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文章原始标题:What will happen when China becomes the most powerful country?
国外来源地址: https://www.quora.com/What-will-happen-when-China-becomes-the-most-powerful-country

内容简介:世界会变得更美好。 说到成为地球上最强大的国家,我想你的意思是中国正在取代美国成为世界超级大国。 中国自古以来就是一个爱好和平的国家。 近年来,他们已经证明了这一点,中国更倾向于用金钱解决问题,而

Charlie Armstrong , studies at South Iredell High School (2021)
The world would be a better place.
By saying strongest country on Earth, I’m going to assume you mean that China is replacing the United States as the world superpower.
China, throughout its existence, has been known to be a peaceful nation. In recent years, they have shown that the Chinese prefers to resolve matters with money, instead of warfare.
It is bred into Chinese culture to be respectful, and keep a level of privacy. I suspect if China were to be the most influential and powerful nation on Earth, the world would be a more peaceful place. The United States, as much as I love it, undeniably likes to get itself into wars with foreign countries, which they say is for humanitarian reasons, which on the surface may be true, but at the same time they are fighting against people that disagree with them.

Charlie Armstrong 在美国南德瑞尔高中学习(2021年)
中国自古以来就是一个爱好和平的国家。 近年来,他们已经证明了这一点,中国更倾向于用金钱解决问题,而不是用战争。
尊重他人,保持一定程度的隐私是中国文化的一部分。 我想,如果中国成为世界上最有影响力和最强大的国家,世界将会变得更加和平。 美国,尽管我很喜欢它,但不可否认的是,美国喜欢卷入与外国的战争,他们说这是出于人道主义的原因,表面上可能是真的,但与此同时,他们正在与不同意他们意见的人作开战。

China, with their large amounts of wealth, would be able to choke off nations they dislike or disagree with by placing sanctions on them. With China’s massive market share in world production and total exports, this is likely to massively hurt the country’s economy.
China, unlike the US, doesn’t care much to spread their ideology to other countries, they just let the money flow between the two countries. This would cause for many less unnecessary wars declared on foreign countries, making the world a more peaceful place, and doesn’t that make it better for everyone?


In a way she already is… Since its the only civilization on Earth that has made from the Neolithic era without collapsing (5000 years old)… Indians came close, but thanks to the British they got colonized.
So in essence they are the best placed to show the world what it takes to survive through the millennium. Something no other countries in the world can brag about, not even the US.
To understand this, we must first know that there are many forms of powers and therefore strengths. The US has a military power, but there were many other nations in the past that had such powers; The Greek, Persians, Romans, Ottomans and so forth, all came and go. Its why that soft power of cultural resilience is in my book the only true form of power, as, in the case of China, it has pass the test of times. No other powers can match this…
China soft power is that it is the first Meritocracy in history. Their Leaders are builders who have helped build their Nation.

在某种程度上她已经是了最强大的国家了... 因为它是地球上唯一一个从新石器时代开始一直连续的文明(5000年前)... 印度也很接近,但是多亏了英国人,他们被殖民了。

Madezhi Zhang
Nothing serious, as I see.
Maybe much better for the world.
You know, China was the most powerful country in the world for thousands of years, and Chinese government (those dynasties and those emperors) really knew that.
And do you know what happened during those years?
Chinese emperor said: The whole world is mine! (普天之下,莫非王土) All the human beings are my people! (率土之滨,莫非王臣)
That’s all.
Believe me, that’s all. They did nothing to make it sure, even after the industrial revolution that all European countries were more powerful than China, they still believed they are the emperor of the world.
If you are a small country and say “you are my emperor” to them, and then you say you are poor. They will say: I will not let my people to be poor.
Then they will give you money…
We know that in the international business, a richer country gives money to a poorer country is a very powerful way to do something.

Madezhi Zhang
中国皇帝说: 整个世界都是我的! (普天之下,莫非王土)所有的人都是我的人! (率土之滨,莫非王臣)仅此而已。相信我,仅此而已。即使在工业革命之后,所有的欧洲国家都比中国强大,他们仍然相信自己是世界的皇帝。

However, for the ancient China, they didn’t want to do anything. They just wanted to give you money……that was great, and almost all of the countries around China did this before, no matter if they were real poor or rich and powerful.
If China becomes much stronger and much more powerful than all the rest of the countries in the world, that means nothing, or means China will give money to all other countries.
And yes, this is Chinese policy. From Mr. Deng, He said:
Someone becomes rich first, and then helps other ones to become rich.

