Hi everyone, I'm from Beijing, 37 years old and local.
I seem to have been invited to join by r/PoliticalDebate quite by chance.
The board I'm often active on is r/sino (I'd like to speak on other boards too, but I've been banned from over 20 so far, and I'm sure I'm only speaking in the interest of the Chinese, which has given me my first taste of Western-style "freedom of speech").
Are you guys curious about any Chinese locals?
I like I will try my best to answer.
Hi, I have 2 questions for you:
What is your impression of your first taste of western style 'freedom of speech', as you put it.
What do you think the main ideological differences are between 'eastern' and 'western' in your experience?
Thank you!
你对自己第一次体验西式 "言论自由 "的印象如何?
根据你的经验,你认为 "东方 "和 "西方 "在意识形态方面的主要差异是什么?
bjran8888 -> siandresi
1、I don't think there is essentially a difference between freedom of speech in the West and freedom of speech in China.
As long as you live in a society, you are in a sense assigned to a cage of speech, you can't get out of that cage, and in all societies, that cage is of different sizes and different forms of composition, but it exists.
For example, you won't lose your job in China for openly supporting Israel or Palestine, but you will in the US.
2、What do you think are the main ideological differences between the "East" and the "West"?
The topic of East and West is so big that we probably need to visualize the United States and China.
I think there are ideological differences between the two sides, but they are actually getting smaller - it's more like two sides of the same coin. Or more like two people both climbing a mountain, one from the north and one from the south.
The real issue is interest and hope for future development.
SergeantRegular -> bjran8888
For example, you won't lose your job in China for openly supporting Israel or Palestine, but you will in the US.
I think I should clarify a bit. In the US, the government doesn't really get too deeply involved with most employer-employee relationships. If you speak ill of your employer or something like that, it won't be the government that removes you from your job. It'll be your employer. Unless you work for the government, your employer is probably a private business entity. And they can usually fire you for any number of reasons, including a lot of speech-related ones. Our freedom of speech is quite broad, but it's a right that's really only protected from the government infringing on us, our employers have a lot of the same freedoms that we enjoy - and that extends to firing us.
The real issue is interest and hope for future development.
What do you mean by this? Examples?
bjran8888 -> SergeantRegular
1、Yes, it is the employer who fires - but if the employer fires an employee for an unreasonable reason, I think the government has the right to intervene to protect labor rights.
As it stands now, the US government doesn't see a problem with "employers firing employees because of their support for Palestine" - it's essentially a tacit endorsement.
2、The real issue is the hope for future development.
The United States has placed more than 1,500 companies and Chinese scientists on the "Entity List", which prohibits them from engaging with any Western company on the grounds of "national security".
Most of these companies have nothing to do with the military industry, basically all Chinese technology companies (the most typical, business soup technology, kuangshi technology, these two companies are doing artificial intelligence, in China have not heard of these two companies and the military have any military cooperation)
The U.S. basically sanctioned all of China's technology and innovation unicorn companies, which is not aimed at stopping China's military development at all, but rather at dismantling China's high-tech industry.
【题主】1、是的,解雇的是雇主,但如果雇主以不合理的理由解雇员工,我认为政府有权干预,以保护劳工权益。就目前而言,美国政府并不认为 "雇主因支持巴勒斯坦而解雇员工 "有什么问题,这实质上是一种默许。
2、真正的问题是对未来发展的希望。美国已将 1500 多家公司和中国科学家列入 "实体名单",以 "国家安全 "为由禁止他们与任何西方公司接触。这些公司大多与军工无关,基本上都是中国的科技公司(最典型的,商汤科技、旷视科技,这两家公司都是做人工智能的,在中国都没听说过这两家公司和军方有什么军事合作)美国基本上制裁了中国所有的科技创新独角兽公司,这根本不是为了阻止中国的军工发展,而是为了瓦解中国的高科技产业。
What do you think about the western society?
bjran8888 -> ltsEdwin
Until Trump launched a trade war against China, I thought the West was willing to develop with other countries on an equal footing.
But now I don't think so. The West has turned its back on the vision it once had (or maybe, that just seems to be a lie) - as long as you work your way through the international division of labor, you can continue to develop yourself.
Perhaps we think too much of Western politicians.
ivanbin -> bjran8888
He asked what you think of the west not the USA though.
bjran8888 -> ivanbin
After this San Francisco summit, almost all non-US western countries started to improve their relations with China.
Behaviour says it all.
Communisaurus_Rex -> bjran8888
The West has turned its back on the vision it once had
Western history is a history of colonialism. And all this suffering hasn't even built prosperity in the West, since the majority of the population is also poor. Western history is death, war and poverty to enrich a small minority of people over the lives of others. That is the actual vision the West has and has always had. You just matured, seen the world and educated yourself enough to get past the propaganda and functional illiteracy which are rampant in the West, and now you are starting to see the West as it really is.
Waryur -> bjran8888
(or maybe, that just seems to be a lie)
It is. What the dominant Western political philosophy, liberalism, proclaims to be and what it is are very different things. It claims to be liberatory but it's only for the benefit of the rich in the "civilized" world and everyone else gets crumbs.
There has been a lot of anti-China rhetoric coming from both Republicans and Democrats. Do you hear any of that in China, and does China have an anti-US stance?
What do you think of the US anti-China opinions?
Thanks for any answers...
共和党和民主党都有很多反华言论。 你在中国听过这些言论吗?
bjran8888 -> DevelopmentSelect646
1、Both the Republican and Democratic parties have made many anti-China statements. Have you heard such news in China?
Certainly, we have heard. In my view, Chinese people have a better understanding of the United States and its politics than Americans do of China and its politics (if you dine in a beijing restaurant, you'll find about half the people discussing these topics). Many Americans know very little about China, not even basic concepts, let alone how Chinese politics operates.
2、Does China have an anti-American stance?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
3、How do you view the anti-China rhetoric in the United States?
It indicates that China's strength is still not powerful enough. China needs to continue developing itself in technology, military, and other aspects.
