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[2020-01-04] (2020-2100) GDP排名最高的国家预测

文章原始标题:Future Countries with the Highest GDP Ranking (2020-2100)


Rankings Stats
i think china will be superior in near future - UP: 33


S Smart
Actually, you will start feeling the strong Chinese impacts in the next 3 years, more and more people would start really learning Chinese and put adverts to lure Chinese tourists to their countries. - UP: 5


iqbal sahibil
you will make the white man cry and have panic attacks with that statement. - UP: 0


S Smart
We need to free black Indians, India is part of China! - UP: 1


Madhu Sreepada
First China will make India cry. - UP: 0


Madhu Sreepada
USA knows China.They are getting ready. - UP: 0


Jana Catudan
the Philippines is starting to learn Chinese. I had a friend who told me they had Chinese language class - UP: 0


Absolutely Noidea
Debatable. GDP so far into the future is hard to predict. Japan was once growing at near ten percent annually and many experts believed it would overtake the United States, but in the 90s its growth stagnated. China's growth is already slowing. - UP: 12

这有争议。未来的 GDP 是很难预测的。日本曾经以每年近10% 的速度增长,许多专家认为日本将超过美国,但在90年代,日本的增长停滞不前。现在中国的经济增长已经开始放缓。

Ujjal Mahapatra
Yes , economic growth can't be predicted but for Japan, there population is perhaps not enough to sustain 10% growth rate for a long time, but the case is totally contradictory for India and China... They both have over 1.3 billion people, and moreover India's 65% population aged under 35 years, so there's nothing wrong in predicting why India would grow at 8-10% for a long time - UP: 0

是的,经济增长是无法预测的,对于日本来说,人口可能不足以长期维持10% 的增长率,但是对于印度和中国来说,情况完全相反... 他们都有超过13亿的人口,而且印度65%的人口年龄在35岁以下,所以预测印度会长期保持8-10% 的增长率是没有错的。

Absolutely Noidea
India, I think, has better prospects for sustained economic growth than China (Not to mention that the official stats provided by the Chinese government are exaggerated), partially given its democratic political system and rule of law and partially because of the high proportion of youth. Both countries have an issue with burdensome regulations that stifle new businesses, while China probably has a larger government hand in the economy. India has better prospects for growth short-term simply because it's currently at a less advanced staged of development than China.
China is faced by a rapidly ageing population while birth rates are declining in both countries, as is the global trend, as a result of improving life standards and the increasing financial burden of having kids. That said, AFAIK it's possible that overpopulation in India might at some point negatively impact economic growth, although the decreasing birth rate, it seems to me, will probably counteract that.
When Japan was recording that kind of growth it was in a similar position as China and India now; it was a source of cheap goods, mostly electronics, mostly destined for advanced economies. It's hard to predict if, and when, either country will overtake the US in the near future. - UP: 0

我认为,印度经济持续增长的前景比中国更好(更不用说中国政府提供的官方数据被夸大了) ,一部分原因是印度的民主政治制度和法治,还有一部分原因是年轻人比例较高。这两个国家都存在阻碍新企业发展的繁重监管问题,而中国可能在经济中拥有更大的政府控制权。印度的短期增长前景更好,仅仅是因为它目前的发展阶段不如中国先进。

Filipe Nunes
My top 5:
1: China
2: 脥ndia
3: US
4: Japan
5: Brazil. - UP: 55

1. 中国
2: 印度
3. 美国
4: 日本
5: 巴西

Japan won't be there - UP: 13


Recycle Bin Laden
I'm a Indian and we are waiting for population control bill from our government - UP: 5


Himanshu Sirohi
When China overtakes US then India overtakes Japan in 2030 - UP: 4


Jinglan Su
In the end, the world economic ranking will be based on the population, because the gap between countries is narrowing - UP: 1


TheFinal Unknown
Basically, imagine 2 countries with equal infrastructural development and geography.
In this case the country which has higher population will most likely come out on top.
This is why once countries like India start catching up on infrastructure and education, they will run ahead of most similar sized countries. China grew because they built infrastructure really fucking fast , India is doing it slower but the effect is the same - UP: 0