然而,对于古代的中国,他们什么也不想做。他们只是想给你钱... 这很好,几乎中国周围的所有国家以前都这么做过,不管他们是真正的穷人还是富人还是有权有势的人。

Edward Browning , studied at Rutgers University
If you check out the history of China, you'll realize that the country just doesn't have the tradition of invading other countries or the territories beyond those areas that always belong to China. The only exception was Yuan Dynasty, when the country was taken over by a regime of Mongolian culture, while soon Mongolian people assimilated to the major culture, same as what other minority nationalities did in Chinese history. The major culture, i.e. the Han culture, however, never supports invasion. As many answers mention above, the whole Chinese culture is composed by many ideologies, such as Confucian, Taoism, Buddhism and many other cultures. All of those most influential ideologies are against war and tyranny. If China becomes much stronger and more powerful than all the rest of the countries, (and soon it will, in like several decades, just think about the huge amount of population and all those people become highly educated, talented and rich), it will never do aggression on other nations but help those countries that need help in terms of infrastructures and others technologies, and actively contributes to a better and more peaceful world. Nevertheless, the country will keep demanding respects concerning the fundamental issues, i.e. its own national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Edward Browning ,就读于美国新泽西州立罗格斯大学
如果你看看中国的历史,你会发现这个国家并没有侵略其他国家或领土的传统,这些领土一直属于中国。唯一的例外是元朝,当时国家被蒙古文化政权所接管,但蒙古人很快就像中国历史上其他少数民族一样被主流文化所同化。然而主流文化,即汉文化,从不支持入侵行为。正如这里许多答案所提到的,整个中国文化是由许多意识形态组成的,如儒家、道家、佛教和许多其他文化。 所有这些最有影响力的意识形态都反对战争和暴政。如果中国变得比其他国家更强大得多(很快了,差不多几十年的时间,只要想想中国庞大的人口数量,所有这些人都受过高等教育,有才华且富有) ,中国将永远不会侵略其他国家,而是帮助那些在基础设施和其他技术方面需要帮忙的国家,积极地为一个更美好、更和平的世界做出贡献。尽管如此,中国将继续要求尊重一些基本问题,比如国家主权和领土完整。

James Hale , Love geography and histoy and even human politics -a little
Despite the chinese national character for reasonableness and soft power, if China became the World's most powerful nation or gang, it would see its inevitable corrupting both internally and externally.We humans haven't yet developed a good way of exercising or even posessing power.For thousands of years now human power has to a large extent been based on coercion or fear, weather this be in the religious, economic or political spheres. Hence the great positive contributions many power centers have given the world in culture and science.But like Golum in the Lord of the Rings, the longer you hold the Ring of Power the more its necessities corrupt you.Look at my own country the US. We now spend on millitary defense alone more than the net income of all US. corporations combined.We have millions of homeless.Schools don't have enough support.Across the whole continent our infrastructure is not updated or beginning to crumble. Our economy chronically underserves a third of the nation. All this occuring while we become prone to murderous fool's errands like the Iraq War Crime.It is not safe to become Top Dog untill humanity somehow learns how to do power right instead of wrong.

James Hale 、喜欢地理和历史,甚至有一点点喜欢人类政治
尽管中国具有理性和软实力的民族特征,但如果中国成为世界上最强大的国家或组织,可能将会看到其不可避免的内外腐败。几千年来,人类的力量在很大程度上是建立在强迫或恐惧的基础上的,无论是在宗教、经济还是政治领域。因此,许多权力中心在文化和科学方面对世界做出了巨大的积极贡献。但是就像《指环王》中的戈卢姆一样,你拿着魔戒的时间越长,它的需要就越腐蚀你。 看看我自己的国家美国,我们现在单单用于军事防御的开支就超过了全美国的净收入。我们有数百万无家可归的人,没有很好的支持学校教育。在整个大陆,我们的基础设施没有更新。我们的经济增长长期低于第三世界国家。所有这一切,都发生在我们倾向于像伊拉克战争罪那样杀人不眨眼的蠢事之后。在人类学会如何正确而不是错误地行使权力之前,成为领头羊是不安全的。

