Americans are getting ripped off with auto prices. - UP: 40
US has to make sure vehicles stay unaffordable for its citizens - UP: 911
Thank the chicken tax.
Trump could have eliminated it by authorizing the TPP - UP: 20
Once these cars start coming in, they're is a real chance people we'll get laid off. China doesn't have to worry about the EPA or worker safety... - UP: 12
@DerekWhite-yx2ce and you know that for a fact? - UP: 36
@DerekWhite-yx2ce Or improve the competitiveness of your car? - UP: 23
The cheapest brand new EV in the US is the Nissan Leaf. 40KWh battery with 149 miles of driving range for $29K.
It costs on average $3000 to ship a car from China to the US. If you can buy a 30.08 kWh 198 mile range car for half the cost of a Nissan Leaf, then the big automakers are crapping themselves.
It's so horrible that we can't be more competitive with this. All the $20K economy cars are gone, and not many young people want to buy new. - UP: 35
一辆汽车从中国运到美国平均需要 3000 美元。如果你只需花日产聆风一半的钱就能买到 30.08 千瓦时、续航里程 198 英里的汽车,那么大型汽车制造商们得慌了。
这太吓人了,我们很难再提高竞争力。所有 2 万美元的经济型轿车都会消失,也没有多少年轻人愿意买新车。
@DerekWhite-yx2ce You know nothing. - UP: 8
@DerekWhite-yx2ce have them open factories here like the Japanese did
Guarantee you worker safety isn't an issue though. Probably highly automated already - UP: 5
@warmpi Or in Mexico like american automakers. - UP: 4
100% tariff means this car is only $22K. Cheaper than any current EV on the market. - UP: 35
To make car legal in USA price would be much more. - UP: 3
But when it catches fire in your garage and burns down your house… was it worth the savings?
Can’t be as safe as a Tesla either. That guy in California who drove his off a coastal cliff to commit suicide and take his family with him… they all escaped the crash with minor injuries. You won’t experience that in a cheap tin can. - UP:
也没特斯拉安全。在加州,有个家伙把他的车开下海岸悬崖自杀,还带着他的家人… 而他们都从车祸活下来了,只受了轻伤。在一个便宜的锡罐里你不会有这样的体验。
@harrymagooslum5770 BYD is a battery company first, car company second. They are one of the biggest battery comapnies in the world. You most liekly own multiple things with BYD batteries. Most things (inluding high quality products) are made in china, the whole "made in china = bad" is mostly an obsolete as a mindset now. Times have changed. - UP: 1
Apparently, free market economy means putting up 100% tariffs on competitor's products because it's too cheap. - UP: 656
The reality is, that even if there is a 100% tariff, the Chinese cars will still sell for 50% less than the American cars. - UP: 63
Well, I get the point you’re making, but you’re missing missing the bigger problem in a free market the person with the largest share of the market is in control of the market. Think about it like this it’s a free market for them. - UP: 6
@TomisaLami This is protectionist policy, plain and simple. Also, largest car market is China, not US. - UP: 51
Free market only when the US is in position of 'overcapacity' - UP: 45
Free market within, not against your geopolitical competitor -- even enemy! - UP: 5
what is staggering is how the american and european auto industries have convinced millions of people that $50,000 for a basic vehicle is appropriate - UP: 113
让人吃惊的是,美国和欧洲的汽车工业是如何让数百万人相信 5 万美元购买一辆基本款汽车是合适的
No the American public did that too themselves.
