The volume of Russian investment in US government debt fell in July 2019 to its lowest level in 12 years. Russian investment in US bonds has decreased by almost 35 percent since the start of the year. China has begun to follow a similar pattern of divestment.
2019年7月,俄罗斯对美国国债的投资额降至12年来的最低水平。自今年年初以来,俄罗斯对美国债券的投资已经减少了近35% 。中国也开始采取类似的撤资模式。
Ryan George
Dollar is just a promise .....and promise can be broken...😎😎😎😎 - Like:298
Dollar backed by false promises and goodwill .... - Like:11
Michael Kahr
A Trump dollar isn't worth sh*t. The king of debt has no inclination of paying his debts ever. Anyone giving a Trump money can only blame themselves when being conned out of his money. Trump America will screw the whole world. - Like:13
Michael Kahr
erangey Yes, nobody ever thought of America going down. But with Trump that's a real possibility. The whole world dislikes America now. That must have consequences over time. - Like:11
是的,没有人想到过美国会衰落。 但是对于特朗普来说,这是有可能的。现在全世界都不喜欢美国。 随着时间的推移,这必然会产生后果。
Arasu Arumugam
Why should anyone buy US govt debt......it is the biggest ponzi scheme in the world.....and guess what....it is legal.....the US economy is approximately 19 trillion and the debt is around 17 trillion, i.e. almost 90%, and the joke is that the rating is AAA, if this were to happen to any other country the rating would have been junk, the interest rate is almost zero, it is a ticking time bomb, now who is willing to hold it long and indefinite, the champion is Japan and the runners up is .....Saudi Arabia, .....it should not been a shocker.....???? - Like:138
为什么每个人都要购买美国政府债务...这是世界上最大的庞氏骗局... 你猜怎么着... 这竟然是合法的... 美国经济大约有19万亿美元,债务大约有17万亿美元,也就是近乎90% ,而且有个笑话说美国的信用评级是 AAA,如果这种情况发生在其他任何一个国家,信用评级都是垃圾,利率几乎为零,这是一个滴答作响的定时炸弹,现在谁愿意无限期地持有它,冠军是日本,亚军是... 沙特阿拉伯,难道这不够震惊...?
Rtg Oxlv
You are wrong, Actual US debt is around 22 trillions not 17, on everything else you are correct - Like:18
brain plumber
I hope my country gov dump their bond too - Like:2
Golden Arrow
Debt was $17 trillion. But that was two seconds ago. Now it is over $22 trillion and 105% of GDP, and of course escalating rapidly. - Like:5
“债务高达17万亿美元”,但那是两秒钟前的事了。 现在它已经超过22万亿美元,占 GDP 的105% ,当然还在迅速升级。
Sean Yee
It's call the petrol dollar. An imperative mode for transactions enforce by US gov that buying and selling oils must be pay or receive by USD only. Meaning countries that buy a lot of oil like China and India must keep a lot of USD or buy their currency in USD billions and trillions to keep or reserve in order to buy oil. And countries that sell oil like Iran, Saudi, Venezuela or most rich oil middle East countries, must except only USD, where US print and print and print with no value or owe countries like India China or Europeans and owing them in huge debts. When Iran and Venezuela against excepting USD, they face sanction on them to make them miserable. Do you think this fair or is this not super power abusing their strength on others? - Like:10
这叫做石油美元。 按照美国政府的规定,买卖油类必须以美元支付或收款。这意味着,像中国和印度这样大量购买石油的国家必须持有大量美元,或者以数十亿和数万亿美元购买他们的货币,以备购买石油。而出售石油的国家,如伊朗、沙特、委内瑞拉或大多数中东石油富国,只能用美元交易,而美国只需印刷,印刷再印刷,没有任何价值,或欠印度、中国或欧洲等国家巨额债务。当伊朗和委内瑞拉反对美元交易时,他们面临着被美国制裁,使他们苦不堪言。 你认为这公平吗?难道这不是超级大国滥用他们的力量欺负别人?
