Japan and Korea believe that US made this virus. - UP: 1


The CDC also says on their web page, to wash your hands for 20 seconds, however, why then do doctors wash their hands from 5 to 10 minutes with a brush and iodine and other chemicals before they do surgeries, actions speak louder than words- UP: 1


mark warling
What's the truth with our numbers in the states here it hasn't given any numbers recently ???? - UP: 0


Sonny Tejada
Hope this guy don't disappear too. - UP: 0


R. W.
ya call your USA fuckt up goverment thats going to help. - UP: 0


J W8ites
Hey Dr. Paul, if your state's officials can't answer you. Please try to contact Senator Tom Cotton. He has brought concern about it and he wanted to know everything about it from China. It seems a lot of people who had the authority will somehow keep quiet about this to save face or they just have the habit of denying the truth and do things at the last minute. It's really very alarming to know these updates. Thanks for revealing the information about this virus. It helps a lot being aware and be prepared. - UP: 0

嘿,保罗博士,如果你们州的官员不能回答你。 请联系参议员汤姆 · 科顿。 他引起了人们的关注,他想从中国了解有关这个问题的一切。 似乎很多有权威的人为了保住面子,会对此保持沉默,或者他们只是习惯于否认事实,在最后一刻才处理事情。知道这些消息真的很令人担忧。谢谢你提供这个病毒的信息。这有助于你意识到并做好准备。

Rute Lemos
I think they are substimated in usa and other countries I think.they are feelling to confortable.about this coronavirus... a lot of people critisised the chinese but the chinese doctors aren t denying there is far more cases in china.... strange.... - UP: 0

关于这种冠状病毒... 许多人批评中国人,但中国医生并不否认在中国有更多的病例... 这就奇怪了...

Money over lives... this stinks. - UP: 0

金钱超过生命... 糟糕透顶。

An the coronavirus is a virus that has been in the US. Its not anything new. - UP: 0


God’s Servant
CDC is a subversive organization. They are part of the globalist New World Order. When I toured their Atlanta facility in the 70’s they had Che Guevara and other radical posters on their walls. - UP: 0

CDC是一个颠覆性组织。他们是全球主义新世界秩序的一部分。当我在70年代参观他们在亚特兰大的设施时,他们的墙上有切 · 格瓦拉和其他激进派的海报。

Wheresyohome Huh
This is a Biblical Plague!!!! - UP: 2

这是圣经中的瘟疫! ! !

sue sue
There needs to be a gathering at CDC for questions and answers face to face. They work for US! - UP: 0

CDC需要召开一次会议,面对面地回答问题和答案。 他们为美国工作!

cathy carey
I think we should all be prepared to meet our maker...all signs point to this being a catastrophic global pandemic..and being spiritually prepared is the wisest of all preps - UP: 0

我认为我们都应该准备好去见上帝了... 所有的迹象都表明这是一场灾难性的全球流行病。在精神上做好准备是最明智的。

With a mortality rate of 2.3% that means that 97.7% of us are going to survive. - UP: 1

2.3% 的死亡率意味着97.7% 的人能活下来。

USA gov just care about the politic but not care about the people's life - UP: 0


Sarah Allen
And the US is slamming China for not reporting numbers!! - UP: 0

而美国正在抨击中国没有公布数据! !

We need people to be calm. It makes perfect sense dude. I dont see y u want everyone to panic prematurely current it's still very low risk for north america - UP: 0

我们需要人们保持冷静。这完全说得通,朋友。 我不认为你希望大家过早的恐慌,目前北美的风险仍然很低。

I work at a hospital in the Pacific Northwest, and we are simply overwelmed. All of our beds are full, we have no resources, and military officers are forcing us to stay inside the hospital at gunpoint. At some point I know I'm going to get my phone confiscated, so this may be my last chance to tell the world the truth about what's going on. People are dying here! - UP: 1

我在太平洋西北部的一家医院工作,我们简直被人海淹没了。我们所有的床位都满了,我们没有资源,军官们用枪逼着我们呆在医院里。在某种程度上,我知道我的手机会被没收,所以这可能是我最后一次告诉世界真相的机会。 这里的人都快死了!

Jennie Sanders
They really do want to depopulate. Does anyone think Trump is in on it? - UP: 0


renaud techer
if this is true and they try quarantine americans like in china, there will only be one result : civil war.
i hope this is fake news. - UP: 0


Felix The Cat
I feel sick (diarrhea, shortness of breath-but no cough, felt like I was going to pass out and had to go home) and I work in customer service in a big city. Should I contact someone or get tested? Or am I overreacting? - UP: 0

我觉得不舒服(腹泻,呼吸急促——但没有咳嗽,感觉自己快要晕倒了,不得不回家休息) ,我在一个大城市的客服部门工作。 我应该联系某人还是去做个检查?还是我反应过度了?

Get tested. 🙏 - UP: 0


Cindy Dong
So cdc is do the same thing as china. What a shame. - UP: 0




cdc is lying ; look at them on tv ; they even look like they are lying ! - UP: 0


Phi Ephesians 6:13
Okay, let me put it this way, I am concerned about the COVID-19, I have a good friend that is in the higher ups at the CDC, I go and ask her should I be concerned because I am hearing and reading different things, is it really that bad? She says its a lot worse! 1000+ cases of COVID-19 in 32 states but we have to keep it quiet to keep things sane, we just don't want to start any panicking or rioting, just wear a mask wherever you go. I say oh, okay. I'll keep it quiet and wear my mask wherever I go. Does that make any sense? Where is WHAT?!! OVER 1000?!!! In 32 STATES?!! WHICH STATE? AM I SAFE, ARE THERE ANY IN MY AREA?? WHY THE SECRECY??SHOULD'NT PEOPLE AT LEAST KNOW WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING SO THEY CAN BE AT LEAST TRY TO BE SAFE AND NOT BECOME INFECTED?? - UP: 0

好吧,让我这么说吧,我担心新冠病毒,我有一个好朋友在疾病控制中心的高层,我去问她我是否应该担心,因为我听到和读到不同的东西,这真的有那么糟糕吗?她说情况更糟糕!在32个州有1000多例新冠病毒病例,但是我们必须保持沉默保持理智,我们只是不想引起任何恐慌或骚乱,只是无论你走到哪里都要戴上口罩。我说,哦,好吧。 我会保持沉默的,无论走到哪里都会戴着口罩。但这有什么意义吗? 哪儿是哪里? ! !超过1000例? ! ! 在32个州!到底哪个州? 我安全吗? 我所在地区有吗?为什么要保密? 难道人们不应该至少知道到底发生了什么吗?这样他们至少可以努力让自己安全,不被感染。

Did it mean, the coronavirus started from US?! - UP: 4


I prefer to trust the us government - UP: 0


His Bummer Lamb
This is so wrong . This is no better than China . Praying for everyone . Thank you doctor for being forthright and telling us the truth. - UP: 0

这就大错特错了。这并不比中国好多少。为每个人祈祷。 谢谢你博士,你的坦率和告诉我们真相。

Any province other than Hubei is safer than the US now- UP: 2