A basic vehicle In most places would be a bike. - UP: 11
That has been a choice of manufacturers, not one of the market. If we have to punish the sellers for that arrogance, I’m ok with it. - UP:
In 1965 my Father & I saw a brand new Chevy Camaro for sale in the window of a Van Ness, Ave., SF showroom for $3,000. That shows how much things have gone up. A baseball card was a penny, 5 in a pack for a nickel. - UP: 1
1965 年,我和父亲在旧金山 Van Ness 大道的一家展厅橱窗里看到一辆全新的雪佛兰 Camaro,售价 3000 美元。可见物价上涨了多少。那时候,一张棒球卡才 1 美分,一包五张才 5 美分。
@SkadooHusky Love the bike idea but America is so car-reliant. Everything is so spread out here. - UP:
If you can't beat them ,ban them! - UP: 230
China has the same tariffs in place. - UP: 1
@SobberMacSobberMac Then how Buick, Ford, Chevy, Tesla etc. sell so well in China for the past decades? - UP: 13
TikTok and Huawei hit likes - UP:
Well china has no problem with the tariffs.despite the sunction of huawei they even getting bigger! - UP:
If there is no United States in the world. Maybe most people can live a middle-class life. - UP: 11
If the cost is cheap enough, compared to American junk, even with 100% tariff it would still be a better value. - UP: 403
Personally, I drive a Mercedes and my wife a Porsche, so we obviously prefer German cars. But if I had to choose between American or Chinese cars, I would go with the American cars 100% of the time. - UP: 17
就我个人而言,我开的是奔驰,我妻子开的是保时捷,所以我们显然更喜欢德国车。 但如果让我在美国车和中国车之间做出选择,我百分之百会选择美国车。
@davidgmaloof so what you are saying is your word means nothing. - UP: 25
I am not sure about Chinese car, I haven't test driven any. But if I had to choose between American cars or Japanese car, I would choose Japanese cars 100% of the times, for their reliability, durability, fuel efficiency and safety. Outside America, American cars are fighting for survival, may not last very long. - UP: 9
- Incumbent automakers: for years making way too large luxury EV's north of 50k
- BYD: makes a small, simple EV for 11k for the people.
- Incumbents: "wait, that's illegal!" - UP: 80
You don’t understand US market. Cheap small cars don’t sell well in USA. And Tesla model 3 and model Y sell for about $30k with incentives.
BYD is a cute little company that is being helped by western investment and technology but they aren’t ready to play with big boys yet. - UP:
你不了解美国市场。 便宜的小型车在美国并不好卖。 而特斯拉 Model 3 和 Model Y 的售价约为 3 万美元(含优惠)。
Biden called it cheating! - UP:
Open the borders it's a global market..... Quit blaming innovators and people who work hard around the world.... I should be able to buy an eleven thousand dollar electric vehicle in america - UP: 409
打开边界,这是一个全球市场.....不要再责怪世界各地的创新者和辛勤工作的人们... 我本该可以在美国买到1.1万美元的电动汽车
You can do whatever want to do. But don’t be surprised when your interests and interests of the rest of the country don’t align, and you end up paying a premium. - UP: 6
@cwg73160 yeah I think about saving the country on all the cars I bought in the past (Audi, Honda, Toyota, Tesla) - UP: 11
@bobdoe38 Ok cool. All of those cars were built in the US. - UP: 4
@cwg73160 my Tesla has 30% parts from China. I wish it was more since that will only help with lowering costs - UP: 12
我的特斯拉有 30% 的零部件来自中国。我希望能更多,因为这只会有助于降低成本
So you are ok with slavery? The workers are paid .50 cents an hour to build this - UP:
这么说你同意奴隶制?工人每小时只拿 0.5 美分的工资来生产这车
@m.b5777 first of all, don't over exaggerate. Second, go visit China and see by yourself. Their over 100 different brand of electric car manufacturers build electric car the same way Tesla built their cars here, if not more efficient. People are not only paid for their labour, but also their skills and knowledge. The fact that you yelp with your eyes and ears covered up, doesn't mean what you chant is true. Continue living in your own dream. - UP: 18
首先,不要太夸张了。其次,自己去中国看看。 中国有 100 多个不同品牌的电动汽车制造商,他们制造电动汽车的方式与特斯拉在这里制造汽车的方式相同,甚至更高效。人们不仅为自己的劳动获得报酬,还为自己的技能和知识获得报酬。你捂着眼睛和耳朵大喊大叫,并不意味着你喊的就是真的。 继续活在自己的梦里吧。
Meanwhile ford and chevy is selling $80-$130k trucks.... in what world - UP: 225
与此同时,福特和雪佛兰正在销售8-13万美元的卡车... 这是哪个世界啊
They are getting their arses kicked with their 80 to 100 K products . Only their JV with designed by and make in China models are selling. - UP: 5
他们 8 万至 10 万元美元的产品被吊打了。只有他们与中国设计和制造的合资企业产品还卖得动。
China has the same tariffs in place. - UP:
Its all the features they add to cars that make them sell so high. You can still buy 10,000 dollar gas cars without even air conditioning if you want. Like the Nissan micra base model or the Versa. Maybe Mitsubishi mirage. These cars have trouble selling in the American market because Americans wants features. - UP:
@SobberMacSobberMac China charge 25% for all vehicle imports like all the other countries (world average is 17%). U.S charge 100% particularly for Chinese EVs. So China has the same tariffs? No. But preventing you to buy cheap cars? Yes. - UP: 1
中国和其他国家一样,对所有汽车进口征收 25%的关税(世界平均为 17%)。美国对中国的电动汽车征收 100% 的关税。 那么中国也征收同样的关税吗?没有。然而阻止你买便宜的车了?是的。
Competition is what made American companies great. Hiding behind tariffs will not improve American products. - UP: 178
fair competition - UP: 1
Actually, high tariffs is what made it possible for manufacturing industries to become established in the US. If those tariffs had never been imposed we'd still be buying everything from European companies.
