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文章原始标题:Robert Vannrox


Who I am
I am an American. Grew up in Western PA. I am a “rocket scientist”. My formal background is in Aerospace R&D and electronics. I studied Aerospace Engineering at SU. (And way too much time in wind-tunnels and anechoic chambers.) But, you know, my “hands on” experience started when I entered the Navy.
Trained as “brown shoe” (Naval Aviator). Took the hit to “black shoe” (Black ONI).

--------以下为QA答主(罗伯特·范诺克斯 Robert Vannrox)的个人简介------

I have been an American expat for some time now. I live in communist China. I've been living here for some time. Nearly twenty years, actually. I first started visiting China when Ronald Reagan was President. Man, that was a long time ago. I wore bell bottoms, and earth shoes at that time, and had an FM converter for my car.


I am retired.
I was an “operator”, not an “analyst”. If you don’t know what that distinction is specifically, you will never understand my point of view. It is unique.
Ah. Don’t be so sure that all those “factories”, and “Assembly lines” got up and walked to China. Organically. Like some corporate “boss” made the brilliant idea to “rake in the profits” though China.
Nah. They had help. They had me.
Of course, like most of reality… it’s never reported on… and soon forgotten. And yes, it does differ substantially from the present-day propagandized narrative being spewed forth from the “news” media.
I am retired, but still, very, very active. I nominally run a handful of companies, and generally live a pastoral and relaxed lifestyle. It’s a strange mix, don’t you know. I always wondered why my father couldn’t calm down when he retired. Now I know.


But, you know, I live in China, and the anti-China dialog really keeps me busy. Not that I am trying to stop the gusher, but a little contribution soothes my soul. It’s a personal thing.
I like to talk about where I live(d); China, Australia, Zambia, Pago Pago, and the United States.
Pago Pago… where I moved after I left the ‘States.
Zhuhai, China. Where I live now.
I think that everyone has a story to tell, and we should listen to those stories with an open mind, free of judgement and any baggage that we might carry with use.

帕果帕果… 我离开美国后搬去的地方。

Finally, I post my OPINIONS, and thoughts on this American Social Media Platform. It’s free for you to read.
Head’s up people! I absolutely DELETE anyone who tries to attack me personally.
If you talk about my background. Make some kind of snide remark. Try to ridicule me in any way, then I delete you. It doesn’t matter if it is in-your-face or passive-aggressive. I will delete you from the space. Please keep the dialog civil.


We are all kind souls searching for answers. Please don’t be disruptive.
Comment on the content, not the author.
Trolls and shit-posters and ‘Bots are deleted.
Contribute to the dialog in a positive and friendly way.


On September 25, 2024, China launched its first intercontinental missile since 1984. What is its range and which major countries can it cover?


Robert Vannrox
The DF-41 is a formidable missile.
It can carry ten warheads, and will release them “shotgun style” on the designated target.
That being said, most of the world, aside from the United States and it’s proxies are on a very friendly basis with China.
Therefore, the only targets worth noting are inside the United States. And a single missile can do tremendous damage.
These bombs can do tremendous damage.
China is proven to possess 18 mobile DF-41 launchers.
China is also recognized to possess approximately 250 hard silos that contain this missile or derivatives. (110 in Xinjiang, and 120 in Gansu.) There are also an additional 200 - 300 unverified silos located in three locations. However “experts” in the West do not believe that these are a threat because “China does not have the manufacturing ability to create these weapon systems.”
Any further questions?


George Hsia
Sunzi, the author of The Art of War: 知己知彼,百战不殆 — know yourself and your enemy, you will never defeated. Unfortunately, the US/West knows very little about China while always indulging in some self-delusion.


John Koh
“China does not have the manufacturing ability to create these weapon systems”
Yes, China only know how to manufacture drones as kid toys , some home appliance and some cheap plastic stuff.
Therefore, US does not have to worry the slightest bit.


Pooi-Hoong Chan
Chinese nuclear missiles are not threats. But garlic, weather balloon, cranes, coffee makers, EVs, tik tok, 5G equipments , microwave ovens are threats.