Imran Roy
Well, I think (and it’s very subjective) that if China becomes the strongest country on Earth … only few things will change.
China has never been a militarily aggressive country and their foreign policy is rooted in the Tao philosophy of “doing great things by doing nothing”. Their chess depicts their collective mindset about domination: not through force (unlike western/international chess) but through control and authority.
If/when China becomes the strongest (both militarily and economically) country on Earth, there would initially be a great risk of Chinese foreign policy deviating from its classical Tao approach and taking the path of aggressive western mindset. However, if China survives this time and continues its Taoist foreign policy, it will achieve its goals by apparently “doing nothing”.
The only possible military action China will take would be to take full control of the South China Sea. That’s all. Beyond that, it will try to strengthen its foothold in international politics and influence by economically and technologically supporting and financing other countries, instead of destabilizing them. China will wage a war only if it or its ally nations are invaded first by others.

Imran Roy
嗯,我认为(这是非常主观的) ,如果中国成为地球上最强大的国家... 只有很少的事情会改变。
如果当中国成为地球上最强大的国家(无论是军事上还是经济上) ,中国的外交政策很有可能最初会偏离传统的道家思想,走上西方侵略性思想的道路。然而,如果中国能挺过这段时间,并继续其道家式的外交政策,它将通过明显的“无为而治”来实现其目标。
中国唯一可能采取的军事行动会是完全控制南海,仅此而已。 除此之外,它将试图通过在经济和技术上支持和资助其他国家,而不是破坏这些国家的稳定,来加强其在国际政治中的立足点和影响力。只有当中国或其盟国,首先受到其他国家的侵略时,中国才会发动战争反击。

T.A. Aadithya , lives in Rome, Italy
Thats not happening in the near future. China has overtaken the united states economically, but in terms of military might although it is a force to be reckoned with , it has not yet reached United states level of military sophistication. The united states spends more on defense than the rest of the countries including china combinedI actually believe that notions such as " The strongest nation " or " Superpower" will become less and less used in the future.With the United states influence in the world going down due to the rise of asian and african countries atleast in their respective regions . I Believe there wont be a strongest nation term applied to any country.Instead multiple power blocks like BRIC alliance , African alliance,  Asean Alliance and so on will keep the balance so that no military or economic power including china goes on to dominate the world .PEACE

T.A. Aadithya 住在意大利的罗马
这种情况在不久的将来是不会发生的。中国在经济上已经超过了美国,但是在军事实力上,虽然它有一支不可忽视的力量,但是它还没有达到美国的军事水平。美国在国防上的开支比其他国家还要多,包括中国。实际上我相信像“最强大的国家”或“超级大国”这样的概念,在将来会越来越少使用。 美国在世界上的影响力由于亚洲和非洲国家的崛起而下滑,至少在他们各自的地区是这样。我相信没有任何国家适用于“最强大的国家”这术语,相反,像金砖四国、非洲联盟、东盟等多个力量集团将保持平衡,因此,包括中国在内的任何军事或经济强国都不会继续主宰世界。愿和平。

Christopher Briggs
Trace your finger around the Tropic of Capricorn and you will find the presence of China, through investment, in virtually every country you pass through. China is the major power behind many nations who keep the presence of its eastern benefactor a relatively low profile on the world stage, with most of the attention on China itself. Its like an anonymous investor buying shares into companies

Christopher Briggs

Michael Agyeman
Well, I guess nothing really. China doesn't flex it muscle outside of its direct sphere of influence and tends to be more of a ‘sleeping dragon’ than a creator of a world order as is the United States. In many ways, China already is the strongest country on earth at the moment. Their production has reached more households than you can imagine and currently they hold even America by the financial balls. Their military is massive,and nobody is quite sure how technically developed their weaponry is but it will surely be formidable as they have made huge advances over the past years.