Feeling-Dinner-8667 -> bjran8888
Great answer! Democrats always act like they're the moral compass but in reality they're actually quite deceptive in their true goals. In the end it's all about the $$$.
bjran8888 -> Feeling-Dinner-8667
The United States was once strong enough to do whatever it wanted.
But now, the United States must be truly just, or other countries will increasingly support China as a counterweight to the United States.
Friends, I didn't realize there were so many questions at once, hahaha.
Thank you all so much, and please be patient if I'm slow to reply.
What is the social credit system, how it is calculated and what does it affect. I've seen many contradicting articles and cant put them all together.
What is the situation with Uyghurs?
what is the common opinion on communism/socialism?
what is the attitude towards Taiwan and the possibility of war?
what is your opinion on Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestine conflicts?
NFossil -> blade_barrier
Barging in as another Chinese in similar age group:
Social credit: nothing as portrayed by western MSM exists. Regular financial credit does exist, as in the west. Early reports tend to be demonized imaginations of private financial institutions, but now western reports are just a matter of circular references to supposedly independent media which all go back to the same lies, as western reports on China tend to be.
Uyghurs: that's what a humane and successful war on terror looks like, in contrast to US and Israeli actions in the Middle East. Turns out when you treat people humanely, improve their lives and don't bomb them, they are less prone to suicide bombing.
Common opinion: from the social media sites that I read, newer generations are increasingly supportive of socialism and communism. What happens domestically and internationally perfectly matches basic concepts on these ideologies taught in middle school.
TW: Chinese government is probably the second most pacifist side on this issue, after TW civilians.
2 wars:
On Russia-Ukraine there's more debate. Overwhelmingly against Israel since the whole issue reminds people about the Japanese invasion even down to the tiniest of details.
There was a viral quadrant diagram a while back, I'll summarize it with somewhat less emotional wording:
Pro Russia and Palestine: Chinese geopolitical interests
Pro Ukraine and Israel: US geopolitical interests
Pro Ukraine and Palestine: naive idealistic true pacifist
Pro Russia and Israel: law of the jungle type
bjran8888 -> blade_barrier
What is the social credit system?
To be honest, as long as you are not a person who has money and does not pay it back, the social credit system does not have any impact on you, China's social credit system is entirely based on the credit system of western banks (for example, if you do not pay back your credit card in time, it will affect the loan).
As for what there is a scoring system that scores everyone, it's all nonsense.
What is the situation of Uyghurs?
There are 56 ethnic groups in China, and the Uyghurs are part of our Chinese nation.
The biggest problem they are experiencing is that the US is imposing sanctions on them, and the whole Chinese people are actively buying Xinjiang products and traveling to Xinjiang to help them defend themselves against the US sanctions.
3, What is the common view on communism/socialism?
It's a bit complicated, I and there are so many different factions of communism/socialism themselves that it's hard to answer.
4, What is the attitude towards Taiwan and the possibility of war?
I hope for a peaceful reunification.
5, What are your views on the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
It's a bit complicated and I may respond in other questions. Or reply much later.
2、中国有 56 个民族,维吾尔族是中华民族的一部分。他们遇到的最大问题是美国正在对他们实施制裁,而全体中国人民都在积极购买新疆产品并前往新疆,帮助他们抵御美国的制裁。
I guess you're using a VPN to access this site?
Why does China censor the Internet and do you support them doing so?
我猜你是用 VPN 访问这个网站的?
bjran8888 -> not-a-dislike-button
I believe the existence of firewalls is necessary at the moment.
Interestingly, with the changing dynamics of power between China and the U.S., it's intriguing to see the U.S. gradually emulating China in constructing firewalls.
not-a-dislike-button -> bjran8888
But why? What is wrong with the leadership and citizens of China that renders mass censorship nessecary?
bjran8888 -> not-a-dislike-button
It's not mass censorship, it's internet sovereignty.
Why is the US shutting down tiktok? In many cases, the reasoning is similar.
not-a-dislike-button -> bjran8888
The only tiktok restriction in the US is that it can't be on government devices due to security concerns.
China blocks citizen access to large troves of information, and social media. It's one of the most highly controlled information and media landscapes in existence. Why is China an outlier in requiring this level of censorship?
美国对 tiktok 的唯一限制是,出于安全考虑,它不能在政府设备上使用。
中国阻止公民获取大量信息和社交媒体。这是目前信息和媒体控制最严格的国家之一。 为什么中国在要求这种程度的审查方面是个例外?
bjran8888 -> not-a-dislike-button
No, the only reason tiktok is still available in the US is because of the resistance of the users of tiktok, the American people, and not because of the false "benevolence" of American politicians.
As for censorship, I think it's everywhere in the West too, like here.
I think ultimately it's all about national interest.
Stronger cultures naturally want to expand into other civilisations, and weaker civilisations will take defensive measures so that they don't get subsumed by the stronger culture.
And interestingly enough, as the contrast between the strong and the weak begins to change, these two measures will reverse.
If there is indeed a day when China takes the place of the United States, of that day, China will argue for continued openness, while the United States will become more and more censorious.
【题主】不,tiktok 在美国还能使用的唯一原因是 tiktok 用户,即美国人民的抵制,而不是美国政客的假仁假义。至于审查制度,我认为在西方也随处可见,比如这个:[英国卫报已删除的文章链接]
Is China an aggressive country? Do you see China ever using military force to invade another country? Will China invade Taiwan? Do you prefer capitalism or communism?
bjran8888 -> skeletus
Is China an aggressive country?
Of course not, look at China's counterattacks against Vietnam and against India.
2, Will China invade Taiwan?
The root of the Taiwan issue is that in 1950, the U.S. Seventh Fleet entered the Taiwan Strait and prevented China's reunification. Taiwan is part of China, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are a continuation of the Chinese civil war.
2、台湾问题的根源在于 1950 年美国第七舰队进入台湾海峡,阻止了中国的统一。台湾是中国的一部分,台海两岸是中国内战的延续。
Clark_Kent_88 -> bjran8888
2, so is that a “yes”?
bjran8888 -> Clark_Kent_88
China has already drawn a red line and will initiate forceful reunification under several conditions, including Taiwan's declaration of independence, Taiwan's acquisition of nuclear weapons, the stationing of United States troops on Taiwan, and the occurrence of great upheavals in Taiwan's society.