The ability to impose tariffs is what separates a country from a colony.
On the other hand, this selective tariff against Chinese automakers is an embarrassment to all the legacy OEMs. - UP: 5
事实上,正是因为高关税,美国的制造业才得以发展壮大。 如果不征收这些关税,我们仍然会从欧洲公司购买所有产品。
Well automakers can always stop focusing on the rather tired SUVs. I hope BYD finds a way to bring their cars to North America. Does anyone really feel sorry for Ford or GM? Nope. - UP: 386
México is North America it's in the US they can't be sold - UP: 13
I'm not. They have been ripping off customers for decades and selling average cars for double the money. - UP: 16
@davidhein6044 If they build it in Mexico that's inside NAFTA and they can sell it in the US. BYD is building a factory in Mexico. - UP: 18
Here in Mexico we are starting to see lots of them, Tesla is in danger actually - UP: 10
They already have factory in Mexico. For the growing Mexican market - UP: 7
@mosesoftheblock2311 factory in Mexico still is planning ,Will that come true,?depens on if Mexico gov Can ignore the pressure from the United States - UP: 1
The BYD Mexican factory may not be built, too much pressure from the northern neighbor to scrap it. - UP: 1
Free trade? No... Competition? No... 'Rule-based order'? Yes! let's go with that! - UP: 220
自由贸易?不... 竞争?不...“基于规则的秩序”?对!我们就用这个!
Last resort will be "National Security". - UP: 33
In econ101 class, they taught us that Free-markets reduce costs for the consumer…. So that places that cannot complete, can redirect their resources/expertise on another product….
I guess free market is not free anymore… - UP: 8
@vin10954 Yay, our country is so weak that even Chinese-made cars are national security concerns lol - UP: 9
@lucisleesion8824 Remember when americans sent fighter jets to take down balloons flown by a group amateur-radio hobbyists? lol - UP: 3
People really don't seem to comprehend that tarriffs are taxes on US citizens and not on Chinese companies. - UP: 134
The US car makers are such a joke. I wish they would go out of business for all their greed snd lack of vision. - UP: 289
100%. Some pick up trucks are $80k-90k now. Like what in the world. They are clearly price gouging. - UP: 19
完全同意。现在有些皮卡都要 8-9 万美元。太离谱了。这明显就是哄抬价格。
The Tesla Model Y was the #1 selling car model in China for 2023 (including gasoline ones) and also the entire world. But it wasn't in the US. - UP: 1
特斯拉 Model Y 是 2023 年中国和全球销量第一的车型(包括油车)。但在美国不是。
Meanwhile the Japanese offer $10k gasoline pickup trucks, the French and Chinese offer $10k EVs, but all of those are conveniently illegal in the US under "safety" excuses, a country where you can drive a motorcycle without a helmet. The hypocrisy!!!
