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文章原始标题:The New Silk Road, Part 1: From China to Pakistan


Emmanuel Hitilasha
"When China was a global power" , China is a global power! - Like:111


Nerium Oleander
The world is always dynamically changing, the silk road is already showing it effects. - Like:1


This video is so clearly biased and pessimistic in its outlook. beautiful scenery. poor journalism. When the west does it, it's called 'creative destruction' and 'security'. when the east does it, it's called 'disaster'. who says racism is dead? - Like:94


Zulfiqar Zulfiqar
As a Pakistani we sees most of Pakistanis are working in cpec only some of them are from China and china help us to get rid of trouble also due to roads tourism is rising so fast and also buildings economic zones to promote industrialization we respect China - Like:352


Will Y
China has helped third-world countries build infrastructure, but the West has accused it of aggression and expansion. These infrastructure constructions outweigh the disadvantages. However, the West only sees the unfavorable side but turns a blind eye to the favorable side. For example, an engineering project that requires immigration is, of course, inconvenient for those who are immigrants. However, after the project is completed, it will greatly promote local economic development and is very beneficial to the country and local people. As for the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway, it was built long before the “Belt and Road” was proposed. This road is of great significance to both Pakistan and China.- Like:65

中国帮助第三世界国家建设基础设施,但西方指责中国侵略和扩张。这些基础设施建设利大于弊。 然而,西方只看到了不利的一面,而对有利的一面视而不见。例如,一个需要人们移居的工程项目当然带来不便。 但是,项目建成后,将极大地促进当地经济发展,对国家和当地人民都非常有利。至于中巴友谊公路,早在“一带一路”计划提出之前就已经建成了。 这条公路对巴基斯坦和中国都具有重要意义。

Zulfiqar Zulfiqar
Y Pakistani believe in China we know that its propaganda of west they show same attitude with Pakistan too they show us like their is nothing in Pakistan except dessert camel and religious extremist people .so we understand that what they are doing .same thing with China defaming same thing they did with Pakistan - Like:37

我们巴基斯坦人相信中国,我们知道西方对它的宣传,他们也对巴基斯坦做同样的宣传,他们让我们觉得巴基斯坦什么都不是,除了沙漠骆驼和极端分子。 所以我们知道西方在做什么,它对中国的诽谤,对巴基斯坦也是如此。

Raheel Pervaiz
I hope Chinese can vacation in beautiful Pakistan :) - Like:1

我希望中国人能在美丽的巴基斯坦度假 :)

munu numu
It's kinda ironic when they show an empty Airport and mention about how absurd it is to have this kinda Airport in Sri Lanka while they in fact have this very same kinda airport back home in Berlin. - Like:31


Pakistani part is beautiful those mountains are mesmerizing.. - Like:33


Leonard Lin
When people has no grades in their hands, they says other people’s grades are sour. - Like:4


Teh Koon Teik
I'm a Malaysian, we do have controversy like East Coast Railway project with China too but this journalism is too biased. It is not that extreme and one sided as the doc mentioned. In 1 project no matter who with who, I'm sure it's gonna be win win situation. If not why do u think other country let China built and the infrastructure? I love to watch all the great place u filmed (very beautiful) but I will only watch it muted. - Like:84


Teh Koon Teik Yes, I agreed, definitely much better muted. Malaysian too. - Like:3


good idea!mute it now! - Like:4

好主意! 现在静音!

Good idea.... - Like:3


My city should hire the Chinese to complete the metro work. Its almost 10 years now and it is still not finished LOL - Like:31


Great exploration into these hard to reach places and shed some light of silk road projects. Unfortunate part of the video is it's very biased. All interviews focused on the negative side of development/prosperity. Who lost out who benefitted. Let audience make a informed conclusion by themselves. Nevertheless thanks for the content. - Like:3


In 10 years, when the Chinese engineers show their son the bridge they build, the documentarians can show their son this documentary. - Like:133