Jana Catudan
Africa and Asian countries had Chinas help - UP: 0


CP. Zeus
USA are trillions of dollars in debt - UP: 4


Andy Davis
China has more debt than us by percentage mate - UP: 1


CP. Zeus
Incorrect all of USA debt is to China - UP: 0


what are you talking about? Out of the 23 trillion of the US debt, China owns less than 1.5 trillion.. most us debt is within the US. - UP: 0

你在说什么呢?在美国的23万亿债务中,中国只拥有不到1.5万亿... 美国的大部分债务都在美国境内。

Ann Urch
Why does Germany decline in ranking? I know they face a demographic problem, but to drop below two other European powers seems overstated - UP: 2

为什么德国的排名会下降? 我知道他们面临着人口问题,但是降到另外两个欧洲大国之下似乎有些过了。

yogender mishra
Answer is simple, lots of useless immigrants, with zero skill, nill education plus radicals islamist, they are likes bigots, - UP: 0


Stats Media
India will rank number 2 after in 2100 but it will sooner. - UP: 2


Jinglan Su
Perhaps 30 years ago people did not believe that China would become the first - UP: 2


Nigeria was among the top 10 during the 1980s and they are the highest in all of Africa today. - UP: 2


China Hamyku
The Top 10 countries by highest GDP from 2020-2100
The result of this data ranking is
China No1
India No2
But I think looking at this result today can only draw such a conclusion,China did it down-to-earth,India is self-proclaimed data. - UP: 0


Rajoy Nunisa
My Prediction:on 5 top Economy by 2050:
1. China
2. India
3. USA
4. Japan
5. Brazil - UP: 7

1. 中国
2. 印度
3. 美国
4. 日本
5. 巴西

Sharjeel Khan
I think countries with homogenous values and cultures, population, land and natural resources will be dominant. China seems the top contender especially with their enforce cultural integrity and identity. Rest are USA, India, Russia and Brazil. India needs to be really careful since it's neighboured by a potential contender having good ties with a hostile nation. Moreover India has to become competitive in industrial exports with China. Europe may have the potential if they remove the political uncertainties and ensure better integration in the face of increased competition from rising Asian powers but that seems far removed from reality. - UP: 1

我认为价值观、文化、人口、土地和自然资源相同的国家将占主导地位。中国似乎是最有力的竞争者,尤其是他们加强了文化完整性和身份认同。其余的是美国、印度、俄罗斯和巴西。印度需要非常小心,因为它邻近一个潜在的竞争者,而这个竞争者与一个充满敌意的国家有着良好的关系。 此外,印度必须在工业出口方面与中国竞争。

Ritesh Pandey
These stats based on what?? - UP: 0


This is interesting but I think the data is obsolete. USA GDP for 2019 is already above this video's 2025 figure (2019 ~ $20.5 B actual vs 2025 ~ $20.3 B video). In addition China and India will have growth slowing down as they economies become more developed in the years to come. Same trends that the Soviet Union and Japan had in the 20th century is what developing countries will experience in the 21st century. It is possible the year 2100 ranking is the same as the video shows. However the growth rates all around will slow down and I don't think we will be seeing GDP figures like that in our lifetimes. - UP: 0

这很有趣,但我认为这些数据已经过时了。 美国2019年的 GDP 已经超过这个视频的2025年数字(2019:实际达20.5亿美元 vs 2025:视频的20.3亿美元)。此外,随着中国和印度经济在未来几年变得更加发达,它们的经济增长将会放缓。发展中国家在21世纪将经历与苏联和日本在20世纪相同的趋势。2100年的排名很可能与视频中的排名相同。然而,各地的增长率都将放缓,我认为我们在有生之年,是不会看到这样的 GDP 数据。

Tiga Ultraman
India GDP growth is slowing down, 8 percent to ~ 5 percent, I don't think he can exceed USA at 2060 - UP: 0

印度的 GDP 增长正在放缓,8% 降到5% ,我不认为他能在2060年超过美国

Tez hai
It's Temporary - UP: 0


Tiga Ultraman
@Tez hai ya, it will decrease to 4 percent soon - UP: 0


Leu Henry
Indian people need to unify their metrics and languages at first. China had done that 2000 years ago - UP: 0