Long live the automakers mafia! Sigh! - UP: 8
We are about to see if it was really about climate change or lining donors pockets. - UP: 160
Ukraine and Gaza has laid bare that it's about the corrupted pockets and not about democracy and freedom. Same applies here. - UP: 10
@jamesphillips Precisely! - UP: 2
It’s about time the auto industry gets motivated to change their ways, even if they’re forced to. - UP: 67
That's right, all we need is a small basic car for grocery shopping and going around the block. No one needs 300 hp to take kids to school. The American car companies need a rethink of their products. American consumers are ready. If they don't change, someone will make the change for them, and it might be the Chinese car companies. - UP: 9
没错,我们所需要的只是一辆小型的基本款汽车,用来买杂货和绕街区转转。没有人需要 300 匹马力的汽车送孩子上学。美国汽车公司需要重新思考他们的产品。美国消费者已经准备好了。如果他们不改变,就会有公司替他们改变,而这个公司可能就是中国的汽车公司。
Well said. Auto makers are totally ignoring what the consumers need or want. - UP: 1
It's not banned, just not approved for sale here yet, the company hasn't tried selling its cars in the US. - UP:
@LordDoof 🥹yes,not saying ban it but 100% tariffs? 🥹 - UP: 2
How does it feel to be taught a lesson in capitalism by communists of all people? - UP: 163
i saw a video the other day of the american car makers complaining it was too competitive in china lol - UP: 10
You looked down on them.
You thought they would fail.
You sat back and did NOTHING.
Your union people had McDonald skills but asked for semiconductor pay.
Now you are trembling with fear, and 100% tariff???
LOL .... That, is called a LOSER! - UP: 209
哈哈.... 这就是所谓的失败者!
well said my friend - UP: 7
Yep. Self-created problems, tend to not get much sympathy...
I'd buy one in a heart beat. - UP: 7
You think I want to put my life inside of a car that was built in the country that makes things that break easily and quickly, as a starting point? You think someone is trembling over this? - UP: 2
@dighawaii1 so why your govt is afraid of these cars since the quality is so bad ?.... - UP: 12
@dighawaii1 So why the heck your auto industry guys are crying like babies then - UP: 6
@dighawaii1 that country is the one who built the majority of tesla and iPhone.
Stop buying from Walmart and Target if you want something of greater quality duhh - UP: 3
这个国家生产了特斯拉和 iPhone 的大部分产品。
@dighawaii1 China manufactures at all price levels. If you can only afford cheap, you get cheap. - UP: 3
A threat to the customer? LOL legacy auto is trembling - UP: 90
对客户构成威胁? 哈哈,是传统汽车在发抖了
They cost 10k in China. The legacy automakers are actually worried. They simply cannot compete on price. If BYD keep expanding and scaling the legacy brands are in trouble. You don't have to like the car but there are some gigantic markets that would eat up a 10k car... Think Brazil, India, Europe etc. - UP: 1
它们在中国的售价是1万美元。传统汽车制造商其实很担心。他们根本无法在价格上与之竞争。如果比亚迪继续扩大规模,传统品牌就麻烦了。你可以不喜欢这款车,但有一些巨大的市场会吃掉1万美元的车... 想想巴西、印度、欧洲等。
They think the customer cares about the interests of companies. They just want affordable products - UP: 8
The China market saved Buick, but the Americans refused to let China cars enter the American market. - UP: 9
It's not a threat to customers but to competitors. - UP: 8
Where are the free market advocates when you need them? Let the consumers decide if they want this product. If American made cars really are better, they have nothing to worry about. If the politicians are worried about jobs they should make laws that require a certain percentage of the vehicle should be assembled here. - UP: 4
The US solution to this competitive market is similar to what they did to Japanese imports when they were found to outperform US vehicles, but in this case, to an extreme by raising the tariff to 102%. - UP: 9
If 100% tarriffs don't work, there's always the "national security concern" card they can play. - UP: 22
Multi-Billion-Dollar taxpayer-funded bailout for US auto makers of course. - UP: 8
Tariffs are a tax upon consumers to coerce them away from choices you don't want them to make.
They are an infringement against free choice. - UP: 13
Even 100% tariff, this Seagull is still gonna be same price as entry level Corolla. The worst thing is “tariff” is actually taxing american not Chinese. - UP: 59
即使征收 100%的关税,这款海鸥汽车的价格仍将与入门级卡罗拉相同。 最糟糕的是,"关税 "实际上是对美国人而不是中国人征税。
That’s what tariffs are, make it more expensive for US customers to buy so you buy US brands instead of - UP: 4
This car would probably cost more than a Corolla after you make it street legal here. The Segull wouldn’t pass crash and safety tests here now. - UP:
BYD Seagull is easy to understand. BYD makes their own Batteries, have achieved high volume/scale and the car is very basic (I’ve been in it).
