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文章原始标题:China flipping switch on its first 5G networks

内容简介:据中国新华社报道,5G商业服务目前已在包括北京、上海、广州和深圳在内的50个中国城市提供。 5G领域是关键战场之一。特朗普早些时候说:“5G的比赛已经开始了,美国必须赢。”

5G commercial services are now available in 50 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, state-backed publication Xinhua reported.
The 5G space is one of the key battlegrounds.President Trump said earlier that“the race to 5G is on and America must win.” 


CHINA: We start 5G in 2019. 6G in 2029.ge
US: We plan to start 5G in 2029, China steal our T- Like:14

中国: 我们将在2019年启动5G,2029年启动6G。
美国: 我们计划在2029年启动5G,中国偷了我们的技术。

Witch Doctor
they already starting on 6g - Like:0


Mike Furst
Are Apple behind in bringing out 5G so they can steal the Chinese 5G technology ???? - Like:24


Commando Master
Apple Made in China. - Like:4


Career Guru
Most probably Apple and other US Telecom companies will steal Chinese tech. - Like:1


Sivakrishna T
this is game changing because this is the first time China closed the gap with the 1st world countries in launching advanced wireless communicatios. - Like:29


helena russel
Sivakrishna T... china is now a first world economy by any measure.. just look at their cities.. the US in contrast is rapidly descending into the thirdworld you talked about.. you should visit skid row and tent city in Seattle.. US airport looks like Chinese bus station.. and Chinese airports looks like something the US can only dream about.. the Chinese has 30,000 kilometre of advance high speed train.. the US has none of that.. when the petrodollar collapses it will be on part with India.. - Like:8

...无论以何种标准衡量,中国现在都是世界第一经济体... 看看他们的城市...相比之下,美国正迅速陷入你所说的第三世界。你应该去西雅图的贫民窟和帐篷城看看... 美国机场看起来就像中国的公交车站,而中国的机场看起来像是美国梦寐以求的东西。中国拥有30000公里的高速列车,而美国0公里... 当石油美元崩溃时,印度也有部分责任...

Turtlesoup 81
russel No, China is not considered an developed country yet. There is no hard definition of ward is developed or developing but if you look at GDP per capita China is a middle income country and its human development index is not even in the top 50 yet. While what you said about infrastructure is true, you also need to consider the size and population of China. There are still parts of China that are still under developed but developing fast. Its financial system is still a mess but also maturing steadily even though part of it is more advanced than developed countries. Give it another decade or so and it might be qualified as developed country. - Like:6

不,中国还不算是一个发达国家。发达国家和发展中国家没有明确的定义,但是如果你看人均 GDP,中国是一个中等收入国家,其人类发展指数甚至还没有进入前50名。 虽然你所说的基础设施是真实的,但你也需要考虑中国的规模和人口。 中国仍有部分地区处于欠发达地区,虽然发展迅速。中国的金融体系仍然一团糟,但也在稳步走向成熟,尽管中国的部分金融体系比发达国家更为先进。 再给它十年左右的时间,它就有资格成为发达国家。

Jon Noodles
the railroad crashes they cover up too lol... My Chinese friend told me once something like this "don't believe what China shows, but only what China does" thats a wise saying wouldn't you say so? - Like:0

我的中国朋友曾经对我说过这样的话“不要相信中国表现出来的,要相信中国做出来的” ,这是一个明智的说法,你不这样认为吗?

William Limarjo
When China dont have 3G, they didnt hesitate buying from the west. They didnt afraid of being spied by the US or by Nokia or Ericsson.
Now, when China has 5G the west suddenly afraid of being spied by China.
When the west lose the race/competition, they bring political issue on it. - Like:140

当中国没有3G 时,他们毫不犹豫地从西方购买。他们不怕被美国、诺基亚或爱立信监视。
现在,当中国拥有5G 网络时,西方突然害怕被中国监视。

Sasa Princip
Won't help Them, cause they are soon to be taken to the cleaners... - Like:1


Vincent Theo
Not just political, it's also racial. The US-China conflict is multifaceted. - Like:14