In other words, it depends on the government of the Republic of China as well as the U.S. government
You may not have too much insight into this, but I'm curious as to what you think Western society would benefit from if they adopted it from Chinese society, and vice-versa. Is there anything Chinese society would benefit from taking it from Western society?
I certainly don't know enough about the day to day society to know one way or another, so I'm interested if you do.
bjran8888 -> twbassist
1、China has learned a great deal from Western society. This includes, but is not limited to, the 54 Movement, the New Culture Movement, and even the reform and opening-up framework constructed by Deng Xiaoping. It is a result of learning from the social systems of various countries worldwide and establishing practices based on the actual situation.
2、As for what Western society has drawn from Chinese society, that seems like a question that should be directed at Westerners rather than me.
NFossil -> twbassist
Barging in as Chinese in the same age group and having lived in Canada:
Accessibility needs a lot more work in China. This is THE ONE THING that I will always praise the West for. However I also recognize that it's a matter of material infrastructure development and it's getting more attention.
China could use more strict policing. I understand that the West sees China as some oppressive police state but the truth is that too much leniency is given in everyday law enforcement, while people who commit minor offenses often get off free for being elderly or female. Again, this issue is getting more attention.
I don't know what the West can take from China. Well, I do think the Chinese system is comprehensively superior, but I can't imagine what it would take for the West to adopt any of its elements.
What is the biggest problem you have with the West or America? What is the biggest problem you have the East or China?
bjran8888 -> Pixelpeoplewarrior
1、From China's point of view, the United States and the West are now trying to suppress China's development and even trying to take away China's hope for development, which is obviously incorrect.
2、China has a lot of problems, such as the last 30 years may have traveled the distance that the West has traveled in 100 years, rapid development has covered up a lot of problems, which need to be solved bit by bit. There also needs to be a sound plan for the next stage.
2、中国有很多问题,比如过去 30 年可能走了西方 100 年走过的路程,快速发展掩盖了很多问题,需要一点一点来解决。下一阶段还需要有一个合理的规划。
What’s your favorite American food?
bjran8888 -> duke_awapuhi
Pizza Hut and Papa John's Pizza?
Does that count? Ha, ha.
Waryur -> bjran8888
It's certainly not Italian anymore!
bjran8888 -> Waryur
Waryur -> bjran8888
Pizza Hut is probably the worst pizza chain in the US tbh.
bjran8888 -> Waryur
Many Western brands enter China with a new strategy to elevate their brand level, which results in a higher-ranking restaurant in China than in the U.S., most notably KFC.
Waryur -> bjran8888
Yeah I've heard even in Europe let alone China the American fast food chains are a bit nicer. In their home country they're all slop.
bjran8888 -> Waryur
Haha, that's what "distance makes beauty" is all about.
Plus it's obviously a business strategy to maximize profits.
Do you think, somewhere in the future, China will make a transition to full on socialism akin to pre-revisionist Soviet Union?
bjran8888 -> PuzzleheadedCell7736
I think probably not.
China's current self-serious stage is in the primary stage of socialism, and I think it will take a long time even to get to the intermediate stage of socialism.
Also the Soviet model has proven to be a problematic model, I think China will come out with a new model out of it.
Waryur -> bjran8888
Do you think the problems with the Soviet model were due to technical inadequacy (central planning calculations done by hand) and that a more technologically advanced attempt at the same (just look at the complex inventory systems for large companies like Walmart) would fare better? Or do you think there was a flaw in the idea itself?
bjran8888 -> Waryur
Honestly, I couldn't be sure, I wasn't a Soviet after all.
The lack of arithmetic in those days was definitely a flaw.
Others say it was the fact that the privileged class was prevalent in the USSR at that time and had turned their backs on the original philosophy of the founding of the country.
I once spoke to a very old Russian whose view was that the ruling class in the USSR was in trouble by the time of Brezhnev, and no one even knew who gave the order to invade Afghanistan.
Waryur -> bjran8888
Others say it was the fact that the privileged class was prevalent in the USSR at that time and had turned their backs on the original philosophy of the founding of the country.
I once spoke to a very old Russian whose view was that the ruling class in the USSR was in trouble by the time of Brezhnev
The Soviet Union turned away from its original ideals with Khruschov, he was the first reformist. Everything after that was a downward spiral. Deng did a lot better handling those kind of things.
Any thoughts re Uighur citizens treating?
bjran8888 -> JiveChicken00
Uyghurs are part of China's 56 ethnic groups, and there is a large proportion of Uyghurs who lead a stable life.
As for those extremists who launched the 75 Incidents, the Kunming Railway Station Terrorist Attacks, and the Tiananmen Terrorist Attacks, they need to be dealt with in a heavy-handed manner to restore a peaceful and stable Xinjiang and China.
【题主】维吾尔族是中国 56 个民族中的一员,有很大一部分维吾尔族人过着稳定的生活。
对于发动 "75事件"、"昆明火车站恐怖袭击事件"、"天安门恐怖袭击事件"的极端分子,需要以严厉的方式处理,以恢复新疆和中国的和平稳定。
Welcome, brother 🇨🇳💪🇦🇺
欢迎你,兄弟 🇨🇳💪🇦🇺
bjran8888 -> Alexitine
You have freedom of speech, from the government.
"Joe Biden is an incompetent corrupt pedophile criminal!!!"
Note how that was not censored by the government, nor was my internet spuriously intermittent for some amount of time.
Everyone else here can tell me to go f myself, that is also their freedom, they can downvote or even ban me, but the government cannot do much of anything.
ScientificMarxist -> InvertedParallax
Funny how you libs will say shit but with no clue what you are talking about......
bjran8888 -> InvertedParallax
I'm a little curious, do you have the guts to openly support Palestine and oppose the massacre of Palestinians by the Israelis in your social media and work groups?
