Shava Nerad , Former Democratic Party State Committeewoman
I agree with all the other answers here, but let me spin it a little more and give a little historical context.
What is the icon of Japanese consumer manufacturing today? Good quality consumer electronics and cars, both leading the world in manufacturing quality — even over Germany in cars, for reputation, since the VW scandal.
Let’s roll that back half a century.
If my mother saw “Made in Japan” on a sticker on the bottom of something, she knew it was going to be cheap and shoddy. It was a standard joke. Before Japan started competing with us in electronics, “everyone knew” that Japan was full of low paid workers, and with engineers of no innovation who just copied our designs.
Then, in the 1970s and 1980s, Japan came out of the slump caused by their bankruptcy and defeat in WWII. The Semiconductor Research Coalition described their competition on VLSI (computer) chips as “a new Pearl Harbor,” and urged Congress to put in restrictions on trade for items that included Japanese chips or electronics as a protectionist measure for our own industry.
Shava Nerad 、前民主党国家委员会女委员
然后,在20世纪70年代和80年代,日本走出了因破产和第二次世界大战的失败导致的经济衰退。半导体研究联盟将他们在超大规模集成电路芯片方面的竞争描述为“一个新的珍珠港事件” ,并敦促国会对包括日本芯片或电子产品在内的产品贸易加以限制,以此举措作为保护我们自己产业的措施。
Japan’s urbanization was going up, and so was their standard of living. And their currency.
Does any of this sound vaguely familiar?
This is the story of a nation emerging from developing nation to developed nation.
If they were an ally and a democracy we’d be cheering. But we seem not to be. Properly, we should be tending to our own house, and making them into proper allies against Russia.
Well, now Vietnam and a section of other nations (including in some senses India) are poised to push for their own elevation to developed nations. The cheap, shoddy goods that moved from China supply are now moving out as China ups their standards — but the demand hasn’t changed.
It comes from us (and other developed nations) who have sacrificed our manufacturing to buy cheap goods from countries with no labor laws, and have outsourced our own jobs such that all we can afford is to exploit the developing world.
现在,越南和其他一些国家(包括印度在内)正准备推动自己进入发达国家的行列。随着中国提高标准,从中国供应的廉价劣质商品正在向外转移,但需求并没有改变。它来自我们(和其他发达国家) ,我们牺牲了制造业,从没有劳动法的国家购买廉价商品,并将我们自己的工作外包出去,以至于我们能负担得起的就是利用发展中国家。
Inevitably, that sacrifice means we are running low on cash and a trained workforce — and manufacturing facilities we own — to compete in a global market.
And that’s the spin the jingoists don’t want to give you. We are now a country that Japan and China outsource jobs to. We have demolished our industries and labor laws, and the old idea of American innovation is gradually being replaced with younger people who are operatively conditioned to be risk averse by their huge load of debt coming out of college.
Don’t worry, if Trump keeps up his trade wars? We’ll fully fall back into a clear status as “developing nation,” and you won’t have to worry any more about how much we import. We won’t be well enough off.
但别担心,如果特朗普继续他的贸易战?我们将完全回落到一个明确的地位,成为“发展中国家” ,这样你就不必再担心我们进口多少。因为我们将会过得很糟糕。
Lance Chambers , Travelled extensively and see how politics works.
India, Pakistan, and a host of SE Asian nations, including Vietnam, are taking over the manufacture of cheap, low-tech, low-profit, lower-quality manufacturing from China, with China facilitating these moves. Western nation have been describing this as ‘the flight of western corporation out of China’ the truth is very different.
Do you remember when trump TOLD Xi to give up on Made in China 2025? Well Xi wasn't listening.
About a week or two ago China activated MiC2025 and the start was shifting those shit jobs out of China. Search for ‘MiC2015 9 page pdf’ if you want to gain an understanding of what this manifesto says about Chinas next phase of development. They are shifting into high-tech, high-profit, high-value, high-paying, ultra-high-quality manufacturing. In other words they are moving into direct confrontation with any and all Western nations for ‘top of the market sales’.