Anubhav Kumar
We don't need your advise we are happy with diffrent language and culture prospering together as one identity INDIAN - UP: 1


alex d' gr8
philippines will be the 3rd strongest after us and japan - UP: 4


Tez hai
India has vibrant democracy , we are next brain house of world - UP: 0


Meta Data
I will live in China because they are becoming richer , if I build a good business surely it will be the start of my good career. - UP: 3


clash with Anonymous
No, its under communist government and u should prefer democracy - UP: 2


You're right. India is the largest democracy.China is a communist dictatorship, there is no future in China, India is the strongest /s - UP: 1

你说得对。印度是最大的民主国家。 中国是一个共产主义专政国家,在中国没有未来,印度是最强大的。(讽刺)

Fact BAbA*
It wiy impossible to any country to overtake china
China will rule on earth - UP: 1


jack frost
Bullshit! - UP: 0


Tarun P.
Wrong china reach first place in 2024 - UP: 0


captain earth
Only if WW3 doesn't happen. - UP: 0


Yoki Yokic
As a european i can only see this: ,Chinese controlled-access highway network is the largest in the world. Where is your India on the list ?
Chinese high-speed railway is more than 60% of the entire world. Where is your India ?
Chinese have 7 out of 10 largest biggest ports in the world. Where is your India ?
China built in the last few decades more than a 50% of the all highrises and skyscrapers in the entire world. WHERE IS YOUR INDIA ?
Your Indian army is no match for Chinese army. What do you have except tigers and cobras in India ? No one talks about your country in Europe, sorry, but everyone in the entire world talks about China. So dont be ignorant ! - UP: 0

中国的高速铁路占全世界的60% 以上。 你们印度在哪里?
在过去的几十年里,中国建造了全世界50% 以上的高楼大厦和摩天大楼。你们印度在哪里?

Prateek Mogha
because you have no idea about India - UP: 0


Yoki Yokic
What should i know, you ignorant Indian fanboy. I dont find myself guilty because you Indians can't stand China and because chinese ecnomy is a lot more succesfull than yours. Thats your problem not my problem. Why dont you see this "Future Countries with the Highest GDP Ranking (2020-2100)" again. Sorry, man, because no one is talking about your country in my Europe, USA or anywhere else. That's true ! But yes, you do have lots of tigers... - UP: 0

我该知道什么,你这个无知的印度粉丝。我不觉得自己有说错的,因为你们印度人不能忍受中国,因为中国的经济比你们更成功。所以那是你的问题,而不是我的问题。为什么你不再看一遍这个视频“2020-2100年,未来GDP排名最高的国家”。 对不起,朋友,因为在我们欧洲,美国或者其他任何地方,都没有人在谈论你们的国家。这是真的!但,是的,你们确实有很多老虎...

Jitendra Ladwani
we don't give a fuck if Europe is talking about India or not..... Go wipe ur ass as take a nap buddy... You shouldn't worry about India - UP: 0

我们不在乎欧洲是否在谈论印度.. 去擦擦屁股睡个午觉吧,朋友... 你不用担心印度

Dom Dm
You don't need a lot population. These days to produce value robots will make producta - UP: 0


The USA will probably boom again in 2050, stopping China and India from passing the USA! - UP: 0


iqbal sahibil
a dreamers dream will never die... china and india are just reclaiming their historical share of the global GDP. - UP: 0

梦想家的梦想永远不会破灭... 中国和印度正在恢复他们在全球 GDP 中的历史份额。

Well what if I'm not wrong? - UP: 0


iqbal sahibil
only time well tell, but the trajectory of growth and progress supports the idea china and india will return to lead in term of gdp. - UP: 0

只有时间能说明一切,但增长和进步的痕迹支持这种观点,即中国和印度将在 GDP 方面恢复领先地位。

World will not survive till 2100. - UP: 1


India isn't possible to make progress likes this - UP: 1


Well india is the number one filthy country on the world maybe if they clean up maybe - UP: 1


Indians think that as long as India and China have the same population, they can develop into superpowers, which is the most naive.
A low-quality population will only make the country dirtier, not better. - UP: 1