James Lim
However “experts” in the West do not believe that these are a threat because “China does not have the manufacturing ability to create these weapon systems.”
I kind of remember those expert also said Huawei will fail without high-end Chips from outside of China…
So… how has that gone…

我记得那些专家还说过,没有国外的高端芯片,华为会垮掉… 所以… 结果怎么样了…

Quinton Smith
“China does not have the manufacturing ability to create these weapon systems.”
Who the fxxk are they actually trying to fool? And then there’s the pretty much the pull out of their ass since the 80s and never changed “China only has 300 nuclear warheads” (not missile, warheads, which one DF41 missile carries 10 warheads).


The common people, they will support the government provoking and playing wargames with china, cause they believe china can't hurt them anyway. Like with Russia.


Quinton Smith
Yes, but even then, isn’t it quite common knowledge by now that China is with Russia and they are quite the BFF these days? Russia won’t just sit back and do nothing.


Has China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) navy been closing the gap in submarine warfare with the US?


Robert Vannrox
There used to be a very wide gap between the capabilities of the United States USN, and the Navy of the People’s Republic of China PLAN.
Today that gap has closed significantly.
One must, of course, take into account that the mission parameters of the two Navies are completely different. The USN is used to globally patrol the world and provide force projection as determined by the Pentagon. While the PLAN is a defensive organization with strategic offensive capabilities.
Thusly, comparing them is difficult to do. It is like comparing a wrench to a butter knife. Each one has a specialized purpose. But they are not interchangeable.
You can compare them in other metrics. This is what most novices do.
Which navy is bigger?
Which navy can operate far away from the home ports or months at a time?
Which navy has the more powerful air wings?
And so on and so forth.
However, this doesn’t tell you anything. In fact, if you blunder ahead with these elementary comparisons you will obtain a very distorted view of reality, and you will come to erroneous conclusions on capabilities.
It is more useful to compare the navies in their operational parameters instead.
Which navy is larger when operating in their designated zone of operation?
Which navy can utilize local land forces, as well as allies, during conflict best?
Which navy has better maintenance, repair, and refurb facilities near the zone of operation?


Generally, for all the specific operational parameters, China comes out ahead. In many cases WELL AHEAD.
In the South China Sea; a well defined space within the Chinese national borders (the nine dash line), the Chinese are the undisputed master of those waters and land. During a serious conflict, not a dispute (mind you) but a serious conflict, China has the ability to destroy all targets with little damage to itself.
Taiwan, a province of China is under complete and absolute Chinese dominance. To think otherwise is for tabloids and pubescent children.
Within the “first island chain” the Chinese has a significant advantage over the (USN + Proxy forces) that it will do battle with. It’s not absolute, of course, however the damage that China can inflict is significant, and substantial. As well as “horrific”.
Within the “second island chain”, which is a much larger region of sea with areas and land masses positioned remotely, Chinese advantages decrease . There is a drop off point that once was pretty significant about 2003 or so. But the Chinese have spent the time and resources to wrest control of this region though exotic, novel and unique battle systems that as of 2024 seem to be pretty absolute. Today, China has absolute control of the waters up to and including the “second island chain”.
The Pacific Ocean is an enormous region. Within this area, outside the confines of the second island China, the parity of the PLAN and the USN approaches unity. Both are roughly equal. This region consists of the Hawaiian islands, the Samoan islands and the French Polynesian island chains Eastward to the coasts of the United States. It is within this region that the USN starts to have advantage and that the PLAN support drops off.


In short, and in conclusion, The USN is a fine and powerful military arm able to project power around the world. it is mostly successful against local weaker foes. Though as of late even goat-herders seem to be able to battle the USN within their own confines. While the PLAN is a purely defensive organization, that will project offensive strategic weapons against any attacker or group of attackers that threaten China.


Felix Su
With the new type 095. the gap has closed. Maybe widen on the side of the Chinese. They are using shaftless propeller with pure electric drive.


How do you think China's first known intercontinental ballistic missile test in 44 years will affect the geopolitical landscape?


