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文章原始标题:Why does the United States want to consider China as a geopolitical adversary?


Q: Why does the United States want to consider China as a geopolitical adversary?
It is due to the Christian culture. Christians worship God, and God is a warrior. Proverbs 9:10 says: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." That’s the Western idea of governance. If you want to rule the world, let the world fear you.
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is a classic political philosophy work. The book is still a must-read by students in political science. Niccolo Machiavelli says that if you want to rule, you must be feared. It is the essential political philosophy rooted in the Christian culture.
The US considers China as an adversary because China does not fear the US. That breaks the foundation of the Western world order as the world order is built on fear. After the US dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US thought that the world should fear the US. Yet, Mao simply despised it and said that the atomic bomb was a paper tiger.
China has long been advocating a relationship of mutual respect with the US, and the US never accepts the idea of mutual respect. The US considers it a world leader and the world leader should be feared. The US fantasies that China should fear the US. That’s the rule-based order.
Chinese political culture is a Confucian idea that rulers should be loved. This idea is exactly what Niccolo Machiavelli doubted. Niccolo Machiavelli says that a ruler cannot rule by being loved.
How is a happy life? living daily in fear of in love? Which ruler do you prefer? A ruler you fear or a ruler you love? If you read the Bible, the Christian ideal governance model of rule by God is to obey and fear God.
In 2006, leaders of 48 African countries gathered in Beijing for the China-Africa Summit. In response, the US established Africom in 2007. Africa had been living under the fear of the Western powers for centuries and finally had a power that would love them. That’s not the rule-based order of the Western powers. The rule-based order is based on fear, and the US established the Africom to make sure Africans fear the US.
This is the adversary. The US wants Africans living in fear and China wants Africans living in love. The whole geopolitics today is around the axis: the US destroys and China builds. The US expands its military existence around the world and China builds ports, hospitals, schools, roads, and railways through BRI. The US wages or incites wars to spread fear and China promotes peace and economic development to spread love. China wants an international relationship of mutual respect and the US wants an international relationship of all fear the US.
China promotes peace and love which is the adversary to the US’ wars and fear.

幸福的生活是什么样的?是每天生活在恐惧中,还是生活在友爱中?你更喜欢哪种统治者?是你害怕的统治者,还是你爱戴的统治者?如果你读过《圣经》,你会发现基督教理想的上帝治理模式就是服从和畏惧上帝。2006 年,48 个非洲国家的领导人齐聚北京,参加中非峰会。作为回应,美国于 2007 年成立了非洲司令部。几个世纪以来,非洲一直生活在西方列强的恐惧之下,现在终于有了一个愿意爱他们的大国。这不是西方列强基于规则的秩序。基于规则的秩序是建立在恐惧之上的,而美国建立非洲司令部就是为了确保非洲人害怕美国。

This is such an incoherent reply.
> Chinese political culture is a Confucian idea that rulers should be loved.
This person doesn't know anything about Rujia (Confucianism). This is Mengzi 孟子: 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻 the people are significant, followed by the state, the ruler is insignificant
Does that sound like love the rulers? NO! Monarchs hated Confucius. Confucius advocated for meritocracy which went against inhered dynastic power and nepotism.
> Why does the United States want to consider China as a geopolitical adversary?
Look at books such as "The End of History and the Last Man" by Francis Fukuyama, "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski, or writings from Washington-based think tanks, the common theme is that the United States is the world's superpower and no country should emerge to challenge the hegemony of the United States.
Christianity, any religion, and superstition are just tools used by the ruling class to manipulate and control the people for their goals since ancient times.


Agnosticpagan -> xerotul
It is a gross misreading of Machiavelli also. His two major works were The Prince and The Discourses on Livy, both published posthumously. The latter is the greater, and I argue, the more important work. Machiavelli was a republican - in the original Roman sense focused more on custom than constitutions. In both works, he states the preference that rulers should use benevolence, but if that is not possible, then use fear as a last resort. In other words, incentives are preferred over disincentives.
The neglect of the The Discourses on Livy does highlight how most Westerners view governance as a necessary evil that needs to be limited, rather than the collective power of the community to create something good. This is partly shaped by Judeo-Christian concepts like 'original sin' and that humans need divine salvation, and so secular government is seen as inferior to theocratic government. (Remember, it is the Kingdom of God. No democrats in their celestial realm.)

对《论李维》的忽视,确实凸显了大多数西方人将治理视为需要加以限制的必要之恶,而不是社会创造美好事物的集体力量。这在一定程度上是受犹太教-基督教观念的影响,如 "原罪 "和人类需要神的救赎,因此世俗政府被视为不如神权政府。(记住,这里是神的国度,在他们的天国里没有民主派)。

I believe Parenti said something like: "US endless war demands seeing a world of enemies, just as Rome did, just as Hitler did. If you can't find an enemy, no problem, just invent one."

我相信帕兰提说过类似的话 "美国无休止的战争要求看到一个充满敌人的世界,就像罗马和希特勒那样。如果你找不到敌人,没关系,那就自己造一个"。

China is the only country in the world right now that is positioned to compete with the US. This is why the Americans have declared war on the Chinese.
When you add that to the white man's obsession for domination and greed, there is nothing that they will not do to achieve their goals. Lying and ruining innocent lives is not an issue for them. They have no moral values and recent events have shown how hypocritical they are wrt to democracy, free speech and racism.


Tulsa Massacre - when non-whites do better than them they get all pissy and homicidal


I'm American, and although Christian culture is pervasive in America, it's a culture that is only tangentially connected to the Bible, and contains many different sects. Some sects are explicitly hierarchical, and others are focused on individual relationships with God, many of which have de-emphasized the fear that Xiaoming Guo references here. The Bible is a book that is largely cherry-picked in order to support and emphasize each sect's core beliefs, and few Christians actually read it entirely. Likewise, few Americans have read more than a couple excerpts of Machiavelli's The Prince. These works have shaped the culture, but (in my opinion) not to the degree by which capitalism has shaped the culture.
Most Americans believe that China is a repressive totalitarian dictatorship, and working under that assumption, they conclude that any messaging from China claiming to be in favor of peace and cooperation is insincere. I would attribute this to messaging from American politicians and media, rather than Christianity or actual political philosophy (though American Christianity is anything but apolitical). American media coverage of China is always focused on presenting China this way, and most Americans don't really have the time or feel the need to critically investigate that narrative. The only place where they're likely to find information countering this narrative is in online socialist communities, and even those communities often believe that the CPC is totalitarian, and does not serve the Chinese people.
I don't think this misinformation is spurred by American politicians and media believing in Christianity; it seems more likely that they are beholden to the capital that funds them, and therefore they adopt messaging that coincides with the interests of American capitalists. Despite America's extensive trade with China, American capitalists view China as an adversary because any rise in Chinese power tends to come at the cost of American power. Even if China's approach to foreign policy is entirely cooperative, that cooperation erodes the grip of American capital and hegemony. America doesn't want to be cooperative because cooperation is not how their power was acquired, and it is not compatible with how their power is maintained. This is why the USA focuses more on military spending than foreign or domestic economic development.
Culture is a flexible thing that slowly changes to reinforce the current organization of political and economic power. Christianity and The Prince existed long before anti-China rhetoric in America. The reason it appears now and during the Red Scare is because China's position as a competing economic power that is not subservient to western capital makes it innately a threat. The only way China would not be considered a threat is if western capitalists owned large portions of its economy.