Peter Cellphone
Time everyone to ditch petrodollars - Like:229
Yea then the entire world economy would collapse lol. Fktard - Like:3
Carl Ranger
Nah Mate. Just the US and their cronies. - Like:16
Archnid 001
are you stupid? if US dollar crush Yuan will be expensive for US. How you will pay your debt if your currency is weak? it will turn your country like some third world country can't pay debt because there currency is so weak. so they turn there people into like slave to pay the debt. - Like:4
你傻了吗? 如果美元崩溃,人民币对美国来说会是昂贵的。 如果你的货币疲软,你将如何偿还债务?这会让你的国家变得像某些第三世界国家,因为货币疲软而无力偿还债务一样。 所以他们把那里的人变成奴隶来偿还债务。
Donald Kasper
When the oil of the Middle East is gone, then they won't use petrodollars. - Like:0
Mash Z
thats why its being done slowly and gradually 🤦♀ - Like:0
trey white
Throwing away that dollar bill, smart move by China & russia.... Who can blame them when Americans want nothing but war with them.. smart move.. crypto currency is the way of the future lol - Like:203
扔掉那些美元,这是中国和俄罗斯的明智之举... 当美国人只想和他们开战的时候,谁能责怪他们呢。明智之举,加密货币是未来的方式哈哈
olin hill
it is not gold that will make China win. It is because they can be completely self sustaining. China can make everything and cheap. The USA has lost that ability. - Like:3
让中国获胜的不是黄金。这是因为它们可以完全自给自足。 中国可以生产任何东西而且更便宜。美国已经失去了这种能力。
hill exactly what I said. North America has lost around 600k factories and 6 million jobs since the 90s. They have become a service economy. They base their GDP mainly on stockmarket casino capitalism that is propped up through corporate buybacks and quantitative easing. This bubble will eventually pop. China is developing a circular economy. One where the seller is also the buyer. - Like:3
跟我说的一样。 自上世纪90年代以来,北美已经失去了大约60万家工厂和600万个工作岗位。 他们已经成为服务型经济。 他们的 GDP 主要基于通过企业回购和量化宽松支撑起来的股市赌场资本主义,这个泡沫最终会破裂。而中国正在发展循环经济。 一个即是卖家也是买家的地方。
TheMarker2015 L.S
Lmfao!!!! China and Russia extremely smart. We should all ditch the USA. Nothing but wars and cruelty have those people spread round the world. Karma is a gorgeous thing. - Like:156
让人印象深刻! 中国和俄罗斯非常聪明。 我们都应该抛弃美国。 除了战争和残忍,这些人什么也没有传播到世界各地。因果报应是一件美妙的事情。
Ash Moe
if all countries unanimously ditch USD, US cant do shit - Like:14
Moe if everyone ditches the USA dollar the world economy would collapse dipshit lol - Like:5
Prasetyo Sunardi
Nobody wants to trade by using a currency that can be weaponised anytime and against any country! - Like:75
agree with u, screw those American - Like:2
Shurman Dan
I agree with you sir but you have to understand they have no choice. The usd is still the major reserve currency. They still see it as a safe haven. - Like:1
Dan nobody say in this 2~3 years can done the mission, but everybody is trying something else to shift away from US dollar - Like:0
stephen erangey
America is in its death throws. I see a pattern of more & more countries turning their back on the US dollar. - Like:66
美国正处于死亡边缘。 我看到一种模式,越来越多的国家抛弃美元。
joey smith
Yeah we should burn any American money we have all countries should take all United states currency and burn it so no one uses it anymore and we replace with rubbles... - Like:2
The Wandering Mariner
The less Russia and China hold US debt the better. The behind the scenes schemes will all be known soon enough. - Like:123
俄罗斯和中国持有的美国国债越少越好。 幕后的阴谋很快就会浮出水面。
h h
Without US debt Russia and China will greatly come to a slow down.. no other nation can provide the amount of wealth held by USA.. - Like:2
Christopher Robin Garrish
Imagine Chinese and Russian submarines opening fire against US Fleets around the world as soon as Iran is attacked. #Imagine - Like:2
Anonomous Liz
One just came the attack on aramco - Like:0
Karma is catching up. - Like:59
Numa P
I live in USA. I understand how Stupid USA is It's ALL about Greed. "Yes" We are Arrogant Stupid people. It's the screwing We get for the Screwing We gave. The World is tired of USA BULLY'S - Like:9
我住在美国。 我知道美国有多愚蠢,骨子里全都是贪婪。“是的”我们是傲慢的愚蠢的人。 这是我们为之付出的代价。 世界已经厌倦了美国的欺凌。
Shurman Dan
D Usopp it would hurt everyone globally not just the U.S sadly. - Like:0
Phil 488 Pista
YES!!! Everyone should ditch the war loving US! - Like:48
是的! ! ! 每个人都应该抛弃热爱战争的美国!