SergeantRegular -> bjran8888
I do work for the United States government, and even I am comfortable stating my position on the Israel-Palestine issue.
Now, I think Hamas is an organization that engages in terrorism, and Israelis and the Palestinian people are victims of Hamas. But Hamas has some support from Palestinians because Palestinians are also victimized by the Israeli government.
It's a complicated issue, and both sides have committed terrible acts, but Hamas is making the active choice to engage in terror, and that's a fairly bright line to cross, in my opinion. The Israeli government is heavy-handed and authoritarian and generally not great as a whole, and actively bad with regards to Palestine, but I wouldn't say they're terrorists. Hamas is.
bjran8888 -> SergeantRegular
Firstly, thank you for your candour.
I don't work for the Chinese government and I am not a member of the CCP, just an ordinary Beijinger.
1、There are about 30 countries in the world that identify Hamas as a terrorist organisation. The rest, 160+ countries, do not consider Hamas a terrorist organisation - including the UN, while at the same time, many countries consider Hamas a resistance organisation.
2、I don't support Hamas attacks on ordinary Israelis, which are clearly wrong, but Israel's military operations in northern Gaza go far beyond the needs of a conventional war. This war has only been going on for a month, and already the number of civilian deaths and injuries exceeds the civilian injuries from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict for over a year, and Americans really think that's normal? Not a double standard? That being an ally of the U.S. makes it okay to collectively punish third world nationalities without consequence?
3、At a time when the US government is criticising Russia, even sanctioning and confiscating the assets of ordinary Russians, the US sends two aircraft carriers to stabilise the situation in Israel - without the two aircraft carriers sent by the US government and the weapons the US is aiding Israel with, would Israel be as reckless as it is now?
4、If the U.S. government wanted to claim to be the good guys, it should have put pressure on the Likud group after Rabin's assassination and defended the Oslo accords so that they could continue to be implemented - but now that the Jewish settlements in the West Bank have taken over 65 per cent of the territory and 75 per cent of the water supply, and the West is turning a blind eye to it, is this really just and fair? Is this really just and fair behaviour? If so, why did only a dozen or so countries support the United States and Israel when the United Nations General Assembly voted? Why is the United States under increasing pressure from the international community?
Justice is always in people's psyche and no one is a fool.
In China, Jiang Ziya in the "creation of the gods" has a saying which means that the fate of heaven has its own laws, and only virtuous people can deal with it, and that the world is not one man's world, but the world's people's world. Only by treating the people with sincerity can one become a noble model of governance and establish the fundamental laws of the world.
I think this saying also applies to the United States.《封神演义》“天命有常,惟有德者居之。天下非一人之天下,乃天下人之天下。故天命无常,惟眷有德”
1、世界上大约有 30 个国家认定哈马斯为恐怖组织。其余 160 多个国家不认为哈马斯是恐怖组织,包括联合国,同时,许多国家认为哈马斯是抵抗组织。
4、如果美国政府想自称好人,它本应在拉宾遇刺后向利库德集团施压,并捍卫奥斯陆协定,使其得以继续执行,但现在,西岸的犹太人定居点已占领了 65% 的领土和 75% 的供水,而西方国家却对此视而不见,这真的是公正和公平吗?这真的是公正和公平的行为吗?如果是,为什么在联合国大会表决时,只有十几个国家支持美国和以色列?为什么美国受到国际社会越来越大的压力?
SergeantRegular -> bjran8888
Thank you, it's appreciated.
To Hamas and Israel, I don't like labeling Hamas as a "terrorist organization," but I do think they deserve to be called out for engaging in terrorism. That might seem like a semantic difference, but I do believe they have legitimate grievances apart from their terrorist activities. That being said, I don't think Israel's actions go "far beyond" the needs of a conventional war, but I do think they're allowing a conventional war to encroach far too much into civilian and non-combatant spaces. And, to be fair, Hamas is aware of this and takes advantage of it. Again, it's very complicated, and both sides are engaging in some terrible acts and de-escalating the situation is going to be difficult without a lot of active intervention in good faith from outside actors, which I don't think anyone is willing to do, particularly with Hamas.
sanctioning and confiscating the assets of ordinary Russians
I'm sorry, but that statement reeks of anti-American kind of "damned American imperialist dogs" propaganda. "Ordinary Russians?" First, why would a wealthy nation-state be interested in the private assets of close-to-poverty "ordinary Russians?" Because we do sanction private Russian citizens, but I wouldn't consider the owners of massive industrial sectors and close political allies of Putin to be "ordinary" Russians at all. Russia as a whole, particularly as a highly corrupt country, blurs the lines between the state and private citizens - very intentionally. This is very much how organized crime works in much of the western world - a legitimate business operates within the law, but provides a "front" for various illegal activities. Those "ordinary Russians" are fantastically wealthy, and they didn't get that wealth by just working very hard. It's political corruption, and it's a major element of how they continue to fund their invasion of Ukraine.
For #4 - totally agree. Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories shouldn't happen unless the Israeli government is willing to fully integrate the Palestinian people as equals and treat them as such. However, that would also require Hamas to cease engaging in terrorism, which nobody has any reason to believe will happen with integration, because they've stated they want the Israelis out of Palestinian territory. It's complicated, and there is pressure from both sides that cause a situation like this to be so intractable.
