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文章原始标题:The Chinese Air Force H6K bomber penetrated the USS Reagan CVN at low altitude. Why didn't US citizens know about this news?

Steve Liang Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona (Graduated 2023)
Well, some of them heard about it through the grapevines. But I doubt it would be broadcasted outside China because it doesn’t look good for the US Navy. (If this is true… and since no US media is writing articles mocking the ignorant Chinese forums, I’d say it’s got some credibility to the story).
Also, I don’t think all of them, or anyone outside of military forces, understand the gravity of this. I’ll try to explain it the best I can. I admit I’m not well-versed in military strategies, so if I make some mistakes somewhere, please point it out I’ll edit it.
So this news has two layers. First, it’s the political level: This news came around when Blinken was visiting China. So naturally, this was a way for the US to pressure. The US Navy has a sort of “tradition” for doing this. Any time there’s a foreign negotiation going on, they send some sort of troops over around them to put pressure on the decision makings. And it’s worked very well for the last few decades.

有些人是通过小道消息听说了这件事。但我怀疑它是否会在中国以外的地方传播,因为这对美国海军来说不是好消息。(如果这是真的... 而且因为没有美国媒体写文章来嘲笑无知的中国论坛,我认为这件事有一定的可信度)。

Second, it’s the military level.
For a bomber to breach the security of an aircraft carrier’s fleet, two things need to happen:
First, the opponent’s country must have a way to pinpoint where the ship is. An aircraft carrier might be huge in size in human eyes. But in the ocean, it’s nothing more than a speck. So pinpointing the position of the aircraft carrier is extremely difficult. And remember, it moves around very fast. So the role of the aircraft carrier in a traditional sense is very simple: To become a blackhole in that region with an extremely long reach. That’s what makes it scary. How? Imagine you are at war with another country. They send over an aircraft carrier. Well, you know it’s there because planes keep flying over you. You know their general location because their planes fly back that way, but you have no way to destroy it or even find it. Because every plane or jet you send out to the ocean doesn’t return. The aircraft carrier creates a “blackhole of death.” Now, you can’t fight a war like that, can you?


Second, the opponent’s country must match or even surpass the electromagnetic warfare capacity of the fleet. Now, to paint a word picture, I’ll use the war in Iraq as an example. When the US stepped foot in Iraq, no one expected the level of destruction modern electromagnetic warfare could cause. The chain of command Iraq had was annihilated. Missle guidance systems failed, and everything had to be aimed at manually. So naturally, the Iraq army got smashed into pieces.
So for H6K to approach the aircraft carrier’s fleet without the fleet sending out interceptions (which means that the fleet did not detect the H6K) not only implies that the pilot is extremely skilled, but it also means that the Chinese navy has the means to pinpoint the warship’s location and help the H6K evade any detection. Now that is scary to the US. Because outside of nuclear options, this is the only option the US has in South East Asia.

因此,如果 H6K 在没有被拦截的情况下靠近航母舰队(这说明舰队没有发现 H6K),不仅意味着飞行员技术非常高超,而且意味着中国海军有办法定位军舰的位置,帮助 H6K 躲避任何侦测。现在,这让美国感到害怕了。因为除了核选项,航母舰队是美国在东南亚的唯一选择。

Now onto the implications of this event. Because when you pluck one string, all strings move.
For countries that already sided with China (I know the US said it’s not making anyone choose sides… but well, there are sides to choose), this is reassuring because now they know that the might of the US military may not be so mighty.
For countries that are playing both sides, this makes them think: Is US’s reign nearing its end? Because if you read Henry Kissinger’s book on China, he talks about the worst-case scenario for US’s reign over the globe would be an alliance between China, the Middle East, and Russia. Everything he predicted as the worst-case scenario is slowly becoming a reality. So these countries are having second thoughts… these second thoughts might manifest into actions…. in 10 years? 15?