Robert Vannrox
Strategic defense forces ONLY work when you have convinced people that you are not afraid to use them.
China has enormous strategic defensive capabilities. But the Chiense personae is one that abhors boasting and bombastic threats.
Unfortunately the personality of narcissists, psychopaths and bullies (of which Washington DC is comprised) is one that does not understand anything but force. That peace that calm and peaceful discussion and talks are signs of weakness.
The Chinese are a peaceful people, but they are not a pacifist people.
Presently, and for the last decade the United States propaganda mills have been promoting the idea that China is a “paper tiger” and does not have the ability to retaliate in force to an aggressor. The latest bout is this fanciful propaganda narrative that a Chinese nuclear submarine under construction sunk in a river.
I guess it’s a repeat of years of lies to convince the proxy nations to die for “democracy” while the Chinese kill everyone in sight.
Was this a message?
Yes it was.
It was crystal clear.
China is not a “paper tiger” and the missile type and the route / flight path was aimed directly at the audience in question; the United States.
Chinese strategic missile rockets are functional. They are not filled with water. They are actually fueled and ready to fire at will.
The rockets are not junk. They are functional and deadly and can traverse a distance that means that every American city can be destroyed by them.
These are land forces. Even if you believe the propagandized narrative that the Chinese submarine forces are junk, which they are not, the land forces can erase all of the population centers in the United States at the push of a button.


Kelvin Lee
It's sad that sometimes the only way to get the message across is by punching the person in the face. Who now is the barbarian? Who now is civilized?
If a nation can send a probe to the far side of the moon, one should be able to put it together, that nation can damn well put a payload half way round the world, it's not really a complex thought process.
However the lowest common denominator always prove that perhaps they should leave the running of the nation to smarter folks. Which so far, ain't convincing me that's how the US political system picks leaders. Worrisome. *Sigh*


Quinton Smith
“The Chinese are a peaceful people, but they are not a pacifist people.”
This really cannot be stressed enough for the West to understand. Don’t provoke the Chinese, for the Chinese didn’t just happen to keep their civilization and their home country for a few thousand years because they are push overs.


S. R. Leigh
I read somewhere that the ICBM was guided to target by the Chinese GPS satellites.


Robert Vannrox
Yes. After President Clinton turned off the GPS, causing an expensive Chinese rocket to veer off course, and had to be destroyed, the Chinese vowed NEVER to use American infrastructure in their critical systems.
Today, they use the Beidu navigation system(s).


George Hsia
The US wants a definitive fight with China before it is too late. But China is now the king of missiles (and probably anti-missile missiles). The chance that the US can destroy China militarily is slim. Even the MAD strategy may prove obsolete. The US should think twice before it makes further moves to provoke China militarily.


Jb Luck
Yes, the Chinese are peaceful people. They don't want war but are unafraid to fight for their homeland and die for their country. Please check into history, The Chinese fought in the Korean War with ill-equipped weapons against many countries and didn’t lose. Western countries are the ones that always want to start a war.


Chin Huat Tan
Message is clear. Mess with China and China will mess with you. When China’s missiles are within reach, they see more sense now when their citizens are at risk.


James Chew
Can someone please calculate the average speed of the missile from the time of launch to landing. This should confirm its hypersonic status.


Robert Vannrox
The DF-41 is believed to have a top speed of Mach 25 and to be capable of MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) delivery, meaning it can carry up to 10 warheads.
This hypersonic missiles, including those developed by China, are capable of reaching extremely high speeds, making them very difficult to detect and intercept.
The flight time would vary depending on the discharge of the glide vehicles.
All indications are that once a DF-41 is launched there would be a very short window to react.


How strong is China's military? Is it considered a joke by other countries?