对于哈马斯和以色列,我不喜欢给哈马斯贴上 "恐怖组织 "的标签,但我认为他们从事恐怖主义活动理应受到谴责。这似乎是语义上的差异,但我确实认为,除了恐怖活动之外,他们还有合理的不满。话虽如此,我并不认为以色列的行动 "远远超出 "了常规战争的需要,但我确实认为他们让常规战争过多地侵入了平民和非战斗人员的空间。而且,公平地说,哈马斯也意识到了这一点,并加以利用。再说一遍,情况非常复杂,双方都在采取一些可怕的行动,如果没有外部力量的积极干预,很难缓和局势,而我认为没有人愿意这样做,尤其是对哈马斯。
抱歉,但这种说法充满了反美宣传的味道,就像 "该死的美帝国主义走狗"。"普通俄罗斯人"?首先,为什么一个富裕的民族国家会对近乎贫穷的 "普通俄罗斯人 "的私人资产感兴趣?因为我们确实在制裁俄罗斯公民,但我根本不认为大规模工业部门的所有者和普京的亲密政治盟友是 "普通 "俄罗斯人。整个俄罗斯,尤其是作为一个高度腐败的国家,非常有意地模糊了国家和公民个人之间的界限。这与西方国家有组织犯罪的运作方式如出一辙——合法企业依法经营,但为各种非法活动提供 "幌子"。那些 "普通俄罗斯人 "非常富有,而他们的财富并不是靠努力工作得来的。这是政治腐败,也是他们继续资助入侵乌克兰的主要因素。
bjran8888 -> SergeantRegular
Thank you very much for your answers.
1, Regarding Hamas, I think we have a certain consensus, and China and the US are currently cooperating to some extent in the UN Security Council (the US abstained from voting on Malta's offer of a temporary humanitarian ceasefire), and I think this is a good kind of oversight that allows the US to prioritize the interests of the world, instead of leaving enough for the US to do so first, and then thinking about the world as a whole.
(On November 30, 2023, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Israel's withdrawal from the Golan Heights, with 91 votes in favor, 62 abstentions, and 8 votes against - Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Micronesia, Palau, Australia, Canada, and the Marshall Islands.)
2, The confiscation of Russian assets by the US centers on boundaries, and borders. Many Chinese, including Middle Easterners, also have their assets in Western (e.g., Swiss) banks, but now the U.S. says sanctions - where are the boundaries of such sanctions, which extend to the private sector? Does the "sanctity of private property" disappear just because the U.S. government calls for it?
Remember, since the end of the Cold War, the concentric circles of U.S. hegemony have essentially included Russia, China, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, and Central Asia outside the West, but the U.S. is now not only using SWIFT as a political tool, but is also blurring the line between government and civil society.
In other words, the U.S. is expressing the idea that I can do as I please to any country, including Russia, one of the five permanent members -- do you think Third World countries will be closer to the U.S. as a result of this, or will they be more afraid of the U.S.? --or, would they prefer to find a balance between the U.S. and China, as the Saudis have done?
This is the difference between an internal view and an external view, and the Third World is well aware that the West will never see it as "us".
Is this really not a preparation for future confiscation of Chinese assets?Think of Russia, they're even ethnically white, European.We will never be seen as "us" by the West, and it's much less psychologically burdensome to punish the Chinese than the Russians.
An interesting hypothesis about Israel is that if Palestine were to be fully annexed by Israel, the result would be that there would be more Palestinians than Israelis - what would be the political stance of the US if there were one-person, one-vote elections in which the Palestinians would win? Or does the US support Israel's implementation of apartheid?
1、关于哈马斯,我认为我们有一定的共识,目前中美在联合国安理会也有一定程度的合作(美国对马耳他提出的人道主义临时停火投了弃权票),我认为这是一种很好的监督,可以让美国优先考虑世界的利益,而不是先给美国留足了余地,再考虑整个世界的利益。 2023年11月30日,联合国大会以91票赞成、62票弃权、8票反对(以色列、美国、英国、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、澳大利亚、加拿大、马绍尔群岛)通过决议,要求以色列撤出戈兰高地。
2、美国没收俄罗斯资产的核心是界限问题。许多中国人,包括中东人也在西方(如瑞士)银行有资产,但现在美国说制裁,其界限在哪里,延伸到私营部门吗?难道 "私有财产神圣不可侵犯 "就因为美国政府的要求而消失了吗?
请记住,自冷战结束以来,美国霸权的同心圆基本上包括了西方以外的俄罗斯、中国、中东、东南亚、南美、非洲和中亚,但美国现在不仅将 SWIFT 作为政治工具,还模糊了政府与民间社会之间的界限。
这就是内部视角和外部视角之间的区别,第三世界非常清楚,西方永远不会把它看作是 "自己人"。
这真的不是为将来没收中国资产做准备吗?想想俄罗斯,他们甚至是白种人、欧洲人。我们永远不会被西方视为 "自己人",惩罚中国人比惩罚俄罗斯人的心理负担要小得多。
Communisaurus_Rex -> InvertedParallax
Note how that was not censored by the government, nor was my internet spuriously intermittent for some amount of time.
That's your genius way of understanding freedom of speech? hahahaha.
The question here is not even if you really have freedom of speech or not. The thing is you don't even understand what freedom of speech means.
I will give you just a very simple example to illustrate. You can call your president and other people stupid on the internet and you will not get censored by it... but your voice will reach a limited amount of people and unless you have loads of cash you cannot open a private media company and have an actual impact in public opinion, like CNN, Fox News, etc. You are allowed to say whatever you want precisely because whatever you say has absolutely no effect on the reality you live in. Not to mention that you are also allowed to say whatever you want because there is a high probability that your opinion on several matters is just a reproduction of american propaganda.
Have you ever considered that a quality educational system is also part of the freedom of speech concept? If people have good, accessible educational system they are more likely to develop critical thinking, and as such they will be able to filter more the information that reach them; alternatively, they will understand the world better, and make opinions that actually are more accurate about the reality they live in.
Now, how is USA public education again? It's absolute garbage isn't it?
In the USA you do not have freedom of speech. You have an abstract concept of freedom of speech, a cookie that was given to you to apease you and make you amiable and docile. The difference between you and OP is that OP educated himself enough to get past basic misconceptions about the world.
我只举一个非常简单的例子来说明。你可以在互联网上骂你的总统和其他人傻逼,你不会因此而受到审查... 但你的声音只能传递给有限的人,除非你有大把的钞票,否则你不可能像 CNN、福克斯新闻等那样开一家私人媒体公司,对公众舆论产生实际影响。你可以想说什么就说什么,正是因为你说的一切对你所处的现实完全没有影响。更不用说,你也被允许想说什么就说什么,因为你对一些问题的看法很有可能只是美国宣传的翻版。
Thoughts on Marxism?
bjran8888 -> willardTheMighty
We learn this in class (middle school and high school).