World governments are rolling back the clock on our world history. They are hitting reset and trying to return to a preWW2 status of governments. War is on the horizon - Like:44
Jeff Shoesmith
Time for china or russia to go to a gold standard and finish the job. A dead dollar overnight. - Like:27
是时候让中国或俄罗斯采取金本位制来完成这项工作了。 一夜之间美元就会一文不值。
Megan H
Are you still living in the 1800? There is a reason they call oil the black gold and its because its a lot more useful than actual gold is which has lost almost all of its practical uses after being phased out of tech. - Like:0
你还活在1800年吗? 他们称石油为黑金是有原因的,因为它比实际的黄金更有用,而实际的黄金在被淘汰后几乎失去了所有的实际用途。
Petey Pete
Maybe the U.S. government should invest in its own debt. Like paying it down. - Like:6
Gregor Novak
Another nail in the coffin of a failed Dollar. 30 trillions of the US national debt, when released (when bond owning countries, like China, EU & Russia put them on sale/ditch them) will completely destroy the USA. And Trump is even fastening that process with his so-called "tariffs", which are nothing else but financial sanctions, aimed to supposed friends, like EU.
Washington DC has now new meaning: Washington District of Criminals... - Like:4
又一枚钉在美元棺材上的钉子。30万亿美国国债一旦发行(当拥有国债的国家,如中国、欧盟和俄罗斯抛售它们)将彻底摧毁美国。 特朗普甚至用他所谓的“关税”加快了这一进程,这只不过是针对欧盟等所谓朋友的金融制裁。
华盛顿特区现在有了新的含义: 华盛顿犯罪区..
ASEAN country also ditching US dollar too, screw those warmonger American - Like:2
Alex Osorio
US money is not even worth the paper is printed on is funny money with no backing in gold or silver. - Like:4
aman andom
Smart move by China and Russia. - Like:4
Marek Kolenda
Choong Hooi Lim US economy is overheating after 3 years 3,7% unemployment and 2 % GDP growth Gross Domestic Product.Recession coming sooner then later in few months. - Like:0
美国在经历了3年3.7% 的失业率和2% 的GDP增长率之后,出现过热。 经济衰退几个月后就会到来。
US treasury no longer an investment. Its purchase is now a tribute paid by colonies like Japan - Like:1
YodaGrammar l
I am starting to sell my investments and moving them into GLD. I suggest everybody do the same, to some degree. - Like:2
我开始出售我的投资,并将它们转移到 GLD。 在某种程度上,我建议每个人都这样做。
Stolen thief invasion destroy infect USA patient America value global treasury mockery - Like:2
Nehemiah Scudder
There is nothing "unthinkable" about the fall of the American empire. Empires rise, and empires fall. The treatment of a failed empire depends entirely on how it treated its imperial subjects at the height of its power. The Roman empire ended with the sack of Rome, with Roman women being raped in the streets, while the British empire ended with the former imperial power joining most of its former colonies as equal members of the Commonwealth. - Like:0
美利坚帝国的衰落不是什么“想象不到的”。 帝国兴起,帝国衰落。对待一个衰落帝国的方式,完全取决于帝国在其权力巅峰时期,如何对待本国臣民。 罗马帝国以罗马被洗劫而告终,罗马妇女在大街上被强奸,而大英帝国结束时,加入了大多数前殖民地,成为英联邦的平等成员。
Tafa Defi
This is the best news I've heard and More countries should follow suit... - Like:1
Sorgial Falan
Trump is getting more and more fickle by the day. Good move for China and Russia. - Like:0
Laura LeDoux
Our crappy foreign policy is finally beginning to spiral out of control and now as our own country begins to show signs of entering a Recession or even a Depression the other super powers are finally dumping US debt and that means that this time we won't be able to print our way out of our fiscal troubles or continue to use our currency to control other countries. - Like:4
Singye Namgyel
Hi... Japan.. wake up and follow Russia and China. No one can trust USA. Today ally, next day sanction. - Like:0
嗨... 日本...该醒醒了,跟随俄罗斯和中国。没有人相信美国——今天结盟,明天制裁。
Petty Savage
Elites are fattening their own pockets because they know America is crashing, nothing new under the sun. Power always switches hands, that “make America great again” slogan is a joke. We’re literally watching China grow while we keep decreasing.. - Like:1
精英们正在填饱自己的腰包,因为他们知道美国正在崩溃,没有什么新鲜事。权力总是会易手的,那句“让美国再次伟大”的口号是个笑话。我们确实看到中国在增长,而我们却在不断减少。 .