Farhann Malick
Why i am not surprised Mainstream media only love to present biased and one sided stories. china is spending trillions of dollars its not for charity and yes it has its own interests to protect that's how capitalism works but when you ignore/ downplay economic benefits and opportunities that it brings and just focus on problems and risks and exaggerates them then you are just a tool.
Us and west loved china when its labor force helped elevate their industries , people worked there ass of for long hours with love wages and non existent benefit and processed worlds garbage but when they become Us and Europe's competitor all hell brake lose and suddenly you have a problem with everything. China is far from perfect and many things need to change but Us and West need to get of there high horses and MSM should learn to look into all facts across all regions not just those prejudice that serve interest of few. - Like:47


Ricky Hyde
i like this, well said! - Like:1


Teketchup 6ix9ine Lopez
Well said. And it paid of for China. Now they can use all the money that was made on hard work to build for their future. And their future looks even brighter than the west has ever been. - Like:2


Matthew Wilkinson
It's OK to realize another country is now your adversary, it depends how you deal with it. China hasn't grown up yet, thinking it can continue to behave like a developing country and trade asymmetrically with the west is unwise. The West will make trade barriers for China to protect their industries, and China's growth will slow to a crawl. - Like:0


Dude of Culture
Apparently, the westerners believe that China should donate billions of dollars for charity. - Like:0


anshu lieyi
Wilkinson . hate to break it to you but China is still a developing country . their percapita is still low. - Like:0

我不想打断你,但中国仍然是一个发展中国家。 他们的人均收入仍然很低。

I am Indian and believe the Chinese are bringing development to these countries and the responsibility for that lies with these countries itself and endemic corruption. WESTs suddenly interested in the well being of their old colonies is hilarious the countries atleast Chinese is brought prosperity and money how you want to use it and wisely is the country's problem not west. - Like:13

我是印度人,我相信中国正在给这些国家带来发展,这些国家自身普遍存在的腐败,要为此承担责任。 西方人突然对他们老殖民地的福祉感兴趣,这令人发笑,至少中国带来了繁荣和资金,你要考虑如何使用它,明智地使用这些资源,是自己国家的问题,而不是西方。

Arslan Khan
when you see that people are getting jealous of you,it means that you are doing something good.Love to our iron brother from Pakistan - Like:11


Henry Phillips
9:08 Man doing up scaffolding with adjustable spanner! Painstaking work! No power tools here! - Like:0

9:08 看到有人在用扳手搭脚手架!辛苦的工作!这里没有电动工具!

being anti china is now "big money" in the west... so they don't care to be objective - Like:13


Kathleen Ozbek
the construction work in Pakistani are mostly local workers in this documentary. So how long DW wants to lie to people? - Like:28


lord book
this project as well as many others show that china has visions while the west can only stand by and critisize. can you see the optimism for the future in the eyes of the chinese engineer at 41:27? impressive! - Like:1

这个项目以及其他许多项目表明,中国很有远见,而西方只能袖手旁观和评判。在41:27,你看不到中国工程师的眼中,对未来的乐观吗? 令人印象深刻!

Marlon Flemming
At least they are not bombing places like USA... They build and USA bomb. I like their work ethics. They are united. - Like:4

至少他们没有像美国这样到处轰炸... 他们建设而美国摧毁。我喜欢他们的职业道德。他们团结在一起。

Serdar Joshua
West: Silk road is no more
China: That's what you think - Like:130

西方: 丝绸之路已不复存在
中国: 那只是你的想法

The Silk road never was China it was a trade route from Egypt/Greece to China. - Like:7


marinko tadic
Anyone who understans the history and life know that everything is the cycle. China is set back on the world scene and western civilisation reducing her influence. Now that is new situation and it will be new reallity on the world scene. It is very hard for the western civilisation to recognize that but that is true. - Like:1


The Middle Kingdom has always existed and it will continue to do so. - Like:1


i think the silk rod may have a similar impact on the regions it affects, just as the interstate had on the usa. - Like:0


Chinese came to Myanmar with cash and buy the resources. The British came to Myanmar with army and assault weapons in the past and they killed and then colonized Myanmar by force and they took and looted whatever resources they could find. - Like:162