I think the framework for China's development is already in place.
Communisaurus_Rex -> bjran8888
We learn this in class (middle school and high school).
In most of the western world you do not study marxism in school. Most people will grow old without even a basic notion of it. You can see that clearly here in reddit, where the majority of the users had access to an eduation of some sort, but most are completely ignorant in these topics.
在大多数西方国家,学校里不教马克思主义。大多数人到老也不会对马克思主义有一个基本概念。你可以在 reddit 上清楚地看到这点,这里的大多数用户都接受过某种形式的教育,但大多数人对这些话题却一无所知。
bjran8888 -> Communisaurus_Rex
It's true that there are very few people on reddit who understand this.
A lot of times you have to give examples to make them understand.
【题主】在 reddit 上,能理解马克思主义的人确实很少。
Do you hate America?
bjran8888 -> Vegasgiants
I don't hate the American people, but I loathe American politicians.
This tends to be a debate amongst a variety of socialists, but hopefully you can clear the air on it.
Do the workers in China have collective ownership and democratic control of the means of production in China? Like, do working class people have a direct, participatory role in organizing and control of their own society and institutions?
I’m under the assumption that China is state capitalist, and not socialist, and has been since Deng Xiaoping took office.
bjran8888 -> Prevatteism
1, the discussion of socialism or communists abroad here seems to be very labeled, which is a complex issue.
The current situation in China is that "public ownership is the mainstay of the economy, and a variety of ownerships develop together", where public ownership includes the state-owned economy, the collective economy (which also occupies a large portion of the economy, the state-owned economy theoretically belonging to all the people of China, and the collective economy belonging to all the constituent collectives, for example, a certain village).
Multiple ownership includes the individual, private, and foreign economies.
Workers in state-owned and collective enterprises will have more rights and interests than those in the non-public economy in terms of ownership and democratic control, though their income will also be relatively lower, but more stable.
Currently China's productivity is not enough to even enter the intermediate stage of socialism, and given the positive state of affairs, China will and will remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time.
In the eyes of the Chinese, Deng Xiaoping's reforms were inevitable, otherwise China would remain only a mediocre country with a low GDP.
A few core phrases from Deng Xiaoping: "Practice is the only standard for testing the truth" "A black cat and a white cat are good cats only if they catch rats" "Poverty is not socialism"
【题主】这里讨论国外的社会主义或共产主义似乎很标签化,这是一个复杂的问题。中国的现状是 "公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展",其中公有制包括国有经济、集体经济(集体经济也占很大比重,国有经济理论上属于全体中国人民,集体经济属于所有组成集体,比如某个村)。
邓的几句核心语录: "实践是检验真理的唯一标准"、"黑猫白猫抓住老鼠才是好猫"、"贫穷不是社会主义"
ScientificMarxist -> Prevatteism
Do the workers in China have collective ownership and democratic control of the means of production in China? Like, do working class people have a direct, participatory role in organizing and control of their own society and institutions?
Public enterprises, for example, are controlled by democratic workers’ congresses.
Article 16 State-owned enterprises have decision-making power with regard to their operation within the limits prescribed by law.
State-owned enterprises practise democratic management through congresses of workers and staff and in other ways in accordance with law.
Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Second, there are also party organizations in China. If enough members of the workers’ party are in a single private enterprise, they can form a party organization within the enterprise. Currently just under half of all private enterprises have a Community Party organization within them.
Party orgaizations
This gives the government a way to regulate companies to make sure they’re inline with workers’ interests from the grassroots since these organizations submit reports on the enterprise to higher ups.
第 16 条 国有企业在法律规定的范围内有权自主经营权。
What’s the internet access like for you? What are the restrictions?
bjran8888 -> mild_salsa_dip
I can't access google, youtube, and some western media and social media.
I’ve heard the unemployment situation over there for young people is a lot worse than the government is saying. What have your observations been?
bjran8888 -> chemprof4real
Unemployment among young people is a problem, but it's not as if China hasn't experienced such periods before (e.g., the great layoffs of the 1990s).
The core question is whether China can emerge from this predicament, and I'm optimistic about that.
【题主】年轻人失业是个问题,但中国并非没有经历过这样的时期(如 1990年代的下岗潮)。
Do you think the Chinese national football team is poised for a big breakthrough?
bjran8888 -> SteadfastEnd
What do you think the ideal government and society should be?
bjran8888 -> Randolpho
It's a complicated topic, but I think there's one standard that underlies it - a good life for all people with food, clothing, and no debt.
What are the personal and professional advantages of joining the Communist Party of China? Is it difficult to join?
bjran8888 -> gaxxzz
What are the personal and professional advantages of the Chinese Communist Party? Is it difficult to join the party?
It is not easy to join the party, only the highest priority is allowed in the university.
The personal and professional advantages are not obvious, unless you are in a centralized or state-owned enterprise, which would be a basic prerequisite.
I have a question. Why do the Chinese put up with the actions and policies of the CCP? Do you not see China's aggression on the world stage and it's totalitarian policies internal or external? I assume you can see the freedoms and protections other nations have and if not then surely you can at least see that in Taiwan? Why not fight for it?
bjran8888 -> GreatSoulLord
It's perfectly fine to say America if you agree, why do Americans put up with a government that is repressive internally and expansive externally?
I think you should stop learning about China from western media.
BTW, if the US had not intervened in China's internal affairs by force in 1950, there would be no Taiwan issue.
Maybe the US should intervene less forcefully in other countries.
顺便说一下,如果美国没有在 1950 年武力干涉中国的内政,就不会有台湾问题。
NFossil -> GreatSoulLord
I do not see significant aggression by China, compared to the average level of agression perpetrated by comparable powers.
I also do not see the freedoms and protections other nations have. Instead I see that the NATO-led powers have freedom to oppress other nations' freedom and protections with impunity, and that China's rise serves as a counterbalance that benefits the global south.
bjran8888 -> NFossil
China does not want to overthrow the current international order, but the United States and the West hold too much interpretive power in the current international order, and this interpretive power needs to be monitored, and China is the most important force in this monitoring.