Lance Chambers 到处旅行,看看政治是如何运作的。
你还记得特朗普告诉中国领导人放弃中国制造2025的时候吗? 好吧,他没有理会特朗普。
大约一两个星期前,中国启动了中国制造2025,开始把那些该死的工作机会转移出中国。 如果你想了解这份宣言对中国下一阶段发展的意义,可以搜索“mic20159 page pdf”。 他们正在转向高科技、高利润、高价值、高薪酬、超高质量的制造业。 换句话说,他们正在与任何西方国家直接对抗,争夺“市场销售冠军”。
The Western nations have brought this upon themselves because of their hubris. They did the same with Japan when they started to manufacture motor vehicles. They laughted at the idea that Japan would ever make a vehicle that would be sold outside of Japan. As we know Japan, after a few years, started to outsell many Western auto manufacturers. They laughed at Kim of North Korea about ICBM and nukes — well guess what! They have done the same stupid thing again and overinflated their capacity and capabilities and demeaned those of another nations.
The western elites still think they can continue to rape their economies and put trillions into the bank accounts and tax havens and still see their countries prosper and grow. This sort of behaviour strips economies and turns then, inexorably, into third world countries. We are seeing this happening in the UK today as Boris Johnson steamrollers the British economy into the mud by pushing Brexit.
We in the West have allowed our egos to take over again and we have forgotten the lessons we should have remembered.
西方国家会因为他们的狂妄自大而自作自受。 当他们开始制造机动车时,他们也是这样对待日本的。 他们嘲笑日本制造汽车并在日本以外销售的想法。正如我们所知,几年后,日本的汽车销量开始超过许多西方汽车制造商。 他们嘲笑朝鲜的金正恩关于洲际弹道导弹和核武器的事情——你猜后来怎么着! 他们又做了同样愚蠢的事情,过分夸大了自己的能力,贬低了其他国家的能力。
Yue Yie , former Advisory Board Member (2017-2019)
Yes to a certain extent but not entirely because both China and the US still need each other more than what they are showing to the rest of the world.
I don’t think there was much hubris present back then on the part of US and its western allies as both they and China needed each other. The US needed cheap goods to wade through recessions in 1998 and 2008 while China needed foreign investments to help it enter into the new millennium.
In other hand i do think that the US and the west did underestimated China’s ability to copy and improve whatever they have learned from their foreign investors and later on buying them off either through licensing or acquisitions.
However the US is again making another big mistake by investing in Vietnam. For me Vietnam is just another China. They have the same ambition, legal loopholes and culture that encourages copy paste innovations just like China, Japan and Korea. The safest investment locations are actually in the rest of SEA nations minus Vietnam. Their climate and the more relaxed ways of doing things actually encourages them not to steal tech and the know how from foreign investors. Strict IP laws based on the British Common Law and enforcement in commonwealth countries such as Malaysia and Singapore is another advantage that US companies should consider while deciding to invest in these parts of the world:-)
Yue Yie ,前咨询委员会成员(2017-2019年)
然而,美国在越南投资又犯了一个大错误。对我来说,越南只是另一个中国。 他们和中国、日本和韩国一样,有着同样的野心、法律漏洞和鼓励复制粘贴创新的文化。 最安全的投资地点实际上是除了越南以外的其他东南亚国家。 他们的环境和更为宽松的做事方式实际上鼓励他们不要从外国投资者那里窃取技术和诀窍。 以英国普通法为基础的严格的知识产权法,以及在马来西亚和新加坡等英联邦国家的实施,是美国公司在决定投资这些地区时应该考虑的另一个优势。
Lance Chambers , Been involved in US politics since Kennedy assassination.
It depends on what consumers want to CHOOSE!