Mohamed Gamal
US and their allies wasting their billions on weapons and creating enemies everywhere,meanwhile China is expanding in all direction , guess who will be the final winner?!! - Like:17

美国和他们的盟友在武器上浪费了数十亿美元,到处树敌,而中国却在向四面八方扩张,猜猜谁是最后的赢家? ! !

ignorance and Arrogance
History will prove who is a traveler, who is the real master, from the confidence of China - Like:6


peter tuann
I"ve never seen video of so many Chinese tourists on camels, and these same newly middle class Chinese tourists also want to see Europe, USA, - Like:30


Rudy Amid
DW consistently tells the other side of the story. Love it! - Like:1


Thinking how west will create wars in east asia now. West never creates war hahahaha - Like:0


Keep the undeveloped counties in undeveloped, that is good DW wants? No changes in rest of world but western countries. That is all DW Documentary wants to say!!!!! - Like:47

让落后的国家继续保持落后的水平,这就是DW想要的好事吗? 除了西方国家,世界其它地区都不要变化。这就是DW想要说的!

don't fall for such propaganda support China from India 😃 - Like:0


Johan Viskar
in 2006 I drove on empty highways all over China, now they are filled with people and commerce. The Chinese are right, you build roads and prosperity follows. This is one undeniable aspect of wealth and nation building. - Like:14


Stefan Ciganovic
GO China! Serbia loves you we are your hub to conquer whole Europe!!!Red Dragon awakens! - Like:21

中国加油! 塞尔维亚爱你,我们是你征服整个欧洲的枢纽! ! ! 红龙醒了!

The Unknown
I've been living in both China, Vietnam and the US for decades, and I've never seen 1 western media reported anything about China truly. That's how they're educated sadly. I just visited my son's junior high school social study class room, and there were pictures about China, but from1960s. If the kid's are told that's China, anyone who knows what current China is would laugh his ass off and feel very sorry for the kids. I always check media from both western and eastern when I try to find out truth, and always take a grain of salt, or I should say tons of salt when I hear anyone talk about any "truth" about China here in the US. No country is perfect, if you believe Chinese as described in this video, you're fooled. - Like:0


ET Buch
Since when did German grapes start to become so sour?
If my recollection did not fail me, pretty much everything German inspired my admiration and respect when I was in high school (Gymnasium, auf deutsch). And that was why I learned the German language in the first place -- one of the few things I take much pride in having been able to do.
What a sad scenario to witness where all the emulation I have for Germany and Germans would perish in just a couple of decades. - Like:0


G Kess
Sitting inside a giant tunnel, he states that the internet connection is "unreliable". Yep, he said that. - Like:0

坐在一个巨大的隧道里,然后主持人说网络连接“不稳定”。 是的,他就是这样说。

So hang on - the Chinese are building an Empire, an Imperial Empire where the Chinese way is the only way, and behave like masters in other nations? Sounds like the British Empire... Ottomans... Moguls ... Romans ... the story of the world for all time. - Like:0

那么,等等——中国人正在建立一个帝国,一个只有中国方式的帝国,并且像其他国家的一样行事?听起来像是大英帝国...奥斯曼帝国...蒙古帝国...罗马帝国... 世界史的老规律。

Bobby T
Good documentary, but biased.How many times have you mentioned conquest - Like:19


vic c
when the west controlling the region it was good. now china trying to do commerce in the region it is bad. - Like:0


Michael Spano
at 6:42 if you go further west it is the wong wei my friend - Like:0

在6:42如果你再往西走,那就是我的朋友 wong wei

Hein Htet
I am a Myanmar citizen with Chinese ancestry and the Myanmar part triggers me. Those Bamar and any other ethnic groups like to play victim whenever it involves Chinese, be it local or from outside. They blame us for environmental destruction. They blame us for being more well-off. They blame us for paying bribes to get anything involving officials done when in reality we were the ones being extorted. And the only reason jade will ever be considered a national treasure is because there are Chinese who are willing to spend a shit ton of money on it. Without the Chinese, the jades are just worthless stones.
The Myitsone Dam problem should be blamed on the military regime. It was that money-hungry military that signed the project with the Chinese with absolutely no regards to local population. The Chinese were just conveniently used as scapegoat after they got their fair share of money. - Like:0