GreatSoulLord -> bjran8888
I am surprised. It would have been nice to get the actual answer from someone from China but clearly that was too much to ask. I guess it was my mistake. You seemed genuine in your OP so I figured you were offering this in good faith. It is disappointing. I was actually interested the average Chinese citizen's view...but all I got was CCP propaganda back.
我很惊讶。如果能从中国人那里得到真正的回答就好了,但显然这个要求太高了。我想这是我的失误。你在介绍中看起来很真诚,所以我以为你的回答是真诚的。很失望。事实上,我对普通中国公民的观点很感兴趣... 但我得到的只是中共的宣传。
Do you beleive its just to absorb Hong Kong and/or Taiwan into China, per the "One China" policy? Would you dutifully go to war if drafted to attack Taiwan?
bjran8888 -> costanzashairpiece
Hong Kong's lease has expired and it is only right that it be returned to China.
The root cause of the Taiwan issue is the United States' intervention in China's civil war in 1950, which led to the division of China to the present day.
I do not wish to go to war and hope that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can be peacefully reunified.
I'm not a soldier and I don't have a service record, but if the country urgently needs me, I think I'll try my best (but I don't think I can be used ......)
台湾问题的根源是美国在 1950 年干预中国内战,导致中国分裂至今。
costanzashairpiece -> bjran8888
Of the Taiwanese and Honk Kong folks I have met, 0% of them want their homeland to be "peacefully reunified" with the PRC. Any reunification will either be done by force, or by threat of force. If my history is correct, dynastic China hasn't had control over Taiwan since...the 1800s. The only logic behind claiming it is lies behind a threat of military action, not any legitimate claim, nor self identification of the local Taiwanese. Can you help me understand what is the source for your desire for reunification? Is it for the glory and power of your government? Personal gain? I don't understand.
Know I hold no ill will towards you at all. I have lots of Chinese friends through work. Just asking the tough questions that could matter a lot one day.
在我遇到的台湾和香港人中,没有人希望和中国“和平统一”。 任何统一要么以武力,要么以武力威胁来实现。 如果我的历史没有错的话,自1800年代以来,中华王朝就没有控制过台湾。声称对台湾拥有主权的唯一逻辑在于军事行动威胁,而不是任何合法主张,也不是当地台湾人的自我认同。 你能帮助我理解你们渴望统一的根源是什么吗?是为了你们政府的荣耀和权力?个人利益? 我不明白。
bjran8888 -> costanzashairpiece
It is not surprising that Taiwanese and Hong Kongers in the West hold this view.
I have also seen some Taiwanese and Hong Kong people in the West who hold the view that they would like to have "peaceful reunification" with China, but they know that if they speak out, they will be ostracized as deviants, so they never discuss these issues with anyone.
I do not want to dwell on the historical roots of Taiwan, but as I have said, the reason for the division of China was the intervention of the United States in the Chinese civil war in 1950.
May I ask what the basis of international law was for the United States to intervene in the Chinese civil war in 1950? It was the United States that did something unreasonable first, while forcing others to necessarily accept a fait accompli. I do not think we have any reason to accept it.
The United States should rectify its mistake and help the Chinese mainland and Taiwan to complete their peaceful reunification.
costanzashairpiece -> bjran8888
I 100% agree that the US government shouldn't interfere in foreign Civil wars. I don't blindly follow the position of my own government. And in a liberal society I'm free to state as much openly. However, I don't think the independence of Taiwan is due to the US.
If your position is that most Hong Kong and Taiwanese deeply desire to he taken over by China, I suspect you're a victim of propoganda. As an example, a recent poll in Taiwan resulted in 90% opposing the one China policy.
bjran8888 -> costanzashairpiece
Taiwan is just a place name. In the constitution, and in terms of their international positioning, they are an internal Chinese separatist regime, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are still in a state of civil war.
As for opinion polls, it's interesting to note that if you polled the percentage of Taiwanese in favor of independence, you wouldn't come up with a very high percentage either.
Westerners don't understand the Chinese (Taiwan is 95% Han Chinese).
My point is that Taiwan's real will is to maintain the status quo.
costanzashairpiece -> bjran8888
I appreciate you sharing your perspective on the matter. May we maintain peace in this matter forever.
bjran8888 -> costanzashairpiece
I also hope that there can be peace in the Taiwan Strait.
Both sides of the Taiwan Strait speak the same language, are of the same race, celebrate the same festivals.
It would be sad if there really has to be a war.
First, thank you for your time and I hope my questions aren't too much. China fascinates me from how many differences it has to my home, from cultural to societal. Learning how much China has developed and grown under its current governance it's very interesting, but I also can tell that just like any other government in today's world, it isn't without its faults. With all that said, these are my questions, in no particular order but numbered for ease of response:
What has it been like to experience Chinese development over the last 20 years or so?
Do you personally feel the comparative lack of civil liberties compared to Western nations? If so, what's that like?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate the current Chinese governance and civil services?
If you could change one thing about the way your country is organized and run, what would that be?
What sort of economic circumstances would you say you fall under? Do you think you are better or worse off today than your parents or grandparents at a similar age? Do you think that the Chinese government played a role in that change, and if so, how?
1、过去 20 多年来,体验中国的发展是什么感觉?
3、如果用 1 到 10 分来表示,你如何评价当前中国的治理和公务员制度?
bjran8888 -> Hero_of_Hyrule
What has been China's development experience over the past 20 years or so?
I wish I could extend it to 30 years, starting in 1990.
When I was a kid, we stored 200 pounds of cabbage every winter, which was pretty much our entire winter supply of vegetables.
But now, everyone has a house and a car at home.
The GDP per capita and the minimum wage have doubled at least 20 times, and this development is very rapid, even more than the Chinese themselves expected.
In the 2003 national plan, China's GDP per capita by 2020 was $3,000, but it was actually $10,000.
Do you personally feel a relative lack of civil liberties compared to Western countries? If so, how does it feel?