不仅仅是政治问题,还有种族问题。 中美冲突是多方面的。

Actually before the age of mobile, China already bring in 8foreign telecom vendors while China had 0 company in this field. While after nearly 30years effort, Huawei and ZTE catch up and even supass, American start acting cry babies. - Like:9


good point! that's so true - Like:1


The US is a Cry Baby - Like:1


KM Hossain
In every single word they said you can feel the jealousy! - Like:10


nyann cat
Meanwhile we in the us sitting here with LTE - Like:7

与此同时,我们坐在这里,使用 LTE 技术

China has 5G and America have 5 eyes. - Like:103


TS Choong
5G =50,000 eyes. - Like:2


Daniel Cockerill
I'll keep our 5 eyes. But I'm an Aussie, we don't do bad things - Like:0


Daniel Cockerill yeah. Your ancestors took over the real Aussies land. No bad things. - Like:0


Remember when one time Nokia was on of the biggest phone company? In 10 years people will say that about Iphone also - Like:7


troy ma
China build useful technology and road,United States bomb the lives people and building - Like:5


Damian Bowyer
Apple no longer the Low-Hanging Fruit, with Huawei Dramatically Expanding in Asia. - Like:27


5G ?LOL In china most people start talking about 6G, thats so yesterday - Like:7


Aaron Venema
I live in China, the phone service is okay here, nothing special. Internet is kinda slow to be honest. - Like:0

我住在中国,这里的手机服务还可以,没什么特别的。 说实话,互联网有点慢。

Huawei no longer needs US hardware. Already shifted 70% of its supply chain away from the US. - Like:67

华为不再需要美国的硬件了。他们已经将70% 的供应链从美国转移出去了。

Style Points
US doesnt need more spies - Like:2


Vidya Sagar Rao
USA is now no 5G and in a few years it will be last - racism and discrimination will take them down the drain. is this the beginning of the end of the American Empire? - Like:15


Michael L.
God is in the side of America, that’s why we’re the richest, strongest and best country by far on earth. Go back to your mud hut. - Like:0


L. hallelujah to that!! and pray to Almighty that F35 and Boeing 737 Max doesn't keep falling out of the sky :-) - Like:10

哈利路亚!!并向上帝祈祷F35和波音737max不要一直从天上掉下来 : -)

Geo H
Trump is happy. Tweeter doesnt need 5G. - Like:8


Dave Anderson
Depends on if they stole the right plans or not. - Like:0


uchechi mathew
When President Trump was busy pushing America to 5G, but he is being disturbed and distracted along the line by the Leftist.. - Like:1

当特朗普总统忙于将美国推向5G 时,他却被左翼分子搞得心烦意乱...

grimm reaper
US asked CISCO and other company to compete in 5G. they refused. why would they invest money into a product that its competitors already have the bulk of the market? - Like:32


John Chen
Can Chinese company keep up with demand? Lol. You should ask Apple about that question... - Like:5

中国公司能跟上需求吗? 哈哈。你应该问问苹果公司这个问题....

Samuel Mbengu
when they deploy 5G out there but everyone forgets how dangerous it is - Like:0


Hullo Pillow
The era of US led world order is over. - Like:1


No worries, At&t has 5Ge! - Like:1


American 5G is actually 4G turbocharged to 4.5G, so round off the figure to 5G to sound better. - Like:0

美国的5G 实际上是4G用涡轮增压到4.5G,然后把这个数字四舍五入到5G,听起来更好听。

Bill L
China already patented a 6G logo!!! - Like:16

中国已经申请了6G 专利! ! !

'What doesn't kill Huawei will only make it stronger' - Like:0


Yong Zhou
129 RMB per month includes 30GB of data plan and 500minutes of phone time. 18.5USD is acceptable. - Like:23


bro,5G——30GB=Two days - Like:1


Yong Zhou
more like two minutes - Like:1


Louis Wu
in big city, in China 4g is unlimited. I think when run out of 5g, phones will switch to 4g. - Like:2


At&t will have 6G E tomorrow. - Like:1


Kris Kris
CHINA switch on 5G revolution worldwide.
USA is struggling to catch up. - Like:24


Bee be Cee
Huawei offered Apple the 5G chip, they may consider. - Like:0

华为向苹果提供5G 芯片,他们可能会考虑的。

US-Zionist Honey
here in US, we insisted say 4G lte as 5G ridiculous... - Like:41

在美国,我们坚持认为4G lte就是5G 的荒谬说法。

American is so afraid of Huawei that they have to kidnap huawei owner's daughter and detain her in Canada LOL - Like:9


tintin snowy
here in Australia we are using adsl2(2G or 3G) and we still paying for it cos there is no choice. - Like:0