Regan Johns
people who are commenting here on china should remember with all its rules and regulations china is still better than a ruthless nazistic brahmin controlled india, where a billion still pushed to live in poverty. - Like:1


harry Smith
Why do not US, UK and other western countries invest in south east Asia countries such as Cambodia and Philippine? - Like:25


Jaleel Akhtar
It has been 500 years since the advent of ‘Modern Western Civilisation’ - The civilisation that was in the dark (literallly and in terms of knowledge) when the Original silk road enabled china to interact with the World, however i am waiting for one of these English speaking western documentary makers to write, talk and report on the methodology of the spread of the West across the globe. Why is it they want to talk about China, Russia and so on and not talk about their own history? A history steeped in murder, rape, pillage, extinction of nations and races from the planet and those that could not be killed were physically enslaved or economically enslaved. Toaday the West acts no differently - What does the IMF want and what does it ask for when it lends money to countries? These are the things they want to hide. A civilisation that stems from deception. - Like:0

“现代西方文明”的出现距今有500年,当原始丝绸之路使中国能够与世界互动时,这个文明还处于黑暗之中(从字面上和知识上来说)。然而,我正在等这些说英语的西方纪录片制作人之一,就西方在全球传播的方法论撰写、谈论和报告。然而为什么他们想谈论中国,俄罗斯等而不谈论他们自己的历史? 充满了谋杀、侵犯、掠夺、灭绝的历史,而那些无法被杀死的人则沦为身体上的奴隶或经济上的奴隶。今天西方的行为也没有什么不同——国际货币基金组织想要什么?当它借钱给别的国家时,它要求什么?这些都是他们想要隐藏的东西,一种诞生于欺骗的文明。

china also used to pay 800,000,000 shirts for one Boeing airplane from the US. so what? - Like:6

中国过去也曾为一架来自美国的波音飞机支付80万件衬衫。 那又怎样?

Mahar likan
Western get ready china's plan are on going - Like:1


Joey Klein
The tone is so negative, which means that China has been doing a wonderful job! - Like:59


Mr. Anderson
America spreads their ideas with invading countries and war mongering. China spreads with investment and hard work - Like:0


This video reminds me of what is happening in the Philippines 🇵🇭 - Like:40


Rogue Samurai
pal Ask Srilanka ,they lost a port to china for 100 years agreement. - Like:1


Nasty Ameri
Z L when the Chinese get rich, the entire east is getting rich.. there is no way you can deny it. - Like:6


fix mix
I don't know about other stories in this documentary but I can attest that almost of Chinese tourist is rude and disrespectful. - Like:0


Sunil Lazar


A Youtube User
I would think that this 'Silk Road', is officially for transporting goods and stuff from China to Europe but unofficially its for military use. Being able to transport troops and weapons and ammo very quickly to allies such as Russia, in case of a war breaks out with the West. - Like:0


Career Guru
I find dw documentaries biased - Like:40

我觉得 dw 纪录片有偏见

Career Guru
Hi Career Guru, well...why? Thx for answering - Like:1

嗨,职业导师,嗯... ... 为什么? 谢谢你的回答

In my perspective, though it's not a perfect country, it has empowered Africa and lifted 300 million people out of poverty, building infrastructure and not simply looting like how the colonials did and how the French still does. What I am saying is - don't be biased, speak the truth. - Like:12


This "Documentary" sounds like something made by scared westerners and funded by the American government. - Like:28


dalitis dalitis
Why western people have a problem with this? jealousy? - Like:125

为什么西方人对此有意见? 酸了?