Robert Vannrox
The Chinese military is a fierce military.
No one in the world considers it to be a “joke”. You might be under this impression if you watch or listen to some neocon websites or broadcasts, or some selected examples of Indian propaganda. But it’s anything but.
China has over 6000 years of documented history. And during that time, it’s been non-stop war after war after war. The Chinese have become experts at war.
The oldest settlement discovered within China is the Renzidong Relic Site:- The Renzidong Relic Site, also known as the Renzi Cave, is a Paleolithic site located in Suncun Town, Fanchang District, Wuhu City. It was first discovered in 1984 during limestone quarrying operations. Excavations starting in 1998 uncovered animal bones and possible stone tools suggesting ancient human activities over 2 million years ago. And yet were these peaceful settlements? No. Evidence of battles and deaths attributed to battles are everywhere.
So China, with a long and distinguished history of warfare is considered a “Joke”? Are you trolling me? Or, are you just that ignorant?


It’s no wonder that everyone in China gets military training. It’s no wonder that the Chinese work hard, and are not afraid to die. It is no wonder that they make the West look like morons playing with a balloon.
China was fighting massed armed battles while Europeans were going “Uoogh Uoogh” and picking lice off each other. Living in caves and haven’t yet discovered the benefits of fire.
China formed the first Navy centuries before anyone in Europe.
If you want to understand what the Chinese military is like, then watch how they teach their children. Three minutes of jaw dropped to the floor reality…
Remember, not only is the Chinese military the largest in the world, but it is also the best equipped and fields better and more accurate weapons than the West. China is above-peer level to the United States.


Winson IP
US has lost two wars against the PLA in history: first in Korea in the 1950s, and then in Vietnam in the 1970s. Perhaps the Pentagon knows better than those keyboard warriors whether the PLA is a joke or not.


Eloy Gonzalez
The only military in the world that is being considered a joke right now is the USA military. Since they implemented the 1st amendment breach about religion, then removed the don’t ask don’t tell policy, then to finally fuck it up they installed the race theory program that is not other than inverted racism. Funny thing there was more white slaves that there were African. So black American people are just drama queens.


What are possible scenarios for the current status of the sunken Chinese nuclear submarine?


Robert Vannrox
This is fake news.
I looked into this matter. All evidence strongly points to intentional disinfo. The article trails all point to established American propaganda outlets.
Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Co. Ltd ; Street. 2 Ziyang Rd. ; ZIP. 430060 ; City. Wuhan, Hubei ; Country. China, Peoples Republic of ; Phone. +86 - 27-68887169.
The shipyard DOES refitting of Type-039A/B Yuan Class submarines.
These are diesel submarines. These submarines have been for export for both the Royal Thai Navy, as well as the Pakistan Navy. But there is a significant difference between refitting and outfitting exercises of diesel submarines as opposed to NPD of nuclear submarines.
This facility does NOT have any nuclear construction capability as described by the American articles.
Nuclear development, design and engineering is conducted at the Bohai shipyard. That is where the Type-09V (-095) TANG Class, and the Type-09I HAN Class (aka Type-091) nuclear submarines were / are being built.
The timeline of the occurrence supports the notion that the refitting of the Royal Thai Navy Type-039AB Yuan Class submarine was being photographed while it was undergoing an immersion test for structural integrity. In smaller vessels this kind of test is conducted in a controlled bath pool. But larger vessels are conducted in bays or pier protected enclaves.
It is foolish to believe this American generated disinformation propaganda. So many of these silly questions. Has everyone in the USA gotten a lobotomy?
If these “questions” continue to populate my feed I will block and ban anyone who continues to flood my spaces. I am not messing around. Do not dare try it.
Do Not Push Anti-China Propaganda in my Spaces.


What are the conditions acceptable to both China and the US?


Robert Vannrox
There aren’t any.
Truthfully, the United States expects China to serve the United States in every way. Much like the Philippines, Japan and Germany does.
They want to plunder it’s resources, work it’s people to the bone.
Meanwhile, China wishes to be left alone.
There isn’t any diplomatic solution.
That’s the truth as harsh as it is, and nothing is going to change it.


Long 1209
Both are working at different mindset, different approach….everything different on every subject matter.
When listening to the meetings where both parties sat down to discuss or talk it out, it is very clear cut no real common ground. One extends the hand of cooperation for the benefit to all, the other wants it all under it's hands in selfish manner.