对于那些已经站在中国一边的国家(我知道美国说它不会让任何人选择立场... 不过,是有立场可以选择的),这很让人安心,因为现在他们知道美国军队的力量可能没有那么强大。
对于讨好双方的国家来说,这让他们思考:美国的统治是否已接近尾声了?因为,如果你读过亨利•基辛格关于中国的著作,他谈到美国统治全球的最坏情况将是中国、中东和俄罗斯之间的联盟。他所预测的最坏情况正在慢慢成为现实。所以这些国家正在重新考虑... 这些考虑可能会变成行动... 10年后?15年后?

For countries that sided with US are in shock. Not all of them have aircraft carriers. Most of them banded with the US for protection. Now that it’s… kinda proven that the US cannot beat China near the South China Sea*… they will have some thinking to do. Especially for South East Asian Countries. Because the US is half a globe away, China will always be there.
*Now I read this somewhere. I’m unsure if it’s true, so don’t take my word for it. I recall that China breached the “Blackwall” on hypersonic missiles sometime in April. I think that’s part of the reason China has become more aggressive. Blackwall is the barrier that prevents communication between missiles and remote guidance systems when hypersonic missiles are flying at such incredible speed. The air around the missiles enters such a state that no signal can penetrate it. This means that once a hypersonic missile is fired, it cannot change its destination anymore. Because even if you put a guidance system that revises destination in real-time, you still need some sort of signal to go in and out of the missiles and a computer onboard powerful enough to analyze it. So hypersonic missiles cannot be used on warships before this because if you wanted to hit it, you’d need to shoot enough to cover at least 2 miles around the warship’s location. After all, it can do evasions. Now, China has the capacity to basically… one missile, one shot. Because it can use its own GPS systems and guidance systems to change flight path mid-air. This means that China has become a force of nature in the South China Sea. Because no country can defend against it.

*我在某个地方看到了这个消息。我不确定这是不是真的,所以不要相信我的话。我记得中国在四月份的某个时候突破了高超音速导弹的“黑障区”。我认为这是中国变得更加咄咄逼人的部分原因。当高超音速导弹以难以置信的速度飞行时,黑障区是阻止导弹和远程制导系统之间通信的屏障。导弹周围的空气进入一种没有信号可以穿透的状态。这意味着一旦高超音速导弹发射,它就不能再改变目的地了。因为即使你安装了一个可以实时修正目的地的导航系统,你仍然需要某种信号来联系导弹,还需要一台足够强大的计算机来分析它。所以在此之前,高超音速导弹不能用于战舰,因为如果你想击中它,你需要射出足以覆盖战舰周围至少2英里范围的导弹。毕竟,它可以逃避。现在,中国基本上有能力... 一枚导弹,一发入魂。因为它可以使用自己的 GPS 系统和制导系统来改变空中飞行路径。这意味着中国已经在南海有强大的影响力了。因为没有国家能够抵御它。

Renee Haridas
“…they will have some thinking to do. Especially for South East Asian Countries…” You obviously don’t know SE Asians or SE Asian countries very well. Especially those that have volunteered to stand in the vanguard of the US forces when push comes to shove.

【回复】“ ...他们需要好好思考一下了。特别是东南亚国家...”你显然不太了解东南亚人或东南亚国家。尤其是那些在危急关头自愿站在美军前线的人。

Steve Liang
“I admit I’m not well-versed in military strategies, so if I make some mistakes somewhere, please point it out I’ll edit it.”
It’s probably true that I don’t know those countries well. After all I’m still a student haha. These are just speculations of mine. I welcome discussions. So if you wanna debate a little about it I’ll reply to the best of my knowledge. If it’s just a comment Im fine with it too. Like I said you are probably right.

我可能真的不太了解那些国家。毕竟我还是个学生 哈哈。这些只是我的推测。我欢迎讨论。所以如果你想辩论一下,我会尽我所能回答。如果这只是一个评论,我也能接受。就像我说的,你可能是对的。

Renee Haridas
I wasn’t trying to give a military strategy diagnosis. I was commenting about those SE Asians who are the victims of western msm brainwashing. They believe in the Great White God so fervently that they’ll volunteer to catch Chinese/Russian/Iranian missiles barehanded if it will please their western masters.