在澳大利亚,我们使用ADSL2(2G或3G) ,而且我们仍在为此付费,因为我们别无选择。

Tired AF
snowy adsl2 >.> havent heard that shit for a decade - Like:1

ADSL2 >.> 我已经有十年没听过这玩意儿了。

Katie Adams
Well, hopefully they made sure 5G signals are safe - Like:0


Huawei is a giant ICT company making phone is just its hobby ,I think Apple has almost no chance to win 5G technology race - Like:2

华为是一家制造手机的巨型 ICT 公司,我认为苹果几乎没有赢得5G 技术竞赛的机会

Forget 5G-many parts of the US are still on 3G!!(the US is behind Europe, and the far East in mobile technology) - Like:1


Yeah, Chinese stole our 5G technology from 2029 and used it in 2019. - Like:0


Nobu Francis
China forges ahead. They are determined to achieve their dream of China 2025 which is unrivalled technology dominance. - Like:26

中国正在向前迈进。 他们决心实现他们的中国制造2025的梦想,这是无与伦比的技术主导地位。

Wendy Peppercorn
China’s plan to have unrivaled surveillance dominance - Like:0


K C Koay
Sadly, Washington today is gripped by fear, swamped by incompetent bigots, and besieged in excessive self-pity and self-absorbed unhappiness. The fear that it is about to lose its global supremacy and dominance, and the absence of a viable strategy to reverse the trend, has driven Washington to every underhand tactics imaginable - trying to dislodge or to contain China’s peaceful rise - instead of competing with China on a level playing field.
Imposing economic sanctions and tariffs, and using its national might, to come down on China’s technological giants, GTE and Huawei, are cases in point. Stirring up riots, and supporting separatist movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan, is another. Defame and demonise China in the international arena is yet another.
But short of a nuclear war, are these exploits sufficient to contain and displace China? The answer is: a resounding ’No’!
What then is Washington’s options moving forward?
In fact, Beijing has the answer. Strategic cooperation, engagement, and peaceful coexistence of the two great powers is not a zero-sum game.
“It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences,” said Harry S Truman. And there is no two ways about it. - Like:2

可悲的是,今天的华盛顿笼罩在恐惧之中,被无能的偏执狂淹没,被过度自怜和自私的痛苦包围。 对美国即将失去其全球霸主地位的担忧,以及缺乏可行的战略来扭转这一趋势,促使华盛顿采取了一切可以想象的卑鄙手段——试图推翻或遏制中国的和平崛起——而不是在公平的竞争环境中与中国竞争。
就是这样的例子:实施经济制裁和关税,并利用国家力量打击中国的科技巨头中兴和华为,在香港和台湾挑起骚乱,支持分裂主义运动,在国际舞台上诋毁和妖魔化中国。但是,除了核战争,这些小动作足以遏制和取代中国吗?答案是: 一个响亮的“不可能”!
哈里 · S · 杜鲁门说:“正是理解,给了我们拥有和平的能力。 当我们理解了别人的观点,他也理解了我们的观点,那么我们就可以坐下来解决我们之间的分歧”,没有别的办法。

Congrats China - Like:2


tintin snowy
Sell more weapons to Japan and Taiwan - Like:0


As the saying goes " A rotten apple spoils the barrel " - Like:0

俗话说: “一个烂苹果坏了一筐好苹果”

FreeLunch ForChildren
With 5G, u can download entire HD movie in less than 7 minutes . . . - Like:1


Daniel Cockerill
You could do that with old 4g.
5g speeds you can get 2GB a sec so a high definition movie in 20+ secs - Like:1

5G的速度,你可以达到2GB 每秒,所以在20多秒就可以下载高清电影。

John Loew
ATT n Verizon or some other US carriers ' 5 G is a faded one it us hardly after than 4G. US not instslled 5 G towers where come the 5G??
China has installed more than 20 ,000 5G towers. Huawei sold its first 5G smart phones at least several months ago. Apple will only release next year. - Like:0

ATT或者Verizon或者其他美国运营商的5G网络已经退出历史舞台,我们几乎跨不过去4G网络。 美国没有安装5G信号塔,那5G从何而来呢?
中国已经安装了超过20000座5G信号塔。华为至少在几个月前就已经销售了第一批5G 智能手机。 而苹果只会在明年发布。

Truth Hurts
US can't handle competition, therefore they go to war, what a bunch of cry babies.....the more superpowers the better option for rest of the world...US need to stand behind China, because they are the future of the new world. - Like:1