Yes. The west has always wanted influence in that region and China is getting it. - Like:14


vision light
Meanwhile japan does silent business in the face of Toyota all over. - Like:5


Thomas Bingel
in china, its like quantum mechanics, where the laws of physics breaks - Like:0


Rubbish and rubbish reporting ... Honestly nothing true about pakistan and china economic roads - Like:53

胡说八道... 老实说,关于巴基斯坦和中国经济走廊的报道都是假的

Ho Pw
Constructing the New Silk Road will make it easier for the Chinese to conquer the Western powers. China is big for a reason. - Like:3


michael kerr
China wants to become the next super power. Thats why they r connecting with every part of the world . - Like:0

中国想成为下一个超级大国。 这就是为什么他们与世界的每一个角落都有联系。

Steven Mitchell
All the west has is guns not long now boooom - Like:4


western news always have to find negative. can't even put some positive or any benefits mention here. jealously - Like:20


It is the jealousy that makes the west lose competition to China !
The west have wasted lots of time, money and energy to defame and smear China instead of improving themselves - Like:1


Scott David Lucas
Survival the fittest , that is the rule of nature forever true. - Like:0


jds hempfarm
I think the west is allready in full fledged propaganda war against china. But the funny thing is, they were in Africa for 200 years and what good did they do? - Like:2


Protector of the Republic
i think DW wants china to stop building and starts bombing like US and western allies- Like:0


Alexandra Forbes
Many, many of the isues highlighted in this documentary are the same issues we are facing with forced (by Merkel and the German led EU) immigration. How hypocritical to criticize China for this when Germany is doing the same in Europe. You are destroying our way of life Germany, and falsely cry when others do it as well. - Like:0


Роман Петрик
Forcing the the Myanmar people to sell their treasure at a loss? Yes, the west have been doing that to commodity in Southeast Asia. We have no choice. According to economists, that is willing seller willing buyer transactions. The reality is, nobody points a gun at their heads to sell. They can refuse if they want. - Like:2

强迫缅甸人亏本出售他们的宝贝?是的,西方一直在对东南亚的大宗商品采取这种做法。我们别无选择。根据经济学家的说法,这是自愿的卖家买家交易。事实是,没有人会拿着枪指着头强卖。 如果他们愿意,他们可以拒绝。

Chinese bring free market competition, while French brought colonialism. I guess poor people just prefer colonialism more. - Like:0


Pak china friendship long live
Hater we dont care - Like:3


monro go
wow pakistan is beautifull - Like:44


China till now only exported shoes and computers. What have you exported, wars, slavery, colonialism and you own ideal. - Like:0


This channel is either Anglo owned or Germany is just pretending to be hating on China's resurrection of the Silk Road. It was trade with the East that elevated Germanic tribes over the Romans. Germany's founder Etzel would welcome this newly ascendant China. - Like:62

这个频道要么是英国所有,要么是德国假装不喜欢中国在丝绸之路上的复兴。毕竟正是日耳曼与东方的贸易才让日耳曼凌驾于罗马之上。 德国的奠基者艾泽尔会欢迎这个新崛起的中国。

Sandeep Nagar
EU now the champion of democracy ravaged the world ruthlessly particularly in colonies. Now China has come to age At least they are not ravishing and wiping out entire races. - Like:4


Tutorial help
Chinese are new Europeans! - Like:0


نحن مسلمون
After seeing this i am really happy that India rejected the belt and road initiative of china at least we are still not others slaves and can live free and protest freely in INDIA... - Like:2


China's Leader got a long-range vision to lever the nation from an ordinary poor country to developed one. Under communist party's rules, a thing comes with is political stability. Basically, I praise Chinese for their hard-working manner. - Like:0

中国的领导人有一个远大的目标,要把国家从普通的贫穷国家上升到发达国家。在共产党的规则下,政治稳定是必不可少的。 基本上,我赞扬中国人的勤奋工作态度。

David Kasta
China has invested and if these countries can’t use the best of it, then it is their faults. - Like:0