I have never traveled abroad, so I can't make a comparison, but I don't find it tedious either. It is common for my friends around me to travel abroad, and many have emigrated, as well as those who have emigrated and come back.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate China's current management and civil service system?
7 out of 10, there is still a lot of room for improvement.
4、If you could change one thing about the way your country is organized and managed, what would it be?
I hope there will be more protection for labor rights.
5、How do you think your economic situation is?
Not great, but not as bad as the Western media makes it out to be.
Do you think you are better or worse off financially now than your parents or grandparents were at a similar age?
I think it is definitely much better.
Do you think the Chinese government has played a role in this change?
【题主】“过去 20 多年来,体验中国的发展是什么感觉?”
我希望能延长到 30 年,从 1990 年开始。我小时候,每年冬天我们都要储存 200 斤白菜,这几乎是我们整个冬天的蔬菜供应量。但现在,每个人家里都有房子和汽车。人均 GDP 和最低工资至少翻了 20 倍,这种发展速度非常快,甚至超过了中国人自己的预期。在 2003 年的国家计划中,中国计划到 2020 年的人均 GDP 是 3000 美元,但实际上是 10000 美元。
“如果用 1 到 10 分来表示,你如何评价当前中国的治理和公务员制度?”
Hero_of_Hyrule -> bjran8888
Thank you so much for your answer!
What's your favorite food?
bjran8888 -> YodaCodar
There are so many, I'll just say a random one.
Old Beijing Noodle with Soy Bean Paste
I knew a smug Young Life Dude “ very Christian” who wanted to become a teacher in China so he could spread Christianity. I always thought it was one of the most pretentious things I’ve ever heard. Everyone near me was eating it up. But in the back of my head, I am under the strong assumption that China has its customs and values and we have ours. We should respect each others cultures and values.
Am I the smug one or does this random dude I met at a party smug? Give your thoughts
bjran8888 -> Traditional_Agency60
He can be a very naive person.
People who work as teachers in China to teach English are real, but they need to provide an English language environment for Chinese students, have their own syllabus, and be accountable to the employer school that hired him and the parents of the students.
According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, no one may use religion to disrupt social order, harm the physical health of citizens, or hinder the activities of the state educational system. Religious groups and religious affairs are not subject to the control of foreign powers.
Many western leftists since the 60s onwards have been focusing on social and cultural issues, such as sexual liberation, women's liberation, civil rights for social/cultural minorities, etc.
How are those topics seen in China? How important do you think topics such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry are seen in China? Are they seen as unimportant issues or no issue at all? Are they seen more as "western issues"? Are economic issues, such as industrial and economic development, seen as more important?
自上世纪 60 年代以来,许多西方左派一直关注社会和文化问题,如性解放、妇女解放、社会/文化少数群体的公民权利等。你认为种族主义、性别歧视、恐同和其他形式的偏见等问题在中国有多重要?它们是否被视为不重要的问题或根本不是问题?它们是不是更多地被视为 "西方问题"?工业和经济发展等经济问题是否更重要?
bjran8888 -> aski3252
Let me talk about it one by one.
1、Sexual liberation: Culturally, this is an implicit issue that is not much discussed except in academic circles.
Women's liberation: this is a divisive issue, is it women's liberation or Western feminism?
If it's women's liberation, it's usually the way it was in the socialist, i.e. women's rights dominated by labor rights.
If it's Western feminism, that's a different thing altogether.
I think they are two completely different concepts.
Civil rights for social/cultural minorities: China has always advocated that minorities get more rights and interests, and this doesn't seem to be an issue in China.
2、racism, sexism, homophobia.
Racism: the space for racism to survive should be minimal.
Homophobia: I think it is currently in a process of gradual social acceptance, but this acceptance is gradual.
Gender issues: this is the most controversial, whether we want women's rights dominated by labor rights, or feminism as advocated by the West, this is more controversial at the moment.
But I'll be honest, all of these issues are far less important than development issues.
aski3252 -> bjran8888
Thank you for your answers.
How is medicine distributed there? Here in the US it's a shit show. With insurance interfering with and making it extortionate to pay for.
bjran8888 -> Jamo3306
You will have two main ways to get medicines, pharmacies and hospitals. Pharmacies are usually self-paying for medications. In the case of hospitals, you'll go to a registered clinic and get a prescrlption (each registration fee is about 10-20 RMB, approximately equal to 1.5-4.2 USD).
In Beijing, for example, normal insurance has a 1,800 RMB deductible, after which you will be reimbursed 70% or 90% of outpatient expenses up to 20,000 RMB, and 60% over 20,000 RMB, with no cap.
If you are hospitalized, you will be reimbursed 80-90% of your medical expenses.
【题主】你有两种主要的取药途径,药店和医院。药店通常是自费买药。如果是医院,则需要到挂号的诊所开处方(每次挂号费约为10-20 元人民币,大约相当于 1.5-4.2 美元)。
以北京为例,普通保险有1800元的免赔额,之后门诊费用在 20,000 元以内可报销 70% 或 90%,超过 20,000 元可报销 60%,上不封顶。如果住院,你可以报销 80-90% 的医疗费用。
Popular-Cobbler25 -> bjran8888
Do you want liberal democracy in China?
NFossil -> Popular-Cobbler25
Never. Western powers managed to withstand it due to accumulated wealth since colonial times.
Popular-Cobbler25 -> NFossil
That seems highly unlikely, not to mention the arguments for Liberal Democracy are not solely economic.
bjran8888 -> Popular-Cobbler25
It depends on how it is interpreted.
"Democracy" and "freedom" seem to me to be adjectives, not specific to a particular system.
If you are saying that we need a more "democratic" and "liberal" Chinese society, I think so.
If you are saying that we need a Chinese society that is like the political systems of Western countries, I don't think so.
How did you get banned from over 20 other subs?
你是怎么被其他 20 多个板块禁言的?
bjran8888 -> Sturnella2017
I was banned for just saying what I said.
Now that I think about it, I probably didn't leave enough for Western interests before considering Chinese interests.
But I don't see anything wrong with my behavior.