美国无法应对竞争,因此他们开战,真是一群爱哭鬼... 超级大国越多,世界其他国家的选择就越多... 美国需要支持中国,因为他们是新世界的未来。

Garth Atkinson
Wow, who would have thought that the world leader in a totalitarian society is the first to switch on totalitarian tech!! - Like:0


Dasd Da
CIA NSA : hold my beer - Like:1


Edward C Tullis
This will make it extremely easy for the government to track everyone - Like:0


Time to wrap myself in tin foil - Like:0


jim kuan
Nobody can catch up with Huawei. That is the fact. So US has no choice but to use policy to drag Huawei down to the same level with Apple and Cisco of the likes. The problem is, the rest of the world DOES NOT CARE. They just want the next biggest thing and that thing is 5G. So here we are, in a limbo to justify why we are falling behind.
If you can not beat them, just join them. If Huawei is good, recognize it and just partner with it. The BS about national security is just that, BS! Any super power can get any data as they wish. That is the fact. So get rid of that pretention and just say, "Hey, Huawei, let's do 5G. Let's do 6G. Let's just keep moving forward for a better connected world."
But of course US won't do that. It is called the FIRST COMER SYNCHROME. For some strange reasons, if you are the first comer, somehow you are entitled to get treated as #1 forever. No! You call out and you team up with others and try to rise up again! - Like:2

没有人能赶上华为,这就是事实。因此,美国别无选择,只能利用政策,将华为拉低到与苹果和思科等公司相当的水平。问题是,世界其他国家并不在乎。 他们只想要下一个最重要的东西,那就是5G。因此,我们现在处于一种不确定状态,来为我们落后的原因辩护。
如果你不能打败他们,那就加入他们。如果华为是个好公司,认识到这一点并与之合作。关于国家安全的废话,完全就是废话!任何超级大国都可以得到他们想要的任何数据,这就是事实。所以,抛开这种顾虑,直接说: “嘿,华为,我们来一起做5G吧,让我们一起来研究6G吧,让我们继续前进,创造一个更加互联互通的世界吧。”
但美国当然不会这么做的。 它被称为世界第一。出于某些奇怪的原因,如果你是第一个进来的人,不知何故,你就认为自己永远有资格得到第一名的待遇。你要大声疾呼:不!与他人合作,再次重新站起来!

5g will be a health concern until America finally gets it, if 6g hasn't been deployed in China by then....LMAO! - Like:7


Angelo Picasso
5G is for the most part usless. all hype - Like:0


Allen Clw
This is the saddest excuse I have ever heard - Like:5


teebone 21
I wish I could use a Huawei phone they are so much better quality than Apple and they cost a lot less - Like:26


mahmood chaudhry
I own a huawei P20 Pro I assure you... You'll love it ❤️ - Like:3

我有一部华为P20 Pro,我向你保证... 你会喜欢它的

I have one, mate 9 with 4000mah battery, was like $200 cheaper than a iPhone 10 when it first came out - Like:0

我有一部,配有4000毫安电池的 mate 9,刚出来的时候比 iPhone 10还便宜200美元

James B
These "experts" talking down on Apple while AAPL stock prices continues to climb. - Like:0


Geo Invest
Stolen American tech. - Like:0


JT Chen
The US don’t have any 5G capability... unless they steal the technology from Huawei, otherwise there won’t be any competition... - Like:0

美国没有任何5G的能力... 除非他们从华为偷来技术,否则就没有任何竞争...

US is scratching their Heads, the one below their waist and wondering how can we claim China stole our 5 G technology. - Like:0

美国正在挠头,想知道怎么声称中国偷了我们的5G 技术。

U.S. is so behind in 5G, U.S. can't even see the tail light of China. - Like:0


It's damn. Cancerous - Like:0


Come Ba
Good news Apple price will go down - Like:0


China's first batch of 50 cities began to use 5G services - Like:0

中国首批50个城市开始使用5G 服务

Michael L
China is cooking 6G already - Like:0

中国已经在制造6G 了

Vinu Cini
God bless China - Like:0


Why do they keep mentioning Apple? Apple doesnt have a foot in telecommunication infrastructure. They are end user access device designers and sales channel. They don’t even MAKE much of their products directly - Like:1


It should be Cisco - Like:0


Aud ience
Now US will ask and coerce Chinese to ban Huawei and 5G in China! That's the level of delusions US has. - Like:0

现在美国将要求和强迫中国,禁止在中国的华为和5G! 这就是美国人妄想症的程度。

Lutz M
Princip I don't think any nation on earth killed as many people on earth as America did for greed. - Like:7


Don't worry, USA has had 5G E, it's more than 5G. - Like:0


Simon Chang
China 5G? It's like driving a Ferrari on Santa Monica Freeway during rush hour. You will see what I mean. - Like:0


steal from the US - Like:0


Nice Guy
hahaha.. wake up dude!! - Like:0

哈哈哈. . 醒醒,朋友! !