Michael Agyeman
好吧,我想不会有什么变化。中国不会在其势力范围之外伸出自己的手臂,更倾向于成为一条沉睡的巨龙,而不是像美国一样成为世界秩序的创造者。在许多方面,中国已经是目前世界上最强大的国家。 他们的产品已经进入了你无法想象的家庭数量,而且目前他们甚至掌控着美国的金融业。 他们的军队很庞大,没有人确切知道他们的武器技术是如何发展的,但肯定很强大,因为他们在过去几年取得了巨大的进步。

George Thomas (Ted) McNabb , Security/Technology/History consultant
About the same thing that happened when “Rome” because much stronger and much more powerful than all the rest of the countries in the world”.
And about the same thing that happened when “Britain” because much stronger and much more powerful than all the rest of the countries in the world”.
And about the same thing that happened when “America” because much stronger and much more powerful than all the rest of the countries in the world”.
Possibly the greatest similarity would be to “Rome” because (over simplification warning) the Romans simply didn’t care how other people lived (as “The Roman Way” was so “obviously” superior and those other people were so “obviously” inferior) as long as those other people paid their taxes on time and in full. Like the Romans, (over simplification warning) the Chinese simply didn’t care how other people lived (as “The Chinese Way” is so “obviously” superior and those other people are so “obviously” inferior).

George Thomas (Ted) McNabb 、安全/ 技术 / 历史顾问
不过中国可能跟罗马有最大的相似之处,因为罗马人根本不关心其他人的生活方式(因为罗马的方式“明显”很优越,而其他人“明显”很劣等) ,只要求其他人按时缴纳税款。就像罗马人一样,中国人根本不在乎其他人的生活方式。

Oleg Krestovcev
Well consider the following-Right now China is strongest country in the world by many terms,like industrial potential and possibility to improve and improvise on the go (Chinese are awsome with that-they live up with the odds that are against them and eventually improve them). However-in terms of militatry power unless something extremly unlikely like mergeing with Russia.

Oleg Krestovcev

Stuart Hagler , works at Oregon Health & Science University
China has been the strongest country on earth in the past. I don't think the culture has changed too much since then. I'd wager that it'd largely behave about the same way.
However, China does strike outsiders as a bit expansionistic lately, particularly the South China Sea. This comes down to China's need for access to oil.
Oil is kind of important. It basically triggered much of WWII (Japan started the war in the Pacific with the US and UK due to issues about access to oil, and Germany invaded the Soviet Union to get to oil fields).
I imagine that you'd see China act to secure access to oil for its own internal needs, but that it would otherwise exercise its power more subtly.

Stuart Hagler ,在俄勒冈健康与科学大学工作

Wenlong Lyu , PhD candidate Microelectronics, Fudan University (2019)
Just one fact, if the per capita oil consumption of China is as much as the US, then we need all the oil the world can produce now.
If China is really as strong as you said, then the world must have experienced another technology revolution, maybe about artificial intelligence, maybe controlled nuclear fusion.
So the conclusion is, if there is no significant breakthrough of technology, China can’t be that strong, otherwise, everyone in the world would benefit from the technology revolution.

Wenlong Lyu ,微电子博士生,复旦大学(2019)

Ciprian Dumitrescu
It will not be the first time that China will be the most powerfull country in the world.
BUT, I can’t guess what the futur will be. So anything is possible.

Ciprian Dumitrescu
但是,我猜不出未来会是什么样子。 所以一切皆有可能。

William Ranger , works at Austria, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix AZ
We will barely know it.
In science, and technology discovery, there are already Chinese names in the mix very frequently.

William Ranger 在奥地利,洛杉矶,圣地亚哥,亚利桑那州凤凰城工作

Robert J. Kolker
Our American pride might suffer a bit, but a practical, pragmatic China would not be a bad thing for the world.  We, here in the U.S.,  could learn to live with it.  Besides the Chinese will be picking up American products once they solve their internal economic and population problems.  We, no doubt, will be picking up some of their customs and habits. 

Robert J. Kolker
我们的美国自豪感可能会受到一些影响,但一个更务实的中国对世界来说并不是一件坏事。 在美国,我们可以学着适应它。 此外,一旦中国人解决了国内的经济和人口问题,他们就会选择购买美国产品。毫无疑问,我们将学习他们的一些风俗和习惯。

Javier Santiago Arenas , Freelancer. at Freelancing (2017-present)
China will be like United States but in a softer way, because Chine behaves like a regional power.