HK Lady
There's really NO American govt per se, that's why there's neither someone looking out for the people nor for the country. There's a group of people who pretend to be the “govt”, but they actually serve Black ROCK, MIC & their cronies. The top 1% is living very well, who cares abt the rest?!


George Hsia
Like it or not, China will comprehensively outcompete the US before we know it. The US has 2 options: to destroy China and itself (and human civilization in general) in a nuclear catastrophe or to be where it belongs, i.e., to stop being an empire. Sheer propaganda, tech war, economic sanctions, or conventional military actions by the US can only make China stronger and accelerate its rise.


Thien Dang
China has been under controlled for century, now can be considered as fighting for independency, so China rather close the door and stay alone than back to under controlled again. Beside, Japan, S. Korea, Philippine and Germany are seamed to be freedom but they are actually under controlled. BTW, there’s some places beyond earth and the 2 powers are working toward those areas.


Why do some American people on Quora dream about having war with China and taking China's land and cities?


Robert Vannrox
The anti-China propaganda is fully funded and fierce.
*The Chinese eat dogs, and then boil the leashes to make tea.
They also eat rats.
And bats.
And cute kitty cats.
2G causes planes to fall out of the sky.
3G causes gas pumps to explode.
4G causes brain cancer.
5G turns you into a communist.
6G… well… that’s Communist Zombie territory.
Ah there’s nothing worse than a zombie communist.
Don’t you know comrade?
China sends balloons over Iowa cornfields to spy on innocent Americans.
You don’t want the corn to turn communist!
Next thing, you know, all the pickup trucks will honk in Chinese!
It’s a good thing that the F-35 is really designed to shoot it down.
China is collapsing any hour now, that is why the USA wants them to buy all the USA debt.
That’s right, with China going down the drain throw them an anchor to help them out!

Silly ass stuff.
Thus the most ignorant believe it.
And these are precisely the people that dream about war with China.


Mayuresh Fulambrikar
This is funny.
I am an Indian living in US.
Never heard about any of the above.
I know China is on a fast route to become a developed nation. India and China have similar populations, and a lot of challenges are similar. But you have good long term leaders (people say its dictatorship, but so what? As long as the dictator leads the country to progress, who cares?).
A lot of these questions are quora generated questions/ questions by trolls.


Cheong Tee
Not the “ignorant” who believe in Evil China. Many believers are quite Evil themselves and choose not to distinguish between maintaining Peace versus Accusing another.


Fred Basset

【回复】谢谢你,罗伯特,真的笑死我了… 哈哈
现在,那些容易上当的人读了之后,会到处传播你的“福音真理”… 所以我们等着看好戏吧!!哈哈🤣

1,6 billion for anti-china information warfare recently and before that half a billion was it? I wonder how much American media get from the government and ‘NGO’s regarding other subjects…


Would the world be the same if the U.S. lost a war between China?


Robert Vannrox
No it would be different.
As someone who has traveled the world extensively as well as being an American I can positively affirm a truth that all expats know; The rest of the world (outside of America) is paradise.
Every single American expat out there is nodding his head in agreement.
It doesn’t matter if it is Cuba, or China, or Zambia, or Paraguay.
It’s calmer.
It’s quieter.
It’s nicer.
Every place is different. Some places have high crime. Some places have low crime. Some places are religious. Some places are historical. Some places have some strange customs.
But they all have one thing in common…

I once read a study that for the last 50 years, over 80% of all of the global conflicts and turmoil originated from United States assets. That’s amazing!
According to the Founding Fathers, the number should be ZERO.

Without the United States, and it’s proxies, what would be world be like?
It would be peaceful.

Now, many in the readership have no idea why this is important. They are (many of them) either American, or living in a Proxy nation.
They don’t know what life is like in a world where you aren’t afraid to walk alone at night.
They don’t know that eating an egg breakfast is very cheap.
They don’t know that the rest of the world does not require reporting to the government for finances at all.
They don’t need a gun.
They don’t need locks on their doors.
They have a peaceful life without stress.