David Lazarus
The reason is why many countries are ditching the dollar is simple. They have weaponised it against far too many countries and for any criticism of US policies. Why sell your goods in dollars if the USA can simply block the payment to you? And simply steal the goods. - Like:1
很多国家抛弃美元的原因很简单。 他们已经把它作为武器,对付太多国家和对付美国政策的批评。 如果美国可以简单地阻止支付给你,为什么还要用美元来销售你的商品呢?然后直接偷走你的货物。
Simon Lee
True fact is fear and uncertainty is in every place because of China/US trade war. Buying US bonds still far better than negative interest in European bonds. - Like:0
真实的事实是,由于中美贸易战,恐惧和不确定性无处不在。 购买美国债券仍远好于欧洲债券的负利率。
Wave Dancer
They are ditching US-Bonds because they need cash! - Like:0
HEK 293
The petrodollar is the chains America uses to enslave the entire world. - Like:0
kitsunae 1
The Americans are too rich time for them to experience the poor man's living conditions 😁😁 - Like:1
Kevin Pride
Russia and China selling US Fed Treasury bonds because they are strapped for cash. Somebody bought them because America is a sure bet and stable. - Like:0
俄罗斯和中国出售美联储国债,因为它们手头拮据。 有人买下了它们,因为美国是一个稳定可靠的赌注。
James Shaw
让我说点什么吧。我是美国人。 我和我们这些人不希望战争,是领导人希望战争,而不是人民。上帝保佑你们。
Flying Dutchman
Top economics has already calculated that American real public debts is twice so high the 22 trillion dollar and growing each second with 100.000 dollar
Even Trump can't handle that anymore..
That's why Americans trying so hardly to start a huge global war..
They want to solve their Debts with starting a new world war. - Like:0
It is intentional and strategic by Americans not to elect Hillary. - Like:0
Yasin Arafat
It's just a piece of paper. Can be valueless anytime. Gold was real currency. In the future it will be. - Like:0
只是一张纸而已。 任何时候都可能毫无价值。 黄金是真正的货币。未来会是的。
Russia and China should start to start their own global banking clearence system asap - Like:0
Vladimir Vcelar
America: let's rule the world through war, bulling and blackmail
The World: fine, we''ll dump the Dollar and do it ourselves
America: surprised Pikachu face - Like:1
美国: 让我们通过战争、欺压和敲诈来统治世界
世界: 好吧,我们自己来抛弃美元吧
美国: 吃惊的皮卡丘脸
Metal Videos
And when will this happen. Probably never right? Big talk no action. Typical Russia and China. - Like:0
什么时候才能实现。 可能永远不会对吧? 空谈而无实际行动。 典型的俄罗斯和中国。
koot dirker
Americans it time you taste your own sanctions - Like:8
Who's gonna impose them? While the world economy slows, make no mistake the petrodollar will be King until the whole charade falls over. - Like:0
谁会强迫他们呢? 尽管全球经济放缓,但毫无疑问,在整个游戏结束之前,石油美元将成为主宰。
Here we go history always repeating itself...who's ready for more death and destruction..smfh - Like:0
历史总是在重复... 谁准备好迎接更多的死亡和毁灭..