China is facilitating the move of all, Chinese and foreign, low-valued, low-pay, low-tech, low-profit, lower-quality, etc. manufacturing to India, Pakistan and SE Asian nations and the reason is they have started to implement Made in China 2025. MiC2025 is a Chinese manifesto and plan to shift into high-pay, high-tech, high-profit, high-quality, etc. manufacturing. Here is a short 9-pager explaining it if you are interested -
Vietnam would be one of those countries so, in part it is true that Vietnam is becoming one of an array of nations of choice for the types of products that China has been manufacturing over the past few decades.
Lance Chambers 肯尼迪遇刺后就开始参与美国政治。
China is going to compete directly with all the high quality, high priced, high tech, and high profit manufacturers worldwide.
PS Trump ordered Xi to discard MiC2025 but I don’t think that Xi was listening that day. That or he was and thought, nope! Still it’s not going to be a problem because ‘trade wars are easy to win’ according to Trump.
Mike Chiew , former Retired Marketing Manager
My opinion is some of the labour intensive industries may work well in Vietnam but efficiency in honoring dateline will definitely a big problem. What Chinese having now is speed, meeting dateline, prompt on delivery and their state of art computerised robotic systems are best in the world. Vietnam is still far from what China has achieved. And China has so many huge cargo and container ports which make them more efficient on sea freight delivery.
If Vietnam were to start investing on industry infrastructures now, it will take her 50 + years to achieve what China had today.
Mike Chiew 、前市场推广经理
Ray Comeau , Decades working in analyzing risk and plotting strategy
Thanks for request.No.
Vietnam is part of a group of several countries that a producing low quality labour intensive manufacturing like clothes as China has outsourced most of that business given wages in China has been rising for the last 30 years.
Vietnam is not yet ready to take on other areas of mass production more complex manufacturing requiring more skills. Some of those are going to Thailand instead and India.
It will take a number of countries some time to be capable to providing all those goods.
Ray Comeau 几十年来致力于风险分析和策划策略
James Moy , lived in The United States of America
In the 1980s when I was first in business school it was not uncommon for US businesses to manufacture a product where labor was less expensive but stamp the product Made in America where it may just be put in a box and shipped. For at least a decade China has been doing the same thing in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) where they have been going so far as to teach some Southeast Asians to speak Mandarin Chinese. Since the end of the Vietnam War there has been a signifant increase in Chinese businesses in Southeast Asia especially in major cities. It should be noted that if the US pushes too hard China can simply ship their products from Southeast Asia and pretend the products are from Southeast Asia and not China.
James Moy 住在美利坚合众国
20世纪80年代,当我刚刚进入商学院时,美国企业生产劳动力成本较低的产品,但在上面盖上“美国制造”的章,然后将其装箱运走,这种情况并不少见。至少十年来,中国一直在东南亚(越南、老挝、柬埔寨)做着同样的事情,他们甚至在那里教一些东南亚人讲普通话。 越南战争结束以来,中国企业在东南亚特别是主要城市的业务有了显著的增长。 值得注意的是,如果美国对中国施加太大压力,中国可以直接从东南亚运输产品,并假装产品来自东南亚,而不是中国。
Liu LiSong , lives in China
Vietnam is too small and not industrialized enough to produce enough goods for the American people known for wasting resources. To satisfy material desires, the United States needs the entire Southeast Asia or India.
But the prerequisites required by industry are extremely strict. Except for the Western world and its vassals, the only countries that have achieved industrialization are China and the Soviet. I don't see any signs of India or ASEAN starting to enter the fast track of industrialization.
But under the severe China-US conflict, Made in Vietnam can at least ease the pain of American consumers. I hope that the Vietnamese people can take advantage of this opportunity wisely. But keep in mind that benefits and risks are often directly proportional.
Liu LiSong ,生活在中国
越南规模太小,工业化程度也不够,无法为美国人民生产足够的产品,因为他们以浪费资源著称。 为了满足物质欲望,美国需要整个东南亚或印度。
但是工业所需要的先决条件是非常严格的。 除了西方世界和它的附庸国,实现工业化的国家只有中国和苏联。 我没有看到任何印度或东盟等国家开始进入工业化快车道的迹象。
但在严重的中美冲突下,越南制造至少可以减轻美国消费者的痛苦。 我希望越南人民能够明智地利用这个机会。 但是请记住,收益和风险通常是成正比的。
Lin Xieyi , Interested in geopolitical affairs
For the garments and footwear industry, it certainly is.