Jia Le
Lol no. H6K bomber that flew near US aircraft carrier is just fake news created by their media and its people. And about those hypersonic missiles that China were able to break those so called barriers were only claimed by China’s government and nothing more. They become aggressive has nothing to do with their self proclaimed breakthrough or whatever. They become aggressive only because they want to scare off the US and nothing more, and not because they have the ability to do so. Ever heard that if someone is really confident in their skills, they wouldnt just bark without action? Only those that try to fake themselves acting like they are strong would try to be aggressive for show lmao. Yeah and thats China. Trying to act aggressive to cover up their weakness.

【回复】哈哈,不。在美国航母附近飞行的 H6K 轰炸机只是他们的媒体和民众制造的假新闻。至于那些中国突破所谓黑障区的高超音速导弹,只是中国声称的而已。他们变得咄咄逼人与他们自称的突破或其他什么无关。他们之所以变得这样,只是因为他们想吓跑美国,仅此而已,而不是因为他们有能力这样做。有没有听说过,如果一个人真的对自己的技能有信心,他们不会只是叫而不行动?只有那些假装自己很强壮的人,才会试图为了显示自己的实力而表现得咄咄逼人。是的,那是中国。试图表现得强势来掩盖他们的弱点。

Zhang Richard
Unfortunately, your words were not used on 'America', which is a great waste


Steve Liang
“If this is true… and since no US media is writing articles mocking the ignorant Chinese forums, I’d say it’s got some credibility to the story”
“I’m unsure if it’s true, so don’t take my word for it. I recall that China breached the “Blackwall” on hypersonic missiles sometime in April.“
I never said these things are canon. Let’s get that out the way.
Then, if it’s fake news why hasn’t any of the western media written an article to mock the ignorant Chinese forums and their propagandas? I’m sure you know that they would pounce at an opportunity like this. Eye grabbing and politically correct. Yet not a beep. So… maybe?
Even if breaching the black wall is fake news as well, they can still deploy those hypersonic weapons on still targets. No defense system as of right not has the capacity to stop it……

【答主回复】“如果这是真的... 而且因为没有美国媒体写文章来嘲笑无知的中国论坛,我认为这件事有一定的可信度”
那么,如果这是假新闻,为什么没有一家西方媒体写一篇文章来嘲笑无知的中国论坛及其宣传呢?我相信你知道他们会抓住这种机会的。吸引眼球,政治正确。然而连吱一声都没有。所以... 也许?

Because when this matter is at its hottest, H6K cannot be searched.

因为当这个事件最火热的时候,H6K 在网上搜索不到。

Felix Su Economist, Biochemist. US Army vet
Because it makes no difference.
The Chinese won’t be penetrating the air space of any US ships if there is an actual war.
They will fire from 300 miles away.
This is just more tit for tat because the US keeps poking China for domestic political purposes.


Steve Fox
Just like what the Soviets did during the cold war…


Duffy Sauers Former Non Commisioned Officer at U.S. Army (1984–2004)
Where did it penetrate the USS Reagan?
Was it unwanted? Or was it mutual, and USS Reagan consented?
It does sound quite Kinky….but USS Reagan is 20 Years old, and can legally consent…..
Don’t Fret yourself, the Rickity ass old H6K (I understand that H6K is Chinese for TU-16……. an o;ld Russian design) very likely may have done a flyby of the USS Reagan, the Chinese People Liberation Army Air Force (or Navy) was using, the right of Free Navigation in international waters.

这听起来确实有点古怪... 但是里根号已经20岁了,可以名正言顺地允许...
不要担心,这架老旧的H6K (我知道 H6K 是中国的图-16... 旧的俄罗斯设计)很可能穿越了里根号航母,中国人民解放军空军(或海军)正在行使国际水域的自由航行权。

Matthew Karlsson Lives in The United States of America (1999–present)
Things like this happen all the time.
During peacetime navy vessels are not authorized to fire on anyone unless first fired upon, in which case they can take defensive action.
Buzzing of warships by aircraft is a common form of harassment authoritarian states use to drive news they can use as propaganda, and to probe and learn from the vessels responses. Same reason Russia frequently flies into NORAD ADIZ zones.
In an actual war, the bombers would launch anti-ship missiles from as far away as possible to try to avoid detection and being shot down, while the carrier group would have AWACS in the air to detect them, and fighter screens up to try to shoot them down before they got close enough to launch.
It is really just a game that bears no resemblance to actual combat, and it happens on a regular basis around the globe by one belligerent state or another. In other words, it is so common that it isn’t news.