tony torres
The only real asset u.s. has is weapons sales and agriculture..one reason why u.s. wants to overthrow venizuela..its agricultural power and oil - Like:0
h h
China and Russia leave Bonds.. Japan and Other countries buy bonds.. USA continues to run like normal :D - Like:0
中国和俄罗斯离开债券市场...而日本和其他国家购买债券...所以美国继续正常运行 : D
Nur a Shams
Doller: State of the art public toilet papers... - Like:0
Aaron Knight
Seems like a very risky move to switch to the Euro bonds, right before the potential UK Brexit at the end of October...if the UK does leave the EU, this could easily prove to be a disastrous move, more so if Italy and other countries follow suit, especially in light of the continued incredibly strong US economy. This action seems a desperate move by China in the face of Trump continuing to move the supply chains back to Western countries. - Like:0
You all hate the US, but you all want to live there. US will always be the best country the wealthiest and the country everyone wants to go to - Like:0
你们都讨厌美国,但你们都想住在那里。 美国将永远是最好的国家、最富有的国家和每个人都向往的国家。
Trump has to up the tariffs to make these countries like China India and Russia pay. - Like:0
grimm reaper
when Trump asked US companies to leave china. that's the clearest signal US wants to decouple or separation of US china trade relations. why prop up the value of USD? china will gradually unload its treasury bonds and USD reserve. fat china US will be able to repay its debt. - Like:0
当特朗普要求美国公司离开中国时。 这是美国希望美中贸易关系脱钩的最明确信号。为什么还要支撑美元的价值? 中国将逐步减持国债和美元储备。富有的中国美国将有能力偿还债务。
America will never pay off the debt. They will just stiff the foreigners that own the debt. Americans will get their money back. What is the world going to do. American economy is the largest and America has the largest military power. Foreign debt holders will just have to suck it up. Problem is other countries are just as bad. Perhaps, this is why german sovereign debt is negative. Better to lose 3% than all of it. - Like:0
美国永远无法偿还这笔债务。 他们只会让外债持有者吃不了兜着走。 美国人会拿回他们的钱。 这个世界会怎么样。 美国经济规模最大,军事实力最强。 外债持有者将不得不忍气吞声。 问题是其他国家也一样糟糕。 或许,这就是德国主权债务为负数的原因。 失去3% 总比失去全部要好。
Chris Peck
Maybe this debt crisis will be the perfect opportunity for the country to go cashless - Like:0
The dollar is not a promise. It's a mirage. - Like:0
Tim S
Funny how the US that is dependent on China buying US bonds to fund US govt including the military used to bully China thinks it can win a trade war with China. - Like:0
Konata Izumi
I don’t understand why USA hates Russia and China when they literally giving free money to them.
If somebody gives me money to buy my debt, I’d treat them like my own parents. - Like:2
Anthony Jackson
Because the government is greedy satanic and ran by a bunch of looney tune pedo dumb ####. - Like:0
You see those videos of black people running into stores in mobs stealing everything they can. That is basically what the American Oligarchs have done to our country. Creating artificial wealth at the expense of future generations. A smash and grab without any regard to the future repercussions. Now we are seeing it. It's time to pay the Ponzi Scheme Pipper. - Like:0
你看那些黑人冲进商店的视频,暴徒们偷走了他们能偷的所有东西。 这基本上就是美国寡头们对我们国家的所作所为。 以牺牲子孙后代为代价,创造人工财富。 毫不顾及未来后果的打砸抢。现在我们看到了,是时候为庞氏骗局买单了。
Lex K
That's because they know Trump's gonna attack Iran to trigger WW3 and Russia and China will then involve in and back it because of its oil. They'll do away with the US bonds before that happens to recover their investments. - Like:0
那是因为他们知道特朗普会攻击伊朗引发第三次世界大战,然后俄罗斯和中国会因为伊朗的石油而卷入和支持伊朗。 他们会在美国国债收回之前抛售美国国债。
h h
Also China wont last to long they are already suffering from food shortage and they need that pork and soybean... yet they wont be able to get it from Aus, Canada, Nor USA.. were will they get the pork and soybeans... The most populated countries will fall faster than less populated countries. India and China will have a loss of population in the billions by 2030 - Like:0
中国也不会持续太久,他们已经遭受粮食短缺,他们需要猪肉和大豆... 但他们不能从澳大利亚,加拿大,或美国得到这些... 人口最多的国家将比人口较少的国家衰落得更快。到2030年,印度和中国的人口将减少数十亿。
if trump would blink in destroying china by using the trade war........ it would be too late to save america...... and china will be the world leader and this world will be a communist world..... russia and china will rule the world..... - Like:0