Javier Santiago Arenas ,自由职业者(2017年至今)

Talis Pähn
No overly dramatic changes... they like their own land and business by culture.Just replace the positions of the U.S. and China and there you have it. Russia might shrink a little, though....

不会有太大的变化... 他们喜欢自己的土地和商业文化。 只要替换美国和中国的位置,就可以知道了。不过俄罗斯可能会缩小一点...

Sachin Salaria
Indian Would Be one of its ally for sure!!

印度肯定会成为它的盟友! !

Frank Covino
They would be the butt of all jokes from the rest of the world. It’s natural to critisize authority and someone will always disagree with what they do. That’s what the US is facing right now as the world’s superpower.

Frank Covino

For the past 4000 years China has been the world's richest and most powerful country
200 years in modern times was an accident
So your question can refer to past history


Fred Huang , 26 years being Chinese
"It is time for us to remove Japan from the Earth"...Forget about it, I'm just kidding. Regarding that we Chinese always believe in the doctrine "we wont attack until we are attacked"..So just relax, we won't be a threat , we are peace lover :)

Fred Huang 26岁的中国人
“是时候让我们把日本从地球上抹除了”... 别在意,我只是开个玩笑。关于这一点,我们中国人一贯奉行“人不犯我,我不犯人”的原则。所以放松点,我们不是威胁,我们是和平爱好者。:)

Celle Van Giel , studied at Technical College Mechanic (1968)
You don't have to ask this question, China is economically the strongest. But a lot of it is hidden in the ownership of companies. You would be surprised if you knew. So just look around.

Celle Van Giel ,技术学院机械系就读(1968)
你不必问这个问题,中国已经是经济最强大的国家了。但其中很大一部分隐藏在公司的所有权中。 如果你知道的话,你会很惊讶的。看看你的周围吧。

Michael Agyeman
I kind of think that has already happened,the world may as well start getting used to their economic dominance. Start learning the language friend


Quora User
The greatest news ever for the world.


Thanks to China, things like smartphones, laptops, washing machine, electrical appliances etc. which were previously only within the reach of white people are now available to non white people as well. Can you imagine how much it would cost to buy a smartphone if produced by country other than China? Could an African ever dream of affording a smartphone or laptop or TV, had these things been not made in China. The world was like that in 80s when everything was made in white majority countries. And life in rest of the world was like hell, literally hell. Non white people had to struggle for even two meals a day. Electronic gadgets were luxuries. Travelling around the world was like a dream for non white people. Just look at the things China still doesn't produce. Airplanes, which are almost exclusively produced in the USA -an overwhelming majority of worlds non white people is still too poor to afford air travel. China also doesn’t produce cars - car ownership is still the highest in the USA and Europe and other white countries and the lowest in non white countries barring a few exceptions. Anything China doesn’t produce and white people have monopoly over is out of reach for 85% of the people of the world. China is good at making trains (something the USA doesn't produce at all) and today even an ordinary Ethiopian can afford to ride train. Countries like Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, North Korea etc. have trains and the ordinary citizen of those countries can afford to ride those trains. Trains are the most used means of transport in almost all developing countries. This is not a one off thing. Today anything and everything white people have a monopoly over, is well and truly out of the rich of a vast majority of the world’s non white people. Be it be, medicine of cancer and aids, or university education, or vehicle ownership, or just about everything else. Therefore, China's rise is bound to be very very bad for white people all over the world. White people who became rich by denying basic human rights and extremely exploiting non white people for centuries are therefore scared shitless of China’s rise. Anything China touches brings about an end in the monopoly of white people over that thing. Solar panels, now affordable to even Africans and South Asians. Mobile penetration - above 80% in india, China, Africa.