Kevin Unruh Amateur Aviation Historian (1986–present)
Original Question The Chinese Air Force H6K bomber penetrated the USS Reagan CVN at low altitude. Why didn't US citizens know about this news?
First, to nitpick, because it didn't penetrate the CVN, it penetrated the CVBG. The CVN is the ship, penetrate it and that's a crash with fire and explosion and death and injury and all sorts of other newsworthy stuff.
The CVBG is the battle group of ships and considered to include the waters and airspace surrounding those ships.
If the H6K entered that zone in US waters ( Hawaii, Alaska, US west coast) it would have been newsworthy and note worthy. Chinese bombers have not made it that far before.
If it entered in Chinese waters ( off coast of mainland China) the it's newsworthy because of where the US fleet is.

“中国空军 H6K 轰炸机在低空突破了美国里根号航母。为什么美国公民不知道这个消息?”
如果 H6K 进入美国水域(夏威夷,阿拉斯加,美国西海岸),这将是有新闻价值和值得注意的。中国轰炸机以前从未飞过那么远。
如果它进入了中国水域(中国大陆近海) ,这是有新闻价值的,因为美国舰队在那里。

But otherwise, it was probably in international waters ( including those islands China made). The ship and aircraft have the right to be in the same area until a shooting war starts.
So nice photo op for the PLAAF, nice intercept practice for the VFA pilots on the Reagan. Life goes on
Besides, 98% of Americans don't really give a rats tail about what China does unless it directly affects them. The news producers don't care either unless they can use the headlines to draw viewers and thus advertising money.

对于中国空军来说,这是一次很好的拍照机会,对于里根号上的 VFA 飞行员来说,这是一次很好的拦截练习。生活还在继续。

The whole reason that the U.S. is operating its warships in the South China Sea in the first place is to ensure freedom of navigation of the ocean. China benefits from this as much or more than anyone else, considering the volume of their shipping that doesn’t have to worry about piracy and restricted access because of the U.S. Navy; it goes without saying that the PLAN would not reciprocate (well, if they were capable), or protect the rights of weaker countries and merchants if the U.S. abandoned the Indo-Pacific. But, because China’s still too scared even after 70 years to actually challenge the U.S. for supremacy of the sea — even when the U.S. ships are 7000 miles from home, China just spouts propaganda stories, whines, drives recklessly near our boats and planes, and basically acts petulant.
So, since nobody has said anything about “this news” except a Chinese propaganda site, I’d hazard a guess that this event is made up by some Chinese provocateur to make Chinese readers feel better about their chances in a fight with the U.S. military. Well, let me provide a contrary opinion: If a Chinese bomber had approached the USS Ford and its carrier strike group while the two nations were at war, that bomber would be on its way to the bottom of the South China Sea before it realized it was taking fire.


Mark Damohn
Original Question - The Chinese Air Force H6K bomber penetrated the USS Reagan CVN at low altitude. Why didn't US citizens know about this news?
That would be kind of hard to “sneak” up on an American carrier when the USS Reagan navy version of AWCS spotted the Chinese planes 200 nautical miles away and closing. There were two F-18s scrambled and kindly escorted this nosey little China planes away from the task force.
You do realize that through American reconnaissance satellites know and track EVERY SINGLE Chines plane when it literally takes off. This H6K was tracked from the time it lifted off until it landed. Why wasn’t this in the news? Because it simply was not newsworthy.