Transcend To Zeropoint
Why isn't anyone questioning the health risks? - Like:2


Its only about health risks if its not from US. - Like:1


Because it is not an issue, no harm will be done. Research had been done to prove it. - Like:0

因为不会造成什么伤害,所以不需要质疑。 研究已经证明了这一点。

Dasd Da
because we all know it's BS from US controlled mainstream propaganda - Like:2


Wolf of Dubai Stocks Investing Channel
I don’t understand the stress,
USA will have 5G also in 2040 - Like:6


FYI: in the big cities (NY, San Fran, Boston) we already had 5g from last year, and now they're expanding the network out. - Like:0

仅供参考: 在大城市(纽约、旧金山、波士顿) ,我们去年已经有了5G网络,现在他们正在扩展网络。

Don't be so foolish. US doesn't have 5G. Your 5G is actually 4G. They changed the name so they can fool people like you. Don't be so brainwashed by your media. - Like:0


Tan So then 4g is 3g? And 3g is 2g?...you're a total cretin. - Like:0


Some US cities already have sub-6G. - Like:0


Jana Catudan
5Ge is LTE - Like:0

5Ge 是 LTE制式

Democracy 2020
Jesus love China - Like:0


Good. I'd prefer China to test 5G's harmful effects before using it here. - Like:2


Gangst Diddy
Huawei is already starting with 6G research and will be released within 10 years. Americunts will be more triggered when 6G is out - Like:22

华为已经开始进行6G 研究,并将在10年内发布。 当6G技术退出市场时,美国人的反应会更加强烈的。

Daniel Cockerill
What is 6g if we are already using millimetre waves and you need a booster every 10 m. Plus 5g doesn't go through walls.
What is 6 g based on - Like:0


Sasa Princip
In 10 years Apple will be nostalgisk...as Nokia - Like:0


David Dou
Meanwhile Trumps telling Apple to go back to the home button - Like:0


China stole American future technology - Like:12


Batatz Batatatz
Stole? Then why the americunts still lagging behind china when it comes to 5G? - Like:1

偷? 那么为什么美国在5G 方面仍然落后于中国?

He was just using sarcasm. - Like:0


Dasd Da
they are indeed exploring new sectors, to try and avoid becoming Nokia 2.0 - Like:0


Red Guard
I've been an Apple user from its iphone 4 to iphone 8, but now I quit and switch to Huawei. This is mainly thanks to Mr. Trump's free advertisement. But once I have my Huawei phone, I just can't resist to love it, much better design and easy of use than iphone. For US consumers, it is too bad that they are blocked by their government and didn't get a chance to use Huawei's phones. - Like:0

从 iphone 4到 iphone 8,我一直是苹果的用户,但现在我放弃了,转而使用华为。这主要得益于特朗普先生的免费广告。但是一旦我拥有了我的华为手机,我就情不自禁爱上了它,它的设计和使用都比 iphone 好得多。 对于美国消费者来说,被政府屏蔽没有机会使用华为的手机,这太遗憾了。

john wing kay Ip
5 eyes better than 5G - Like:1


Angel2019 Sunny
There is no 5G in USA , so why do Americans need 5G phone - Like:0


Maize jo Luther
I heard 5g is bad for human health.
Are they putting this 5g in rich districts? - Like:0


Dasd Da
your heard it right from mainstream propaganda, because USA doesnt have 5G, thye spread propaganda to prevent others from haivng it....!! funny that donald trump actually signed deal with finland for 5g tech - Like:0

你是从美国的主流宣传中听到的吧,因为美国没有5G,所以他们散布宣传来阻止别人享受它... ! ! 有趣的是特朗普竟然和芬兰签订了5G技术协议。

tintin snowy
Yeah if 5G is dangerous why would trump tell American companies to hurry up with their own 5G? Ask urself where is Iraq's WMD now - Like:1

是啊,如果5G是危险的,为什么特朗普要告诉美国公司加快推出他们自己的5G呢? 问问自己,伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器现在在哪里?