你可以看看中国还没有大量生产的东西,飞机几乎完全由美国生产,世界上绝大多数非白人仍然太穷了,负担不起乘坐飞机的旅行。中国也没有大量生产汽车——汽车拥有量仍然是美国、欧洲和其他白人国家中最高的,除了少数例外,其他非白人国家中汽车拥有量是最低的。对于世界上85% 的人来说,任何中国没有生产的而白人垄断的东西,都是遥不可及的。中国擅长制造火车(这是美国根本不生产的东西),今天,即使是一个普通的埃塞俄比亚人也能负担得起火车。像阿富汗、土库曼斯坦、津巴布韦、朝鲜等国家都有火车,这些国家的普通公民也能够负担得起这些火车。火车是几乎所有发展中国家最常用的交通工具,这不是一次性的东西。
今天,世界上绝大多数白人富人垄断了所有东西。 无论是治疗癌症和艾滋病的药物,大学教育,拥有车辆,还是其他一切。 因此,中国的崛起势必对全世界的白人造成非常非常不利的影响。几个世纪以来,白人通过否认基本人权和极度剥削非白人而致富,因此他们对中国的崛起感到非常恐惧。任何与中国有关的东西都会终结白人对这种东西的垄断。太阳能电池板,现在甚至非洲人和南亚人都能买得起。手机普及率——在印度、中国和非洲超过80% 。

The biggest benefactor of rise of China would be non white people. The balance of power will shift from countries with majority white people to countries with non white people. China's rise will force white people to accept that non white people are as equal as white people.
Today what you see in the USA is an attempt by white people to still keep non white people marginalized and backwards. White people elected Trump with the hope of saving their colonial white privileges. They still hope to maintain monopoly over certain things and resources, and thus keep those things out of reach of non white people. Things like right to vote, equal opportunity for jobs and citizenship. Rights enjoyed by all white immigrants from Europe who migrated here illegally while still denied to even legal muslim or Chinese immigrants.

今天你在美国看到的是,白人仍然试图让非白人被边缘化和倒退。白人选择特朗普是希望保留他们殖民时期的白人特权。 他们仍然希望保持对某些东西和资源的垄断,从而使这些东西远离非白人。 比如投票权,平等和工作机会和公民权利。这些权利是所有非法移民到这里的欧洲白人移民享有的,即使是合法的穆斯林或中国移民也没有这些权利。

China's rise if not anything else will at least bring about a change in attitude of all white people who still somehow deep down believe that white people are good people (completely forgetting all the crimes committed by their forefathers in the past like occupation of territories like USA, Canada and Australia) which history proves they are not. White people will have no choice but to accept the crimes of their forefathers and be ready to compete with non whites on an equal footing. White people will have to realize that if Chinese work harder than them then the Chinese deserve to live better than them. Just whining about China’s rise will not be enough to save their white privileges. Nor will employing extremely racist policies like ‘white Australia policy’, ‘or using words like Chinese American for American immigrants for China but just American for white immigrants’, or usage of terms like Yellow peril or Communist Chinese. Can you for one second imagine what the outrage it would be if countries around the world employed ‘visas for only non-white people’ policy like Australia?

中国的崛起至少会改变所有白人的态度,他们在内心深处仍然相信白人是一群好人(完全忘记了他们的祖先在过去犯下的所有罪行,比如占领美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等领土) ,而历史证明他们并不是什么善人。白人将别无选择,只能接受他们祖先的罪行,并准备在平等的基础上与非白人竞争。白人必须意识到,如果中国人比他们更努力工作,那么中国人就应该比他们的生活更好。仅仅抱怨中国的崛起并不足以拯救他们的白人特权,也无法使用极端的种族主义政策,比如‘白澳政策',或者用‘美籍华人'来称呼中国移民到美国的人,而用‘美国人'来称呼白人移民。 你能想象一下,如果世界各地的国家像澳大利亚那样实行“只给非白人发放签证”的政策,会有多愤怒吗?

China's rise will force the rest of the world to take a closer look at history and make them ponder has justice truly been served?
China's rise will make people question ‘why should China not colonize and treat white people in Britain like pigs for 3 centuries, occupy London like they occupied Hongkong for 100 years and force opium business over them like they did against China?
China's rise has the potential to change everything. It could change the way we look at history. It could make us realize white people and their descendants shouldn’t even be in the lands now called the USA, Canada and Australia, in the first place.


Jiangchen Kobe , studied at Ocean University of China
Chinese cuisine would be more authentic in other countries

Jiangchen Kobe ,就读于中国海洋大学