原始问题:中国空军 H6K 轰炸机在低空突破了美国里根号航母。为什么美国公民不知道这个消息?
当里根号海军版的预警机在200海里外发现接近的中国飞机时,想要“偷袭”一艘美国航母是有点困难的。会有两架 F-18紧急起飞,好心地护送这架爱管闲事的中国小飞机离开特遣部队。
你要知道,通过美国的侦察卫星,每一架中国飞机在起飞时都会被发现和跟踪的。这架 H6K 从起飞到着陆都被跟踪着。为什么这事没上新闻?因为它根本没有新闻价值。

Lam Luu
A lot of these trolls remind me of fake moon landing crowd. In USA, there is always at least tens of millions of people waiting to ridicule the president. And somehow, supposedly terrible news just… disappear. It's like Trump and McCarthy will swallow their pride and protect Biden reputation (or, reversely, Schiff would sit out such juicy news willingly so Trump wouldn't look too incompetent).
This isn't even the worse. Once, I saw a person “reporting” that, I kid you not, China sonic bombed an American submarine in South China Sea while a fleet of 17 vessels, including a Nimitz class carrier (don't remember which), from 6 countries (USA, Australia, Japan, and 3 more I can't recall; hey, my memory can't stand all these nonsense) exercising nearby; the submarine then surfaced to surrender, and Chinese Navy just happily escorted the poor vessel out to Pacific. Here is the rub: apparently none of the 6 nations of that mighty fleet report that news, neither did any of the neighbors (Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia). Yep, the world conspire to hide the glory of Chinese Navy, I kid you not.

【回复】很多这样的喷子让我想起了“假登月论”人群。在美国,总是有至少数千万人等着嘲笑总统。然后不知怎么的,所谓的坏消息就这么... 消失了。就好像特朗普和麦卡锡会忍气吞声,保护拜登的名声(或者,相反,希夫会心甘情愿地无视这些有趣的新闻,这样特朗普就不会显得太无能)。
这还不是最糟的。有一次,我看到有个人“报道”,我不骗你,中国用声波炸毁了南海的一艘美国潜艇,而一支由17艘船组成的舰队,包括一艘尼米兹级航母(不记得是哪艘),来自6个国家(美国、澳大利亚、日本,还有3个我不记得了; 嘿,我的记忆接受不了这些琐事)在附近演习; 潜艇随后浮出水面投降,中国海军只是愉快地护送这艘可怜的船驶向太平洋。问题是:显然,这支强大舰队的6个国家都没有报道这一消息,邻国(越南、菲律宾和马来西亚)也没有报道。是的,全世界都在密谋掩盖中国海军的荣耀,我没骗你。

In my mind, the greatest irony is that China today is legitimately a great regime. They lifted more people out of deep poverty than any other regime in human history. Their economy is now challenging then almost-century-long reign as largest economy of USA. Their trains and infrastructure are the envy of the world over. Their sciences and engineering grow leaps and bounds in the last 30 years. Their military, untested as it is, deters all attempts of challenging their sovereignty.
And yet, this kind of trolling exists… Russia needs trolling because, well, as we found out, their military is actually paper tiger. Chinese economy isn't paper tiger. And I don't think their military is. But this kind of trolling casts doubt on it.

然而,这种扯皮的行为确实存在... 俄罗斯需要扯皮,因为我们发现,他们的军队其实是纸老虎。中国经济不是纸老虎。我觉得他们的军队也不是。但这种扯皮行为,让人对此产生怀疑。

Steve Jones
Mostly because it’s meaningless.
At what alert state was the US carrier group?. Was it trying to be evasive?. How long had the H-6 tracked?.
A type as old as the H-6 would launch stand off missiles from range if it was ever able to find a carrier group that didn’t want to be found, so, ‘penetrating a carrier group’ is nothing useful no matter what.
Just another empty soundbyte same as the Russian Su-24 overflights a few years back.

美国航母战斗群处于什么戒备状态?它有试图逃避吗?H-6 跟踪了多久?
像 H-6这种古老的型号,如果能够发现一个不想被发现的航母编队,就会从射程外发射导弹了,所以“突破航母编队”无论如何都没有什么用。

Vilmos Shepard Former Captain at U.S. Air Force (1981–1987)
This sort of thing happens all the time, it is not significant. The US navy likely saw the plane coming but what should they do about it, shoot it down? We aren't at war with China and the Chinese aircraft was over international waters, nothing ominous about that.