As of end 2018, Vietnam has overtaken India to become the world's second largest exporter of garments and footwear,with exports valued at US$37 billion.
Most Vietnamese garment and footwear exports are processed from importing high-value dyed fabrics, zippers, fasteners from…China, valued at US$22 billion… this mean for every US$1 worth of finished product shipped, US$0.59 goes to Chinese manufacturers.
It seems to be a win-win scenario. For China, it gets to diversify from low-value added supply chain. For Vietnam, it gets to set up the manufacturing ecosystem(factories, workers, logistics, retail market).
Lin Xieyi 对地缘政治事务感兴趣
越南出口的大部分服装和鞋类产品都是从中国进口高价值的染色织物、拉链、扣件... 价值220亿美元 ... 这意味着每出口1美元的成品,中国制造商就能得到0.59美元。
这似乎是一个双赢的局面。 对于中国来说,它将从低附加值的供应链走向多样化。 就越南而言,它将建立制造业生态系统(工厂、工人、物流、零售市场)。
John Pryor
To a degree for the cheap low quality goods China used to be known for, China is farming these goods out to other nations so it can concentrate on higher profit items.
Hopefully the quality control does not take a step back & China passes on what it has learnt.
Its another income stream for China as in most cases at least some of the profits will go back to China.
Without help from China building infrastructure & putting systems in place Vietnam & other countries would struggle to take over much of the capacity so they need help.
John Pryor
Dennis Mai , Financial Analyst
There isn’t a way for a country of 95 million population to replace 1,400 million population in manufacturing capacity. China has both a larger market and labor supply. Vietnam can replace a niche market, but it would be impossible to replace production of all sectors and industries.
Dennis Mai 、财务分析师
对于一个拥有9500万人口的国家来说,没有一种方法可以替代14亿人口的制造能力。 中国拥有更大的市场和劳动力供应。 越南可以取代利基市场,但不可能取代所有部门和行业的生产。
Roy Marchand , Retired software developer (50 years experience)
For the last several years a lot of cost sensitive manufacturing has been moved from China to other low cost Asian countries including Vietnam. The trend has accelerated because of the trade war but is not the cause of it.
It is simply an indication that companies making products for export to the US are doing their best to maximize profits.
Roy Marchand 退休软件开发人员(50年工作经验)
在过去的几年里,许多对成本敏感的制造业已经从中国转移到其他低成本的亚洲国家,包括越南。 由于贸易战,这一趋势已经加速,但这并不是它的原因。
Linh H Le , MD Primary Care Physicians, Hanoi Medical University (1994)
Trump truly wants US manufactures to move to Latin America so he can strangle China economy to death. Welcome Cold War 2.0. He might order OPIC to stop supporting American business overseas at any moment
Right now they move to Vietnam, Thailand and Srilanka so the currencies of these country so strong despite the weakness of EUR, AUD, CAD,GBP, RUPEE, YUAN…
China will disintegrate like USSR. The US had needed 35 years since 1954 Berlin Conference to make the soviet collapsed. May need just 15 years to make China gone counting from 2018 Helsinki Trump-Putin Summit.
Vietnam just a decoy so Trump can implement his plan to destroy China economy gradually
Linh H Le ,医学博士初级保健医生,河内医科大学(1994年)
不会。特朗普真心希望美国制造业转移到拉丁美洲,这样他就可以将中国经济扼杀在摇篮里。欢迎冷战2.0。 他可能随时命令美国海外私人投资公司停止支持美国的海外业务。
中国会像苏联一样瓦解。 自1954年柏林会议以来,美国花了35年时间才使苏联解体。 从2018年赫尔辛基特朗普-普京峰会算起,中国可能只需要15年。
Corey Tournet
Only to a small degree. Vietnam’s population is much smaller and on average, the skill level of the workers and factories lag China by quite a few years.