RM Azim
I'm from Singapore and as a Singaporean I'm used to watching Western news channels and media networks, from the BBC, CNN, AFP, Reuters, etc. This DW documentary is extremely biased against China. Mmmm....where have I read about a narrative similiar in the 19th and 20th century? Oh yes - in Africa and Asia. Greedy, manipulative, thieving European colonial powers from the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Germany. These colonial powers did nothing except subjugate, plunder, destroy the cultures, traditions, religions and social systems of the local populations. They imposed their religion, Christianity and way of life and showed utter disrespect for all things not European. I used to trust Western media (news sources and documentaries). These days I'm woke and very aware of the propaganda and agendas the collective Western media has in attempting to create biased narratives against countries that might not conform to their ideal New World Order. Sorry DW, you've lost my respect, along with CNN, the BBC, Fox News (a.k.a Fake News). I still have a sliver of respect for AFP, Reuters and Bloomberg News. European, and in this case, German hypocriscy for all the world to see. - Like:1

我来自新加坡,作为一个新加坡人,我习惯于收看 BBC,CNN,法新社,路透社等西方新闻频道和媒体网络。这部DW纪录片对中国有很大的偏见。嗯...我在哪里读到过19世纪和20世纪的类似说法?哦,对,在非洲和亚洲,那些来自英国、法国、西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰、比利时、意大利和德国的贪婪、操纵和偷窃的欧洲殖民列强。这些殖民列强除了征服、掠夺和摧毁当地人民的文化、传统、宗教和社会制度之外,什么也没有做。他们将自己的宗教和生活方式强加于人,对一切非欧洲的东西表现出极大的不尊重。我曾经相信西方媒体(新闻和纪录片)。这些天来,我意识到西方媒体试图对那些可能不符合他们理想的新世界秩序的国家,进行有偏见的叙述,包括他们的宣传和议程。
抱歉,DW你已经失去了我的尊重,连同 CNN,BBC,福克斯新闻(假新闻)也是。我仍然对法新社、路透社和彭博新闻怀有一丝敬意。欧洲人,还有这里的德国人,你们的虚伪让全世界都看到了。

The USA and Europe do not "really care" about other non-western nations. They look at other nations as they pitty their hapless pet. China was too proud to confront the West in 1770s. They did not take the Western industrial age seriously. They looked at western machines as toys and did not modernize their military. They thought not dealing with the rest of the word was enough since they had plenty. Then France, Russia, Germany, Italy, UK, Japan and USA invaded China and forced them to concede to all their demands. The reason for this was China refusing to buy Dope (Opium) and confiscating opium (property) from UK merchants. It was bloody criminal what they did. - China has been there for over 3000 years. Germany and USA only 200 years old. You need to understand how Chinese crisscrossed the world prior to 1500 during the ming dynasty. Then they suddenly stopped sea fairing burned their fleet and closed borders in response to western contact (Spanish, Portuguese, but not Arab). Probably the reason for this was disease (contact was restricted to prevent plague spread). - Like:5

美国和欧洲并不是“真正关心”其他非西方国家。他们看待其他国家就像同情他们可怜的宠物一样。在18世纪70年代,中国太骄傲了,不愿与西方对抗,他们没有认真对待西方工业时代。他们把西方的机器当作玩具,没有使他们的军队现代化。他们认为不用管这些东西,因为他们已经有很多其他东西了。随后,法国、俄罗斯、德国、意大利、英国、日本和美国入侵中国,迫使他们对所有的要求作出让步。原因是中国拒绝购买鸦片和没收英国商人的鸦片。那些列强的所作所为简直是血腥的犯罪。 ——中国已经存在有3000多年的历史了。德国和美国只有200年的历史。你需要了解中国人是如何在1500年以前的明朝时期横穿世界的。然后,他们突然停止了海上活动,烧毁了他们的舰队,并关闭了边境,以回应西方的接触(西班牙,葡萄牙,但不是阿拉伯)。这可能是因为疾病的传播(以防止鼠疫传播)。

Iwan Wang
There are plenty of German companies working in Pakistan. They are more in number of projects then China ever was. He haven't mentioned them at all - Like:1

有许多德国公司在巴基斯坦开展业务。 它们的项目数量比中国以往任何时候都多。 他根本没有提到这些。

If you don’t change yourself you were going to end. Especially western country. Bye good luck - Like:0