John Mooney Former USN, Retired at Aviation Ordnaceman (1967–1984)
It is not impossible to perform a subsonic long-range assault on the USS Reagan aircraft carrier. Many people say that the key to the subsonic long-range assault is to solve the technical challenge of ultra-low altitude long-distance flying. However, I believe that this is not the main focus. In today's advanced era of autonomous driving, the technological difficulty of coordinating ultra-low altitude autonomous navigation with human assistance is not significant. The real challenge lies in having a powerful nation behind it.
Firstly, it is essential to constantly monitor the status of enemy aircraft. When the aircraft reach the opponent's airspace, it is crucial that most of the enemy aircraft are in a state of maintenance or downtime. Imagine if manage to penetrate the enemy airspace, only to find that they are conducting anti-air exercises, which would lead to a self-inflicted disaster. To achieve this, knowledge of the aircraft carrier's location alone is not enough. Must also be able to clearly observe the real-time status of each enemy aircraft and understand their daily activity patterns. Only satellite-based aerial reconnaissance can accomplish this task, as other radar detection methods would be ineffective. Achieving such capability requires high-definition satellites.


Secondly, guidance on enemy positions is necessary. During low-altitude assault, although the enemy cannot see you, and you also cannot see them. Therefore, You need a third-party to provide constant guidance on the enemy fleet's location. Just imagine finally reaching the destination after a long-distance assault, only to discover that the target has moved elsewhere. If expose at that point, it would be a complete embarrassment. Hence, during the assault, you require guidance from our own early warning aircraft, in addition to satellite assistance. Relying solely on satellite guidance is too limited and susceptible to weather interference. Synchronous guidance from early warning aircraft is more reliable. Of course, long-distance communication and anti-interference measures should also be considered.


Thirdly, monitoring the dynamics of enemy satellites is crucial. During low-altitude assault across great distances, you need to be vigilant against enemy satellites. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that enemy satellites are not present in the airspace. To achieve this, you must constantly monitor the movements of enemy reconnaissance satellites and take advantage of their vulnerable periods for a successful assault.


Fourthly, diversionary tactics. It is not enough to ensure most of the enemy's fighter aircraft from taking off. You also need to ensure that their duty forces are not in the vicinity, making it difficult for them to provide reinforcement. This can only be achieved by launching diversionary attacks in other strategic areas to divert the attention of the enemy's duty forces. For example, coordinated attacks can be carried out in the Taiwan Strait or multiple locations to attract enemy early warning aircraft forward and away from the central fleet.


Lastly, maintaining a state of constant readiness is vital. Consider the scenario where your satellites and early warning aircraft are put into action throughout the entire process. This would be almost impossible to conceal from the opposing side. If such actions do not raise the enemy's alertness, it can be attributed to maintaining a state of constant military preparedness. This means having a large number of satellites on patrol duty in the airspace every day, and early warning aircraft on regular patrols in the vicinity. Only in this way, when a long-distance assault is suddenly launched, it will appear normal and inconspicuous. Imagine you having only one early warning aircraft that takes flight on a particular day; it would certainly raise suspicions. At least through the aforementioned preparations, there is a possibility that, on a clear and sunny day, your reconnaissance satellites will detect the enemy's aircraft preparing for maintenance, with no enemy satellites in orbit. Immediately, 2-3 assault units can launch diversionary attacks in other strategic areas, while your fighter jets, guided by early warning aircraft and satellites, execute a long-distance assault into enemy territory. By suddenly initiating a simulated attack, it would be too late for the enemy's early warning aircraft and on-duty fighter aircraft to react and provide reinforcement.


I believe that all these considerations and actions are necessary for such an operation. They involve regular reconnaissance satellite operations, continuous vigilance through multiple angles to suppress and interfere with the enemy, and a solid foundation of preparations. It is only on these grounds that the H6K can open up what appears to be an impossible air route.