It's Edward here.
Then, why did China rise so early. According to your logic, it's impossible for China to make such a massive improvement in just a couple of years. So if it's possible for China, then you can't say that India can't do so. - UP: 0


bro China is totally different from India. Ya i am talking about the government Indian government focuses on religion the Indian politicians stupid. in China they focuse on development and infrastructure. India and China are not same - UP: 0


because Chiese are hard working and Chinese gov is so organized
Indian? - UP: 1


Data Hippo
China is winning all the time lol - UP: 0

中国一路赢到底 哈哈

Danger Zone
india's economy is slowing down its difficult to surpass US even in 2060 - UP: 0


Tech Brothers
No,India can become super power by 2100 by aquaring top 3 position but India can't develop untill 2100
Btw i am also Indian - UP: 0


Sweet dream - UP: 0


Game Tain
Usa is growing slower than india even still if india have a slowdown - UP: 0


Lionel Q
Per capita , India or China are still poor countries. Indias growth is only powered by population growth, same for Indonesia. Thats interesting the choice to have UK surpass France in 2099.. - UP: 0


Ayan Banerjee
One man can't make a country great. Modi doesn't represent India as a whole. Don't go by this prediction India's gdp growth rate is all time low and india is facing lots of internal problems, it's very difficult for india to get there. Miracle like China only happens in communist country. Hope we get better politician's and people who can make india great. - UP: 1

只靠一个人并不能使一个国家变得伟大。莫迪并不代表整个印度。不要相信这种预测,印度的 GDP 增长率一直很低,而且印度正面临着许多内部问题,印度很难实现这一目标。像中国这样的奇迹只会发生在共产主义国家。希望我们能得到更好的政治家和人民让印度变得伟大。

Ayan Banerjee
It takes many efforts for a country big as india to grow at double digit and to maintain it. Miracle happens but it's rare case. Like china it has gone under many reforms which is impossible for Indian government. I am not saying it won't happen but it will take time. - UP: 0


Harsh Chauhan
India will surpass usa before 2049s as predicted in a research by an American economist - UP: 6


Stats Media
future is hard to predict. what happen if there is war. - UP: 1


Czechoslovakian mapping
no way lol - UP: 0


Harsh Chauhan
then usa would be out of the map - UP: 1


Czechoslovakian mapping
China is a different country from india. You will see in the future... - UP: 0


Peter Green
Stats ? More like guesswork. - UP: 6

统计数据? 更像是猜测。

pasa KALYE
You have no idea about economic forecasting.. - UP: 0


pasa KALYE
I know forecasting is not a fact yet, but atleast we have a glimpse of something to happen in the future if the economic growth trend will be maintained by a country, for example the GDP growth of the Philippines are between 6-7 percent annually, if this growth will be maintained and remained stable for atleast 10 to 20 years and with the help of governments strong economic fundamentals and young working populations this growth can accelerate further for atleast 50 years, this will push the Philippines to be one of the worlds economic powerhouse. - UP: 0

我知道这是预测还不是事实,但至少我们可以看到未来会发生什么,如果一个国家能够保持经济增长的趋势,例如菲律宾的国内生产总值每年增长6-7% ,如果这种增长能够保持至少10-20年的稳定,并且在政府强有力的经济基础和年轻劳动人口的帮助下,这种增长能够在至少50年内进一步加速,将推动菲律宾成为世界经济强国之一。

Abimael Moura
Only china,india,indonesia will be above brazil - UP: 0


Madhu Sreepada
My bet is India will be behind Venezuela by 2050. - UP: 0


Madhu Sreepada
Look how long it takes to build a simple Polavaram project. How long does it take to build a flyover in Vijayawada.No excuses.During this time, China built thousands of projects like this. Even Bangladesh is growing much faster than India. Pretty soon Indonesia will overtake India.- UP: 0


Madhu Sreepada
India has a lot of fools like me. It is a matter of time.God is going to punish us for our immorality and corruption. - UP: 0


Madhu Sreepada
In 2028, we will still be building Polavaram Dam and the flyover in Vijayawada, AP. - UP: 0