如果你不改变你自己,你就完蛋了,尤其是西方国家。 再见,祝好运。

sunil s
Exploitation of weaker nation were taken to unprecedented levels by western colonialists in last two centuries ..Chinese perhaps trying to create win win situation & not creating chaos in the name of freedom democracy & prosperity ..... - Like:9


Elaine Stewart
West has this tendency to demonize everything they see a threat to their OWN hegemony. It used to be Japan and now its China. West has only given this world Death, poverty, loot, bombings and misery and stolen from everyone like a low class barbarian. - Like:0


Art Highland
Sounds like that road needs shutting down. - Like:0


in 1978, China started to develop their economy and open to the west, German did do the same thing to China as now China does to undeveloped countries, at that time in China, what the DW said? You're right, German media said nothing, and now suddenly German media becomes justice, that is terrible hypocritical, shame for German!!!! - Like:0

1978年,中国开始发展经济,对西方开放,德国对中国也做了同样的事情,就像现在中国对待落后的国家一样。当时在中国时,DW是怎么说的?你说得对,德国媒体什么也没说,现在德国媒体突然转身成了正义人士,真是可怕的虚伪,德国人的耻辱! ! !

Somebody 84
The documentary shows how western countries feel scared of China. - Like:132


vadermask//mass retaliation
The ancient Africans saw into the future and wrote this information down, it is the book called the bible. There is nothing and no one who can stop this, it has already been prophesied. The Silk Road will go all the way to Africa. - Like:0


love hurtx
China is was an ancient world power ,China is claiming back it's rightful position,The USA wasn't even in Europe's balls when China was already a world power - Like:1


Jabali Mohamed
Yup why i watch ducumentary i always heard china - Like:0


please mention from which country the high quality Silk and Spices were brought...and which country was the backbone for this Silk Route Business.....its non other than...India........ - Like:0

请说明一下,高质量的丝绸和香料是从哪个国家运来的... 哪个国家是丝绸之路商业的支柱...除了... 印度...

Bob Han
USA always crying and spreading false propaganda.
They still think they are super power.
They don’t like other countries progressing. What a shame. - Like:2


Lynda Mackrous
When people want to judge other people, they do have lots of critical views. - Like:0


The bridge not only connects China with Arabian sea but Pakistan better concerted with it western provinces which are poorly. Connected. What a marvel of construction it is. And look at you making it an evil thing. - Like:166


Elaine Stewart
It is good documrntary for the material but why the editor plug in such a lot of his political attitutes and ideas. Every thing bad for China, every thing. Even a coin has two sides. - Like:0


Jugnu Karluja
Chinese take up too much space! - Like:1


I found this doc very biased. All I hear is endless complaint about one single country---China. I'm glad most people feel the same way by reading all the comments below. - Like:1


Kaan Erdem
Sad but true! Money is power! - Like:0


We Turks hate to the bone these tripple evil nations, why just look what happend to middle east in 100 years. - Like:0


The English Girl
I think if U.S give up his position as world strongest country. This world can become a better place.
Make a Documentary on this. - Like:69


Hot dont forget invasion of iraq and upcoming invasion of iran by usa. - Like:0


φ Ö
China also offers the development in india in 2014... though i m not bjp fan.... but thanks to our PM Mr. Modi... who straight fwd deny the proposal- Like:0

2014年,中国也邀请了印度参与发展,虽然我不是印度人民党的粉丝... 但是感谢我们的总理莫迪先生...他直截了当地否认了这个提议

Less is more
Pakistan is beautiful 💚🇵🇰 - Like:0


ram regmi
The constant comparison to the Roman Empire is a bit confusing and jarring. They are nothing alike. - Like:0

不断地把中国与罗马帝国进行比较,有点令人困惑和刺耳。 他们一点也不像。

Pakistan China Economic Corridor aka CPEC is soon gonna make THE NEW SILK ROAD a reality and not only China & Pakistan but whole central and south Asia will be benefited by it. - Like:0