Corey Tournet
只有很小的程度。 越南的人口要少得多,平均而言,工人和工厂的技术水平比中国落后好几年。
George S T Khoo ,
It will if it satisfies.the US’s expectations and demands.
Bob MacKenzie , former Business Owner and Manager. at Private Business Self Employed Thinker (1973-2019)
China is moving from low end manufacturing to high end manufacturing so they have moved some of their low end production into places like Vietnam and Bangladesh.
Bob MacKenzie 、前业主及经理。 私营企业自雇人士(1973-2019)
Don Cascini , former Business Owner and Manager. at Private Business Self Employed Thinker (1973-2019)
Yes, they have gained many US companies production moving from China. However, they lack port facilities and good roads. So, they will have a limited increase in business.
Don Cascini
Bill Zhang , Principal
Bill Zhang 、校长
Ashok Moza , Chemical Consultant
No. There are many contenders this time. U have Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippine, Sri Lanka and India. Vietnam will and is benefiting but then so are other countries.
Ashok Moza 、化学顾问
不会。 这次有很多竞争者。 有孟加拉国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、斯里兰卡和印度。 越南将会受益,但其他国家也会受益。
Dan Le
Vietnam is too small to ever be replacing China. Temporary China will move some business to Vietnam to avoid the tax to US but it’s still very small portions that are insignificant to compare with the real huge cheap labor China
Dan Le
越南太小了,不可能取代中国。 中国临时将把一些业务转移到越南,以避免向美国征税,但越南与中国真正庞大的廉价劳动力相比,这仍然是微不足道的一小部分。
John Brennan , former Inventor at Retired
Vietnam on its own does not have the population on its own to replace China.
John Brennan ,退休前发明家
Joel Carlson , Maintenance Worker at Cuesta Community College (1984-present)
Probably because china is trying to avoid tariffs by fingering their exports through other countries.
Joel Carlson 、 Cuesta 社区学院维修工人(1984年至今)
Lei Peng , PR Manager at XYLink (2017-present)
Are Mexico and Canada replacing the United States as China's largest trading partner?
Lei Peng ,XYLink 公关经理(2017年至今)
Tay David
Vietnam replacing China’s products into US. I dont think so. US may buy more from China but nit realizing that most factory are China invested factories.
Tay David
越南取代中国产品进入美国。 我不这么认为。 美国可能从中国购买更多的产品,因为没有意识到大多数工厂都是中国投资的工厂。
James Graham , studied Database Systems & Computer Programming
To some extent, yes. Vietnam can’t actually produce all that China does, it isn’t big enough (though it has so far gotten most of the business). Due to this, supply chains are being distributed throughout south/southeast asia.
James Graham ,研究数据库系统和计算机编程
在某种程度上,是的。 越南实际上不可能生产中国生产的所有产品,它的规模还不够大(尽管迄今为止越南已经获得了大部分业务)。 正因为如此,供应链正分布在整个南亚 / 东南亚。
Roger Shepard , former Lt. Col at U.S. Army (1975-2005)
No. The scale is all wrong.
Roger Shepard 曾任美国陆军中校(1975-2005)
George Soong , Director at Cyrus Systems Technology
We are seeing many companies moving to Vietnam. and it is possible to have a shift in where some products are sourced. But the current China position was first seen in Japan, then Taiwan. Other countries are emerging now, not just Vietnam.
George Soong ,赛勒斯系统技术总监
我们看到许多公司转移到越南。有些产品的制造来源也可能发生变化。 但中国目前的立场首先是在日本,然后是台湾。 其他国家正在崛起,不仅仅是越南。
Robert Schumacher , former Operations Sergeant, (Team Sergeant) at U.S. Army Special Forces (1974-1994)
The country is only one of several seeking a place in the new supply chain which is beginning to exclude China.
Robert Schumacher 曾任美国陆军特种部队中士(1974-1994)
Wenhe Lu , Modeling Actuary (2016-present)
Wenhe Lu 、建模精算师(2016年至今)