The best thing that could happen to the u.s. getting cutoff, maybe it will then allow Americans to become inovative again, and solve problems. Probably would in return benefit the rest of the world. - Like:0
对美国来说,最好的事情就是切断联系,也许这样就能让美国人再次变得积极起来,从而解决问题。 作为回报,这可能会使世界其它地区受益。
king kong kahn
The $$$$$$$ is dead .long live Bitcoin. - Like:0
USA promises are as good as Trump's jokes. - Like:1
Z Aquarius
The US is indebted to China for almost 3 trillion right now. China may take Alaska in exchange. - Like:0
美国现在欠中国将近3万亿美元。 作为交换,中国可以接收阿拉斯加。
rick james
Stop trade in with China .their going to try to red dawn the usa. - Like:0
Mark Fischer
It will have no effect on the US economy. The amounts are insignificant. The debt can only be sold on the secondary market until they mature. These governments are selling in part because they need the cash. - Like:0
这对美国经济不会有任何影响,数量微不足道。 这些债券只能在二级市场上出售,直到过期。 这些政府之所以出售,部分原因在于它们需要现金。
Qlue Qlue Qlue
LOL China needs cash? China can afford feeding the whole americans if she wants to.
China's foreign exchange reserves in 2019 is about 3.15 TRILLIONS dollars, the biggest in the world. You want to know how much your country the US has. ? A laughable 128 BILLIONS. That is only a pocket allowance to buy snacks for China. 😂 - Like:0
中国2019年的外汇储备约为3.15万亿美元,是世界之最。 你想知道你的国家美国有多少? 可笑的1280亿美元。那只够给中国买零食的零用钱。
The economy of the United states dictates the world economy so if these countries dump all their us debt and the us dollar gets devalued it's almost certain death for the economy of every country in the world..it's like cutting off your nose to spite your face....good luck everybody not in the USA, we'll be just fine after just a hiccup in comparison to everyone else .. - Like:1
美国的经济支配着世界经济,所以如果这些国家抛售他们所有的美国债务,而美元被贬值,那么世界上每一个国家的经济几乎必死无疑,这就像是割掉自己的鼻子泄愤一样... 祝大家好运,不包括在美国的每个人,相比其他人,我们美国只要稍微打个嗝就好了...
Arturo Torres
Why is the Reuters hosts always have a little smerk when something bad is happening to the U.S. ? - Like:1
Doesnt matter when the global economy is melting down the dollar is still the most attractive currency in the world. - Like:1
Yep. Petrodollar will reign until there is nothing to rule over. The world economy is in slow death mode and there is nothing else to turn to. Pop some corn and enjoy the show! - Like:2
Jim Nesta
You clods have been fervently predicting the "imminent collapse" of the Amerian economy since the days of Stalin. All these many decades of hating the West have gotten you what? You're still the same backward and pathetic peasants you've been since the Czarist times. The West tried to extend a hand of friendship and support to you and you bit it like a vicious snake. You don't deserve anything other than scorn and isolation. - Like:0
自斯大林时代以来,你们这些笨蛋一直热切地预言美国经济“即将崩溃”。 这么多年对西方的仇恨给你带来了什么? 你们还是那个自沙皇时代以来一直落后可怜的农民。 西方试图向你伸出友谊之手和支援之手,而你却像一条毒蛇一样咬了它。除了鄙视和孤立,你不配获得任何东西。
Imagination Is Power
The US has known for many years their economy had to collapse, and they've planned for it.
They've been printing more and more dollars while increasing their military budget yearly, even with the collapse of the USSR the US continued to build more military and gain more military bases across the world.
The US has had a plan for many years that if they can gain full world military dominance they can then introduce/force a single world currency (What this is ALL about) ... The effect as such would see the US overnight become completely debt free (explains the enormous military overspending and explains their willingness to allow China to purchase so many US bonds) and would see them achieve full global military control as well as full global financial control (a very nice achievement some might argue) In other words for those people that don't know. That effectively means 'American Tyranny' and that's no different from Nazi tyranny.
The US dollar Is the world 'reserve currency' and Is currently used by most other countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions if not trillions of dollars are kept by countries for their energy purchasing.