在2028年,我们还在 维杰亚瓦达 建立交桥和在 博勒沃勒姆 建大坝。

parth sachdeva
I too Want Chinese model of development too..!!
But We have Demonocrazy here..!!!
In Shitting democracy You have Alot Of difficulties.!
Take example of Bullet Train Project .. Even till now land hasn't been acquired by Govt.!!
Farmers Have Filled case in Court Govt is Fighting That case.!!
There is No Khangress, DMK in China but we have.! - UP: 0

以子弹头列车项目为例... 直到现在,政府还没有获得土地。

parth sachdeva
@Madhu Sreepada Well we are Unfortunate Coz of Our Constitution & Laws.!!!
Entering in Politics should hv a Curicullam & there must be a Rule that Person has to Pass through this.!!
There Must be Capital Punishment for Corruption.!!
I Believe we are suffering Coz of Lack Of Laws & Useless Governing system.!!! - UP: 0

@ madhu Sreepada 我们是不幸的因为我们的宪法和法律。 !!!
进入政界应该有一个库利克拉姆 & 必须有一个规则,人必须通过这个。 !!
对腐败必须有死刑。 ! !
我相信我们正在遭受缺乏法律和无用的治理制度的痛苦。 !!!

Madhu Sreepada
If you say democracies do not grow fast,you are mistaken.Western countries prove that. About China, they always provide generous compensation to displaced people. People understand.I do not know of you visited China recently.I have visited China twice.I was amazed .In some fields China is more advanced than USA. It has nothing to do with communism.It is the people.There is nothing to be proud of in our history.We have not contributed much to science & Technology or even sports.The whole country is filthy and people are used to it. - UP: 0

如果你说因为民主,所以不会快速发展,那你就错了。西方国家能证明这一点。关于中国,他们经常给流离失所的人们提供慷慨的补偿。我不知道你最近是否有访问过中国。我已经访问过中国两次了。 在某些领域,中国比美国先进。这与共产主义无关,这是人民的问题。在我们的历史上,没有什么值得骄傲的。我们对科学技术甚至体育运动都没有做出多少贡献。整个国家都很肮脏,人们已经习惯了。

KawaiiRudraChan OwO
I really hope my country (India) resolves it governmental issues I think we just need a new leader and our economy will improve even more - UP: 6


Toxic Fish
Ujjwal Kumar actually China is the fastest major economy now. This current Indian government knows nothing - UP: 0

实际上,中国是目前发展最快的主要经济体。 现在的印度政府一无所知

Lol no matter what India will still be toilet less country curropt and all that bs that is happening in India there still will be over 900 million poor people. - UP: 1


why is the comment section stuffed with indians.. and why indians are all expecting China to be dismembered so that India could win... Geez do you guys have low self-esteem or what? - UP: 0

为什么评论区都是印度人... 还有为什么印度人都希望中国被分裂,这样印度就能赢了... 呜哇,你们这些家伙是自尊心太低了,还是怎么着?

UK and France passing Germany?Nice joke.. - UP: 3

英国和法国会超过德国? 真会开玩笑。

Not a joke as Germany population will decrease drastically these next years!!! - UP: 0


This is only true if china doesn't break apart again in the next 10 years - UP: 1


Rohan Halder
After a century from now India will surpass China and become the world's largest economy - UP: 3


Lionel Q
Countries creating growth with knowledge , education and technology : US, France , Japan , Germany , UK.
Countries building growth with increasing population : India, China , Indonesia , Brasil.
+ China s growth due to western companies delocalizations. - UP: 3

利用知识、教育和技术创造增长的国家: 美国、法国、日本、德国、英国。
人口不断增长的国家: 印度、中国、印度尼西亚、巴西。

Creating Green World By Planting Trees
Just an excuse because western countries are falling
India never had Small population since the Human civilization - UP: 0


Creating Green World By Planting Trees
In the past when Western people were roaming naked around the forest
That time Indians were writing Nobles - UP: 0


404 not pound
I won't be alive but India will eventually overtake China. I wish, we as individuals, contribute towards India growth despite knowing we won't be around to witness India surpassing China. - UP: 1


Mark Reymon Diez
Living in the dreams kid. - UP: 0