1. That is false
2. If that were the case, it was hurting Huawei more as they can not buy from us anymore. - Like:0

1. 那是假的
2. 如果是真的话,这对华为的伤害更大,因为他们再也不能从我们这里购买东西了。

sunnydays DDT
is huawei hurting, their sales are still going up . - Like:0


George Klee
AT&T has launched its 5Ge mobile network even back in Dec 2018. - Like:1


Klee Actually it is not 5G as launched by AT&T - more like enhanced 4G to be accurate - Like:4


Qlue Qlue Qlue
Americsn 5G is nothing than a 4G network with some improvements. For the US, it is already an innovation. - Like:0


shin chan
Samsung #1. South Korea first country to go 5G - Like:0


Trump had 3 years. Got nothing done about American 5g. All he does is tweet, tweet, tweet - Like:6


Boreo Kookies
Flipping the switch on for 5G will help them spy (and prevent bank runs) on their own citizens when they release their Big Brother digital currency. - Like:0


Stefan laluna
The Chines are once again ahead technologically of the USA, so Trump, Pence and their equals will once again invent another reason to intensify the "trade war" (who's only raison d'etre is to stop the advance of China) - Like:4


F Harrison
I just don't get it, why would I need 5G download speed for a phone.. I get the smart car and connectivity etc, but for phone , I need 5G ? - Like:4

我就是不明白,为什么我的手机需要5G的下载速度... 我有了智能汽车连通等,但对于手机,我需要5G?

Robert Henderson
I'm so happy i dont live in a 5G area. I dont need the cancers that are associated with it. - Like:2

我很高兴我不住在5G的地区。 我不需要与之相关的癌症。

Chris Chris
They all focusing on a single product when Apple is developing many products behind the scenes.. some of which we cannot even comprehend of the concept of. - Like:2

当苹果在幕后开发许多产品时,他们都专注于单一产品... 其中一些我们甚至无法理解。

Yeah sure.... $999 for a monitor stand. Definitely a great innovative concept of getting more money out of your pocket. - Like:0

没错... 一个显示器支架999美元。绝对是一个伟大的创新概念,让更多的钱从你的口袋飞走。

Lutz M
Apple is only good at stealing intellectual property from other companies like Qualcomm and never pay for what it stole. - Like:0


Joe zhifu
After clearly losing the 5G technology , Trump will conclude that America can do without it. Or declare 4.1 G as 5 G. - Like:2


Rd G
Apple phones are so ugly who wants that huge notch - Like:0


Shame on Huawei - should be banned for going into the future to steal American 5G technologies from the year 2050. - Like:4


George Klee
LOL - Like:0


shin chan
South korea: we done did it - Like:1


Maxine N
shin chan They done did it on a much smaller scale. It’s like comparing building a two-storey house with building a skyscraper. - Like:0


5g in South Korea is very bad, very slow - Like:0


Lutz M
South Korea still has 100% 5G coverage across the whole country. - Like:0

韩国仍然在全国范围内拥有100% 的5G覆盖率。

Eric wos
South Korea too tiny country to be noticed - Like:0


Gordon Welford
China are not just technology leader they are world leaders in quantum computing, they have a quantum communications satellite, that means uncrackable encryption, even with a quantum computer. How did they get here? Well the world handed over a great deal of their manufacturing capability to China, which gave them the funds to do whatever they want, you paid for it people! And you're going to keep paying for it, it's too late now. - Like:1

中国不仅仅是技术领导者,他们还是量子计算领域的世界领导者,他们有一颗量子通信卫星,这意味着拥有不可破解的加密技术,即使使用量子计算机也无法破解。他们是怎么达到这程度的呢? 好吧,世界把大量的制造能力交给了中国,这给了他们资金去做任何他们想做的事情,而你却为这些人买单!你还要继续为此付出代价,现在已经太晚了。

Lutz M
Chinese are just more clever than you and that's the truth - Like:2


James Lum
Gordon Welford ....sour grapes like you will just wither with envy and frustration. - Like:2

... 像你这样吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的人,只会因嫉妒沮丧而堕落。

wori lek
USA is Just like movies hero never die.its ok to die peaceful.for the world. - Like:0
