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文章原始标题:70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China shows Beijing’s communism may be the most viable


While mistakes of the Soviet Union put it in the museum, China’s capacity to adapt and reinvent itself could soon make it the most important country in the world.


Last weekend, I addressed a 70th anniversary commemoration of the victory of the Chinese revolution. I joked to the Chinese diplomats present that I had spoken at the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia too and look what happened after that!

上周末,我在纪念中国革命胜利70周年的活动上发表了讲话。 我跟在场的中国外交官开玩笑说,我也曾在俄国十月革命70周年纪念日上讲过话,然后看看后来发生了什么!

It is now clear however that China had the more sagacious and forward thinking leadership. And that the myriad mistakes of the Soviet model put it in the museum while China goes from strength to strength. I’m happy for China but sad for the people of the former Soviet Union. And here’s why.

然而,现在很清楚的是,中国拥有更具智慧和前瞻性思维的领导。 苏联模式的无数错误让它进入了博物馆,而中国的实力却在不断增强。 我为中国感到高兴,但为前苏联人民感到悲哀。 这就是原因。

China’s capacity to adapt, to evolve, to reinvent itself has made it the second most important country in the world. If I live a normal life-span, I will see it become the first.
Thus, two of my children, who are under 5, go to a Chinese school instead of the Russian language schools I had earlier imagined.

中国的适应能力、发展能力和改造能力使其成为世界上第二重要的国家。 可能我有生之年,可以看到它成为第一的位置。

The Soviet-inspired (and assisted) victory of the Chinese revolution doubled life expectancy (from just 40 to 80), doubled the population, and on the mainland, ceded not one inch of territory. To the contrary, Hong Kong has returned to the motherland as Taiwan will, one day.

中国革命在苏联的鼓舞下(并在苏联的协助下)取得了胜利,人均寿命增加了一倍(从40岁增加到80岁) ,人口增加了一倍,而中国大陆,一寸土地都没有割让。相反,香港有一天会正式回归祖国,台湾也会回归祖国。

The Chinese economy flourishes despite all the efforts of its adversaries, 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty, and poverty itself will be a museum piece before very long.


But nothing that was wrong in the USSR needed to be an existential threat to the existence of the state and its role in the world. If Perestroika had come before Glasnost I could have now been looking forward to speaking at the 102nd anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution next month instead of writing this with a tear in my eye.

但是,苏联的任何错误都不会对这个国家的存在及世界构成威胁。 如果苏联的改革更早的开放,那我现在就可以期待下个月在10月革命胜利102周年纪念日发表演讲了,而不是眼含热泪地写下这篇文章。

Happy 70th anniversary China and my best regards.


Best wishes!
Go, go Grate China yours is 21st. sentcury!


Well, not quite. You could say that the 21st century will be both Russian and Chinese.

好吧,不完全是。 你可以说,21世纪将是俄罗斯和中国共存的世纪。

Bones Howard
The US shouldn't have sent it's manufacturing their, That's the price to pay for profits in the short-term


..and america thinks its equal to this somehow??....america is crumbling and filty and run down where china has entered the modern age surpassing america in every way..astonishing!

...美国人认为他们可以与此相提并论? 美国正在分崩离析、破败不堪,而中国已经在各个方面超越美国进入了现代...非常惊人!

Well said George. There are many like you who hope that the foundations laid by the USSR are still there to be built on.

说得好,乔治。 有很多像你一样的人希望苏联奠定的基础仍然存在。

Only stupid Hong Kongers celebrate with protests and riots......