Western Automakers would rather build 1 car at $60,000 than 2 basic cars at $30,000. That’s true for Combustion and EVs. They need to “remember” how to make cars affordable. - UP: 5
比亚迪海鸥很容易理解。 比亚迪生产自己的电池,已经实现了大批量/大规模生产,而且这款车非常基础(我坐过)。
西方汽车制造商宁可制造 1 辆售价 6 万美元的汽车,也不愿制造 2 辆售价 3 万美元的基础型汽车。燃油汽车和电动汽车都是如此。他们需要 "记住 "如何让人们买得起汽车。
there's not enough infrastructure to support EV... - UP: 4
@paladro ..for that cheap of price and quality!....there will be!!!! - UP: 7
They are going to increase the tariffs to 100%. So this car will cost at least $22k. Welcome to US-style free market economy. - UP: 12
他们将把关税提高到 100%。 所以,这辆车至少要花费 2.2 万美元。 欢迎来到美国式自由市场经济。
@tomtube1012 It is not just car. The whole US system is out of whack. There are some Chinese cancer medicine that is approved by FDA, but it costs like over 200%. I dont remember the reason why, but it is not tariff. As a matter of fact, there were no competition as that is a very specialized medicine. - UP: 1
不仅仅是汽车。美国的整个体系都出了问题。有一些中国的抗癌药获得了美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)的批准,但价格却高达 200%。我不记得原因了,但这不是关税。事实上,没有竞争,因为那是一种非常专业的药物。
@tomtube1012 22k , 11k the tariff are pay by buyer - UP: 3
2.2万美元, 1.1万美元的关税由买方支付
@hink0027 LOL. That's not how tariffs work. It's passed to the consumer. So buyer pays over $22k. - UP: 4
哈哈,关税不是这样算的。 它是转嫁给消费者的。 所以买方要支付超过 2.2 万美元。
The world wants it. The US and EU can continue playing politics. - UP: 29
Looks like a piece of junk to me. I'll stick with my Mercedes E450 Coupe and you can drive the glorified golf cart. - UP: 2
在我看来就是个垃圾。 我还是开我的奔驰 E450 Coupe 吧,你可以开那辆被吹捧的高尔夫球车。
I don't know what you are talking about. It's about to be in the EU + the other models Seal, Han, Tang, Atto 3, Dolphin, and Sea Lion 7 which are already here. I was considering buying Dolphin but they are still way too expensive. They are building a factory in Hungary which will be ready next year (probably) - UP:
我不知道你在说什么。它即将在欧盟上市,其他型号海豹、汉、唐、ATTO3、海豚和海狮 7 已经在这里了。我以前想过买海豚,但价格还是太贵了。他们正在匈牙利建厂,明年(可能)就能完工。
WHen Chines politicans come to some country they talk about economic ,how to improve things.WHen US politicans come to some country they talk about China and bring list off sanctions that should be putted ,if not then USA will sanction that country - UP: 2
@user-fx7xv1dc5c True. The prices in EU will be more expensive in China but hopefully BYD will reduce their prices in the future to make it more affordable in EU and other places in the near future. It still won't be as cheap as you in China though. - UP:
@dzonikg Yes. Exactly. That itself will tell all countries which side and path they should take. - UP: 1
@davidgmaloof Both will get you to work and back. Also, a little genuine confidence is so much cheaper than having to spend 80k on a piece of metal on wheels. - UP: 1
两种车都能让你上下班。此外,一点真正的自信比花 8 万美元买一块带轮子的金属要便宜得多。
It's a national security risk ! China must increase its price to make the car aspirational for middle class people - UP: 6
You guys remember Japan's car takeover in the 70s? Yeah, it's gonna be like that, but 10x worse. - UP: 20
你们还记得 70 年代日本对汽车的接管吗?是的,就像那样,但会糟糕十倍。
Japan competed on quality and efficiency; that allowed them to sell a better car at a lower price… until western automakers caught up. China competes on cheap labor and government subsidies, plus they have been dumping their overflowing stock now that the Russians turn out not to want these cars… how do you compete against that? Much of our cars is already made in China, and their manufacturing processes are similar to ours; they do not have some magic sauce that allows them to produce the same car at a much lower cost. - UP: 1