What that allowed the US to do Is print more and more dollars without showing the true rate of Inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. They can only do that because so much of the US currency sits in vaults all over the world to purchase countries energy, those dollars would never find their way into the actual US economy, meaning the US could hold their level of Inflation right down from what It really should be.
The huge problem we're seeing is, countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Europe and many more, will now sell/buy their energy In different currencies or Gold, not the US dollar, meaning that each country will start to dump the dollars they held for so many years, replacing them with the Gold or currency they're going to use.
The problem for the USA is, that when those billions if not trillions of dollars filter back into the US economy (as is now starting to happen) the Inflation will explode as It can't be hidden any more. It will see the price of a loaf of bread skyrocket to over $200, and that will cripple the USA and will collapse the USA as we've never seen before. The USA will be in debt for hundreds of years to come, with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over.
This is exactly why we're seeing this attempt to drag Russia Into a war, after the collapse of the USSR the USA bribed Yeltsin through the 90's while helping dismantle Russia's military and even gained access to Russian Nuclear silos. They helped to sell off Russian resources in illegal corrupted auctions and ended by really believing Russia could become a threat to them again. Only they were wrong. And now today, (right when they need too) they can't force in a single currency with the likes of Russia and her nuclear threat saying get lost.
But they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man - Putin.
The United States REALLY believed they had finished off Russia after the collapse of the USSR to the point Russia could never be a threat to them again, they helped keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin's reign believing they had sealed Russia's fate to the toilet.
When Putin came to power the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily as It bought him time) did not veto them they believed they had Russia under their control and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. (history will see Putin's tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion as genius as it really fooled the US to not bother to look at Russia as any sort of threat and that really damaged their plans)
Because while the US was invading countries all over the world with no one to stop them, Putin was quietly building Russia an extremely effective military defence and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own If not beat any nation on the planet.
The US blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gadaffi, as they kept Iraq destabilised by transferring known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantanamo Bay in the hundreds to help keep it in chaos over the next decade...
They then set their sights on Syria, and were preparing for a ground invasion as with Iraq when all of a sudden Putin vetoed that action!
That stunned the US, stopped them in their tracks, and they then took a close look at Russia again.
When the US understood how they misread Putin they then set out to demonise him in the West and globally the propaganda has got so bad and so ridiculous it's like they've given up trying to hide the fact they're lying.
But it left the US unable to use ground troops in Syria.
In Syria the US decided to use proxy's in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent these terrorists into Syria to murder people, everyday normal people, working people, people just like you or I, they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities through Syria by murder and butchery. I remember seeing them stood on street corners dressed in black standing around burnt out cars with their rifles at their sides, there were bodies of naked raped women and their children just lying murdered on the side of the roads.
They were the Free Syria Army, only at that time nobody knew they were recruited, trained, armed and very well-paid by the US, we only found that out after Russia went Into Syria three years after.
That's the bottom line of what we're really facing. - Like:5
多年来,美国一直有一个计划,如果他们能够获得全球军事主导地位,那么他们就可以引入或者强推一种单一的世界货币...其结果是,美国将在一夜之间完全摆脱债务(这解释了美国巨大的军费超支,也解释了他们为什么允许中国购买如此多的美国债券),并将实现全球军事控制和全球金融控制(有些人可能会说这是一个非常好的成就)。换句话说,对于那些不了解其中缘由的人来说。 这实际上意味着“美国暴政” ,这与纳粹暴政没有什么不同。
美元是世界“储备货币” ,目前被大多数其他国家用于出售 / 购买石油 / 天然气 / 能源等,这意味着各国为购买能源储备了至少数十亿美元,甚至数万亿美元。
这就是为什么我们看到想把俄罗斯拖入战争的企图,在苏联解体后,美国在90年代贿赂了叶利钦并帮助解散俄罗斯军队,甚至获得了进入俄罗斯核发射井的机会。 他们在非法腐败的拍卖中,帮助出售俄罗斯资源,最后还认为俄罗斯不可能再成为他们的威胁,只是他们错了。而现在,美国不能强行让俄罗斯使用单一货币,就像俄罗斯和她的核威胁说的那样:给我滚蛋。