Go to any Chinese city today.
What do you hear?
Nothing. It’s quiet. You hear birds. You hear the breeze. That’s it.
China is nearly all green energy.
It’s peaceful. It’s calm. It’s soft. It’s friendly.

In a huge “blow up” between the chaotic USA and the calm, studied China. The result will be a calm, quiet and peaceful world. And that is what you can look forward to.
Take a short stroll to see what the entire world can be…







Elliott J. Schuchardt
Absolutely. BRICS will put an end to the war mongers in Washington DC. Good riddance.


Quinton Smith
The problem is, will the US go down quietly and not take the world with it by nuclear fire….


Discipline country vs indiscipline country. 💫

【回复】纪律国家 vs 无纪律国家。

Pinto Pete
The biggest problem for me is that the Australian government and the media that controls it is determined that this country is going to hell in a hand-basket along with the good ol’ Un-USA


Is it possible that someday China would abandon their thousand years of authoritarian regime and embrace democracy? If not, what are the reasons why China couldn't do that?


Robert Vannrox
The democratic package sold by Westerners is extremely narrow, and many of them do not even know the true meaning of democracy. They think that the one person, one vote election model is the standard paradigm of democracy, but in fact, it is simply a game of tycoons and monopolists, a tool for confusing ordinary people's rule. In fact, the public cannot choose truly senior administrative officials. These elected individuals are essentially a group of hypocritical actors or speakers who do not represent the interests of the people, but only pretend to please voters.
For example, Western media are monopolized by Jewish Ansar, and their voices are generally consistent. They have a strong ability to brainwash and spread rumors, and ordinary people are unable to judge the authenticity of news. Public opinion is manipulated by the media, and there is no talk of independent elections.
2. On the other hand, there is the ability of leaders elected democratically. Look at Biden or Trump, their ability to govern or serve the people is extremely low. How many jobs have they created, how much convenience have they provided to the people, how much infrastructure has been updated, or what achievements have they made in technology during their tenure? Apart from mutual slander and urinary incontinence, I can hardly find where their achievements lie? The same goes for politicians in Europe.
I believe that the goal of democracy should be to benefit the people, create more wealth for them, enable them to have their own jobs, realize their own value, and feel safe, happy, and fulfilled anytime, anywhere. If this goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter what political system it is. If you focus on a certain political form rather than the goal, it's putting the cart before the horse.


How likely do you think a "lunar space race" between China, the US, and Russia is?


Robert Vannrox
I think the entire thing is silly. Just silly.
China and Russia are working together to expand humanity to the stars. The United States is excluded from this cooperative venture because Washington DC demands it.
Washington DC the greatest roadblock to humanity ever created.
Now, because NASA is missing out in all the productive and proactive efforts being conducted by China and Russia, they need to find funding to match what they are doing. So the administrator has created this China-led “space race” to acquire funding.
It’s not going to work.
The administrators at NASA can jump up and down, demand more woke activities, and more funding, but that will do noting towards space exploration of the Moon.
The best thing that the United States can do is work out space exploration programs with other nations that work with China; maybe such as Laos, Zambia, and Syria. Then try to learn from what they acquire from their association with the Chinese space program.
I see a future, say in 2050, where the United States will learn how to live on the moon by being taught by astronauts from Bangladesh and Nigeria.


Elliott J. Schuchardt
The United States seems to be having some trouble getting its astronauts down from the International Space Station. It seems Boeing forgot how to contain a gas when working with helium.


Patrick KC
When Nasa found out China wanted to build a base on the southern far side of the moon, Nasa chief said he had no idea why because the place is very dark.
After that he said America must also go there, otherwise China will occupy the region, whatever that means. Then he declared it’s a race to the moon. Nasa is playing a winner takes all game.


Felix Su
For space exploration, racing is a terrible idea.
The Chinese have kept to their own schedule regardless of what the US does or announce. They don’t care if the US goes back to the moon first. Safety is the most important and you don’t rush a manned moon landing.
The US is treating this like some sort of race. The US MUST land men on the moon before China because.
This is a great way to kill your astronauts.