日本靠质量和效率竞争;这使他们能够以更低的价格销售更好的汽车... 直到西方汽车制造商迎头赶上。中国的竞争优势是廉价劳动力和政府补贴,再加上俄罗斯人不想要这些汽车,他们一直在倾销过剩的库存......你如何与之竞争? 我们的大部分汽车已经在中国生产,他们的生产工艺与我们类似;他们并没有什么神奇的秘诀能让他们以更低的成本生产同样的汽车。
@kaasmeester5903 If the quality matches up, nothing else really matters then. - UP: 3
@yojimbo3681 that was due to soaring gasoline prices. Small engined Japanese cars had arrived just in time. - UP:
@someuser7501 What you think gas prices have gone down now or something? - UP: 2
@kaasmeester5903 if you think western automakers ever caught up to Japanese quality, you’ve never driven a car over 100,000 miles. - UP: 1
如果你认为西方汽车制造商的质量曾赶上过日本,那你肯定没开过超过 10 万英里的车。
No Japan never took over car sales . VW, GM, Ford, bmw, Mercedes, dodge, still sold millions of cars and still do to this day. BYD isn’t even breaking into top 10 of global sales yet. - UP:
不,日本从未接管过汽车销售。 大众、通用、福特、宝马、奔驰、道奇至今仍售出数百万辆汽车。 比亚迪甚至还没有进入全球销量前十名。
Actually price is reduced to about $9750 now. - UP: 6
实际上,现在的价格已经降到了约 9750 美元。
There is a new superpower. One that has watched and learned - UP: 68
The United Snakes won't learn ANYTHING....ANYTHING! - UP: 9
美国任何东西都不会学.... 任何东西!
We shouldn't have bailed out GM and FORD. We should have bought them for $1. Then we needed to concentrate on EVs then and produced cars for us that were only for moderate profit, proceeds split between further research and paying off the debt.
Another choice is to simply have joint ventures with China while we still can. GM already has a Chinese partner but the more the merrier.
Our lives matter WAY MORE than Wall Street. I know, if you've been brainwashed, what I just said makes no sense. But climate collapse is arriving on schedule unless we adjust YESTERDAY. - UP: 8
我们不应该救助通用和福特。 我们应该 1 美元买下它们。然后专注于电动汽车,为我们生产利润适中的汽车,收益用于进一步研究和偿还债务。
另一种选择是,在我们还能做到的时候,干脆与中国建立合资企业。 通用汽车已经有了一个中国合作伙伴了,但越多越好。
我们的生活比华尔街重要得多。 我知道,如果你被洗脑了,我刚才说的话毫无意义。 但是,除非我们立刻采取行动,否则气候崩溃将如期到来
So the usa wants us to pay more money for cars and products that are much cheaper and better in china or other countries. Id say thats the American way🇺🇲 - UP: 87
The usa is perfectly happy that you can only buy so much when the price of expensive assets is very inflated. Couldn't let people own more than they're allowed to. - UP: 3
If the poors have free time and money they might get ideas that aren't convenient for their landlords. - UP: 2
I remember when Hyundai and Kia's where introduced in the US. They were so cheap back in the 90's. Fast forward now it's going to be EV's from China. - UP: 6
我还记得现代和起亚汽车在美国上市的时候。在上世纪 90 年代,它们的价格非常便宜。快进到现在,会是中国的电动汽车。
No more unaffordable or polluting cars. I want to buy one. - UP: 93
America's big 3, asleep at the EV wheel for decades, even killing the EV1 a most promising early car in the 90s, now wants to change the rules of the game mid-stream. - UP: 11
美国三巨头在电动汽车领域沉睡了几十年,甚至在 90 年代扼杀了最有前途的早期车型 EV1,现在却想中途改变游戏规则。
Imagine US' outdated power grid handling all the EVs from China if they let them in? Nope! They want to maintain the EV market 100% classist, only for the few so the people don't suffer the outages.
As for me, I love these BYD cars, for around $12K you get a nice city car with all bells and whistles of what Tesla gives you for around $40K for their basic model. - UP: 2